Death Note X OC One Shots

By ziakitty

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just a one shot story I made for a friend~ There is lemony goodness, smut... More

New Teddy
Moon God
Girls Night Out
New Roommate
Of Sick Days and Rebirth
Of Jams and Jellies
Love Hurts
Should I stay Or Should I go?
An eye for An eye
Gaming Buddy
The Truth Hurts
Lost and Found
New Friends
Disappearing and Reappearing.
Wammy's House
Oddly Appealing
Sing for me
Time to get up.
Chocolate Martini.
Missing A
Party Games.
My Lovely Moon.
Anything For You.

Blood, Bath and Beyond

145 3 3
By ziakitty

Warning there will be blood.........*Looks up at the name of this chapters* yep there will be blood and guts and maybe some limey or lemony goodness Enjoy (dear kami I need to stop reading so much yandere based stories but I love them. Video and picture is clearly not mines all credit where credit is do~) sounds and some actions will have *...*

*You wanna play to? It'll be fun!
Watching all of you die under my stun!
You think I'm weaker because I'm a kid?
Yes, as if you need two little girls mid.*  

"Hmm damn it Annie stop singing... I'm still trying to sleep here. It's my day off, no school, no work, no damn bakeries!" Moaned the tired brown skinned girl to her phone. As if it could reply to her. Rolling her eyes and reaching out for the blasted device she answers it. Her voice barely above a whisper as she says hello to whomever is on the other side.

Two voices can be heard in the back ground. One high pitched and clearly upset, female. The other seemingly monotone definitely male. Sighing to herself she already knows where this is going. She'll be asked to fill in for her coworker so she can go on a date with her boyfriend. Hanging up the phone before her coworker or boyfriend aka her beloved baby brother could speak, the female gets up slowly and starts her daily routine.

~~Short Time Skip~~

She had called it! It happens every fucking time! Every fucking year! For the past three years. Zia had been forced to work on Valentine's day. Face palming she looked at her coworker and brother as they both stood in front of her with pleading eyes. Gray normally emotionless orbs looked into dazing, swirling, gold, silver and spotted midnight blue hues.

With A huff and a small nod towards the door the two 'love birds' sighed happily and headed for the door. Before reaching the door the albino male came back, his thumb and pointer finger toying with his hair. As he walked up to his sister. Stopping for a moment Nate leans up and gently kisses her cheek before turning around to catch up with his girlfriend. 

Nate was never one to show his emotions openly or do small acts of affection in front of anyone besides me. So having him kiss my cheek with his girlfriend nearby was a bit odd. Hell him going on a date was odd everything about today is a bit off........Besides me having to work. Getting ready for the rush she knew was coming her way the girl was glad she prepped so much last night.

Fifteen long working hours later. Zia sighed softly to herself hoping no more customers would come in for the night. There was only a half an hour left until she'd close up the shop. However luck or fate or some god had it in for the young woman. Right as she was finishing up for the night. A bell could be heard through the quiet shop, letting out a small grunt and frowning to herself.

The female looked at the big grandfather clock that stood against the front wall of the bakery. It's 8:59 p.m just one minute to freedom! and someone had to come in. Growling to herself as she debated on if she should help this customer or tell em to fuck off. Taking a quick look at the customer she decides to see what he wants first. "Hello Sir we're pretty much closed. However if you know what it is you're looking for or want. I'll be happy to help. Or are you here to pick up a late order?" Zia says giving the older clearly drunk male a fake smile.

"Hey there b-beautiful I'd like to use your restroom and buy whatever candies and baked goods you have left over." Observing the male closely while writing down his order, she nods and points to the hallway on their left where the restrooms are located. Once the drunkard is out of her sight. Zia quickly grabs a Banoffee pie and Kompeito five color candies. Placing them into a bag for the male and waited at the register.

After what seemed like forever but was only around four minutes the male swayed his way over to the counter giving the female a lustful smirk. "How much baby doll?" Glaring hard at the drunken brown haired male. Koneko tried not to growl while replying to his question. "15.50 sir..." Licking his lips in what he had hoped was a sexy, seductive matter, he says "That's all you're pretty cheap ain't ya. Baby doll" he then reached into his blue jacket pocket and pulled out three one hundred dollar bills.

Placed them onto the counter and grinned at the top heavy, curvy female. His  eyes roamed over her body or at least the parts he could see, lustfully as he says "I think YOU'RE worth at least a few hundreds" Winking he waits for her reply to his oh so settle offer. Face palming yet again today, she picks up a hundred, places it in the register and gives the male back his change along with the extra money he put on her counter. Picking up the bag that has his order in it she hands it to him and with another fake smile. Tells him to have a nice night and to be safe.

Apparently the male didn't take kindly to her declining his offer. His green eyes narrow as he snatches the bag and turns away from the girl. Mumbling to himself about seeing how she feels after work. However unknown to both the male and female there was someone watching their exchange. Listening to every word that had happen been said. Waiting in the shadows with their own sadistic smirk.

Watching the now angry drunkard leave Zia quickly locked up the bakery after he had left. Making sure to double check that everything was off and put in it's proper place. A quick glance at the clock showed that it was now 9:45 p.m. Had she really been dealing with that assclown for forty six minutes? Oh someone owed her BIG TIME for this mess of a day! Grabbing her bag and heading towards the backdoor, she stops and turned around to grab the strawberry jam she had made for herself but never got to eat cause of how busy it was today.

Smiling to herself as she makes her way home. Music blaring, hips swaying as she walked down the dark empty streets without a care in the world. This is her neighborhood and everyone knows her. It's a safe quiet little area that's not to far from the city and not to close to the woods. Just two more blocks and I'll be home free, is what she thought until a hand gently touched her shoulder.

Out of instinct she grabbed onto the person's wrist twisted it while forcefully pulling on their arm to throw them over her shoulder. Landing on the ground with a loud groan was a brown haired and green eyed man. The guy from the bakery.....He had followed her, growling to herself she takes out her phone to call the police. Until a familiar monotone voice calling out to her stops her. "Miss are you okay?" Asked the dark eyed, dark haired male. As he looked between his new prey and the seemingly sweet girl.

"Yes I'm fine, tho this creepa *groans and grunts in pain* won't be for long" Zia said still twisting the male's wrist and stepping on his shoulder with her black heeled boot. His eyes widen slightly as he took in the sight before. This seemingly innocent girl was stepping all over his prey. Clearly Ms.Zia could take care of herself, however he wouldn't let her dirty her hands on scum like this.

Clearing his throat to get the female's attention, Zia blushed looking into the dark hues of Rue Ryuzaki. A young detective she had met almost nine months earlier. "You know I can't let you harm him anymore than what you already have Miss" Rue says in his deep monotone voice a small grin starts to form on his face. Looking down at the other male then back up to Rue, the female replies with a grunt and lets the other man go.

"I'll take it from here" pulling out a pair of handcuffs and reaching down to place them on the older male. Ryuzaki pulls the drunkard up to his knees then turns to HIS GIRL or the girl that would soon be his. "Run along now Miss, I'll come by later to do a report if you'd like to-" he was cut off with a wave and a smile. Oh that smile he loved it so much. The way it made her eyes twinkle and her button like nose twitch softly when she smiled melted his blackened heart and made it beat.

And oh how it beats for her. There was a time when it would only beat when he was killing or stalking his prey, but now it beats ten times as fast when he sees that cute smile of hers. Rue could feel his pants which were quite baggy start to tighten as he looked at her. Not listening to a word that came out of the young woman's mouth. He nodded absent mindedly. A hug from his lovely girl snapped him out of his daze.

"See you later then alright" yelled Zia as she ran the rest of the way to her apartment. Watching as the female slowly disappeared into the night, the dark haired male places his thumb up near his top lip. Seemingly lost in thought, again a groan this time takes him away from the lovely day or night dream he was having about HIS GIRL. "Hey man are you going to let me go or what? I didn't do anything wrong it was that BITCH SHE ATTACKED ME!"

~~Rue Ryuzaki/Beyond's P.O.V~~

Did he really just call my sweet Koneko a bitch? Oh I'm going to enjoy this far too much. Pulling the male to his feet then pushing him towards an unmarked car. I opened the backdoor and threw the scumbag into the back seat."Ain't ya going to read me my rights or something?! What the hell is going on?! Are you even a cop?! Show me some ID" The now nearly sober man demanded .

Ignoring the demands of the male whom I've learned was named Michael Campbell. I continued to drive out of the quiet neighborhood, passed the police station, out of the city and into the more wooded area. It would have been easier to take this foolish man into the wooded area by her neighborhood but that would be to close to home. Since that is my neighborhood as well now. The male in the backseat had grown quiet and fearful.

"Y-You're not a cop are you? W-What are you going to do with me? Look if this is about money I can gladly give you as much as you want! Here look into my pocket I'm loaded you can take it all. Just let me go...I promise not to tell anyone about tonight"

"Alright then" I say while leaning over to grab a needle out of the glove box. The liquid inside this needle is mainly harmless it's a powerful paralyzing, pain enhancing drug. I made it myself. "Turn your back towards the door so I can take off the handcuffs" Eagerly Michael complied to my request. This makes everything so much easier, what an idiot.

 I open the door and grab his cuffs  with my left hand while my right one shoves the needle deep into his neck. He screams and jerks trying to fight but it is pointless. Within a few minutes he goes limp and I pull him not so gently out of the car and carry him into an old abandon building. My home away from home my old hideout. Inside the building are some of the items I rarely use to kill. You see I like to experiment with my victims. Find new and interesting ways to kill them. To leave the police guessing, and because it's fun. However this guy, he's special so tonight he'll be getting the full treatment.

~~Time Skip and warning here comes the blood~~


*Screams and cries of angst, Drip..............AHH.....drop.......sobs....screams *

*Michael's body was torn and nearly broken, with tons of marks. His scalp was bleeding, Some of his teeth were now missing, As they had been pulled out slowly by the other male. His once green lustful eyes were now blackened. Random patches of skin had been ripped off his body*

I just had to shove a broken glass bottle into his ass cheeks. Then shoved the thicker end of a baseball bat that had rusted spikes up his ass. *SCREAMS and jerks, trying to move away from the other male.* Turning it slowly I listened to his cries. It was music to my ears.

It was far to late for the fool to beg for his life. Michael had picked the wrong kitten to play with. And I don't like it when other dogs come sniffing around my territory. He was already stripped bare with his hands and feet bound. Hanging from a hook that was in the ceiling with a giant bucket under him to catch the  fluids. There was no way he could escape even though he wanted to. To make a long story short, he was, much like he had wanted to earlier with MY GIRL, fucked, very fucked. The drug that was used on him had worn off however the pain enhancement was still in affect.

*whimpering, gasps of pain, pleading, grabs the brunette's right foot, places a flat-head screwdriver until his little toe's nail, then wriggles it slowly until it comes off, AHHHHHHHHHH, ARGGGGGG*

Screaming and crying oh how I love the sound. I hate the same old questions and dialogue. It's always the same, why me? stop this, you're crazy, you won't get away with this, burn in hell etc etc. I whistle Zia's ring tone as I start to carve random letters into our dear Michael's flesh. *sobs and flails* Now I don't smoke however I am not one to pass up putting a cigar out on some random bitch's face or in this case on the tip of a bastard's dick. *sizzles, smell of burning charred flesh.....loud sobbing* Smirking as I watched the now burning flesh of his dickhead bubble and ooze.

While he screams bloody murder as I slowly drag the slightly curved blade into his urethra. *high pitched cry of pain* "I can't believe you wanted to try to put this thing into MY Koneko's body. And you actually tried to buy her off. She's not a whore, she's far to special for something as lowly as that." Slowly I move the blade down, *more flailing and sobs* going from tip to base. Once I am done with one line I start on another until all around his cock there is a line.

*heavy panting, coughing, blood splattering, crying, and body jerking*

"Let's play a game huh. Do you know what I am going to do next dear Michael? You can have three guesses, if you get it right I'll stop, if not then we continue to the next step. So how about it? You wanna play to? It'll be fun!" I taunt the male and he agrees eagerly again hoping to end his torture.

I make the first few guesses easy to give him a false sense of hope. He smiles brightly thinking now he will be freed. However I have other plans. Pouting slightly I remove the rusted nail I was about to puncture his eye with onto a nearby table. Tapping my thumb against my lip I grin and turn back to the male while picking up a broken piece of glass. "Now you've got three guesses and I'll give you one hint" I pause to make sure he is paying attention.

He nods slowly while looking at me. His face is bloody and broken from the beating I gave him earlier. I enjoyed the sound of his nose breaking as I slapped him in the face with a hammer. Michael's right wrist is broken and his shoulder is dislocated, but that is thanks to Zia. That girl doesn't know her own strength. Mmm what a woman.

Damn it I'm starting to get an erection again. I'll have to take care of this somehow. Maybe I'll find me a cheap knock off of her to dump a load in. No, No that wouldn't be fair to her besides I would end up killing the dumb bitch for not being Zia enough for me to forget she's a fake. I'll figure out something for now let me clear my mind of the thoughts of my beloved Koneko by having my fun with Michael here. "Here is your hint...It will be your lower region and it won't be pleasurable"

By the look on the green eyed male's face he was clueless to what I meant. "Y-You're g-going to c-cut my inner thighs?" I shake my head no and then cut his thigh, carving a small 1. "One down two to go" Smirking I wait for his next guess as he cries out in pain. Taking small shaky breaths he yells out that I'm going to kill him. To this I laugh insanely, *insane high pitched laughter* of course I am but not yet it's to soon.

I carve the number 2 into his right inner thigh. He gasp and groans in pain while jerking his body as much as he can trying to get away from the glass. "I'm going to give you one more hint it has to do with peeling" I say and look at his horrified face. "Oh god! you're going to skin my legs!" I made a buzzing sound then smile at him. "So very close but no cigar!"

"THEN WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO YOU SICK, *sobs* TWISTED FUCKING SON OF A WHORE" *heavy breathing, SLAP* I backhand him. "My mum was a saint as was my father, from what I remember of them. I was small when they died." Grabbing a handful of salt I gripped his cock with my gloved hand, *wheezing*  slowly pump the disgusting tool until it's hard. *grunt, gasp, groans, hisses* Looking up at him with an eyebrow rose. "I can't believe you can get so easily turned on by the person that is torturing you. Yet I'm the sick one huh" Using the glass that I was holding I slowly start to peel his dick like a banana.

*RIP....TEAR...AHHHHHHHH....wheezing...more ripping and tearing, pours more salt into his wounds*

Mouth hanging open as a silent scream comes out. Tears, fresh tasty tears leaked from his eyes, as more blood drips from every orifice.*drip....drop...drip...drip...* My sadistic grin widens as I take a step back to look at his face. I'm tempted to take a picture but I am not that stupid. While thinking of what to do to the man next something starts to bug me. It's almost like I'm forgetting something then it hits me, Zia said see you later to me, but I wasn't paying attention so I don't know what she meant by that.

Damn it I guess I'll have to end this little game of mines. "Do you remember what that girl said to me earlier? If you do I'll end your suffering" Green orb that was once lustful and bright is now dull and nearly lifeless. I can tell he is trying to think of what was said in the hopes that he will be freed. "I-I think she said no need to file a report. Just take this drunkard to detox and come over when you're done"

"Very good Michael! As promised I will now free you of your torment!" Michael smiles happily and starts to thank every god he can think of until I pick up a butcher knife and plunge it deep into the area just under his chest bone. 

*NOOO! wheezing and coughing, blood splattering

Yanking the knife down to his pelvic area I remove the knife and plunge my fists into his wound. Slowly opening him up watching as his innards fall out. They drop slowly fall into the bucket with a splash. 


I take the man down from the hook and drag his body to the woods where I leave it out for the wild dogs and wolves to find. As I'm about to go back to the building to clean up I see a tiny cub. Carefully I walk up to the animal and offer my hand to it. He or she hisses then sniffs my hand before licking it. Picking it up I look around for it's mother after finding nothing and seeing the hungry looking animals coming out for their free meal I decide to take the cub with me.

Hell why not I am a nice guy. Besides it reminds me of her. Tiny, adorable and deadly. Doing a quick clean up job I look around to make sure I didn't miss anything. Picking up the tiny cub which is a boy. And head back to the car, driving back as fast as possible .

~~Time Skip ~~

Arriving back to our apartment building I go through the backdoor in hopes that I can sneak in without waking anyone up.There are cameras in the halls, but I am not worried about them. As I am the one that put them there. I've got to look out for MY GIRL, there's some sick people in this world, you know. I take the back stairs two at a time and just barely make it to my apartment door without the nosy old man next door noticing me. I strip and drop my dirty blood soaked clothes into the washer with lots of color safe bleach and cold water. While in the shower my thoughts go to Zia and my erection from earlier comes back in full force. I guess I'll just take care of this now.

"Oh god Beyond" she moaned softly while he sucked and nibbled on her sweet spot. *soft mews, moans and panting* 

His large slim hands gently cupped her large breasts as his mouth slowly moved down towards them. Back arching slightly she moans out *Beyond! nyah...ahh mmm* as his tongue flicks over her left hardening nipple. While his fingers semi roughly twisted and pulled on the right bud. *water rushing, water hitting skin* The water glistening off her lovely brown skin, the sounds she was making only added to the pleasure.

*gasping, "M-More"whimpers, moans, soft pleading, ahh*

Pale cold hungry lips switched between the right and left buds before kissing down her stomach.*mwa, suckling, mwa, sexual growls and husky grunts* Leaving love bites in their wake  "Ahh! Don't tease me so much. Oh that's too good. Kiss me there again please" Her soft voice pleads.

Beyond continued to teasingly kiss her inner thighs, then the spot just above her flower. Slowly a finger is pushed into her tight wet depths causing the female to cry out in pleasure.

*soft squelching, Oooooh, Ahhh "You know just how I like it" mmm*

Whimpering and moaning in pleasure she calls out her lover's name loudly. "Beyond! I can't take it anymore please take me now! Fuck me already! Enough with the damn games. I need you now" 

Legs wrapped around his waist, he slams into her depths causing her to grunt and groan in pain. As a trickle of blood comes from her. He looks down, happy to know it is him that will be her first and only. "Oh, it hurts" she whimpered out "It will get better soon." He moaned out while sucking on her neck. 

*groans, grunts and whimpers, lip biting, husky groaning, walls squeezing causing him to grunt and  make his cock throb

Waiting only for a moment she moves her hips signalling the male to start moving. Thrusting slowly at first he teases her more causing her to moan, whimper and beg while trying to move her hips in time with his. The sounds of their love making blends into each other as pleasure engulfs them.

*hips gyrating, skin slapping, water rushing, squish, squish, squish, soft sweet moans , followed by deep grunts, fast and hard thrusting*

Back pressed up against the cold tile of the shower's wall. She arches and mews lovingly which only turns the male on more. Making his thrust become harder, faster and deeper then before. He hits her gspot, she clings to him*panting, moaning, heavy breathing grunting*  eyes rolling into the back of her head as her cries become screams. Cold lips move up to cover her heated ones, swallowing her every lustful dirty sound. 

*Nails digging into flesh.*

*Skin slapping, water rushing, grunts, groans, moans* 

Claws scratching and knocking at the door ah the sounds of love making.... Wait claws and knocking?

~~3rd P.O.V~~

Yet again the male is taken out of his day or night dream. With a loud frustrated sigh. He turns off the water dries off as quickly as he can and wraps a towel around  his waist. Heading for the front door he opens it and says with a hint of anger in his normally monotone voice "What is it that YOU want old ma-" He's cut off when he noticed it wasn't his annoying neighbor but his beloved Koneko. "Sorry I'll go bad timing that's all" She turns around heading to her apartment which is across from his.

Before she could take a step he hooks a long slim finger into the belt loop on the back of her jeans and pulls. Causing her to stumble backwards and fall onto his toned chest a bit. A cold damp arm catches and helps balance her. "It's okay I'm sorry it took me so long to get back. I was a bit caught up." Blushing like mad she nods slowly. Is that what I think it is, that's poking me. Something soft runs over her foot and she looks down. Her eyes widen as she looks at the tiny cub.

Without thinking she bends down to pick up the small animal..Whatever is poking her has grown quite quickly. Biting her lip then clearing her throat as she stands up straight again. "Rue I think we should close the door and maybe, just maybe you should get dressed. I'll come back later or you can come over to my place when you're done. How does that sound?"

Stepping back with a firm arm now resting around Zia's waist Rue turns them around and uses one of his long legs to kick the door shut. "Well now that works too" she says giggling softly while nuzzling the cute little cub that seemed to have taken a liking to her. "How did you get a cougar cub? Oh and I have something for you. If you let me go I can go get it" Slowly Rue released the hold he had on the slightly younger and much smaller girl. Handing the cub to Rue she quickly walks out of his apartment into her own.

Heart beating like crazy she fans herself. That was very unexpected. I had no idea he was taking a shower or just getting out of one, that man is freakin' sexy tho. I bet he knows it to...yeah that is the only reason why he'd pull me back into him like that. Then again that doesn't explain his boner. Maybe he's interested in me then? Oh well no better time to find out than the present.

Walking to her fridge she takes out the jams that she made earlier that day. She made two medium sized jars. One for herself and one for Rue both strawberry. I know he'll like this, he always comes to the bakery and buys out whatever jam is left. It's cute when he pouts when there is none left for him. 

"Can't forget the little cub now can I." She also takes out the leftover steak she had for dinner tonight. Chopped it up finely and placed it into a bowl before heading back to Rue's apartment. Wondering how she was going to knock on the door, it opens revealing a still pretty much nude male. "What took you so long?" the deep voice of Ryuzaki said. Oddly it wasn't monotone, it was just barely above a whisper and full of desire. The female just barely noticed it causing her to bite her lip while looking into the dark eyes of the male.

"Come in Miss" shaking her head slight she smiles before saying. "You know you can call me Zia or Koneko, we're friends aren't we? No need to be so formal. Besides I did just see you in a towel and now just boxers. I think we're already passed the acquaintance phase, don't you?" He nodded and she stepped into the apartment. Beyond closed and gently locked the door behind her. The young lady didn't hear the soft click signaling that she had been locked in with the male. "You're right, we are way passed that now." His eyes were covered by his damp hair so she could not see the lust that shined through.

"I decided to get something for the little cub to eat. It looks starving" the red headed girl spoke softly. "Oh yes I forgot about him. He's for you by the way. I know how much you like adorable things especially cats" He says while taking the bowl from the female. Walking into the kitchen he places the cub and food down then returns.

Zia had been staring at the male while thinking to herself. His deep voice made her come back to reality. "You have something for me? Come sit with me" He patted the empty spot next to him on the couch.*pats the couch with his right hand while placing his thumb to his lip*  "Yes indeed I do" she says with that enchanting smile of hers.

Sitting down on the couch, the young woman turns to the male and hands him a jar of jam. His eyes switched between the jam to the female a small smile comes to his lips as he takes it from her. "Thank you Koneko. You're so very sweet. That's what I like about you." He said while gently pushing the bit of hair that hid her left eye behind her ear.

This caused the girl to blush deeply and smile to herself. "I'd like some of that jam, I'll be right back" Beyond says while getting up to get a spoon for them to use for their jam. Zia's stomach growled at her so she opened her own jar of jam and started to eat it with her fingers. Coming back into the front room Beyond stared at the redhead female as she hummed her ring tone and licked fresh jam off her fingers.

*softly humming that sounds a bit like happy moaning, tongue slowly sliding over pointer finger and middle finger*

*Slowly turning her head to look at her friend.*  "Sorry I just couldn't wait so I opened my own hehe" He hadn't heard a thing she said he was to busy imaging what it would be like to have her mouth on his fingers, lips and cock. Placing the spoon on the table he slowly crawls onto the couch and over to HIS GIRL.*on all fours, slowly crawling, eyes partly hidden and lustful*  "R-Rue? W-What are you doing?" 

"Like I said, WE are WAY passed that now"He placed his cold pale lips onto her warm brown sugar ones.

Her mind stopped for a second before she started to kiss him back. His right hand moved to the side of her head as the left entangled itself in her red locks. Deepening the kiss, his wet pink muscular organ massages her soft bottom lip. Slowly she parted her lips and takes him into her cavern. Their tongues didn't fight for dominance since Zia would have won quite quickly.

He knows as he has seen her tongue skills first hand, but now he was experiencing it. Oh how it was everything he had dreamed of and more. His hand made its way down to her right breast and squeezed it gently, causing the girl to moan and break the kiss. Throwing her head back and gasping for air. She moaned out "R-Ryuzaki"..........."No" He kisses her neck, biting and sucking hard before moving up to her earlobe and whispering.....Call me Beyond.


4903 words! and I don't think it was bloody or lemony enough! This saddens me greatly~ However I did enjoy writing it so that's all that matters right?

I updated this and it's more to my liking now! word count 5157!

Updated yet again now word count 5528

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