Death Note X OC One Shots

Par ziakitty

3.5K 61 370

just a one shot story I made for a friend~ There is lemony goodness, smut... Plus

Blood, Bath and Beyond
Moon God
Girls Night Out
New Roommate
Of Sick Days and Rebirth
Of Jams and Jellies
Love Hurts
Should I stay Or Should I go?
An eye for An eye
Gaming Buddy
The Truth Hurts
Lost and Found
New Friends
Disappearing and Reappearing.
Wammy's House
Oddly Appealing
Sing for me
Time to get up.
Chocolate Martini.
Missing A
Party Games.
My Lovely Moon.
Anything For You.

New Teddy

234 4 22
Par ziakitty

White nothing but whiteness. That's what the female thought as she looked out of the windows of her family's bakery and goods shop. With a sigh she looked around to see if there was anything else left for her to do. She had let the few employees that worked today go home early with full pay since it was a slow day and a bad storm was coming on quickly. Now she was alone and terribly bored.

Letting out yet another sigh she talks to herself. "I might as well close down for the day no one is coming out in this mess" As she reached for the closed sign, she saw something moving within the dazzling whiteness. Blinking then rubbing her bright orbs she almost missed the small child like figure that was battling the elements. Gasping she quickly opens the door and run towards the figure that was across the street. Without warning nor a second thought the female took hold of a semi small hand and quickly leads it into the shop.

"Stay here I'll be right back" she said not fully playing attention to the stranger she just pretty much kidnapped. Without missing a beat the young lady went to the backroom to grab a towel and blanket for the stranger. Returning shortly afterwards she stops in her tracks finally looking over at the small figure. "Interesting choice of clothing you got there little one"

Shivering and turning around slowly. The figure cloaked in all white, looks at the girl that had just pulled him into the shop he was hoping would still be open. His eyes are emotionless though his cheeks are a rosy pink color along with the tip of his ears and nose. A hand moves up to his hair, taking a strand and starts twirling it between his thumb and pointer finger. He simply observes the slightly older girl, as she slowly made her way over to him with a blanket and towel.

"Here you go little one. Would you like something to drink or eat? It's on the house" She said while gently placing the warm blanket over the male's shoulders. Taking a step back and waiting for his reply with a slight smile gracing her lips, she takes in his appearance. Much like the world outside he is all white, besides the slight bags under his cute gray eyes.

The male said nothing he only continued to play with a strand of his hair seemingly lost in thought while watching the brown skinned girl. "What's your name? Or should I keep calling you little one?" Upon hearing her question the male snapped out of his deep thoughts. "I am Near" he said "and yes I would like whatever you might have on hand for food and drink" 

"What an odd name. Odd but cool, I'm Zia"

"You can have a seat at the table other there" Zia said while walking towards the kitchen area to make some hot chocolate and grab two slices of her homemade Red Velvet Strawberry Shortcake swirl. Five minutes later she returned with their drinks and utensils. Gently she places them on the table then quickly heads back to the kitchen to grab the cake. Making her way back over to where the younger male was waiting she noticed that his eyes seem to be watching her every move. This would probably make any normal person feel uncomfortable, but not her, oh no she was used to it. Since her best friend is currently dating Ryuzaki.

It's odd this boy kinda reminds me of Ryu-Ryu. (yes Zia has a nickname for L/Ryuzaki that only she can get away with calling him) Stoic or emotionless look, similar bags and an interesting eye color, wearing all white pajamas. "Are you okay? Is there anyone I can call for you? You're not out here all alone right?" the woman spoke softly to him while they ate. Near simply looked at her while quietly eating his cake. "'s very good cake" is all he said in between bites.

Giggling softly to herself Zia leans forward taking a napkin and wipes a bit of cream cheese frosting from the boys face. This action causes Near to tense slightly before he relaxes again. Once they're both done eating the scarlette female takes the dirty dishes and places them in the sink. Knowing it would be pointless to try to start a conversation with this Near boy. Zia takes out a medium sized box full of playing cards, taro cards, and dominoes.

Maybe this will help cure my.....well now our boredom. I'll call the police when the storm is cleared a bit and they can take care of the kid. For now we'll just have to play with the cards. Hope he'll play with them if not I should still have some toys here from when I needed to watch Yuna-san's son. Coming back to the main room the girl smiles and sets the box down in the middle of the floor.

Near's P.O.V

I watch as the girl named Zia places a box on the floor. Being curious I peek at what's inside while she opens it. It looks like a bunch of different cards and dominoes, sadly there are no dice. What a pity, oh well. I wonder if she likes to play with toys too? Or is this for me to play with since she seems to think I am a child. I know I should probably correct her on thinking this but I like to let people think what they want of me. Just makes it easier to get information from them later on.

"Would you like to join me Near?" I nod and make my way over to the box. Zia had already taken out three of the seven packs of playing cards and was slowly starting to make a tower of some kind. "What are you making" I ask her I get no real reply besides a "hmm?" She seems to be thinking while making this tower much in the way I do with my own cards or dice. How interesting we might have a few things in common. That's rare, someone besides myself and L that likes to stack or build things.

Watching closely I notice that she's biting her bottom lip softly while making tiny towers. Her lips are brown sugar in color. I steal small glances at her to take in more of her features. Maybe I was staring at her to long? Because she chuckles and tilts her head. My gray orbs meet hers. And they are breathtaking. An unique mixtures of gold, silver, and spots of midnight blue.

Wow why didn't I notice them earlier when she was sitting across from me? Maybe it was because I was to busy thinking of a way to get in touch with L and the others. I did just leave without saying to much of anything. However who wouldn't want some fresh air or a quiet spot after dealing with Mello and Matt for over twelve hours. I'm glad Watari was there to pick us up. I wish he could have flown with me from England to Japan though.

At least I wasn't totally alone. I've never flown alone before, but having Mello get moody over not having his chocolates and nearly getting us all kicked off the flight was a real pain. We only came because L requested us for a case or so I thought until we actually made it to the building, we'd all be staying at. It would seem we are here for a small get together? Maybe he wanted to choose his successor....Or just let us meet his new girlfriend.

Ms.Rose seems like a nice person and she makes L happy that's good enough for me. Apparently they make each other VERY happy. Judging from the.........animalistic sounds that was coming from their floor. I looked at Matt and Mello and we all agree to stay on the first floor until Watari comes back from shopping to let us know where our rooms will be. I'm tired of Mello calling me a sheep and being plain rude, both Matt and L are busy at the moment. Matt with his games and L with HIS ROSE.

They have been together for a number of years and he truly trust her. As my thoughts start to wander again back to all the events that happen today. I'm pulled back to reality by the Nubian queen before me talking to someone on the phone. I look back into her eyes noticing how it looks like the two main colors are dancing or swirling together while the blue twinkles like the stars at night. Quickly I look away and play with a strand of my hair again before making my own tower. Once the cards are all used up we move on to the dominoes.

Standing up for a moment I see that her towers actually spells out my name. The corners of my mouth turn up into a small smirk. "Do you like it?" Zia asked me while setting up the dominoes. Her eyes never leave the pieces she's working on. I nod and she smiles, she then grins and taps the dominoes letting them all fall making a N. A small blush creeps onto my face luckily this goes unnoticed by the girl.

Her phone rings again and she stands up, stretching as she answers it. We seem to be opposites at least when it comes to the color of our clothes. She has on a pair of black dress pants with a red belt and a black shirt with red lining and the shops name on it. I think I'd like to get to know a bit more about this girl. I also notice that she's at least four to five inches taller than me. Maybe she's wearing heels or something. Trying hard not to look like I am listening to her phone call, I look at her hair. The rich deep red with streaks of gold, black, white.

I doubt it is all natural but hey you never know. My own locks are the purest of white and everyone thinks it's a dye job. "Yeah yeah Ryu-Ryu I'll be heading over there. Just need to lock up the shop and help someone out real fast. Tell Kitty I'll be a bit late and to bite me.....and by me, I mean you~ if she has a problem with that...... Yep it's finally slowing down, probably not a good idea to leave just yet though.......See you guys later"

Once the call is over she looks out of the window then starts to picks up the dominoes. I slowly start helping. "It's okay you don't need to help me but thank you" She says with a smile. I help her anyways and her smile widens. "Well now aren't you a sweetie" glancing up at her I reply. "It's the least I can do" Zia giggles and says "the least you could do is sit there and look adorable." What an enchanting giggle and smile she has. I'll have to tell her soon that I am not as young as she thinks.

"So do you like puzzles Near? I think we have time to do one or two before the storm stops long enough for us to leave" At the word puzzle my eyes brighten a bit. I guess Zia noticed this as she picked up the box and laughed softly. This girl is truly something else, from what I can tell with just the few hours I've been with her. Shes a warm, friendly, laid back, hard working type of person. I like people like her.

Zia's P.O.V

I asked Near if he liked puzzles. His lovely gray eyes lit up a bit. Besides the small smirk like smile he gave me earlier this is the only other emotion I've seen come from the boy. I'll take this as a good thing. Making my way to the backroom with the box, I place it back where I got it from and quickly head to the kitchen to do the few dishes that was in the sink. I'm shocked to see Near has followed me. He's a quiet one very sneaky, kinda like me. So I can't complain.

He's actually doing the dishes or at least trying to. It's so cute I just can't tell him to stop. So I help him by drying and putting the dishes away. Thanking him with a smile I head back into the backroom to grab a 2000 piece puzzle. Near is back in the main room waiting for me.

He's sitting at the table with one leg hanging off the chair, his knee is pulled up to his chest while playing with a snow white lock. What an adorable little boy! At least I think he's a little boy it's hard to tell someone's age by looking at them nowadays. Well I was calling him little one earlier and he didn't correct me... Meh I'm over thinking this. I shake my head slightly and make my way over to the male.

I sit across from him and dump the pieces onto the table. Looking up at Near to see if he is ready, he nods and we start the puzzle. It's almost like a race to see who can get done with their half faster. We tied this seems to please the boy. A phone starts to ring. I look around for the source only to see Near take out a phone and look at it with a slightly rose eyebrow.

Ah okay, no wonder he didn't answer my questions earlier about making calls for him. He has a cell phone. This makes me happy now I don't have to deal with the police. I get up intending to leave the room but a semi small pale hand stops me and hands me the phone. Opening it for him while giving him a slightly questioning look, I hold the phone up to his ear and he speaks.

"This is Near......Yes I am fine.....I just needed some air......I'm at a bakery not to far from the building......Yes it would be great if someone could come get me...... The bakery's name or address?" As I was about to tell him the address he looks at my shirt and blushes then tells whomever is on the other end the shops name. "Sheilas' Place Sweets and Treats.....You know where it is?....Good,  see you soon" With that the call ends and Near thanks me.

Starting to put the puzzle back in it's box. Near clears his throat and looks into my eyes. It feels like he is searching for some unknown answer to questions on he knows. It gives me chills but not in a bad way. After about five minutes of him starting at me. He opens his mouth to say something only to be cut off by both of our phones ringing.

He closes his mouth and heads to the door. Turning slight he says just barely above a whisper. "I hope we meet again" and with that he's gone. Much like the blizzard that came and went. After watching him get into a car that was clearly a rental, with a brunette haired male that seemed to be wearing goggles on his head and a stripped shirt. I call out be safe, knowing he can't hear me. Yet as I was about to turn away from the door, I notice out the corner of my eye that the gray eyed boy is looking at me and nods. Guess he did hear me or could read my lips.

I had forgotten about my own phone ringing. I look down to see one missed call and one text message. Missed called from Rose. One new text message from Rose-Kitty. It reads.


I laughed at her asking about the cakes I know that's just L bugging her about them

I reply quickly, I'm heading out now just need to grab the things for the cakes. I'll make them when I get to you guys so I'll need to use the big kitchen okay. I could use a ride but it's not a big deal I can walk it's not to far from the bakery <3

Rose replies, No no no no no and no! it's far to cold and it could storm again while you're heading here. Watari is still out I'll let him know so he can come get you and you two and start on dinner <3 and yes the caps in the last text was needed lol.

While reading the text I smile to myself. I'm glad Rose has finally gotten out of her shell a bit. Now if only I could get out of mines hehe.

Walking to the kitchen I grab all the things I'll need for the cakes and start to prep them. I get a call about 30 minutes later. It is Watari letting me know that he would be more than happy to pick me up and would love some help with dinner. I thank him and start to quickly clean. Once I'm all finished, just in time for the older gentleman to show up. I turn off everything and lock the bakery up for the night.

~Time Skip brought to you by clouds~

Watari and I just finished making a nice dinner and by nice dinner I mean a lot of different sweets and treats! There is a bit of everything from fresh fruits to scones, jams and jellies. Pancakes to cupcakes and tons of ice cream. And of course my favorites Reese's cups and Red Velvet Strawberry Shortcake swirl. Everything is homemade and for the few people that don't want sweets there is chicken, beef, and shrimp fried rice with tempura.

L and Mello devoured the chocolate cupcakes before I even got the chance to take out the rest of the baked goodness. I learned that Mello, a male with shoulder length golden-blond hair and a serious addiction to chocolate with a love for dark leather. Had been looking forward to meeting me. It was hard to tell though with him sitting on the couch holding a bar of chocolate up to his slightly parted lips. Staring at me like he's never seen a fully stacked female before.

After getting all the goodies into the main room. I quickly headed upstairs to my floor, I took a quick shower and dressed in my favorite attire.......Blue jean shorts with my mini handcuff belt, a cutoff white shirt that looked more like a sports bra then a shirt. My favorite black hat, blue choker, white cuffs no socks or shoes. Now that I'm all ready, I go back downstairs to hang out with the others. Though I just met them.

3rd P.O.V

The cocoa complected girl made her way to the main room, only to stop when she sees her friend Rose standing in the hallway. Making sure not to make a sound so she could sneak up on her friend. Looking around she doesn't see the raven haired male anywhere in sight. Purrfect she purred out as she sneaks up behind the oceanic eyed female and playfully slaps her butt, before running away laughing while being changed by the blonde haired girl. "Dang it Zia you perv!" Rose yelled at her friend while trying to catch her breath. Koneko only laughed harder as she ran into the main room.

Koneko smirked as she made her way to the couch and sat down next to the brunette locked male. Whom was playing his DS without a care in the world. She looked at him for a moment trying to remember where she had seen him. As realization hit her she turned to the male and asked his name. This caused him to look up slightly before dropping his DS and gawked at the female before him.

She slowly waved a hand in front of his face. The male blinked then picked up his DS and answered. "I'm Matt and you are?" to this the female's smirk grow. "Zia, my friends call me Koneko, Nice to meet you Matt" the slightly older girl was about to ask the male if he would like to play a two player shooter or fighter game on the big screen, until she saw a flash of white move out the corner of her eye. Slowly she moved her head and spotted Near coming into the room with Mello not far behind him calling the poor boy a sheep.

Zia frowned while watching the exchange of words. Well it was more like Near blocking out Mello's challenges and name calling. It wasn't hard to tell that the male clad in all white was getting tired of being called an albino freaky sheep. The female was about to head over to the two males until L entered the room and stopped the commotion. Walking over to Near, Zia placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him a small smile .

Near tensed a bit then relaxed when he saw whom it was that touched him. His eyes widen slightly as he took in her appearance. This was a lot different then what she was wearing earlier today. He should add sexy to that list of things she is, maybe even add it to the top. It was odd for Nate to ever take such notice of anyone, especially a female when it wasn't work related.

However this girl seemed to be able to make him think and feel differently somehow. He couldn't really place his finger on it but come hell or high water he'd figure it out. The rest of the night went well. There were laughs, jokes, gift giving and L's proposal to Rose. L decided it would be a good idea to do the gifts now as everyone would be off doing their own things for the holidays.That and Mihael's birthday had already passed.

Near sat off to himself doing his puzzle. He had brung down a few toys. His robot, puzzle and a few finger puppets. When he gets back home or back to his floor he would have to start on the new puppet he wanted to make of the celosia hair woman.

He had no idea he'd be seeing the brown skinned girl so soon. Yes he had hoped to see her again, why he was still unsure about. However he was happy to see her and the fact she knew L made it even better. So she's the one that got Rose and L together. Lost in thought the gray orbbed boy failed to notice the blue eyed man had pulled a prank on him by spiking his drink. Standing up and swaying slightly Near made his way out the room and towards the bathroom.

Seeing his rival drunk or tipsy off such a small amount of alcohol made Mello laugh. Zia took the drink the younger male had and sniffed it. The smell made her nose sting and she hissed slightly, she walked into the kitchen and poured out the disgusting liquid before looking for the white haired child. Worried he might be sick she checked the bathrooms and found nothing.

"Hey Watari can you tell me which room Near is staying in? That blond jerk spiked his drink and I'm a bit worried" with a nod Watari told the scarlette where to go. Thanking the older gentleman she made her way to the boy's room. Knocking on the door but getting no answer Zia frowns a bit before coming into the room. Looking around she almost missed the little white mass of clothing hunched over working on something in the dark.

"Near" she called out to him gently, trying not to scare or upset the younger child like male. He slowly turns towards her and gives her a faint smile "Are you going to be okay? Is there anything I can get for you?" taking a moment to think about his reply the male slowly nods. "What is it? How can I help you sweetie?" she says with a smile while standing up. The male couldn't help but notice that she was shorter than him by a few inches, this made him happy. "I can't sleep without my teddy and I can't find it anywhere" says the male while looking down.

"I'll help you find it. Where was the last place you had it."Zia said while looking around the room for a teddy bear. After a few minutes of looking the pair gave up. "It might have been left back home, I don't like sleeping alone will you stay with me?" Near looked at the smaller girl with his big gray eyes pleading wordlessly. "Alright I can stay with you until you fall asleep. Just let me go get a shirt"

As she was heading towards the door to leave the younger male grabs her wrist with his left hand while his right started to play with his hair. "You can wear one of mines, I'm sure it would be big enough" Taking a look at the pajama top that the boy had on, he was right she could probably fit one of his shirts but just barely. "Alright were are you-" she was cut off as Near quickly removed the shirt he was wearing and handed it to her.

He had another shirt on under it so Zia took it and slipped it on. Just as she thought, it just barely fit. She had to keep the first three buttons open. Looking over at the male she noticed that he wasn't as small as she had originally thought.His clothes and youthful appearance only gave the illusion that he was smaller.

Near laid down on his bed and offered his hand for Zia to take. Slowly she crawled into the bed, biting her bottom lip gently, she looked over at the pale skinned male. Really taking in his feature as she asked the question that had been on her mind for a while. "Just how old are you"

"Hey where did Near go? I wanted to give him this bear" Rose asked her fiance. However Mello answered her question then asked one of his own. "He's in his room being antisocial like always. The real question is where did your friend go and is she single." Smirking and snapping off a piece of his chocolate bar the blond male looked around for the chocolate complected girl. To this question Watari answered, "Ms.Zia was worried about Near and went up to his room to check on him."

The blond growled and rolled his eyes before mumbling to himself about that childish sheep trying to steal his girl. Rose gave the other blond a questionable look before heading up to the youngest male's room, with her beloved L behind her. When did they even meet? I know Zia can be kind and almost motherly to certain people. While very distant and cold to others, but she does know that Near is not a child right? And with her weakness for adorable things.... Rose was taken out of her thoughts by the sound of growling along with her best friend and Near's voices.

Inside of Near's room, Zia was trapped under the now shirtless slightly younger male. Blinking and blushing like mad she tried to speak but was cutoff when Near leaned down to whisper in her ear. "I finally figured out the feeling you've been making me feel since you took my hand and saved me from the storm. It's desire pure desire. Also how old do you think I am? How old do YOU want me to be?" The male said with a smirk while licking Zia's neck

Before she could answer a semi sweet moan escaped those sexy brown lips. Zia always knew her weakness for adorable things and being so damn helpful would be her undoing. What she didn't know is it would also be the start of a beautiful relationship.

Outside of Near's room where Rose and L stood debating if they should knock or not. Until a moan was heard. Giving the two the answer they needed. "Oh I think she knows" L said to his beloved while taking her hand into his and slowly leading them away from the door and back up to the room they shared. "I also think we should follow their lead." He whispered into her ear. Gasping Rose looked at her lover and whispered "again? L you're such a perv" L stopped for only a moment and placed his finger to his lip while saying "I'm a pervert?"

Oh god I am sooooooooooooo tired this story had over 4600 words!

and of course Near is kinda OOC but this is him when he's older and not cannon clearly! Near is between the age of 18 and 22 in this. But of course he looks younger~ That's his thing tho xD

I'll be fixing any typos tomorrow/later today after I've napped~

Finally got around to editing this one! and with the typos fixed the recount is over 4800 words~

Continuer la Lecture

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