✓ ♕Poison♕ [Joker x Reader]

By DowneysDuck

335K 7.9K 3.8K

*COMPLETED "Don't ever worry about me. " He whispered in my ear, then gave me a passionate kiss. J's hand mov... More

Chapter 1: Introduced
Chapter 2: Gestures
Chapter 3: Night Out
Chapter 4: Mixed Emotions
Chapter 5: Guilty
Chapter 6: What The?
Chapter 7: Gone
Chapter 8: Gangsta
Chapter 9: Missed You
Chapter 10: And Your Name...
Chapter 11: Wayne Enterprises
Chapter 12: Ace Chemicals
Chapter 13: Wake Up Soon
Chapter 14: Gasoline
Chapter 15: Oh No
Chapter 16: Goner
Chapter 18: Monster
Chapter 19: Wreak Havoc
Chapter 20: Christmas Gift (part one)
Chapter 21: Christmas Gift (part two)
Chapter 22: Ballroom Blitz
Chapter 23: Smoke and Mirrors (Part One)
Chapter 24: Smoke and Mirrors (Part Two)
Chapter 25: Control
Chapter 26: Regret
Chapter 27: Doubt
Chapter 28: This Is Gospel
Chapter 29: Strange Love
Chapter 30: Flightless Bird
Chapter 31: Mama I'm in Love
Chapter 32: True Self
Chapter 33: Amnesia
Chapter 34: Photograph
Valentine's Day
Chapter 35: Street Credit
Chapter 36: Dangerous Woman
Chapter 37: Team 'n Scheme
Chapter 38: Plans
Chapter 39: Conversations
Chapter 40: Back
Chapter 41: Show Time
Chapter 42: End of all Days

Chapter 17: Kill For You

6.7K 154 31
By DowneysDuck

"In my eyes

Even if you are wrong, you are right

Even if it's a terrible crime, it's alright

Cause I got your back, and I know you got mine"

I'm so happy that my brother is alive and isn't dead, but I still need to know who or what saved him. I also want my questions answered, like how and why am I here and where in the devils name is J. Speaking of J, I'm no longer mad at him... well still a little because he cut my face but other then that I completely understand why he got so mad. I should've never went to Bruce the first time and I don't know how I could be so stupid.

We all sat at a large table. Bruce sat across from me, and Theodore sat in the chair beside me. I was staring at my hands as they laid in my lap. Bruce and Theodore was talking about something but I tuned out everything that was happening around me. All I could here were my voices speaking to me. They normally scream at me, so when they didn't it took me by surprise. All they told me was to ask what happened with Theo and I. I was going to ask anyway, but I was gonna wait for the right time. I figured that time wasn't gonna come.

"So... Who saved you?" I asked, looking directly at Theo, cutting off their conversation. Theo looked at Bruce, then cleared his throat.

"Bruce did." Theo leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms.

"How? He was no where near you."

"You do know that he's Batman right..."

"Yes, I had to find that out the hard way..." I glanced at Bruce, and he took a sip of his wine. "But how did he save you?"

"Oh ya know... it was one of those situations where someone pulls the bat-signal, Batman comes down to save the victims from the scene caused by one of Gotham's villains."

"W-Who caused the scene...?" I asked, sitting up in my chair. I hope it wasn't J.

"Two face." Bruce said.

"Ohh." I mouthed. "So, Bruce here took you back in, fixed you up and..."

"Let me work for him again." Theo said, smiling. There was a moment of awkward silence, but it was interrupted by Bruce's voice.

"Any more questions Y/N?" Bruce asked, as they both chuckled.

"Actually yes." I stared at Bruce and crossed my arms. "Now, I believe I asked why and how I got here. Remember that?"

"Oh yeah... well your here because I saved you from that killer clown." I slammed my fist onto the table, Theo and Bruce looked at me shocked.

"I didn't need saving, if I wanted to be saved I could've saved my damn self." I spat.

"How? You were unconscious and Joker threw you in the back of his car." I looked at Bruce speechless. He glared back and continued to speak. "You're here because I was in another car chase with Joker. I slammed into his car so hard that it knocked him out. I went up to the car, got rid of him, then I realized you were laying in the back seat. I got you out, took you home with me, and cleaned your wounds."

"G-Got rid of him? What do you mean? J better not be dead you ass." I quickly stood up from my seat, and leaned over the table to Bruce.

"He's not dead." Bruce said calmly.

"Then where..." I smiled in his face. "IS HE!" I yelled. My smile got covered up by madness. Theo came over and placed a hand on my shoulder, but I pushed his hand away.

"Joker's where he belongs... Arkham Asylum."

"You think he NEEDS that?! That hell hole isn't very HELPFUL if I say so myself." I got angrier. Every inch of my body was now filled with hate, and my voices were screaming at me.

"You're lucky I didn't put you  there as well. He changed you Y/N..."


"I don't know enough about you, but I know that when a woman stands up for a man that TORTURED HER... she's crazy." Bruce stood up from his chair, and we were eye to eye. We glared at each other intensely.

"Guys, calm down ok..." Theo said, trying to be the peacemaker. I looked at Theo, then exited the room, slamming the door behind me. I went to the bedroom I woke up in, and sat on the bed. I grabbed the pillow on the bed, held it to my face and screamed. I put the pillow down and sighed loudly. I laid down on the bed, then I felt cold air hit my body. I looked around and saw that a window was open. I got up, and went towards the window. I started to close it when I got a pretty good idea. I can sneak out of here, and get J out of Arkham Asylum. I clenched my fist, thinking to myself, then I ran to the door. I piled everything in front of it to make sure no one can get in. I then gathered the bed sheets, and tied them together. I tied the end of the bed sheet to the large hook under the gutter near the window. I threw the tied bed sheet out the window, and the wind blew it a little. I stuck both of my legs out the window and grabbed the bed sheet. I slowly climbed down, but my pain from my cuts were bothering me. A moment later, I was on the ground. I checked my surroundings, and I saw a random car parked nearby. The owner of the car was walking towards it, so I picked up a rock, hid it behind my back and followed. 

"Excuse me sir." I said. The man stopped and smiled at me.

"Yes ma'am. May I help you?"

"Yeah... you can." I hit the man in the eye with the rock, and it made him drop the car keys that was in his hand. I grabbed the keys from the ground, then kicked the man in his shin. I ran to the car and got in. I started up the car, and drove away like a mad man. If I was gonna save Mr.J, I was gonna need back up. And I knew the best goons to do the job.

"You could make me a believer, even if that shit ain't true. You could make me commit murder, baby...I'd kill for you." I whispered to no one as I drove to our house.

A/N: Ooo this is getting crazy. You're gonna save J! :D but I hope this chapter was ok. And I honestly don't know how I came up with that escape. XD Anyways... love ya puddin's! :D

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