The Last Chance [VIXX Fanfict...

By loveXequations

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❝ there were rumours of a playboy falling in love with a girl the rumours spread like wildfire but no one eve... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 32

417 18 6
By loveXequations

「 Chapter 32: Night」

=Eryn's POV=

The day went by much quicker than I had thought. We went right back to the campsite after we took dinner at a seafood restaurant. It wasn't too bad, and the restaurant owners were the kindest.

The sun had set, and it was getting dark. We were driven back to the campsite by seven, and Rachelle allowed us some free time. We had been walking around a lot, so my calves were pretty sore.

I headed straight to my tent, and was a little surprised to see that Dawn and Kayla weren't there. The thought of them getting lost came to mind, but I clearly remembered them getting off the bus. Anyway, it was free time now, they were probably doing something with their clique. 'Q', if I remember correctly.

I placed my backpack beside my bed, contemplating whether I should bathe now or a while later. Rachelle had given us directions to where we could shower - it wasn't too far away from the campsite. It was like a mini shelter, the males' and females' just a distance apart.

I made up my mind and unzipped my luggage, pulling out my needed clothes and towel, before making my way towards the washroom.

I mindlessly swatted at the amount of bugs that were flying around. I didn't like bugs - they were such a nuisance.

I finally saw the 'mini shelter' and sighed in relief. My legs were so sore, I would practically crawl to anywhere. I quickened my footsteps, reaching the shelter and entering one of the cubicles.

I took my phone out of my pocket and placed it on mini fixed stand at the far end of the cubicle, where it wouldn't get wet. I quickly took a shower, relishing the warm water's comfort. I shampooed my hair and soaped my body, rinsing them off after.

I dried my hair as much as I could and pulled on my casual sweatpants and hoodie. It was colder than the usual temperature, especially at night, but I could keep warm with these.

I draped the damp towel over my shoulders, giving my moist hair one last ruffle with the dangling end of the towel. Holding the clothing I changed out of in my hands together with my phone, I exited the cubicle and went to the common area where the sinks and mirrors were. I could hear the sounds of water splattering in the other cubicles, which meant that some other students were bathing too. There was no queue outside, though.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror and neatened my hair a bit, simply making it not look puffy, but I didn't bother combing out the tangles. My comb was in the luggage, but my hair wasn't too tangled anyway.

As I made my way back to the tent, I took out my phone and unlocked it. Two messages from Jace greeted me.

Hey, how is it? Fun, right?

Call me once you're back at the campsite!

I smiled and quickly dialed his number. He picked up instantly.

"Eryn!" Jace exclaimed into the phone, as if he hadn't heard from me for a week.

"Jace!" I exclaimed, mimicking him.

"How is the first day? Was it fun?"

"Not as bad as I thought," I admitted as I reached my tent. I dumped my dirty clothing into a bag, leaving it partially under my bed.

"I told you," he said smugly, making me grin.

"Hey, Jace?"


"Do you remember that time- When we were really young and were brought to a teddy bear place?" I asked slowly.

A pause.

"Yeah... The four teddy bears," Jace replied, his voice growing quieter.

"Do you remember where it was? Like what place was it?"

"No. I was like, seven years old," he told me.
"Oh... Right." I dropped my head in disappointment. I needed confirmation that I had been here before, I needed confirmation that that was where we had been. What I saw was three teddy bears, but back then there were four.

"Why did you bring it up suddenly, though?" Jace asked.

"Oh, it's nothing. It just came to mind," I said. I caught a glimpse of Dawn and Kayla scurrying past the tent, whispering and giggling to each other. I frowned, getting up from my bed with the phone still pressed to my ear.

I recognized Q gathered just right behind the tent, and I accidentally heard what one of them murmured.

"So you're going to N's tent, right?"

I furrowed my eyebrows together. N's tent? Why would they go there for?

"Eryn! Are you even listening?" Jace's voice on the phone snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, yes. What?"

I heard him huff on the other side.

"I told you to sleep early. Camps would usually make you really tired," Jace repeated what I didn't hear.

"Got it, Jace," I quickly said, not taking my eyes of the girls. Things were getting real fishy.

"I've got to go now, call me tomorrow, okay?" Jace said.

What great timing!

"Yeah, sure! Bye." I hung up immediately.

I don't really care what those girls were going to N's tent for. They had no reason to.

I tried to recall which tent N was in. I couldn't remember.

I just ran through the campsite, peering into open tents. I spotted Hyuk, Ravi and Leo in one of the tents.

"Hyuk!" I called, and he turned to face me, obviously surprised.

"Quick question, what's N's tent number?" I blurted.

He frowned in confusion. "Eleven, but why-"

"Thank you!" I shouted and bolted to Tent 11.

I easily identified N amongst the three figures in the tent. He spotted me before I could call him.

"Eryn!" he exclaimed, having the same expression Hyuk had. "What are you doing here? Your tent is all the way at the other end. This is the male's boundary, you know."

"I know, but Q is coming to your tent, they're looking for you," I told him hurriedly, looking left and right to make sure I wasn't caught trying to distance N from the girls.

"Q? They're looking for me? What for?"

"How would I know?"

"Then why are you so flustered?" Hyuk's voice came from my right.

"I'm just... Scared they'll do something," I mumbled as Hyuk came towards us.

N chuckled, wanting to speak, but got interrupted.

"Oh, looks like we have company."

I turned around to see the entire of Q walking towards us. I mentally cursed.

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