The Purple Ranger *Power Rang...

By lucypie555

36.8K 645 81

Maddison is a girl from planet KO-35. She is best friends with Andros , Zhane and Karone. When she was a youn... More

From out of nowhere (1)
From out of nowhere (2)
From out of nowhere (3)
Save our ship (1)
Save our ship (2)
Shell shocked (2)
Never stop searching (1)
Never stop searching (2)
Never stop searching (3)
Never stop searching (4)
Satellite search (1)
Satellite search (2)
A Ranger among thieves (1)
A Ranger among thieves (2)
A Ranger among thieves (3)
Aliens, Police and Power Rangers
When push comes to shove (1)
When push comes to shove (2)
The Craterite invasion (1)
Craterite invasion (2)
The Wasp with a Heart (1)
The Wasp with a heart (2)
The Delta Discovery (1)
Delta discovery (2)
The Great Evilyzer
Grandma Matchmaker
The Barillian Sting (1)
The Barillian Sting (2)
TJ's identity crisis (1)
TJ's identity crisis (2)

Shell shocked (1)

1.3K 26 4
By lucypie555

In New York five very confused ninja turtles were standing looking around.
" what'd you do? Asked the turtle in the blue mask, , pushing the purple masked turtle lightly.
"I didn't do zip." He protested before suddenly a crash of light grabbed all five of their attention.
"Whoa!" the turtle in red said as quantrons appeared in front of them. Astronema also appeared.
"I brought you here. I'm Astronema." She introduced herself. She walked towards the turtles as they backed away from her.
"Astronema, the princess of evil?" Asked
"And a very hot princess," Said walking to the front of the group.
"Back in line reptile!" Ordered Elgar,, jabbing his sword in the turtles direction.
"You're going to destroy the power rangers." Astronema ordered.
"Uh , hello, The power rangers are just pretend." Said Raphael."You know, comic book."
"Even if they did exist," interrupted Leo," Why would we want to destroy them?"
"Because as of now you work for me."
"Says who?" Asked Raphael.
"Me!" Astronema said, pointing her at the turtles. A flash of purple light errupted from the end of it and the turtles cried out. Suddenly they stopped and when they opened their eyes they were briefly purple before fading to their normal colour.
* * *
"Whoa so you accelerate by leaning forwards/" Asked TJ as Andros showed the Rangers his
"Slow down by leaning back." Andros told them. "Come on let's load these in the launch bay. The astro mega shuttle's too vulnerable to attack. We use the galaxy gliders and we're a lot safer." He explained.
"Alert, one of Astronema's monsters is draining all the power from Angel Grove."
"So much for a training session," Andros sighed, "Ready?"
"Let's do it guys," TJ said.
They ran up the steps to stand in front of the slides which would take them to their galaxy gliders.

"It's easy, remember, just lean forward." Andros reminded the rangers as they .

* * *

At the power plant in Angel Grove a monster was taking electricity from the main power supply. Suddenly the rangers appeared and he turned around.
"There he is." Cassie said pointing upwards.
"I'm going to put out all your lights, one by one." He threatened.
"Time for a short circuit." Said TJ.
"Spiral saber." Andros said, spinning around, his weapon appearing in his hands. He ran towards the monster, did a back flip and landed in front of him, going to hit the monster with his saber but the monster dodged. He tried again, slashing at the monster before he got knocked to the ground. Suddenly Ashley and Cassie jumped and fired their weapons at the monster.
"I think I'm gonna blow your fuses." Said the monster, brushing the dust off himself and throwing a large ball of electricity at the rangers. It hit them and exploded as they fell down groaning.
"Did you get a charge out of that?" The monster asked menacingly.
"This guy's too powerful." Andros said as the monster formed another ball of electricity. He threw it at the rangers but it was stopped by five forms.
"You want Rangers, you got to go through turtles." Leo threatened.
"Mutants?" Asked the monster tilting his head to the side.
"Well at least you got that right. It's time for some shell shock." Raphael declared.
"What are those things?" Asked Andros , turning to the rangers.
"I can't believe it but I think they're..." TJ started.
"It's the teenage mutant ninja turtles!" Finished Ashley.
The turtles charged the monster and as he protested they started to fight him.
"You mutants are in for a shock." He growled as he got up from the floor.
"Don't be so sure." Venus replied. The monster formed another ball of electricity and threw it at the rangers. As he did so Andros called out to them,
"Look out!"
It was headed towards Raphael but as it got close to him he ducked and called for Leo, who was behind him to catch it. Leo caught it and bounced it on the floor before passing it to Raph who had stood up. He spun and passed it to Mikey who grabbed it happily. Mikey then placed it on his head as Donny hit it to Venus like a game of golf. She laughed and jumped down from her position kicking the ball towards the monster as she did so. The turtles laughed as the monster blew up. The rangers ran up to the turtles who were celebrating.
"All right."
"Thanks, we owe you one." Agreed TJ.
"So the mutant ninja turtles are real." Ashley stated.
"Hey we couldn't believe there were really power rangers either." Raphael admitted.
"As for me, I never doubted your existence for a minute Miss yellow Ranger." Said Mikey, r
"But how did you get here?" Asked Ashley,
"Uh... that's a good question." Said Mikey.
""You know we used our heads," Added Donny.
"And how'd you know we needed you?" Asked TJ while Andros watched thoughtfully from behind them.
"Well uh we good guys got to stick together, right?" Said Leo. "Fighting evil and all that kind of stuff."
"So since you guys are real is it true that you have a... Spaceship?" Asked Donny.
"We could sure use a lift to New York." Added Mikey. At this Andros ran forwards.
"Hey wait a minute guys! I think we better talk about this." He said running up bahins them. The rangers turned to face him and the turtles watched expectantly.
"Don't you think it's a little too coincidental that they showed up right when we needed them?" He questioned.
"What are you so upset about?" Asked Cassie."They helped us out." She said looking over to them.
"Yeah." The other rangers agreed.
"Lighten up Andros, they're on our side." TJ said before turning around to face the turtles."We'd love to give you guys a lift home." He said placing a hand on Leos shoulder.
"Alpha, Ten coming aboard." He spoke into his morpher as the turtles cheered. They beamed up but Andros was still standing in his spot.
"No wait!" He called. " Something isn't right here." He muttered to himself. Suddenly he heard a metallic clang and spun around. He surveyed the area slowly before beaming up, missing the flash of purple that disappeared behind the building.

*. *. *.

Maddison POV

I was doing repairs to my zord and upgrading it so that it could form a megazord when RIKI alerted me of a monster at the Angel Grove power plant.
"I'm on it!" I called, running as fast as I could. As I was running I realized that I needed a quicker mode of transport. I thought about the galaxy glider that I had seen the Red Ranger use to get away from the feast on the planet Eltar. My mind whizzed as I thought of the possibilities. Suddenly I rounded the corner to see the rangers arrive on said galaxy gliders. I hid and watched them fighting the monster. I also watched as the monster threw a ball of electricity at them. I gasped and was out to reveal myself from my hiding spot when suddenly five figures appeared. I watched in awe as the Teenage mutant ninja turtles appeared. I smiled as they defeated the monster and was about to reveal myself when RIKI's voice came through my morpher.
"Maddison, I'm picking up a weird kind of energy signal from your area."
"Yeah, it was the monster but he's gone now." I replied.
"No, Maddison, be careful. Something in your area is dangerous." I looked around wonderingly and ducked as I saw the red ninja turtle look my way. I gasped in surprise as his eyes flashed purple before fading to the normal brown.
"You were right RIKI. I've got to somehow warn the rangers."
"Don't do it while the turtles are there. If they realize you know they won't hesitate to eliminate you."
"What's wrong with them? Aren't they supposed to be good?"
"Yes. That's what worries me." RIKI agreed. Suddenly I heard the blue ranger saying into his morpher that they were beaming ten up.
"Ten?" I muttered. Then it hit me. They were taking the turtles to their ship!" I watched in dismay as they all disappeared. All except for the Red Ranger.
"No wait!" he called. I heard him mutter under his breath and I realized that he didn't trust the turtles either. I turned around and started to leave. I had to get back to RIKI. I accidentally kicked a stone which hit the metal stairs and I winced at the thought that the Red Ranger would have heard it. I waited, crouching, to see if the Ranger was going to explore but I heard him beam up to his ship. I breathed a sigh of relief before heading back to my base.
* * *

"RIKI!" I called, walking into my base with my helmet taken off. I was still wearing the rest of the uniform.
"Yes Maddison."
"See if you can trace their teleport to their ship."
"I'm sorry Maddison but that may take some time." I growled in frustration at her answer. I was so close!

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