Grandma Matchmaker

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I was training in my room, running on a treadmill when D.E.C.A informed me that there was a monster in the city. I ran to the door and almost passed through it before remembering that I hadn't morphed. I sighed, pressed the buttons on my morpher and then raced out into the hallway. I met Cassie, Andros and TJ on the way.
"Where are the others?" I asked curiously.
"In Angel Grove." Cassie replied, "They should be coming."
* * *
"There it is!" I said, pointing at the monster which was clearly the disruption that Alpha had warned us about.
"Maybe we should wait." TJ paused as the monster called to us,
"You're too late Power Rangers." The monster fired a laser and then charged at us while we were down. I jumped up first and stopped the monster from hitting TJ. I kicked him backwards and Cassie took over. I helped up TJ and checked he was okay. I turned back to the monster only to have Cassie fall back towards me. She collided heavily with me and I only just managed to stop from falling to the floor with her on top of me.
We all looked up and saw that Andros was fighting the monster alone so we charged but we were knocked back as the monster used Andros to hit us away. He then flipped him over and he rolled towards us.
"Are you okay?" Cassie asked as she helped him up.
"I'm fine." He assured us.
"And that's just the beginning!" the strange monster said in it's annoying whiny tone.
"Sorry we're late!" Ashley called as she ran over with Carlos. "We got a little hung up."
"This is fantastic." The monster screeched as we all lined up in front of it. "Now I can finish off all the Rangers."
"Okay guys, we need quadroblaster power." Andros said.
"Spiral Saber, powered up and ready to rock."
"Quadroblaster, assembled and waiting for the call." The four other Rangers had combined their weapons.
"Mystic Sword, ready and roaring."
"Let's do it!" With that we all fired our weapons and the monster fell to the ground with an impressive explosion.
* * *
"All I'm saying is that we can't go on pretending to be boyfriend and girlfriend forever." Carlos was explaining.
"Sure you can." TJ added. "Of course, you'll probably eventually have to get married, but..." I laughed as I heard Ashley protesting over the morpher. The guys were on the planet below while I stayed in the space ship, making up some excuse about fixing something.
TJ had tried to reason with me, asking why I didn't come down with them. I explained that it would look rather odd if they had a Power Ranger hanging our with them. TJ had then suggested demorphing and I sighed before walking away sadly, saying a farewell over my shoulder. I was now currently watching the dilema that Ashley had gotten herself into. Her grandma had come to visit and was intent on getting her a husband so she'd pretended that Carlos was her boyfriend.
"The situation is very interesting." Andros said. "You know you could just tell the truth." There was a silence and I assumed that Ashley was thinking over what Andros had told her when a faint voice called out,
"There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you two lovebirds."
I stifled a laugh and TJ quietly over the morpher.
"Miss Hammond. I think you have a terrific grandaughter. And she'll always be one of my best friends but... Ashley and I aren't really dating." Carlos said quietly. I raised an eyebrow amusedly as I lounged back in my chair on the spaceship, listening to the Rangers conversation.
"We made up the whole thing. I'm sorry." Carlos apologised.
"Oh, is that true?" Ashley's grandmother asked.
"Yes." She admitted after a pause.
"But you really do like him don't you?"
"Carlos? Well, yeah."
"Great! Then you can go on your first date together. I got the perfect thing for both of you to wear." I laughed at Ashley's grandmother's joyous tone and thankfully the others were laughing too, meaning that she couldn't hear me.
"You two little sweetie pies, will look, like twins." I couldn't see what was happening but the fact that TJ was trying so hard to contain his laughter meant that it was probably rather funny.
* * *
"Oh I so wish I was down there!" I laughed. Alpha had managed to bring up on the screen the caurosel that Ashley and Carlos were riding on.
"Why don't you?" Alpha asked.
"It's... Complicated." I sighed, thinking of Andros. "There's a lot of things you don't know about me Alpha."
"I know a lot more than you might think Maddison." He said before walking out of the room, leaving me puzzled.
* * *
I beamed down to the planet as soon as I heard the Ranger's cries.
"Alpha, what's happening down here?" I asked as I helped up a young girl who had fallen down.
"Are yiu okay?" I asked her and she nodded before her mum came running over and scooped her into her arms, thanking me before running away.
"A termite monster is causing havoc, eating the city."
In the distance I saw two people, a young girl and an older woman. I intantly recognised the girl who was wearing a very vibrant shirt.
"Grandma, I love you but your smothering me."
"Oh Ashley, I'm sorry." Ashley's grandma apologised.
"You two, you need to clear the area." I watched as Ashley handed her grandmother over to the cop and headed in the direction of where the other Rangers were.
"I'll go back for her later." The cop assured her.
"Later? When my granddaughters in trouble, I go back for her now!" She cried. I gasped and rushed over as I wathed her flip the cop over onto his back. She snuck round the front of his car and was about to get in when I ran up to her side.
"Ma'am, what are you doing?" I asked.
"Wow. The Purple Ranger. Don't worry, I'll bring it back." She assured and I smiled lightly.
"Actually," I said after a pause, "Can you do sonething for me?"
* * *
"Are you ready to give up yet?"
"Never!" Ashley protested, grabbing her side as she stood up, leaning against the wall.
"Then you leave me no choice," The bug like monster said menacingly as he advanced.
"Time to show this monster what a tough grandma can do!"
"Hit it!" I called from the roof of the car. As we advanced towards the creature I took out my sword and held it up, bringing it down as we passed the monster, making him fall to the ground.
"You mess with the Power Rangers, you're messing with ne too." Ashley's grandmother called as I hopped off the roof of the car.
"You're biting off more than you can chew."
"Oh you think so?" She sassed. She then revved the engine and I jumped out of the way.
"Wait!" I called as the monster fired at her, causing the car to go haywire.
"Grandma, careful! Hit the brakes." She called after him.
"Ashley, wait!" I called, pulling her back. "I'll go help her."
"Let me. She's ny grandma." I nodded understandingly, stepping back.
"We'll stay and fight the termites." Andros called as Ashley ran off.
We all turned to the monster who had stood up again. I looked at Andros and nodded as we both charged, jumping into the air.
I groaned as he flung out his arms to throw us off.
"Where are your weapons?" I asked.
"Termites." Cassie answered as I helped her up from her failed attack.
"Oh, look who's back." The monster said, distracted by the Yellow Ranger.
"You messed with my Grandma Bug Breath. Now you've gone too far! Star Slinger!" She yelled as she jumped at the bug, striking her arm down on him.
"You did it Ash!" Andros cried.
"Well done." TJ congratulated her.
* * *
"It seems you have a bigger bug problem than you thought."
We all stopped celebrating as the monster suddenly grew until he was towering over us.
"Astro megazord power, now!" Ashley called.
"Mystic megazord, Online!" I cried.
"All systens online. You guys ready?" Andros asked. I heard the rangers confirmation.
"Mystic megazord, ready. Let's do this!" I called.
The monster laughed menacigly, disapearing into tiny termites whenever we tried to hit him and forming sonewhere else.
"Having a little trouble Rangers?" He mocked.
"I wish he'd hold still." Ashley said.
"I won't hold still, but I'll hold onto you!" He called. I stepped back nimbly and watched in horror as termites covered the astro megazord.
"They're shorting out the megazord." Carlos cried.
"We can't move!"
"I got you guys!" I called. "Hold still!" I winced as I aimed my blasters at them.
"Aim well, Maddi!" I heard TJ call.
"You got it!"
In a short burst of fire, all the termites dropped off dead.
"How's that for good aim?" I cheered.
"Great shooting."
"That was awesome!" I heard the Rangers call.
"Look who's back!" The monster growled as he reformed.
"Astro delta megazord power." Ashley called and the smaller robot flew down to combine with them.
"Here we go again." The monster charged.
"Lets cool this guy down. Initiate freeze mode." Ashley called.
"Mystic saber!" I called and ran towards him, striking him through the middle and he shattered.
"Good job guys!"

The Purple Ranger *Power Rangers in space*Where stories live. Discover now