Before I Met You (DESTIEL HIG...

By _Bianca-Tachibana_

161K 6.7K 3.1K

Ever since Dean Winchester came out as gay to his friend, Meg, and she told everyone, people have constantly... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Authors Note
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Authors Note
Authors Note
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Author's Note
Chapter 45
Authors Note

Chapter 42

2K 86 17
By _Bianca-Tachibana_

Deans POV

I woke up the next morning, with the wonderful sight of my boyfriend right next to me, his arm around my waist. There was a delightful warmth emanating from his body being close to mine.

My eyes widened when I realized I was naked. Oh my God why was I naked? I closed my eyes and tried to think. It was then that I realized what happened the night before. As soon as it hit me, a sly grin crept onto my face. I tried to stifle a giggle but I couldn't keep it in. My laughter completely interrupted the slightly awkward silence I was in.

Cas woke up almost immediately and with an adorably sleepy voice, but with a hint of annoyance, he asked, "What's so funny?"

Once my laughter died down, I leaned forward, and sheepishly whispered, "We did the dirty..." Things are always more funny when one says them out loud, so I started laughing again, only this time, Cas joined me.

"Yeah," he managed to say through a yawn. "I guess we did." Cas closed his eyes and I took that opportunity to throw some boxers on, and a pair of pajama pants. I went downstairs and got myself and Cas a cup of coffee, both of which I brought upstairs after. I sat on the floor, with a mug of hot liquid in my palm, taking sips here and there.

I put down the ceramic cup and lean over to my stereo. I pressed play, unknowing of what the last CD was that I had. I guess I'd just let it surprise me. I turned the volume down, enough so that I knew it wouldn't wake my boyfriend. I sat back, with my back against the mattress of my bed. I leaned my head back, and closed my eyes, awaiting the music to set me free. The instrumental goes on for about thirty seconds. From that, I'm unable to decipher what song it is, so I just continue listening. (A/N Play the song up there so it doesn't sound weird.)

Love, I get so lost, sometimes,

Days pass, and this emptiness fills my heart.

When I want to run away,

I drive off in my car,

But whichever way I go,

I come back to the place you are.

Of course, a God damned Peter Gabriel song. With my eyes still closed, a smile finds its way onto my lips, but I say nothing aloud, still listening to the lyrics.

All my instincts, they return,

And the grand façade, so soon will burn.

Without a noise, without my pride,

I reach out from inside.

The sound of the soft music is interrupted by the fatigued singing voice of Castiel, still laying naked behind me, covered in mahogany sheets. I turn my head, my eyes meeting his. My smile had disappeared previously, but at that moment, it reappeared, and for the time being it was going to stay.

With his gaze not breaking from me, Cas sang the lyrics to the song I scarcely knew.

In your eyes, the light, the heat,

In your eyes, I am complete.

In your eyes, I see the doorway to a thousand churches,

In your eyes, the resolution of all the fruitless searches.

In your eyes, I see the light and the heat,

In your eyes, oh I want to be that complete.

I want to touch the light,

The heat in your eyes.

Cas laughed, and looked down, almost as if he was embarrassed. "Sorry," he said. "I love that song."

I scoffed at him. "Don't you dare apologize. You're amazing. I don't think I've ever heard you sing before, and that was pretty damn good!"

"You think so?"

"C'mon, Cas. You know I listen to good music, and good singers, so if I say you're good, then you're good."

The smile that came from him was almost priceless. "I don't tell people often, but I really enjoy singing, I'm just pretty insecure about it, so thank you because that really means a lot to me."

I leaned up, and kissed his lips softly.

"Could you pass me my clothes so I can like, not be naked while talking to you?" He laughed awkwardly after talking.

I obliged immediately. I was thinking about making a joke about seeing his body, but I didn't want to make him uncomfortable so I refrained from saying anything.

After he got dressed, we spent the rest of the day cuddling in bed.


Around 8pm, after having a long ass nap and each of us having a shower, we were down in the living room watching The Green Mile.

It was at the part where Wharton attacked Dean, and I was sitting on the edge of my seat. Cas had seen this movie, and I hadn't. He thought it was so funny when I got excited about something that happened.

"Oh my God! Why the hell isn't Percy doing anything?! This is driving me insane."

Cas just laughed behind me.

Soon, though, it got to the point where we turned off the movie because I was getting so heated, and when that happened, we just sat on the couch and talked.

"Y'know that the dance is on Tuesday, right?"

Castiel sighed. "Yeah, I know."

"Today's Sunday..."

"Indeed, it is."

In an upbeat tone, I said, "That means we get to dance and be cute in two days!"

Cas rolled his eyes, and grabbed onto my hand. "Don't tell anyone, but I am a little excited."

I moved on the couch, so that Cas was able to put his arm around me. I leaned against him. "Don't worry," I said. "Your secrets safe with me." With that, Cas kissed my head, and we slowly fell asleep together.

(A/N Hue hue hue hue I'm sorry this is so late, but I've been struggling with school and stuff. With it being my first year of high school, I'm not used to it, so I've been getting panic attacks more often, and stuff. Whatever I got this. I promise promise this will be done soon. Two, maybe three more chapters depending on how I'm feeling. Prepare for what could be the best or the worst... I love you guys! Thanks for all the support<3)

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