Pain: Her (Harry Styles Fan F...

By VividFantasyFiction

6.4M 128K 46.6K

She thought she knew what pain was, until she met Harry. *This story is in the process of being ed... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Authors note! Please read!

Chapter 52

63.5K 1.1K 537
By VividFantasyFiction

*hello!! quick note, I've noticed that I write Alee's thoughts and pov in the past tense like "I knew what was going to happen" instead of "I know what's going to happen" and in the past chapters that's how I've been writing them so I've decided to change it and make it as if you're reading her thoughts as she's thinking them and not reading it as if it's something that has already been told, you know? I also saw that I went back and forth with it which doesn't make much sense but I'll fix it :) hope I didn't confuse you or anything! AND! A few people asked who plays Alan and it's Leonardo Dicaprio :) Hope you enjoy (please dont forget to comment/vote! <3*

I slept exactly the way I've been wanting to sleep and that's peacefully. Harry kept his arms around me all night, securing my body against his and warming me underneath the blanket. He must have been really tired and lacked sleep since he snored all night in my ear, but I didn't mind. His warm embrace was enough for me to sleep at ease.

It took me a while to fall asleep, but eventually I did. I felt bad for allowing him to sleep in his jeans and t-shirt. I wish I thought of offering him some warm clothes before but I didn't think of it. His arms were cold but I gently rubbed them as he slept underneath the blanket to provide some warmth. He's a calm sleeper for such a hyper-active person. His eyes remained lightly shut together and his lips slightly parted as he breathed through it. His chest rose and fell much slower then it normally does and because I couldn't sleep, I counted the seconds between each breath he took.

I'm kind of obsessing over him. He's perfect and he doesn't even know it, which actually gives me an excuse to remind him all the time. I don't think he has ever been given that kind of attention when it comes to complimenting and showing affection which explains why he blushes every time I tell him. But he should be given and showed all the attention since he's the one always giving it; especially to me. He's the only one who can calm me when I'm at my worst and make me smile like everything I felt two seconds before he walked into the room never existed. I don't know how he does it, but I need him in my life to keep me strong because I know without him I'm broken.

I think because I'm so used to waking up at seven in the morning for school I can't help but to wake up even without my alarm. Harry was sound asleep on me, snoring his brain away while his head was hiding in my neck. His lips were practically pressed against my ear which is partially the reason why I woke up; his snores were so hard I thought he was going to choke. I've already made up my mind about not going to school and I'm too comfortable to get up even though I have to pee. I know if I get up I'll wake him and I don't want to do that. He moved his body and turned on his side facing the opposite way and I quietly got up to use the bathroom. I did my normal routine; brush my teeth, wash my face, blah blah blah.

Knowing that Harry and I are going to be alone all day makes me really happy and excited. I don't know what he has planned, but I hope we go back to his place so he can teach me how to play the piano. He said he would on Saturday but Leo fucked everything up and he hurt his wrist. I just need a distraction; that's all I want. I need him to distract me from reality because that's what breaking and suffocating me.

I want to forget about Ava and Liam just for today and have a relaxed day with Harry. All the drama is depressing me and I'm so close to cracking.

I finish everything and tie my hair in a high bun and hug myself while I walk back to my room. Just as I am, Alan walks out of his room adjusting his tie. He stands in front of me and looks at me up down before knitting his eyebrows together and lifting his wrist to check the time on his watch.

"It's seven thirty, why aren't you dressed?" he asks.

"I'm not going."


"I don't want to."

"Why?" he asks again and I roll my eyes.

"Because my cheek hurts and I want to sleep." I half lie impatiently.

"And when were you planning on telling me?" he wonders walking down the stairs as I follow.

"I don't know." I shrug before entering the kitchen, "where's mom?"

"Sleeping. She came home like three hours ago." he says putting water in the electric water heater for his coffee.

"So, she's staying home?"

"No, she's going back at noon." he leans against the counter and crosses his arms over his chest. I sit in my chair and pick at my finger nails as we remain silent.

"Did Harry sleep with you?"


"Was something wrong with the guest room?"

"Yes." I nod.


"I wasn't there."

"That's the point." he smiles turning to pour the hot water into his coffee mug.

"I don't know," I sigh, "I sleep better when he's with me." I admit to him.

"Awe!" he coo's like a girl, "that's so sweet!" he brings the hot mug up to his lips and grins at my annoyed expression.

"Whatever." I groan and stand, "I'm going back to sleep."

"Does mom know you're staying?" he asks me while grabbing his coat and throwing it around his forearm.

"No, I'll be awake before she leaves."

"Alright." he didn't seem to care much which doesn't surprise me and I'm grateful that he didn't force me to go.

"Bye." I tell him as I walk up the stairs and he returns it. I hear the front door shut when I enter my room and the sight of Harry makes me smile. He's balled up underneath the blanket and half of his face is covered in it. I don't have socks on and my feet are like ice. I tip toe to the bed and crawl back in beside him. I pull the blanket that is tucked under him and throw it over me as I throw my leg over his and hug him. He groans lightly then tosses his arm around me, pulling me in. In no time, I fell back asleep.

I woke up to the sound of a car door shutting and my eyes shoot open. I look around the room and rub my them trying to adjust to the light. Harry's gone and I run to the window to see if it's him but it's just my mom. Right when I reach to open the door Harry turns the nob and walks in.

"Hey." he breaths with a smile and kisses me.

"Hi." he closed the door behind him and sat on the bed. I followed him and stood between his open legs as he lied down on his back.

"When did you wake up?"

"Like nine." he tells me putting his hands behind his head.

"You talked to my mom?"


"Did she say anything to you?"

"Yeah." he says and I laugh.

"Details Harry."

"She made me coffee and said I should look after you and make sure you rest." he grabs my hands and pulls me on top of him.

"That's it?" he lifts himself up higher on the bed and I straddle him.

"Yup." he tells me putting his hands on my hips.

"Did she say anything about you sleeping with me?"

"I don't think she knew."

"Hmm." I hum rubbing his stomach over his white t-shirt. She's been acting really weird lately and it's bugging me. I'm sure she saw him with me because she always checks up on me when she gets back from work. I just want to know what she thought when she saw us.

"Did you sleep okay?" he asks. He grabs my hands and intertwines it with his, rubbing circles over my knuckles with his thumb.

"Yeah. You snored in my ear all night." I giggle and he smiles holding in his laugh.

"Did I really?"

"Yeah, like your lips were right here..." I press my palm against my ear showing him, "and you were just hardcore snoring."

"Oh shit, I'm sorry." he laughs, "how did it sound?"

"Like this.." I imitate his snoring and he bursts out laughing. He laughs even harder when I choke trying to mimic his snores and because I'm smiling so hard, my cheek starts to ache.

"Ow!" I stop laughing and cup my cheek.

"You okay?" he sits up on his elbows and grabs my wrist.

"Yeah," I smile, "just hurts a little."

"Do you need anything for it? Like medicine or cream?"

"No, it's okay. I'll get ice when we go down."

"I'll go get it." he offers but I stop before he pulls himself all the way up.

"I'm fine." I assure, "so, are we going to your house?"

"Yeah. My mum and Kait left a few hours ago and said they wouldn't be back until around midnight."

"Did Amilia go with them?"

"Mhmm." he pulls me down and kisses me before I could speak. He flips us over so that he's hovering over me and I wrap my arms around his neck.

"What are we going to do?" he grins licking his lips and kissing my neck.

"Can you teach me how to play piano?" he stops his movements and pulls his head away from my neck, looking at me with a straight face.

"We're going to be alone all day and you want to learn how to play the piano?"

"Yeah, you said you would teach me." I remind him and he sighs.

"And then what after?"

"I want you to put your outfit on for the ball." I smile tilting my head.

"Ew, why?"

"Ew? What do you mean 'ew?' I love it on you."

"It's all white." he says with disgust.

"You're wearing white now."

"I know but white pants? And this is a t-shirt.." he pulls the fabric from his skin, "that's a dress shirt."

"So? I want to see it on you again."

"Yes ma'am." he caves with a smirk and slides his hands under my shirt. His hands are freezing which makes me arch my back and he smirks. I cup his face bringing it back up and kiss him before pushing him off.

"Why?" he whines flopping down on the bed with displeasure.

"I need to change." I tell him opening my drawer and pulling out my jeans. He crawls at the top of the bed and leans against the headboard, crossing his ankles and arms watching me change. I take my sweatpants and sweater off leaving me in my panties and bra and I don't even have to look at him to know that he's staring hungrily. I throw my jeans on the bed and walk to the other side of the drawer, taking out the orange sweater he gave me. Even though he's practically seen me naked I still feel insecure when I'm not dressed around him. Harry is obviously a good looking guy and has been with more beautiful and thin girls then me and that makes me feel a little...incomparable beside them.

"So," he clears his throat breaking the silence, "you're hungry, right?"

"I am, yeah. Are you?" I stand at the edge of the bed and grab the jeans, stepping back and pulling them up my tights. He watches carefully and his eyes slowly scan me making my cheeks flush. His eyes go from his normal green to a dark one and slides his tongue over his dry lips as I button my jeans.

"Yeah. Where do you want to go?" he asks running his fingers through his hair.

"Uh.." I pause throwing his sweater on, "how about Kingdoms Castle?" I suggest and he shakes his head.

"No, I don't work there anymore."

"You work there?"

"Yeah, remember?"

I completely forgot he even had a job. It totally slipped my mind.

"Oh right, right!" I breath walking to his side sitting beside him with my legs crossed, "why don't you work there?"

"I quit."


"They only called me in when they needed me which was like once or twice a week. It wasn't working out for me."

"But you looked so cute in your uniform."

"Fucking button down drived me crazy."

"I liked it." I slap his thigh before I stand, "do you work now?"

"Do you think I work now?"

"I don't know, that's why I'm asking." I say opening my sock my drawer.

"Uh, no." he shrugs getting up from the bed.

"So how do you have so much money?"

It's true, he has a shit load of money, not that it's important to me, and he doesn't even work. He doesn't seem effected by my question or show any sign of hesitation which isn't making me think he's hiding something from me.

"The bank." he chuckles like it was something obvious.

"And how did it get in the bank?"

"Does it really matter?"

"No." I smile opening the door and ending the conversation before it escalates into something big.

"Good." he nods following me down stairs.

We put our shoes on and got in the car to drive to his house. The weather is nicer now and not as cold as it usually is. The March cool weather is beginning to kick in and I love it. I'm really looking forward to playing the piano and spending the rest of the day with him. I'm at my most happiest when we're together.

"Do you want to eat first?" he asks flipping the signal stick.

"Yeah, but where?"

"There's a buffet down the road."

"Hibachi?" I turn towards him.

"Yeah, you've been there?"

"Plenty of times. I love that place."

When we arrived, we immediately grabbed our plates and piled it to the top. I didn't realize Harry was a such a big eater and even after three plates, he went back for more. I shouldn't be one to talk because I had two plates but that's why they call it a buffet so it's okay. He went to the sushi bar and had a whole plate of that which practically made me want to throw up.

"You're so weird!" he says shoving a whole sushi in his mouth.


"You don't like peanut butter or fish, what the fuck." he tells me with a full mouth.

"What's wrong with that?" I ask defensively.

"That's weird."

"You're weird."

"No you're weird."

"Shut up." I dismiss and he laughs.

"But I love you and you're my weirdo." his hand reaches from under the table to my thigh and he squeezes.

I can tell he's frustrated. He's been wanting to have sex for weeks now and someone or something always gets in the way; or I stop him. He always finds a way to grab or touch me and even get me turned on without doing anything big. A simple grab or squeeze always leaves me mentally and physically begging for more.

I don't know when we're actually going to go through with it but I hope it's soon. I know I'm ready for him; I've been ready for a while and I'm actually quite eager. It's kind of scaring me at the same time too. I heard it's usually painful at first and that's scaring the shit out of me. When we talk about sex, he always tells me how gentle he'll be and how he'll make sure that I'm feeling "more pleasure then pain." Even though I feel scared I wouldn't want my first time to be with anyone else but him.

"Ready?" he wipes his mouth and stands, extending his arm for me to hold his hand.

"Yup." I grab it and stand from my seat and reach over the table to grab my phone. Harry slaps my butt and makes me squeal and he laughs shushing me with his index against my lips.

"Why would you do that?" I roll my eyes walking away.

"Your reaction never changes." he laughs following me out.

"I was caught off guard."

"You should know better not to bend over in front of me." he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me to his side while we walk to the car. He pulls his keys out and unlocks the car and opens my door for me.

"You don't have to open my door." I tell him for the hundredth time pulling my seat belt over me.

"Shhh." he shut the door and walked in front of the car to his seat, "did you enjoy it?"

"Yeah, it was great."

"I'm kind of excited to teach you how to play the piano." he admits.

"Really?" I smile.

"Yeah, I've never taught anyone besides Amilia."


"I don't know," he shrugs, "no one ever asked."

It makes me sad hearing his voice lower that way, making his sadness evident. This is the part where I show him attention.

"I can't wait either. You're a fantastic pianist." I smile and he returns it. His dimples deepens when he takes in my compliment and it's the smile that I adore so much, "you're going to play some songs too, right?"

"Only if you reward me." he winks grabbing my hand.

"We'll see." I tease.

We got to the house and kicked off our shoes, immediately going to the basement.

"Okay," he takes his seat on the bench and I follow "what do you want to play?"

"I don't know." I cross my legs to get comfortable.

"How about Fur Elise?"

"You know how to play that?" I say with shock.

"I can play most of Beethoven's compositions." he says with pride.

"Okay, then teach me." I smile kissing his cheek.

"We'll start with the right hand." he grabs my hand and places it on the white key, "follow my fingers." he moves his hand further down the keys and places it on the same one as mine but lower, "E." he says and I stop.


"Press E."

"What's E?"

"The key." he laughs.

"I don't know letters, just say black and white." I tell him and he chuckles.

After twenty minutes of learning just nine keys, I finally got it. It's so complicated and annoying I can't believe he has the patience for this shit. I kept groaning with frustration but he didn't stop until I got it.

"Good! See, told you you could do it." he smiles proudly.

"Now you play something."

"What do you want me to play?"

"Do you know moonlight sonata?"

"Course I do."

"Play that."

He clears his throat and begins to play the dark melody I love so much. His eyebrows furrow together as he focuses on each key, not breaking his contact with them. His fingers effortlessly presses against the black and white wood, beautifully releasing the sounds of them. His head moves with his fingers and he plays with such passion and love. The muscles in his arms flexes with every move his fingers makes, making the view ever more admiring. Even though he had a brace on, he played as if he didn't. The brace didn't hold his ability of playing beautifully back and his fingers moved just as perfectly. He comes to a finish and the final note echo's through the room and I turn towards him and smile.

"You're amazing." I compliment.

"Thanks." he flushes rubbing his neck.

"Play something else." I ask sweetly.

"Let's do something else." he suggests standing, "can you play the drums?" he walks over to a cabinet beside his drum set and takes out the sticks.

"No." I say standing feeling a bit excited, "I want to try though." I grab the stick from his hands and sit on the stool.

"Are you going to teach me?" I ask.

"Just bang it."

"That's what she said." I mumble and he chuckles.

"Just play." he shakes his head. I have no idea what I'm doing but my inexperience makes him laugh his ass off. I hit the big round thing by pressing my foot on this small pedal and I hit this gold circle looking thing on the top; I'm oblivious to how to play but I think I'm doing well.

"Okay okay!" he grabs the sticks from my hands and walks away.

"Hey!" I whine standing to my feet, "give it back! I wanna play some more!" I pout like a child.

"Babe, if you bang another drum I'll go deaf."

"You suck." I stick my tongue out blow a raspberry.

"Real mature." he says walking beside me and placing the sticks back in the cabinet.

I love messing around with him and it's even fun annoying him sometimes. He's so responsible and my childish behaviors amuse him.

"Harry!" I say holding the "y" long and pulling on his shirt.

"What?" he laughs.

"I want to play the drums!"

"Play the guitar." he suggests walking to the lined guitars against the wall.

"The yellow and red one!" I point and he takes it off the hook.

"Be careful, it's a Gibson." he cautiously makes his way to me holding it as if his life depends on it.

"Like Mel Gibson?"

"Just be careful." he puts the guitar strap around me and carefully releases it.

"Can you relax?" I laugh as he hands me the guitar pick.

"Careful." his eyes are slightly widened.

"Is this expensive?"

"Twenty two hundred." he crosses his arms and stands in front of me.

"Are you serious?"

"It's a classic."

"It's just a guitar."

"A very good one too, so play it with caution."

"And you say I'm a weirdo." I scoff and he rolls his eyes.

"Okay, you're done." he quickly says taking the guitar from me.

"What the hell I didn't even get to play it!" I whine and he hooks it back against the wall.

"You holding that makes me nervous. Play an acoustic."

"Bitch ass." I mumble walking to the cherry wood guitar on top of the case on the floor.

"What?" he turns and glares at me.

"Nothing." I lie quickly turning so he can't see my smile.

"You called me a bitch?" he asks and I heard his boots press against the ground.

"No I didn't." I grab the guitar and turn and he's already standing before me.

"Yes you did." he says with a straight face.

"You heard wrong." I walk away sitting on the black leather couch.

"I heard right." he doesn't want to drop it and I have a feeling he just wants to mess around. I cross my legs and pick at the strings and he bends down in front of me, holding a smirk on his face.

I'm ready for his challenge.

"Can I help you?" I try my best to hold a straight face and act as if his behavior isn't somewhat intimating and sexy. He doesn't say a word and he grabs the guitar from my hands and slides it against the floor away from us. He squints his eyes, still holding the smirk and I jump up to run away but with one hand, he pressed his palm against my stomach and slams me down.

"Your wrist stupid!" I yell and he brings his body on top of mine and straddles me.

"You keep calling me names." he points out and I grin.

"Stop giving me reasons to." I try to cross my arms but he grabs both of my wrists and holds them tightly.

"You're a bad girl." he says and I bite my lip at his sexy glare.

"You're a bad boy." I say back and he gives a throaty chuckle.

"But I know what to do with bad girls." he whispers lowering himself and pressing his lips against my neck. My heart begins to race as his grip around my wrists tightens. He kisses slowly just to tease me but I'm not caving. I love the feeling I get when he kisses me; its intoxicating and ignites and awakens my body. I feel eager when he touches me like this, my body reacts the exact way he wants it to and he adds on to it.

"You obviously don't." I scoff  and push him off but like always, he pulls me right back down.

He grunts as he does so and holds both my wrists over my head with his one hand.

"I know your tickle spot." he grins and my eyes widen.

"Harry, don't." I beg squirming underneath him.

"Oh, now you want to be nice?" his accent holds humor, "but it's too late." he immediately starts showering my neck and the skin below my ear with kisses and I laughed so hard my face beings to turn red. His free hand slides under my shirt and he tickles my stomach to the point where tears started to fall from my eyes from laughing. He laughs hard into the kisses and I beg him over and over to stop but he continues.

"Stop!" I beg squirming under him, "Harry stop it, please!" I laugh but he doesn't. His lips move from my neck to my lips and sticks his in tongue in and basically attacks mine with it. His lips press against mine hard as his hand under my shirt cups my one boob and squeezes. I moan into his lips and he squeezes harder. I feel his smile against me and I turn away breaking the kiss, making him remove his hand from under my shirt to grab my jaw so that I'm looking at him.

"Ow, Harry!" I smile but in slight pain. He doesn't realize that he just pressed his rough fingers against my cheek causing it to ache more, "Harry, seriously stop!" I yell as the pain increased but he doesn't notice how serious I really am.

"Stop talking!" he laughs and presses his hand over my mouth to shut me up and goes back to my neck. His whole hand grips my face. His thumb presses against my cheek and other four against my bruised one and the pain is unbearable. His hand still kept my wrists pinned and I feel defenseless under him and the fear kicks in like lighting.

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