Blackmail From The Playboy(Na...

By fairyRULES

191K 6.5K 4.3K

Natsu Dragneel of Fairy Tail Academy is the typical playboy, heartthrob, great looks, hot, the star player o... More

Author's Note/Introduction
Chapter 1: Back to School
Chapter 2: The Meeting
Chapter 3: The Bet
Chapter 4: Trying
Chapter 5: Secrets Out
Chapter 6: The Blackmail Begins
Chapter 7: Girlfriend
Chapter 8: Lunch
Chapter 9: First Date
Chapter 10: Under the Rain
Chapter 12: Hanging out
Chapter 13: Field Trip
Chapter 14: Partners
Chapter 15: Jealousy
Chapter 16: At the Beach
Chapter 17: Activities
Chapter 18: Volleyball
Chapter 19: Sleeping Arrangements
Chapter 20: The Dragon's Princess
Chapter 21: Just the Plot
Chapter 22: His Realization
Chapter 23: Terrible Past Experience
Chapter 24: Questions & Answers
Chapter 25: Rage
Chapter 26: Treasure Hunt
Chapter 27: Last Day
Chapter 28: Explanation
Chapter 29: Cheating
Chapter 30: Almost
Chapter 31: Coward (Sneak Peek)

Chapter 11: Lost & Breakfast

5.3K 187 122
By fairyRULES

Natsu's P.O.V.

After that amazing sleep I wake up to see Luce in a sofa in her room sleeping peacefully.

Checking my temperature I seem to be normal a bit higher than average human temperature but normal.

I know that it would be a bother if I wake her up this early at 6:30 in the morning she would kill me well almost remember the time I took her out on a date. Okay we're getting off topic and I know the time because I checked the clock beside me at her bedside table.

I decided to repay her for being nice to me yesterday and cook her breakfast. You might be thinking 'Omg! The Natsu Dragneel is being nice?!' Don't judge me being a playboy doesn't mean that I can't be nice..........once in a while.

Making my way out her door as silent as I can, when I was finally out of her gigantic room I find myself in a hallway not just a hallway but a never ending hallway how can I not get lost here?!

I know I live in a mansion and all but this is a new place for me. I don't even know how I got to her room because I was unconscious. I then started walking and see a lot of doors and I am not exaggerating and yes I know that word.

I made myself look composed,relaxed and cool externally but internally I am freaking out, I couldn't show that though there might be some security camera around here. I'm guessing that it'sbeen a good 30 minutes and I'm still lost,sadly.

I see a corner and turn left then I see another one and turned right then left again. Am I still in Japan?! I am completely lost!Am I upstairs or downstairs?!How many floors does this house even have?!

Still walking I see a hallway table that I saw a few minutes ago!Was it the same one or are all the hallway table look the same?!
Was I going in circles all this time?!

Ok I'm pretty sure I'd been going around for hours and is it even still morning?!

Then my hopes all rise up when I see a figure walking towards me.

"Thank God!I'm safe!"

I then see a girl maybe in her twenties,she has pink hair but don't compare her hair color and her is PINK and mine is SALMON!She's wearing a maid outfit with a matching headband. And she has handcuffs?! The she was holding a.......DRILL?!

"Good morning, I see that you're awake, Dragneel-san one of the security guards told me that they saw you circling around here for quite some time now. Would you like me to show you how to go  downstairs?"

"How stupid did I look?! I knew they had cameras!"

I nod lightly. She then lead me somewhere.
Wait I recognize this place! This is where I turned left the first time but this time instead of turning left we turned right!After about a few seconds of walking I see stairs leading downstairs!

"Here we are,there is the kitchen and the living room,please make yourself at home if you need anything don't hesitate to ask anyone around they will gladly show you."
She says then leaves.

I then look around and see a massive wall clock  and you wouldn't believe what time is it............

After I got over my mental outburst I go to the kitchen and start to look for ingredients for the classic breakfast. Pancakes, bacon and egg with the side if fresh fruits and orange juice. You thought I can't cook?! You've underestimated me.

Of course I cooked some for myself too!And of course I made som-okay maybe not some but A LOT of mess! Well I guess I have to clean it up but I miserably failed once I started to try washing the plates....

Eventually some maids came up and cleaned it for me....

I started to set up the table and put the food in the table as well. Then  I heard some footsteps coming  from the stairs.
I then see a my angel looking groggy and a still half asleep rubbing her eyes her hair still messy.

She then notice me,

"Hey Natsu you're up early how are you feeling? "

I then sweat dropped at her comment of being early cause it's already 7:50 a.m. Well I guess it's early for her but not for me cause by this time I have practice in basketball,sometimes.

"Yeah I'm feelin' better than yesterday, oh and I made breakfast."

Her jaw then drops to the floor,she rushes up to me and check my face touching my forehead and cheeks.

"You're temperature seems fine but are you still sick you're acting weird the Natsu Dragneel I know doesn't know how to cook, well as faras I know."She questions me suspiciously looks at me her eyes sternly looking at mine looking for lies.

"Well now you know that the Natsu Dragneel knows how to cook delicious food."

She just shrugged me off then sits down and starts eating her eyes widen,

"You didn't cook this!"

"I did!"

"But it taste so good!You can't possibly cook this!"

"One of my charms, and you seem to be falling for it!"

"Okay I will believe you just stop trying to flirt this early in the morning."

"So does that mean that I can flirt with you later?" I say,smirking.

"Ugh,you're hopeless."

"You know you love me~"

"That's so cliché anything original?"

"And you know what else is cliché that when the guy says that it's usually true."

She just roll her eyes and starts talking to herself saying something like 'I'm not even gonna start' But of coure with my amazing hearing I heard her.

We then started to eat,once she finished she went to the kitchen and placedher empty plate on the sink she ask,

"Were you the one who cleaned up here?"

"Duh." I answer proudly.

"You know Dragneel there's a security camera here I could just check if you're gonna lie to me."She retorts,smirking.

If she sees the video she might see me wondering around her mansion getting lost.I didn't want that cause my pride would've been hurt.So I decided to just be honest. It would take damage to my pride but not that much so....

"Fine, I messed up with that one but I was the one who cooked."

"See ain'tit easy telling the truth, oh yeah thanks for the food!"She says smiling.

"Yeah it's nothing....." I say trailing off.Thinking of the events that happened yesterday.

I stood up and put my plate on the sink too.

"Hey for thanks,  why don't we hang out I mean it's Sunday and think of this as thanks for the breakfast."

And me being myself I wouldn't want to miss out on hanging out with Luce.


"Come on let's go to my game room!"

"Game room?"


End of Chapter

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