Last Chance : A Percy Jackson...

By ReaderBunny

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Isabella Marie Swan. That was the alias I have been under for the past months. The real Bella Swan died when... More

Last Chance : A Percy Jackson/Twilight Crossover
Chapter 2: Family
The Plan
chapter:6 Renee
Camp Half-Blood
Talking with Annabeth
The Beach War
Surprised Vision
NO! This can not be happening!
Working Together
Attacked by a bunch of kids
Saving Inalic
Big Scary Monster's and Crazy Kids
Isobel Ivansovo
Confronting the Cullen's
My Sister's Cat is a Monster!
Dimwitted god Shows Up at Camp
Me a Spy? Yeah Right!....Well....
My Father Fell of the Face of the Earth
The Only Explanation is Impossible
What Happens When You Let Someone In
Status: Starving and Confused
My Mother is Worried About the Traitor?
Crazy Wild Aphrodite
The blue cows having babies!
The Oracle Doesnt want Chiron to Know?
Stupid idot son of Hermes
Memories in the Wind
Poor Birdie
False Alarm
Unexpected Confession
Old Lady Disapears
Anehta Josephina Semitra Areh
Dreams and dreams and evil king
I Thought She said NOT do this
Vegas? Seriously Alice? Vegas?
Mr.Fancy Pants
What is Given Is Always Taken Away
What have I gotten myself into?
Yeah Uncle Z doesn't like my idea
man with a skirt
What I should've done first

Visit from a goddess

5.2K 79 10
By ReaderBunny

Olympus. Athena P.O.V.

"Where are you going?" A voice asked from behind. Turing around i saw Apollo standing up from his throne.

"I have to attends some unfinished business" I replied walking to the door. Ignoring all the confused stares thrown my way.

"Can i come with?" Poseidon asked also standing up.

"No. This is something i have to do alone" i said. I need to scare them away not kill them or Beth would be servealy disappointed, and Poseidon has a tempter to being with.

"If it involves Beth, then it involves all of us" Artemis said loudly coming into the room with A.J. in her arms.

"I know" Smiely lightly i went back and took my granddaughter in my arms as i said. Before giving her back to Artemis and walking away. I cant let them get hurt or Beth and A.J. will get hurt. Even if it means i have to lock them up in Tarurus.

Alice P.O.V.

14 hours 52 minutes and 9 seconds.

14 hours 52 minutes and 8 seconds.

14 hours 52 minutes and 7 seconds.

14 hours 52 minutes and 6 seconds.

14 hours-

"Shut up already i hear you! Just leave me alone" Edward yelled from his my eyes i ignored him and continued with my obsessive counting. I cant believe he made us leave again after going through all that trouble to find Bella. It's not the trouble i'm complaining about it's the leaving part.

He unlike the last time didn't explain why we wanted to leave. All he said was quote, "She isn't who she says she is", What the hell does that mean? And know mister cranky panties is locked up in his room smashing things here and there. and let me tell ya. Esme isn't to happy about him smashing her 500 year old China.

"I said leave me alone!" he hollered. well get out of my fudging mind your butt-headed copper haired blood drinker human lover maggot! I absolutely hate him right now. And probably will forever. If he doesn't-

"Aw she's so cute!" A dark skinned lady in a black robe like dress walked over to were a man with a messenger at stood with a small pink bundle in his arms.

"Just like her mother" The man with the hat told her looking down at the bundle with love and adoration in hi eyes.

"Have you heard any new?" The woman asked looking at him worriedly and then back at the bundle.

The man just shook his head signaling 'No'. The woman gave him a grim smile before taking the bundle n her arms and rocking it gently. "Are you sure she'll be safe?" he asked worriedly.

"Do you not trust in nephew? Has your father brain washed you already?" A man suddenly came out of the shadows rapping his arms around the woman and looking down at the small bundle. "She looks like her" he mumbled.

"You are known for your.....back-stabbing. Are you not Hades?" The man in the hat asked.

Hades laughed and took the bundle in his arms. "You should know better Hermes, i would never hurt her. She....actually brought light into this hell hole."

"What about Cassie?" Hermes asked.

"Cassie will be pleased to have someone to play with. She's just 13 after all. What harm can she do? She already had to keep away from NICO" The woman sneered when she said 'Nico' as if she didn't like the boy.

"Persephone" Hades warned her.

"What! you can go around f*cking every thing that has a-" Persephone was accusing Hades in a loud voice throwing her hands up.

"Hey" Hermes tried to get their attention...but failed.

"-and me? i bring one single guy down here and you freak! And then you send Jonny to Tartarus! Your just like Zeus! He did that with Ixone! And poor Hera!" Persephone started jabbing him with a finger.

The Bag. Bring the bag.

"Alice? ALICE!" Someone was shaking my head furiously. i gasped and looked around. That was....strange? I've nerve seen a vision of the gods before. Maybe my gift is developing? i have to ask Carlisle about it. Is it even possible?

"Alice! What did you see?" Now paying attention i noticed that Jasper was franticly looking at me in worry. Not thinking about it twice i leaned up and pecked him in the lips softly before pulling back and smiling. What i'm pretty sure looked like i was Chester cat.

"I'm not sure but i know we have to go back" I confessed jumping of the sofa i was on and running into my room. i quickly got out a small carry on bag that i had stored in the back of the closet.

"Alice what are you doing? Who's bag is that?" Jasper asked rapping his arms around my waist. i set the bag on the bed.

"Bella left this, well i thought Bella had left this when she and Edward stayed over and i was saving it for her but now i'm not so sure" i mumbled fumbling with the zipper. Should i open it? Oh what the heck.

I opened the bag holding my breath. i let it out when i looked inside. Okay? Some jewelry and.... a Shakespeare book? Mid-Night Summer Dream to be correct. What the heck? "well this doesn't help at all" i mumbled. Looking through the jewelry.

"What did you expect to find?" Jasper asked looking at what i was fumbling with. It seemed like a pain silver ring to me. i took it out f the bag to look at it more closely and i saw that it had some initials carved in it. E.O. & A.O.. Who's that?

I gave the ring to Jasper and he seemed as confused as i was. Furrowing my eyebrows i pulled out a bracelet from the bag. It was in design of a snake. And the head opened up to be a watch. "Nice" i comment putting it on.

"We cant! That's why!" A man around his mid 20ies threw his hands up. He yelled frustrated at the young woman who was with him shedding silent tears. "Beth, don't cry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way, i want this as much as you do honey, you know that right?" He whispered to Beth lifting up her chin with he's hand.

She just solemnly nodded and looked away. "I know it's just...." She whispered trailing off.

"I know, I know. But here, take this as a last gift" The man gave her a velvet box. When she took she it opened it revealing the bracelet i put on. "I enchanted it with magic so that whoever wears it-"

"ALICE! Snap out of it! Come on!" Jasper was shaking me again. Aw, just when i got to the good stuff.

Quickly taking off the bracelet i threw it back in the bag. Did i just see that vision because i took the bracelet? Because it looked like the 30's in the vision. And i'm pretty sure people rant wearing that kind of clothes anymore.

"Alice? Honey what's wrong?" Jasper asked me.

"I just saw a vision.....well, i'm not to sure about WHAT it was. It's like a vision.....only in the past, when i put on the bracelet" i said looking up at him.

"We should tell Carlisle right away" he said quickly. He picked up the bag and looked back at me "Don ever do that again. It's freaking me out. Your eye's.....they were smoky gray like a blind persons are sometime's"

What! Oh no! i rushed to the mirror and was relived when i saw my regular golden eyes. i cant look like that. "Come one lets tell Carlisle" i said pulling him while walking down the stairs.

"Hey pixie, have fun up there?" Emmett asked raising an eyebrow and smiling at us suggestively.

"Yeah no really. I just had these crazy vision that i think are tied to Bella... I just don't know how" i told him walking past and into the kitchen to where Esme was drawing designs with Rosalie. "Where's Carlisle?" i asked looking around.

"Right here, dear" Carlisle's voice came from behind me. Turning around i went towards Edwards room door pulling it open. Carlisle was there with a very disturbed Edward. "You were looking for me?"

".....Yeah. I just had this weird vision. Well i think it was a vision" i said, replaying everything in my head. "And i don't know what to make of it"

"It's probably just 'Bella' and one of her boy-toys" Edward mumbled sitting on his couch. Boy-toy? It looked like it was the 20ies Bella wasn't even born by then.

"She was" he replied looking away.

"Edward what do you mean 'she was'? Bella's just 18 not 68" Carlisle said with amusement.

"She actually older that 68" O-kay? What wrong with Edward right now? Is he on crack? Can vampire's even go on crack? i should probably do an experiment.

"Edward, son do feel alright?" Carlisle, apparently thinking the same as me asked him.

"No Alice i'm not 'on crack'. 'Bella' isn't human" Edward growled at me. "What Luke said was true 'Bella's a goddess"

o-kay dokey. I think he needs to go to Dr. Phil.... Oh no maybe-

"Alice have you ever seen Bella as a baby?" Edward asked me.

"Yep" I said nodding my head. I saw a picture in Charlie's wall right next to.... a birth certificate that was from 1995. Oh no. Bella isn't 11 years old.

"Bella died when she was five" Someone said from behind. Turing around i saw a woman who looked very much like Annabeth. And i've only seen her once in my life. It was the goddess Athena.

"Lady Athena" Carlisle bowed down and i took suite. Edward just stared at her with emotionless eyes.

"You must under stand that she didn't want to cause any harm. But when you all left her in Washington she came back devastated and didn't want to talk to anyone not even her own father" Lady Athena explained. It took me some time to realize that she said Bella died when she was 5. And now she's talking about her like she's alive. This is just too confusing.

"Her name isn't Bella. I can not tell you her name because i believe she will want to tell you all herself. BUt as a mother i have to fight for my children like a mother bear s don't expect me to be in the side lines while she gets hurt. Either of them. And trust me being the goddess of wisdom when i saw stay away from them if you know whats good for you. I don't want you any where near them" Lady Athena continued. Her stone gaze fell upon the bag that Jasper held in his hands. I didn't even hear him come in.

"I believe that doesn't belong to you" Lady Athena said. The bag was suddenly out of Jaspers arms and into the goddess. After a few moments the carry-on bag transformed into a golden-wood chest. And then a golden light appeared. covering my eyes like i was taught in Camp i heard a sizzle and then it was dark.

"Well that was...eventful?" Carlisle said furrowing his eyebrows. "I need to go" He said quickly leaving.

"Leave me alone" Edward mumbled before ushering both me and Jasper out the door and shutting it.

Jas and just looked at each other knowing what to do. This cant happen again. We're going to get Bella back even if she really isn't Bella.

Beth (Bella) P.O.V.


June 18, 1209

"Fair maiden how beautiful are thy, for the stars in the sky have no comparison" Apollo walked forwards elegant as ever towards our un-suspecting prey. Stupid girl, thinking he is fey, pulled out iron and held it up defensibly.

Time to work my magic. "Liva, Liva my child he is not fey. But a suitable husband for ye" i whispered in her mind. I had to bit my lip to stop my urge to laugh out loud.

"Who is it that calls out my name? Spirits of the darkness?" Liva stood up from picking flowers and looked around, but refusing to look at Apollo.

"Of course not my child. Just your humble guardian who has brought you a man to wed" I whispered. Oh if she only knew. This one is going to be feisty i can sense it already. Good choice Apollo, good choice.

"Dear, for Liva is your name, is it not? i have traveled from the far horizon seeking your hand in marriage for a dream of fate i had of you my precious flower" Apollo said confidently. "When i arrived in this small town i knew right away that it is not fit for a queen like you, so i stopped at the Smith and asked for you, and he told me to leave because of thy's grandmother is a witch and certainly ye as well. But you my sweet flower i care not for what you are"

"Is it true then?" Liva smiled and looked at Apollo.

"As true as i am human my dear" Apollo took her hands in his and looked into her eyes. "We wed in the next light should we not? For true love like this is easily torn from the good" Liva nodded mesmerized by his smile.

Oh please, after this Apollo will just have another little toy for the dogs and then we'll have some fun. I know exactly what he will do next. Wed her. Take her virtue and have her with child. Leave her for a 'trip' and then come back when the child is almost born. Send her off to bring water or something and she'll catch us in the act when she comes back. It's always hilarious seeing their face's. Then they give birth and i come back as a 'mid-wife' and take the child from her. Simple, easy, and fast.

But this one. This one is going to be a tricky one since her grand-ma-ma is a witch they say. All more for the dare. i bet Aphro and Ares aren't as good at this as we are. She might be the goddess of love but she has no comparison to me. Even Ares admitted that while he was moaning my name.

And that's exactly what happened. That same evening they wed and Apollo took her off to a small cottage we had killed the owners so there wasn't anyone to be worried about. A few weeks later we found out she was with child and she was with joy. And so was i. A new demi-god to train was coming on the way. Of course they'll never know their mother but they wont need her. After all she's just human. two weeks after we found out she was with child Apollo fell in love with the king's daughter. Well as much love as someone could have with a pet anyway. That same week we found a perfect opportunity to leave. There was a war going on not far from the village and Apollo told her he was going of to protect his unborn child. Ha yeah right.

9 months away and we were back. Liva had a huge stomach, carrying a demi-god inside. But she didn't know. Her grandmother took care of her for her mother was deceased. When Apollo went back they both received him with wide arms. We consulted the oracle before he went back and she said that the child would be born May 15th. And a girl. As soon as she heard Artemis claimed her as a huntress when she became older. We agreed. Two days before the date Apollo sent her out to fetch some fresh baked bread he then called me as soon as she left. i had already come prepared. In my under garment and my hair a mess. When i arrived i tussled Apollo's hair playfully and straddled him kissing him lightly on the lips. At that same moment Liva came in the room and found us. Oops.

Liva left devastated. The day of the birth i put the mid-wife that was supposed to attend Liva to sleep and took her place. As soon as Liva saw me in the birthing room she threw a fit. But she had no choice since it was either me or her baby dead. As soon as the child was out Liva yearned to hold her."My child, please. Let me hold my child. My little Evie"

"Evie? I think you are confused. Her name shall be Valeria. Valeria Ann-Marie. Lera for short" i rocked Lera in my arms and looked at her lovingly. She had Apollo's blue eyes. But her mothers black raven hair. She could pass for my child. But Artemis has already claimed her.

"No! Give her to me! You have no power what-so-ever to name my child. She is mine not yours!" Liva yelled from the bed. She tried to get up but she was to weak.

"She'll make a great huntress" i said out loud. "Just like her auntie"

Liva seemed to take in my words and realize what i was. What Apollo was. "No! She will not be one of your Olympians slaves! She will not! If she serves for the gods let it be for Isis but not you!"

Me and Apollo made a discovery. What the towns people rumored were close. Her grandmother was no witch. But a magician from the Egyptians. Pathetic gods they are. But it was a stronger demi-god all the less. Magic and godly power in their veins. A perfect combination for a Lieutenant.

I left Liva, taking Lera in my arms wrapped around a thick ships wool blanket. I left Lera with Artemis soon after. But presenting her to Apollo first. When i came back to the town a year later with Lera, she ran off and fell in front of the one person i was avoiding. Livia's grandmother.

She did not recognize Lera at sight but once she saw me pic her up and carry her in my arms. She did.

"Filth. How dare you come back here. After what you did to my Liva" She accused me.

"Leave me alone witch. I have no business with you" I turned around and started walking towards the forest.

"I've learned your name, Ezabeth." She yelled after me. i turned around with a cocky smile on my face.

"Hows Livia doing? Oh yes i forgot she died and even Anubis shunned her from your underworld" i laughed at her face bouncing Lera onto my other arm. i swear if looks could kill -and if i was mortal - i would be dead right now with the glare she was throwing me.

"Ezabeth Ann-Marie of Olympus you will never find mortal nor immortal love ever. You will never be able to conceive a demi-god if your not both in love with out tricks. And since you seem found of Apollo then your love for each other will turn into hate each time you have imitate contact. That is my gift you" She told me in a loud and clear voice. Her regular brown eyes were bright vibrant green and i swear she was about two feet of the ground.

Lera started to cry and the wind picked up around me tussling my hair out of it's place. The sky rumbled and the earth shook. But i ignored it and looked at the old lady with pity. "I am immortal. And i will do what ever i please. Even if it means killing your last descendent" i told her laughing bouncing Lera again and raising an eyebrow at the old lady. Daring her to come forth.

She didn't. And i knew i won that battle. Or so i thought.







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