Roommates|| TNS-Jiley fan fic...

By jaidyn_the_awesome16

28.7K 659 118

Ms.Kate, owner of the next step has something bigger and better for A-troupe this year. When she wants to tak... More

Authors note
Chapter 1- new beginnings
Chapter 2- you have a sister
Chapter 3-shocked
Chapter 4- I didn't know
Chapter 5- it's all about her
Chapter 6- you know what's good for you
Chapter 7- you again
Chapter 8- surprise!
Chapter 9- you're a bad boy
Chapter 10- new rule
Chapter 11- can't help myself
Chapter 12- me or her
Chapter 13- getting down to business
Chapter 14-second chances
Chapter 15-pull it together
Chapter 16- take it or leave it
Chapter 17-on my mind
Chapter 18- i'll tell you the story
Chapter 19- special relationship
Chapter 20- strange
Chapter 21-know what you did before you speak
Chapter 22- someone new
Chapter 23- not offical...Yet
Chapter 24- Boys will be Boys
Chapter 25- this is only the begining
Chapter 26- blast to the past
Chapter 27- rival studio love
Chapter 28- i want more
Chapter 29- too good to be true
Chapter 30- true colors
Chapter 31- good team on the horizon
Chapter 32- tension
Chapter 33- bad decisions
Chapter 34- does the truth hurt more than a lie
Chapter 35- All because of you
Chapter 36- Out of my hands
Chapter 37- Blame me
Chapter 38 -bye bye love
Chapter 39- This is crazy
Chapter 40- so many things i didnt know
Chapter 41- broken hearted
Chapter 42- If your happy i'm happy
Chapter 43- I work solo
Chapter 44- Forever is a long time
Chapter 45- Team
Chapter 46- Sacrafice
Chapter 47- I'm a mess
Chapter 48- Talk it out
Chapter 49- In This together
Chapter 50- like old times
Chapter 51- party all night
Chapter 53- Play time is over

Chapter 52- Lost

365 9 0
By jaidyn_the_awesome16



"We are so close to internationals, only two weeks away!" Michelle screams in excitement.

A lot can happen in a month. See we have been working on our international's routines none stop! All of them look amazing and it's good to be back on track and focus on what really matters. We just need to clean up a little bit on some of the moves and we will be set to go to international's! The only thing I'm sad about it how Amanda won't be joining us on stage for any of the dances because she's an alternate. Ms.Kate announced who would be going on that exchange program and she picked Amanda but only to tell her she's going because she's going to be a back up or understudy for anyone who can't dance. Me and her both think it's unfair but Were not the owner of the studio. So yeah Amanda is in Sweden right now and she will be back I think in a couple of days. A girl named Ella came from England and she joined us for the exchange program. I was a bit skeptical about her at first but than we actually got pretty close. I wouldn't say we are best friends but we are friends.

I talked to Alfie the other day and he seems to be ok. He's pretty hyped about going to Miami but who isn't?

Overall the drama has been less of a problem but Emily is still a sassy Drama queen so that ain't changed much. Speaking of Emily, you're not going to believe this. She's an alternate as well! Man was she pissed when she found out.

Eldon, wells he's been Eldon. Just doing his own things and trying to better his dancing. School has been a pain but Im slowly getting through it. And last but not least I can't forget to talk about James and I. We've been a strong couple and by now everyone in studio A knows we are a thing. I'm pretty sure the whole universe knows. We actually went on this really nice date I think two weeks ago? It was interesting but overall very sweet and I enjoyed it.


"I'm so happy that that we have a four day long weekend" James says in excitement. We were sitting in the lounge wondering what we were going to do on this long weekend coming up. "We could go back to Toronto and hang out there for a couple days at my parents houses?" He suggested. "Or my house" i respond. "Or we could rent a hotel..?" He smirked at me and I smirked back "yeah with what money?"

"True" he sits back into his chair to think for a moment. "Well have any ideas? I really want to take you out somewhere. We've been here for months now working are butts off! so I want to go back to Toronto and do something for us" James admits. I didn't mind going back to Toronto especially with James. "So you want to take me on a date?" I raise an eyebrow hopping he would say yes.

"Yeah, it would be like our first 'non-official' official  date as us being a couple again"

"Okay I'm down. Let's start packing and then we will meet here around 2:30?" I suggest. "Sounds G!" He happily responds. "Oh and you are the one in charge for our date. So make it perfect!" I Giggle getting up from the table and slowly walking away.

It was a date!


"2:45 James, 2:45! And you are still not here" I talk to myself as I wait for James. I was all ready and packed to go just waiting by my car for James. Of course he was late.

Finally he arrived. "Come on! What took you so long?" He comes up to me with a picnic basket, a small Carry on bag filled with clothes and a granola bar in his hands. "I was hungry so I had to grab a quick road trip snack. I'm ready now" he smirks putting the stuff in the back. "Good thing you brought your car and you know how to drive because I can't. even if I new how to I don't have a car..." James spoke up as he swings around to the passenger side of my Little black car. "Oooh cozy" he smiles taking in the interior of my black bug. "So what's the picnic basic for?" I question, adjusting my mirrors and turning the car on.

"You'll see".

I have been driving for a good hour now when all of a sudden my car starts to become slower and slower. "No, no, no! This can't be happening" I shake my head, as I look at my dashboard. I pulling over and James just looks at me as soon as the car stops. "What just happened?" He asked a little bit nervous. "Um I think we should of filled up my tank before we left. I'm out of gas"

"Ah, yeah! What will we do now?" He asks leaning back in the seat. "Well we aren't far from school, let's just walk back" I am a about to get out when James grabs my arm. "Or we could phone someone" he says waving his phone in the air.

All of a sudden his face goes black. "Let me guess no bars?"

"No. it's dead. Try your phone" he suggests shoving his useless phone back into his pocket. "Okay I'll just dial up Amanda. She has a car, she's come pick us up" I pull out my phone and scroll through my contacts, until James once again stops me. "Riley we don't need to phone her just yet. Let's have some fun first"

"On the side of the road?!" I was shocked that james wanted to have sex in my car, out in the middle of no where. "No, not that kind of fun, not yet at least... save if for the hotel room"

"If we ever get there" Yeah me and James booked a hotel room. We both agreed it was more easy and romantic that way, plus we found a cheap one. Let's just get out and see if we can find a gas station. Take a little adventure or something" He states getting out of the car and opening the Trunk. "Fine" I follow grabbing my stuff too.
I still can't believe my baby Ran out of gas.

"i'm pretty sure I saw one a few kilometers back. We might get to one in like half an hour or so depending on the speed we walk at".

"Riley don't worry we will go find a gas station, get your car fixed and go on this little date of ours! And if all else fails than we will call up Amanda to come get us. It doesn't matter what I'm doing as long as I'm with you. Now we better get a move on it's going to be late pretty soon" James comments.


We've been walking for over an hour or so and there is no gas station around! I feel like every car that drives by us, people keep staring. "James I give up. My feet are sore and I want to just go on our date already. Can we please call up Amanda to give us a ride to Toronto? We can worry about my car later. Plus check in for our hotel can't go any later than 10:30" I say, huffing and siting down on a log. Some how we ended up in a forestry area. It was also getting late, dark and cold so that didn't help either. "10 more minutes? We'll find it riles" James convinces. I couldn't help but just go along with it. We walk some more until we come upon something strange. Something we didn't except to see. "What the hell is this?" James says as we both stop, looking oddly confused. We place are bags down and take in every little detail that we see around us. "A broken down and abandon amusement park? Wh-what?" I stutter trying to puzzle the pieces together. "Yup that's exactly what it is. This is honestly..." he pause for a moment "so cool!" He continues, smiling and slowly walking around. I stand there trying to wrap my head around all this. "Okay James we really need to go now. No more wondering around" I walk over to my bed to pick it up and when I turn around James was gone.

Oh great.

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