Have We Met? (a George Weasle...

By mrsgeorgeweasley

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meet Nevaeh just a normal average 17 yr old right. well your wrong Nevaeh is more than an average 17 year old... More

Have We Met? (a George Weasley Love Story)
Welcome To Hogwarts (Chapter 2)
Detention (Chapter 3)
First Task (Chapter 4)
The Yule Ball (Chapter 5)
Hungover at Christmas (Chapter 6)
Second Task (Chapter 7)
The Prank (Chapter 8)
The Date (Chapter 9)
Third Task (Chapter 10)
Going Home (Chapter 11)
Summer Part 1 (Chapter 12)
Summer Part 2 (Chapter 13)
Back to Hogwarts (Chapter 14)
Detention Again (Chapter 15)
Packing for Home (Chapter 16)
it's Been a While (Chapter 17)
Diagon Alley (Chapter 18)
Back Again (Chapter 19)
This Has Gone Too Far (Chpater 20)
DA meeting (Chapter 21)
Gray Manor (Chapter 23)
The Malfoy's New Year's Eve Ball (Chapter 24)
Surprise (Chapter 25)
Quick Note
Birthday (Chapter 26)

Disater at Christmas (Chapter 22)

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By mrsgeorgeweasley

The following characters I portray are only Nevaeh and the Lynch family. Everybody else belongs to J.K.Rowling, snowball420, katie7 and leahjanex

Enjoy the story :)


"So Harry what was it like...."

"Yeah Harry spill the beans" I sighed and rolled my eyes. Harry has just walked into the common room and already Fred and George were on to him wanting to know every single detail that had just happened between him and Cho.

"Guys let him sit down first" I said as Harry smiled weakly before he walked over to the fireplace and sat down in front of it.

"Hey Hermione, Ron Harry's back" Fred shouted up the staircase as me and George walked over to the red leather settee and sat down. Soon enough Ron and Hermione were both down the stairs panting and were walking towards the settee.

"Well we all can't fit on there can we" Fred asked as he smirked towards me. I sighed and stood up and sat down on the floor opposite Harry as Fred smiled cheerily to himself and sat down on the settee.

"You owe me Fred Weasley" I said as I felt George stir on the settee above me and sit down next to me, wrapping his right arm around my waist.

"So...how was it?" Ron asked as Harry circled round to face us.

"How was what?" Harry asked making Hermione groan.

"Honestly Harry.... what happened between you and Cho when we left?" Hermione asked as Harry smiled lightly to himself before facing us again.

"Oh right well we were talking...."

"Harry how did the kiss go?" I asked making Harry look at me shocked.

"Please it's written all over your face" I said as everyone nodded their heads.

"Fine well the kiss was....wet....she was crying at the time" Harry said as Ron chuckled along with Fred and George.

"That bad at it are you?" Ron said making him earn a glare and a slap of Hermione. Fred soon shut up once he looked at Hermione which only left George chuckling, but he soon shut up when I elbowed him in the side.

"What was that for?" George asked clutching his left hand to his side. I was about to speak but Hermione soon cut me off.

"I'm sure Harry's kissing was more than satisfactory" Hermione stated as Harry smiled and nodded his head in agreement making Ron chuckle again.

"Cho spends half her time crying these days whether it be in her common room or the girls toilets" I said as I remembered times that I would walk into the girls toilets and sure enough Cho would be sat in a cubicle crying to herself.

"Yeah but you would think a bit of snogging would cheer her up" Fred spoke up making me turn to glare at him.

"Don’t you understand how she must be feeling? She obviously sad about Cedric and therefore confused about liking Harry, probably guilty about kissing him, conflicted because Umbridge is threatening to sack her mum from the ministry and frightened because of her worrying about everything else" Hermione said as I turned back round to face Harry sighing lightly. It was true Cho really did have all those feelings zooming around inside of her and the scariest part of hearing all of that was that Hermione was exactly right. She seemed to know every single feeling and emotion that ran through Cho's entire body and yet she wasn't at all bothered about it. Ron soon broke the silence between us all by laughing loudly.

"What one person couldn't feel all that. They'd explode" Ron said as I turned round to face him un-amused.

"Just because you have the emotional range of a tea spoon Ron doesn't mean everybody else has" I said making Ron soon stop laughing to look at me. Suddenly I felt George chuckle next to me which then started Fred, who was followed by Harry and Ron and then Hermione and me.

Soon after our mini laughing fit we continued to talk a bit more about the DA meetings and what we should learn. As we spoke I yawned lightly and rested my head on George as he spoke about some simple defensive spells Arthur taught him to do if he was ever in trouble. As we listened the clock on the wall behind us began to chime, I turned around to look at the clock to read that it was only 8:00pm. Soon everyone turned to look at the time and we all agreed to go down to the great hall to get something to eat.

Once we got down there we could see that it was quite crowded and food was already on the tables. We sat down on the Gryffindor table and I soon began to tuck into the food. Jane and Ashley soon came and sat with us whilst Leah sat with Draco. As I looked over at Leah I could see that both she and Draco were unhappy with each other's company and I couldn't work out why. I sighed at the two and continued eating as the night went slowly on.


"Mr Weasley get up" I heard a quiet hurried voice say as George groaned behind me before he snuggled closer to me. The person sighed and began to push George lightly making me groan as I felt the bed move slowly.

"Fred go away" I groaned as the person soon stopped pushing.

"Miss Lynch may I ask what do you think you are doing sleeping in the Gryffindor boys dormitory with Mr Weasley?" my eyes shot open as I slowly sat up to see professor Mcgonagall staring at me. The lantern flickered slightly next to her showing half of her face as I gulped and hit George on his toned chest.

"Owww was that necessary vay?" George grumbled as he opened his eyes to look at me. He sat up confused by why I was looking so shocked until professor Mcgonagall spoke.

"Ahhhhh your awake Mr Weasley now could you please come with me it's an emergency" she said as she gestured for George to get out of bed as she soon walked over to wake Fred up.

"What time is it?" I yawned as George shrugged and got out of bed, placing his shirt and slippers on.

"Dunno but I'll be back in a minute" he said as he turned round to face me. I smiled as he placed a piece of my hair behind my ear before he leaned in to kiss me, until professor Mcgonagall coughed making we both jump away from each other.

"Now is not the time to be sharing romantic gestures" she said hurriedly as she pulled on George's arm and pushed him out the door. George waved as professor Mcgonagall soon came back in to collect Fred making me chuckle before I waved back.

"See you in a bit" I called out as George nodded his head before he shut the door and departed with the others. I rolled my eyes and soon lay back down and eventually got back to sleep after I chucked both my slippers at Lee to shut him up snoring.


I woke up the next morning and smiled. As I stretched my arms out I felt a cold space next to me which made me pull my hand away from the sudden coldness. My eyes opened fully as I looked at the space next to me to see that it was bare. I sat up quietly hoping to hear some movement and my eyes went straight to Fred’s bed, hoping to see the quilt bob up and down lightly.

"Oh morning vay" I heard Lee say as he walked out of the bathroom with his toothbrush in his mouth. My eyes switched to face him and I smiled as he picked up his clothes and returned back to the bathroom.

"I'll be out in a sec" Lee shouted through the door as I heard the tap running in the background.

"Take your time" I shouted back before I slowly got out of bed and picked up my clothes that were on top of George's trunk.

"Hey Lee do you know if the twins have gone to breakfast or something?" I asked as Lee walked through the bathroom door straightening his tie.

"Sorry what did you say vay" Lee looked up at me curiously as I smiled and shook my head.

"Don’t worry about it" I said as I made my way towards the bathroom and shut the door behind me.


It was now noon and there was still no sign of the twins. I sighed as I sat in charms next to Leah and began to think of ideas that could have happened to them. Leah looked over at me and rolled her eyes as she began to take brief notes about our lesson since I wasn't really paying attention to what professor Filtwick was saying.

"Nevaeh here's a tip. If you don't like the lesson at least look like you're interested, that way Filtwick will be less likely to pick you to answer a question" Leah said as she budged me with her shoulder just as professor Filtwick began searching the room trying to find someone who wasn't paying close attention. In the corner of my eye I could see professor Filtwick move in my direction which made me quickly look away from Leah and stare at his large collection of charm book's behind him. Professor Filtwick soon continued searching the room as I let out a sigh of relief making Leah again roll her eyes at me.

"So I didn't see George at breakfast today or Fred, in fact I didn't see any of the Weasley clan like I normally do. Is something wrong?" Leah asked me as I turned to face her again confused. Something must have happened last night if Ron and Ginny are nowhere to be seen too.

"um I don't know he was with me last night and then some time while we were sleeping professor Mcgonagall came in and was like 'oh Mr Weasley come with me please you to Mr Weasley' and yeah that's the last I saw of them" I said sighing lightly as Leah pursed her lips together.

"Must be big" I nodded my head just as the bell went. I soon picked up my things and placed them into my bag before walking with Leah towards the great hall to meet up with Jane and Ashley.

As we got there Jane and Ashley were both already sat down and were gesturing for us to come over.

"Hey guys" I said as I sat down next to Leah who smiled at Jane and stared at Ashley. Ashley shrugged it off and smiled back at Leah before she faced me.

"Hey how was charms?" Jane asked as she soon pulled out a green cased book and slapped it down onto the table.

"It was good how was potions?" Jane looked up at me and groaned. Even though Jane was the brightest witch of our age she despised potions with a passion.

"It was great Snape gave us all 5 points for brewing an excellent potion" Ashley said smiling as Jane faced me and shook her head.

"She means Slytherin got 5 points Ravenclaw got none" I chuckled as Jane opened the book and began to read. I picked up a cheese sandwich and was about to tuck into it when Draco suddenly appeared looking very annoyed.

"Leah, father would like to know who are you bringing to the New Year’s Eve ball?"

"Hi Draco and you can tell Lucius that I'm bringing...Nevaeh" I froze looking at Leah. What's happening I wondered as Draco groaned lightly before he faced me?

"Nevaeh it seems that Leah has invited you to the Malfoy’s annual new year’s eve ball. If you wish to accept please arrive promptly at malfoy manor at 7:30pm so that we can start the evening off" I peered round Draco to see Leah was nodding her head like mad before I faced Draco and smiled.

"Why thank you Draco I would love to come. I will see you then..." I began to say but Draco suddenly cut me off.

"it is tradition at the Malfoy’s new year’s eve ball to wear the house colours of your farther house from being at Hogwarts" I nodded my head as I took a bite from my sandwich before Draco faced Leah again.

"Leah father has asked me could I escort you to the Malfoy’s evening ball" Leah looked at Draco confused before she nodded her head.

"Draco I thought we were going together anyway?"

"Yes well father wanted me to ask none the less"

"Um Draco do I need a date?" I asked confused as Draco sighed.

"Well you don't have to have one but its best you do so that you don't look stupid and people do talk at the New Year’s Eve ball" Leah said encouragingly making me smile lightly.

"Let me guess you’re going to bring the weasel twin?" Draco said sounding board from the conversation.

"Draco I said don’t call him that and yes I am bringing George, after all you did say anyone" Draco chuckled sarcastically before he kissed Leah on the cheek and faced me again.

"Yes well don't blame me if your weasel boyfriend is the highlight of the evening" and with that Draco stormed off leaving me to ponder on his comment.

"Oh that boy gives me the creeps" Jane said shuddering.

"Nevaeh!" I heard Hermione shout as she ran towards me trying not to bump into people. A worried look was spread across her face once she got to me making me confused.

"What’s wrong Hermione?" Hermione landed for breath and clutched the table for support before she looked up at me and began to speak.

"It’s Arthur" Hermione panted before I stood up and dragged her away from the table and out of people's eye view.

"What happened?" I asked and slowly Hermione began to tell me how Harry had a dream of Arthur getting attacked, which made him inform Dumbledore who then informed the ministry only to find out that Arthur had indeed been attacked. From this the twins, Ron and Ginny were sent home to see him and their mum to spend some time with him.

"Is he going to be ok?" I asked as Hermione nodded her head allowing me to relax slowly.

"Yeah luckily. apparently they found him at the right time if they left it any longer he would of been...dead" I pulled Hermione into a hug before sighing deeply as I thought about the whole Weasley family and what they were going through.


Time at Hogwarts seemed to past quite quickly after that moment as it was soon time for us to go home. As I packed the last remaining items in my trunk, Leah was trying to put Silk back into her cage but was failing each time. I chuckled as Petal came flying through the open window from her last flight until we got home and landed into her cage squeaking happily. I shut the door and saw Leah glaring at me before she grabbed Silk by the scruff of her neck and placed her down into her cage and locking it quickly.

"We ready?" I asked as Leah picked up Silks cage and her trunk and nodded.

"As I'll ever be" I chuckled and picked up Petal's cage and my own trunk and we made our way down the steps of the Hufflepuff common room and out towards the train.

Once we got there we left our trunks with the others outside for Filch to put back on the train and carried Petal and Silk on with us and began searching for an empty compartment.

Once we found one we were soon joined by Hermione, Luna, Dean (who insisted on sitting by me), Jane, Ashley, Seamus and Harry. The train ride home was quite silent to how it normally was since we didn't have Ron silly comments and the twin’s outrageous new products they wanted to test and not forgetting Ginny’s yelling at them. As the view outside changed to trees and fields covered in new snow it wasn't long till the silence broke and that was when Seamus decided to play an extreme version of exploding snaps with his own rules on the game which I won't explain as its confusing and I still don't understand it now.


We arrived in London late that evening and as we all departed the train I picked up Petal's cage and followed after Leah to pick up my trunk.

"Now Nevaeh you must visit me this Christmas you can see my house I'll owl you ok" Leah said smiling before she pulled me into a hug.

"Ok I can't wait to see the Gray’s house" I said as Leah held me at arm’s length staring un-amused.

"Don’t take the piss Nevaeh our house is pretty scary if you never been there before" and with that Leah smiled one and picked up her trunk making me gulp nervously.

"I wasn't taking the piss" I muttered lightly as I picked up my trunk and we made our way towards our parents who were surprisingly stood next to each other. I could see both our dads were annoyed by each other’s presence whilst our mum were happily chatting away and Morgan.... well Morgan was just being Morgan and by that I mean she was holding both mine and Leah dad's hand trying to jump with them.

"daddy, Mr Gray I want to jump you need to move your hands and arms to help me swing" I heard Morgan say loudly making me roll my eyes as Leah stifled a laugh that nearly escaped her lips. Slade looked down at Morgan and glared before he looked back up to see me and Leah.

"Leah your here" Slade cried and he tried to let go of Morgans hand but failed.

"Morgan let go of Mr Gray's hand please" my mum asked as Morgan sighed and let it go making Slade nearly jump for joy before he refrained himself since people were now looking. Slade walked over and embraced Leah into a hug as I walked over to dad to hug him.

"Well it was nice talking to you Úna but we've got to go now but I hope to see you soon" Nicole said and with that she intertwined her hand with Slade ,who was holding Leah's trunk, and Leah's and apparated them away.

"Hi honey how was Hogwarts?" mum asked as she pulled me into a hug whilst dad picked up my trunk.

"it was good thanks mum so are we apparating as well?" mum shook her head and nodded towards Morgan who had her hand through Petal's cage and was stroking her.

"Morgan insisted daddy drive here the muggle way" I looked at mum confused as she shrugged and we began to walk back through the entrance wall to Kingscross station.

"She’s been watching Mary Poppins again" mum said as we made it to our silver ford car that mum used for shopping since she can't apparate in public.

As we drove home Morgan spoke non-stop about what she got up to when I left for Hogwarts. I smiled and nodded my head enthusiastically as she began to explain the long story of how she found an injured dove and restored it back to health before she let free. I looked over at mum who shook her head smiling lightly as Morgan's story before she spoke to dad.

As the evening went on we didn't arrive home until about 11:00pm. I smiled as we drove into our drive whilst petal squealed with delight making Morgan wake up suddenly. As the car slowly came to a stop Morgan whipped off her seatbelt and grabbed Petal's cage ready to open the door and run into the house.

"Slow down Morgan" mum shouted as the car came to halt and Morgan pushed open the car door forcefully and running out towards the house. I chuckled lightly as I slid over the car seats and got out Morgan's side and shut the door before grabbing my trunk from the back of the car. I slowly began to walk over towards Morgan and mum, who was opening the door, and made my way through the oak wooden door and into the hallway.

"mum I'm just going to take my stuff up call me if you want me" I shouted as I heard mum faintly reply a 'yes' before I made my way upstairs with my trunk since I wasn't going to be getting Petal back anytime soon.

As soon as I opened the doors to my room I immediately dropped my trunk and dived for my bed, smiling as my face made contact with the soft plush pillow I owned. Soon enough I began to feel my eyelids go heavy and I soon fell asleep smiling to myself.


Well I hope you like it guys. Sorry it’s taken me so long I’ve been busy with work and Christmas and the usual suspects. I’ve tried to make this a long as I won’t be uploading as much since I will have more college assignments to do (speaking of which I should be doing one now)

Im sorry if this chapter a bit crap because I personally thinks it is but the next chapter I promise will be better since Im planning on more to happen like Nevaeh finally visiting the well-known Gray house (which Im quite excited to write about as Ruben will be back yay :D)

Vote/Comment/Like and ill upload soon until then have a great day :)

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