Always With Me |Sakura Haruno...

By _Crimson_Moon_

14.7K 676 98

Go read the re-write of this Story! Its 'The blossoms curse' More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
A/N Gomen!
Made up decision! A/N
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Note!!! Please read
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Help ;-;

Chapter 28

116 8 1
By _Crimson_Moon_

It seemed extremely cold in the carriage without the Prince.  He's always had a warm aura around him...Comforting I would say. The carriage hit a bump, causing me to hit my head on the window. "Ouch." I rubbed my head in comfort.

The carriage came to a sudden stop in front of the castle. I looked at all the people going into the castle. The women wore beautiful dresses while the men wore normal suits, like my dad used to wear.

Sadness washed through me, but went away quick when I felt something tug on my dress. I looked back to see a guard. "A-ah! My apologies Lady Sakura, b-but the Prince requested to see you, if you'll follow me please." He lead me back around to a different entrance and I saw the Prince there. "Forgive me for not picking you up. I had some business to attend to before the ball, and the butlers and maids held me back!" He frantically told me.

I giggled. "It's alright." He smiled and the guilt withered away from his eyes. "Now, lets go, shall we?" He held his hand out and I took it. "You look stunning tonight, Sakura-chan." He said. I blushed.

"Not to bad yourself Yosei-kun." I replied. He grinned sheepishly. We walked through the corridors of the castle and ended up on top of a large staircase. I looked down and saw all the people attending the ball. It was all good, until I looked a little closer at the people below.

"Huh...?" My eyes widened. There were the Uchiha's! A-and the Uzumaki's! What the hell are they doing here?! How did they get here?!

Panic erupted through me. "U-um...Yosei-kun...How did they get here?" I pointed to the large group of people. "Ah we invite large clans, powerful, because well they're famous and better protection if anyone attacks." He replied.

My eye twitched as I sweat dropped. "You can't be serious, I thought when I left Konoha, I wouldn't have to see them as much but I guess...Its fate...We were all meant to be together." I mumbled.

He held my hand as the band and orchestra suddenly stopped playing. In the middle of the railings, there was a balcony that the King and Queen stood on with warm smiles.

"Welcome to our annual ball! I'm so glad all of ou made it this year!" The Queen said cheerfully. The King nodded. "Yes thank you all for coming. I hope you all enjoy! But before we start I would like to introduce our first son!" Yoseis' younger brother waved at the crowed.

"Our lovely daughter." She was led down the other stair case with a man. "And last but not least, our Prince, soon to be King, Prince Yosei!" Everyone's eyes averted to us. Yosei squeezed my hand, then we hooked arms and walked down the beautiful staircase.

Everyone clapped, but I felt eyes burning into me. I looked over and saw Sasuke and Naruto staring at me with...Awe...?

We reached the bottom and the music started up again. Everyone found their partners, and started doing a slow waltz. "Care for a dance?" Yosei offered. I smiled and nodded. We started waltzing to the beat of the music.

It was nice. He was warm and the atmosphere was calm. It was lovely. It was like a fairy tale. I looked up at Yosei and smiled warmly. "Thank you for inviting me here. Its like a dream come true." He smiled at me and nodded.

"Anything for my princess." I blushed at his comment, but brushed it off. We kept on dancing until the song ended. He still held on my hand, which caused me to make my ears go red. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to only see. . .Sasuke.

He had a light pink dusting his cheeks. 'He's...He's kinda cute.' I thought to myself. He looked me in the eye. "Sakura-san. May I have this dance?" When he said that the music started and I took my hand.

We danced put as I twirled around I saw some people glare at us. Even Yosei. Awe. How cute. Their jealous. I smiled at Sasuke and we kept on dancing until the song ended. I curtsied. "Thank you for the dance." He nodded and walked to his family to only be scolded at by others. I looked around and saw Fugaku-sama with Mikoto-san. They were in the moment. It was to sweet.

'I wanna have a relationship like that when I grow up!' I admired the loving couple. As I was gawking at the dancing couple, I felt another tap on my shoulder. I groaned and turned around. "Yes?" Yosei took my hand suddenly and pulled me away from the large crowd.

We were at the royal table, where the King, Queen, young prince, the princess and her date, Yosei-kun, and I sat. It was a very...Beautiful. I've never been able to actually sit with my family to have a nice dinner...Buts thats a different story.

"Ahem." The king tapped his cup, cutting of the music and everyone's dancing. "It has been an honor to have the highest clans visiting our small kingdom." He smiled.

'Small my ass.' I mentally snarled. He continued on his speak, but since I'm me, I zoned out. "Enjoy!" The kings voiced boomed. Everyone started eating the delicious feast, but for some reason, thinking about my family makes me loose my appetite.

I felt and elbow gently touch me. "You ok Sakura-chan?" Yosei worried. I nodded.

"Yes, just not hungry."

I just had this bad feeling, that's all.


I am honestly a piece of poop ._. I said I would update like once a week and I never did. I've been more busier than I expected and honestly I just want school to end already, but anyways I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and if you did:

Drop a vote and comment what you think!!!

Bye bye~! - Crim-chan~

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