Moonlight Tempest (Completed)

By DrWhomever101

307 11 2

Kari was a soldier. She was a fighter, and she was pretty good too. She has won many battles. She's strong... More

When The Light Was Taken Away...
The Start
The Rehersal Dinner
The Intruders
The BadLands
A Rush of Adventure
The Counterpart
The Boy Who Waited
The Long Walk
Some New Friends And Some Old Friends
The Reunion
Back To The 'Normal' Rhythm
To Be Or Not To Be?
If You Wanna Call This A Date, Be My Guest
Unexpected Enemy
First Encounter
She's Baaaack
Am I Strong Enough?
The Message
The Report
The First Mission
The Casualty
The Choice
The Prisoner
Surprise, Surprise
The Reality
Don't Ask, Don't Tell
The Boss
The Duel
Emotionally Unstable
His First Kill
The Assassination Attempt
The Help
The Rescue
Burnin' Up
The Invasion
The Serenity Castle
The Plan
A Day In The Life...
The Search
The Kids Are Alright
Together Again
Live Bait
Fight, If You Can
The Truth Often Hurts
The End...
...And Also The Beginning


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By DrWhomever101

Chapter 48

Anya stood up and laughed.

"Oh, man. It feels good to be back!" Anya said to Melanie.

"Good, now we can leave." Melanie said.

Leon couldn't believe it.

Anya was gone.

He didn't help her.

How could he be so weak? Anya trusted him to protect her and he couldn't!

"Are you coming or what?" Ryuu suddenly said, snapping Leon out of his thoughts. Ryuu directed the question to Ndar.

"Give me a minute here!" Ndar was currently standing over his Familiar's unmoving body."Why isn't he getting up? Grynnion!"

Leon looked over at Sam. There was something small burning next to him on the ground.

Leon saw his father stand next to Sam. "It seems as though you lost your pet. Ready to give up yet?"

Ndar looked at Roger with fury. "You think this is it??" Ndar laughed. "You haven't even seem my trump card yet!"

Leon glanced over at his other friends. Kevin was trying to talk to Melanie, but to no avail.

"Mel don't do this!" Kevin pleaded. "There's still a chance to walk away from this-"

Melanie put up her hand, stopping him.

"You don't know who you're talking to! She's the most important Hunter! Right after the Master of course!" Anya said scowling.

"Anya." Anya glanced towards Freddy, who held her out arms. "Come back to us. We can cure you." Freddy said calmly. "We can help you."

"Help me? With what?"

"With the Dark Magic inside you. We can take it away. You don't have to be scared."

"What are you saying? Are you saying that I'm sick? That I have some kind of disease?"

"We can help-"

Leon watched as Anya raised her gun but turned away when she shot Freddy. He didn't want to see... He didn't want to see the reality before him. He knew Anya went for the kill shot...

Right between the eyes.

He heard Freddy's body fall to the ground.

"Oh my God!!! Freddy!" His friends exclaimed.

"The Master gave me this Magic. He blessed me with it. Anyone else got a problem?" Anya said coldly.

Leon heard loud growling and two other shots from Anya. Then a few more.

"Why did you shoot them both?" Melanie asked.

"She belonged to the dark haired one. And he would definitely try to kill me. So, I took the liberty and killed him first." Leon knew she had shot Alphonse. He looked over at where Alphonse now lay.

And to his horror, he saw Tom lying a few feet from him. Both in growing pools of blood. "As for Tomas..." Anya stopped as if she was at a loss for words.

"He served his purpose." Melanie said. "He observed the specimen and even lead us to more samples."

Anya laughed. "Now they're dead! That saves us time later."

'Oh no...' Leon swallowed back tears. He didn't want to think about what Melanie had just said about Tom...

"Can we leave now? I do have other things to do." Ryuu said impatiently.

"Zing? Hey, Zing!" Shela shouted tearfully at Zing. Leon turned to see Zing holding his head. He started to scream in agony. "What's happening to him?"

"He's becoming... He's becoming an Alpha!" Dre shouted. "This is bad!"

"An Alpha!" Anya laughed Leon couldn't help but look at her. 'It's as if she's another person'. He thought solemnly. "Not on my watch!" She pointed one of her guns at Zing.

"Anya." Melanie motioned for Anya to put her gun down. Anya did so, albeit reluctantly. "Ndar. Will you join us in our departure?" Melanie asked the Wizard.

"Please excuse me, madam. I must squash these unsightly bugs."

"Alright." Melanie put her hand up.

"Finally." Ryuu said.

A black circle opened up under them and they sunk into it.

Leon started to fade into unconsciousness, but he could have sworn he saw Kevin jump into the circle.

Leon rubbed his eyes to clear up his vision, but it was too late. The circle closed, leaving no trace.

"Kevin!" Milo shouted, confirming what Leon had seen.

"Now that she's gone, I don't have to hold back!" Ndar's hands became claws.

Leon turned to look as Ndar's body contorted, he was bending and twisting, all the while he had green fur growing all over. He had pointy ears growing out of his head and six tails all flailing about. His teeth grew sharp and his eyes went black. 'He's a cat Demon?'

"Do you know why I am called 'Demon Tamer'? It is because Demons do my bidding. They have no choice however, since it is my birthright." Ndar's voice had deepened.

"Your... Birthright?" Roger questioned.

"I am the son of the King of Demons Jehennam." Ndar laughed. "And I will tear you apart." Ndar lunged at Roger who gracefully dodged.

"I always thought you were devilish. Now it makes sense." Ndar brought a claw down at Roger but he dodged again. Leon watched in awe of his father's graceful way of evading Ndar's attacks.

Roger put up his fists and he punched Ndar in the jaw. Ndar laughed and countered with a few jabs of his own. Roger was able to dodge them, but only narrowly. Roger kept up the barrage of punches. His movements reminded Leon of a boxer.

"Is that all you got??!" Ndar hissed. Roger kicked Ndar in the ribs, taking the breath out of him. Seeing an opening, Roger punched him some more.

Ndar grabbed Roger's leg as he kicked out and sent Roger flying backwards. Roger landed on his feet wincing. Ndar's claws left him with deep wounds on his ankle. He stood ready to charge again.

"Pathetic-" Ndar was cut off mid sentence by a large beast pouncing onto him.

Leon looked saw that it was a big brown Wolf that had jumped onto the unsuspecting Ndar.

But this was no ordinary Wolf... It was sort of humanoid in shape, standing on its hind legs, with glowing red eyes and three tails. (Leon wondered about that... Ndar possesed multiple tails as well...) It's claws and teeth were incredibly sharp. Leon shivered at it's deadly aura.

"Who is that?" Roger exclaimed.

"No, Zing! Stop!" Shela cried as she slowly approached the beast.

'Wait... WHAT!!' Leon couldn't believe that that Wolf, that beast was gentle Zing.

Zing growled loudly and begun to tear into Ndar as if he were a pillow. Ndar tried to fight back, but even from this distance, Leon knew Zing was exponentially stronger than him.

'This is bad! If he doesn't stop... Ndar will be killed! He's our only lead in finding Kari!!' Leon tried to get up, but his pain kept him from getting up quickly.

Eventually, he stood up onto his unsteady feet. Leon tried to focus on staying up, but when the ground starts glowing a dark blue color, it's hard to focus on anything.


Suddenly, the ground began to violently shake. All his friends fell onto their knees.

Leon found himself on the floor again, his pain increasing as the ground shook.

Leon then found himself weightless as the ground below him opened up.

He fell onto solid ground after falling a few yards down. He landed on his stomach, knocking the wind from his lungs. Pain jilted up his spine. He felt his consciousness slip away again.

'No!! I can't pass out! Not yet!'

He shook his head while trying to focus. He sat on his knees and looked around. There were rocks sticking up high into the air and deep crevices near him.

'How am I going to get out?' Leon searched for something, anything to help him. He looked and looked until he saw it in the distance.

'Immortal Slayer!' His sword was on a rock a few feet from himself. He had almost no strength left to stand, so he started to drag his weakened body towards his sword.

After several long, strenuous minutes, he finally made it to his sword. He reached out and touched it.

The sword responded to him by glowing its normal black color, only weakly. Leon lifted himself into a seated position. He gritted his teeth in pain.

He put his sword carefully back into it's sheath.

As he was doing so, he saw something else...


Leon slowly crawled over to it. "Why would Ryuu leave you...?" He reached out hesitantly.

He was afraid of what might happen if he touched the white sword. Would it even let Leon touch it? Even as fear coursed though him, he touched it nonetheless.

It quivered under his touch. Leon felt a warm feeling spread all over his body. The sword started to glow white and, to Leon's surprise, Immortal Slayer responded by glowing back.

Leon's pain melted away, and he knew him and his sword were healed of their injuries.

'Is... Is Archangel doing this? But why? Weren't these two swords destined to destroy each other?'

Archangel quivered again giving Leon his answer.

'Sister blades... They weren't meant to fight... They weren't meant to destroy each other! Instead... They were meant to... They were meant to balance each other.' Leon felt his mind become calm. Archangel was taking Leon and Immortal Slayer's pain away. 'They were meant to be together.'

At once, Leon felt all his strength come back to him and he stood up. 'I'm okay now... I have to help everyone!'

He used his Wind Magic to aid him in jumping out of the crevice.

He landed softly on the normal ground and saw some of his friends standing over Freddy's body. He looked over at Sam, who was on his knees. He had a blank look on his face and tears on his cheeks. Milo was holding him and crying.

He looked over at Roger standing over Ndar's limp body. Leon could tell he wasn't dead, but was dangerously close. Roger put some Xerinstone handcuffs on him.

A few feet from them Zing lay, covered in green blood. A distance from Zing was Alphonse and Tom.

Anya had killed Freddy and Alphonse for no reason... And Leon could tell from how Melanie spoke about Tom that he was a traitor.

Leon knew then that he wouldn't get Anya back. His friends would never forgive her for what she's done. Anya was gone forever. His friends wouldn't let Anya live after this, after she'd killed Alphonse, Freddy and Tom in cold blood, that's for sure.

'What did Melanie mean when she said that Tom had served his purpose?' Leon shook his head.

Hell, she would have killed them all if not... If not for Melanie.

Leon shook his head again. Melanie might have stopped Anya from killing the rest of them, but she didn't stop Anya from killing those three.

For Leon, that still meant she's evil. She was the one who corrupted Anya in the first place. Whatever Kevin was trying to do, it wouldn't work. He just made his own death more inevitable.

Leon won't have anymore of his friends die though. He would save them. Even try to save Kevin if he could.

He would do it.


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