The Ulti-Mate Revenge

By Vanicao

74.1K 2.9K 204

When an unconscious teenage boy is found in the woods Rebecca Jerome, the daughter of the Alpha of the Full M... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Final Chapter Part 40

Part 18

1.5K 60 0
By Vanicao

Blade POV

I rushed to toilets and saw Noira on the ground along with Chris. I checked Noira, she was still breathing but badly injured. It was clear that Chris was dead. He had been a good warrior.

'Take them to the vehicle.' I looked around but there was no sign of Becca. I saw blood on the pavement and smelt it. It was hers. She was injured. I stood up and looked towards the woods; her blood would lead me to her. I was angry at how we got ambushed so easily. I stood for a second to gather my thoughts. It seems this was a planned attack and that they had been following us. Were they simple rogues looking for some money or was Becca their target?

'Call the warriors in!' I commanded. I needed to find her. She was mine.... not anyone else's. She was my mate and I I needed her back!

We have to find her. My wolf cried.

We will. I responded.

Let's go! He screamed as I shifted and dashed into the woods after my mate.

We run through the woods following Becca's scent. The rogues who had taken her had gone far pretty quickly, they were skilled. They had to be paid hunters. We came to a clearing in the woods which was near a river. The scent had stopped there. They appeared to have crossed the river and I called my men in and we planned the next step.

Becca POV

'Let me go you buffoons!' I was kicking at the two guards who held me.

'Do you know who I am, you are all dead!' I screamed.

'My father will tear you from limb to limb!' I continued. The men holding me were holding me tighter which means I was getting to them.

'Get this thing off my head, you losers!' I was still at it, who did they think they were daring to kidnap me.

'What you afraid, you better be when I see who you are, you are dead do you know my brother? He will shred you to pieces!'

The men holding me tightened their grip, a sure sign of frustration. My actions and words were getting to them.

'We need to tie her up and move on!' the one holding my left arm said.

'No we must not harm her as yet until we get instruction.' The leader spoke.

'She is too difficult. At least we cover her mouth!' the other one moaned.

'No we cannot remove her head piece.' The leader barked. 'Now be quiet and listen, we must listen out for them. They should be on our trail by now.'

The two holding me groaned.

'Listen to him you blockheads and stop moaning like little girls!' I taunted. 'You getting afraid of a girl!' that earned me some more fingernails digging into my skin.

'Ouch that hurt.' I squirmed. 'Wait until my mate gets here, he will not only finish you off but he will make you suffer for daring to kidnap me!'

Blade POV

I ordered my men to cross the river at different points.  We had spotted their location and i had ordered my men to circle them, some men were in the trees and we watched as Becca was being her arrogant self. It seems that they were in human form so this made it easier for us in wolf form.

 Becca was being a handful, her head was covered with a sack and she was mouthing off and struggling. My wolf wanted to rush in and take her away but I had to keep a firm head. I could not recognise the men who had kidnapped her. They were rogues since none of them had a seal of a pack on their bodies.

'Can't we just shut her up?' one of the rogues asked another who I assumed was the leader.

'No, if we take off the sack she will recognise us and that will be bad for us later on.' The leader said.

'But her mouth is vile and those insults are getting to me. Can I just hurt her a little?' the leader backhanded the one who had spoken. The rogue went flying and hit a tree across the makeshift camp. 'We can't damage the goods, we have to keep her alive and unharmed. When he gets here, we hand her over get our money and move on.'

I was right they were paid to kidnap her. There were six of them. My men and I could take them down easily. We just had to wait as Becca was not in immediate danger at the moment. It had been an hour since Becca had been taken. The kidnappers had disguised their scents and somehow had eluded us at first but Becca's scent was left open so we were able to find them quickly.

'We move.' The leader said picking up his few belongings.

'But I thought this was the pick up point?' asked one of the kidnappers.

'It was but the buyer has not shown up and the potion is wearing off, we can't risk her mate finding us. Change of plans.' The leader told his group.

'It seems we have been had. She is worthless to us now.' the one who had been hit asked. 'What are we going to do with her?'

'Yeah what are you going to do with me?' Becca was laughing at them. 'You have been had surely. Poor rogues can't even catch a break. So how much were they going to give you for capturing me? A hundred thousand? Half a million?'

'Pick her up!' the leader instructed as two men untied her from the tree and held her arms.

'Ahh you mean they were going to give less than that. You guys really are fools!' Becca was sneering at them.

'Shut up you b*tch before I kill you right now!' the leader's temper flared but Becca did not back down.

'Oh getting angry for kidnapping me now, and for what nothing? I hope you at least collected something up front or else you would be looking really foolish about now.' Becca was really pushing it. Why was she riling them up when they had kidnapped her? She was too bold and would get herself dead if she kept this up.

I mind linked my men that we were going in.

When I signal get the two guards on holding Becca. Get her to safety first. The rest we take down. I want to capture all of them alive.

The leader looked at his watch, 'Let's move.' I wanted to know who had paid them to take Becca. The leader looked at his watch again. Then he paused. He must have sensed us.

Now. I commanded and we shifted as we attacked. It was a swift attack since there were so few of them. As rogues they wanted to fight to the death but my men were able to capture them all alive. I went for the leader after we had detained them. He was slightly hurt  since I had clawed his sides. I wanted him alive but he still had to suffer to taking my mate away from me. Becca had been taken away from the fight and my men reported that she was safe. We shifted back and clothed ourselves. I approached the leader who was tied with the others while sitting on the forest grounds.

'He has no marks Alpha.' Alex reported. I knew they were rogues.

'Who ordered this?' I asked. No response.

I grabbed the leader by the head. 'I asked you a question?'

He spat at me.

I grabbed him by the neck squeezing it with my bare hand. His face was getting red but he still did not speak.

'Talk you filthy dog!' I shouted. The bastard remained quiet. He was getting close to death but he still remained quiet. I went to the one that had wanted to hurt Becca.

'Who hired you?' he refused to look at me. I held his throat.

'I don't know. He didn't tell us.' the guy squealed as I eased the pressure on his neck a little.

'So what do you know?' I asked and applied some pressure again

'We had to take her and wait here for further instructions.' The guy spurted, as he gasped for breath.

'Who told you? Did you see the person who ordered this?' the guy shook his head.

'No, Jake does the hook ups, we just follow his orders.' I looked at Jake and he stared defiantly back at me. No worries I would bring them back to our Pack. I had other means which would make him squeal.

'Take them back to the van.' I commanded as I made my way to find my mate.

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