Pain: Her (Harry Styles Fan F...

Bởi VividFantasyFiction

6.4M 128K 46.6K

She thought she knew what pain was, until she met Harry. *This story is in the process of being ed... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Authors note! Please read!

Chapter 34

68.3K 1.2K 511
Bởi VividFantasyFiction

"What'd she say?" Zayn asked me as I slowly walked back into the kitchen to sit down at the table.

"She yelled for a little, but I told her I was here and she calmed down. Thanks for bringing me." I smiled.

"Anytime." he placed the black and white mug of tea in front of me with two lemon slices in a small round plate, "I didn't put any sugar; I didn't know how much you wanted." he said taking the lid off of the cup of sugar and sliding it across the table as he sat across from me. He wrapped his long fingers around his cup and took small and slow sips of the hot liquid while I mixed three spoons of sugar into my tea, adding the lemon and slowly mixing it with my spoon.

"Is that all that happened?" he asked looking up from his tea, "just yelled and shit?"

"Yeah, but it was different this time." I replied quietly. My focus was on the tea while I watched the sugar dissolve.


"I don't know he just--he was really mad like..." I tried to find the right words but wouldn't, "he was just a different type of mad, you know?" I asked biting my lip, "I really pissed him off this time."

"What do you mean this time?"

"I make him mad all the time." I said resting my elbow on the table and pressing my fist against my cheek to hold my head.

"It's nothing to worry about, Alee. That happens in every relationship." he half smiled like he knew what he's talking about, "when I was with Julianna, she would fucking pissed me off so much." he laughed, "all the time but strangely I loved it." he confessed.

"Loved it?" I repeated.

"Yeah, I guess I liked arguing with her because I found it sexy, I mean I'm sure he doesn't find anything sexy about you comparing him to your ex but I mean she was just a feisty fighter and it was a turn on." I burst out laughing and he joined me.

"I doubt he likes it when I make him mad." my smile faded as I shook my head.

"He said he loves you, and knowing Harry he isn't lying. Every guy has a tempter, it's just who we are. We get mad at stupid shit because we care, " he explained, "do you think we like to hurt you? We're guys; we can't really control what we do or say when we're upset because we're so heated," he leaned over the table and grabbed the sugar to add in his tea, "but when you girls cry...that makes reality kick in like "wow I'm really hurting her right now," and that's like a cue you know? To shut the fuck up." he laughed, "we never mean to intentionally hurt the ones we love, I guess when we love that person so much we over react so when we see them with someone who she used to love; so we feel threatened."

Threatened. That's exactly it.

"Makes sense now?" he half smiled seeing me nod in understatement.

"Yeah, it makes a lot of sense." I sighed leaning back into my chair, "but the thing is, I don't know why he would feel threatened. I don't have feelings for Liam at all."

"He saw you guys laughing and getting along, maybe he's so used to you two fighting and was caught off guard by the sudden change."

"Ugh," I groaned covering my face, "why is everything so complicated?"

"Because it's life," he smiled, "it's nothing to stress over." I kept my face in my hands as the tears forced it self down my face.

"Don't cry," he jumped off his seat and pulled the out chair beside me out and sat down. He wrapped his arm around my neck and pulled me into his chest, "it's nothing to cry over. He won't leave you Aleevonne."

"How do you know that?" I whispered wiping my nose with my sleeve.

"Because he loves you too much. He loved you two for two years straight so a few pointless arguments won't change his feelings for you." he said hugging me tighter.

"It's," I sniffled with a shaky breath trying to control my cries.

"I know babe," he said rubbing my arm, "he just cares for you too much and wants to make you happy. That's all, he means no harm." I pulled away from him and wiped my cheeks with my palm and inhaled and exhaled deeply.

"You're right." I said clearing my throat.

"I know I'm right." he smirked, "don't beat yourself up over this." he said placing his hand on my thigh. I had no strength in me to kindly pull it away so I let it remain there, "are you feeling better?" he smiled looking at me.

"Yeah." I beamed, "thanks Zayn, I seriously love you so much." I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in tightly. His large arms encased around my body as his hands rubbed my back up and down.

"I'm always here, okay?"

"Okay." I smiled kissing his cheek.

I'm so close to Zayn that this didn't feel uncomfortable for me. I've kissed his cheek many times before and had no feelings before or after. I grew up with him; I've known him my whole life. He was just turning three when I was born and even then he would watch me and keep me safe along with Ava, being that our parents would always keep us together. He's like a brother to me; I love him with all my heart and he's the only guy in this world who I feel extremely comfortable around, besides Harry of course. Even when my dad left he let me cry on his shoulder because he understood what I felt and knew what I was going through. We fight sometimes and call each other names but it's all out of love. He's an amazing person and really know's the right things to say to make someone feel better.,

"Awe, look at that smile!" he said in a baby voice as he tapped my cheek.

"Zayn!" I giggled pushing his hand away.

"So you're good now?"

"Yeah, I'm going to call him." I said pulling my phone out.

"Do you want me to go?"

"No, I'll just go outside."

"But it's cold..."

"You sound just like him." I laughed standing up.

"Well now." he said walking away.

"Is Ava back yet? She's been gone for a while now." I said looking at the time on my phone.

"I don't know, she said she was meeting up with someone." he shrugged sitting back down to sip his tea.

"Hmm, who'd she go with again?" I asked taking my seat.

"An old friend she said, I don't really care to be honest as long as she's out of the house and away from me I'm good." he winked.

"Wow, you're an asshole." I joked.

"The best there is!" he said with pride.

Just as I brought the cup to my lips, there was knocking on the door.

"I'll get it." he said walking away. I traced the rim with my finger as I waited for him to come back in.


"Harry?" I stopped my movement and turned around to see Harry and Zayn standing beside each other. Zayn looked a little uncomfortable and walked passed Harry.

"I've been looking everywhere for you!" he tells me. His keys and phone were held in his hand as he was breathing heavily.

"Why didn't you just call me?" I asked standing up in front of my chair.

"I did!" he said, "check your phone!" I took my phone out and noticed that it was on silent and saw that I had four missed calls from him.

"It was on silent," I said looking up from my phone, "I'm sorry."

"Are you two alone?" he asked looking back at Zayn than at me.

"Yeah." I said.

"Where's Ava?"


"You can't just storm out like that, Aleevonne."

"You told me to leave." I said with frustration.

"You know what? We'll talk about this later. Get in the car. We're going home." he ordered marching out of the kitchen.

I looked over at Zayn and his eye brows pulled together, "does he always boss you around like that?" he whispered as he watched Harry slam the front door behind him.

"Just when he's mad or frustrated." I said sliding my phone in my pocket.

"Well, call me if you need anything, alright?" he hugged me tightly and walked me to the door, "be careful."

"I will. And tell Ava to text me when she get's home."

"Will do." he smiled opening the door for me.

Harry was twirling his lip ring as he impatiently waited for me to enter the car. I hugged myself and ran to it as the wind blew my hair away from my face. Just as I sat in, he immediately drove off, basically speeding passed the limit.

His one hand was on the wheel as the other rested on the door as he continued to play with his lip ring.

"Why did you go there?" he asked not taking his eyes off of the road.

"I didn't want to go home."

"Why?" he quickly asked looking at me.

"Because I didn't want my mom to see me crying." I said resting my hands on my lap.

"You were crying?"

"No surprise there, Harry." I said rolling my eyes and looking out the window.

"Did you walk to his house?"

"No, he picked me up."

"He picked you up?" he repeated looking at me, "what do you mean he picked you up."

"Keep your eyes on the road, Harry," I said, "and he drove by as I was walking home and offered me a lift."

"Hmm." he hummed stopping at the red light.

"Yeah.." I replied crossing my arms and legs.

"Do you want to go home?" he asked turning to look at me.


I honestly didn't want to. I wish I stayed with Zayn just until Ava came back. I wanted to go with Harry but I was too exhausted and knew one way or another that we were going to end up arguing.

The rest of the ride home was quiet; not awkward or uncomfortable but just quiet. It was obvious he was thinking about something because he kept shutting his eyes and shaking his

 "I guess when we love that person so much we over react so when we see them with someone who she used to love, we feel threatened." Zayn's words kept replaying over and over in my head and I thought maybe he was right. I wanted to ask Harry if he's threatened by Liam but I knew he would blow up. I feel like I have to be careful with what I say to him now because he get so pissed off so easily. I'm almost afraid of saying something wrong. The way he get's angry and yells scares the living hell out of me and I understand he has a temper but he needs to have a limit. I know he would never hit me or hurt me intentionally but sometimes he gets so heated I doubt his promises. I know I sound insane and stupid for thinking he would end up doing what Liam did but when I'm put into situations like this and can't help but to think he will. I know Harry is a sweet and amazing guy his temper is just something that isn't working out for me.

Maybe it's just me; maybe I'm the problem. I always make people mad and always put them in a bad mood, so maybe I'm the real problem, not them. I can't help if my curiosity get's the best of me and I can't help if I get worried too quickly; it's just who I am.

I don't want to lose Harry. No matter how many fights and arguments we get into, I know at the end of the day I love him and he loves me. I don't want us to end, I don't even like thinking about it because if I think too hard, I convince myself that it'll come true.

I was too deep in thought to realize that Harry had pulled up in front of my house and stared at me waiting for me to leave.

"Oh," I said shaking my head, "I didn't realize we were here." I said softly, "Thanks, I'll text you later." I grabbing the handle to open the door and just as I did, Harry locked the doors with the switch and grabbed my hand.

"Aleevonne, I'm really sorry." he said quietly, "I didn't mean to hurt you that way." he apologized, "it's just..I get jealous easily and I don't want you to be happy with a guy who isn't me. I know I sound selfish but I just want you to myself. So when I see you getting along with Liam and see the way he makes you laugh or smile, it makes me mad because I want to be the one who brings you happiness, not him." he explained rubbing my knuckles with his fingers, "And I don't mean to suffocate you I just love being around you because it's all I've ever wanted to do, so I take every chance I get." he told me looking into my eyes. The sincerity in both his eyes and voice were clear and I knew he meant everything. I didn't find it to be selfish, I thought it was cute in a way but I knew he didn't mean any harm; I know he's not that type of person.

"And I'm sorry that I keep making you cry. It hurts me inside knowing I cause you pain, it really
does." he finished bringing his hand up to my cheek and rubbing it.

"It's okay, Harry." I whispered closing my eyes and feeling his warm hand on my face, "you don't have to apologize." I opened my eyes and grabbed his hand to hold it back in mine.

"I do. And when you flinched, Alee that ripped my heart." he said almost at a whisper, "I keep telling you not to be afraid of me but I'm giving you reasons to and it's making me hate myself more! I'm breaking all the promises I told you I'd always keep!" he told me through aggravation.

"But I give you reasons to act that way." I said.

"Doesn't matter. No matter how much you piss me off I don't ever want you to think that I'd hit you. I know I have a disgusting temper but I'm trying to work on it."

"You don't have to change for me, everyone has a temper Harry, you just need to know when to control yours."

"I have to change if I want to keep you. I'm not going to scare you away like Liam did, I'm not like him." he told me removing his hands from mine.

"I'm not going anywhere." I said leaning to the side to look at his face as he stared out the window.

"How do I know that?" he asked turning back at me.

"Because I love you." his eyes light up with joy and the glow was so strong in them, "I don't want to be without you and your tempter might scare me sometimes but it doesn't change my feelings for you. It scares me yes, but not in the way you think it does."

"What? What way then?"

"I just piss you off so much I feel like I'm pushing you away." I turned my body around to face forward and rested my hands on my lap as I looked down at them. Without saying a word, he got out of the car and walked in front of it to my side and opened mine. He grabbed my hand and shut the door; leaning me against it and putting his one hand on my hip and the other on my cheek.

"Don't ever feel that way." he told me, "Nothing you could ever do will push me away, not even the slightest; I'm too attached to let go. I'd rather you piss me off and make me yell then not have you around at all." he looked into my eyes and brought the hand that was on my hip to my other cheek, "I don't want to lose you, I think my world will go down if I did." he chuckled. I softly laughed with him and he pulled my face closer and kissed me, sending goosebumps up and down my body. He pulled my bottom lip with his teeth and released it, than pulled back in and kissed me harder as our tongues connected and moved in unison.

"It feels like I haven't kiss you in years." he tells me pulling away and pressing our foreheads together.

"It really has." I smiled cupping his neck and rubbing his jaw with my thumb.

"See, we make each other happy just as fast as we piss each other off." he smiled. I laughed into his neck when he pulled me in for a hug and I kissed it softly.

"How'd you know I was with Zayn?"

"Lucky guess." he said lowly, "I didn't want you to leave; I actually didn't expect you to." he confessed pulling away and grabbing my hands.

"You should've stopped me."

"I'm stupid." he rolled his eyes.

"No you're not. I guess we both needed some space for a little."

"I never need space from you." he said slowly shaking his head, "space needs to get the fuck away from us because it's not welcome here." I laughed throwing my head back and he chuckled softly with me.

"But you're always safe with me." he evoked "c'mon." he grabbed my hand and walked me to my door where he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him, "I know we keep going back and forth with this but I promise to work on it, for you. Okay?"

"Okay." I said kissing him again, "my stuff is still at your house." I reminded.

"I'll bring it when I pick you up tomorrow." he told me rubbing my hands to keep it warm from the cold, "you better go before your mom comes out and slaughters me."

"Oh, stop it!" I said rolling my eyes and playfully slapping his chest.

"Well, she hates me more now that I kept you from her."

"You didn't keep me from her, I slept over your house. It's a normal thing to do. She just overreacts."

"I need to get on her good side." he tells me.

"i can't even get on her good side."

"We'll try." he smiled kissing my cheek, "goodnight, I love you baby."

"I love you too. Drive safe." I tell him as usual while he walks to his car.

"Always do!" he responded like usual.

I watched his drive away and waited in front of my door for a few moments to prepare myself for what my mom was going to do or say. I slowly turned the nob to the unlocked door and walked in. She was sitting on the couch with a drink in her hand and doing paper work.

"Where have you been?" she asked calmly not looking up from her papers.

"Zayn's." I walked and stood before her, but far enough to run if she attacks.

"I just saw Harry." still not looking at me, she flips her paper over and begins to write something on it.

"He picked me up from his house."

"Did you tell him you were there?"

"Yeah." I lied.

"Since you came in empty handed I'm assuming you forgot your clothes at his house." she finally looked up and sighed.

"Yeah, he's going to bring it tomorrow morning."

"What's tomorrow morning?

"School." I said walking to the stairs.

"Aleevonne," she warned, "I'm not done talking. Come here." I walked back into the living room and sat on the opposite couch beside her as she neatly stacked her paper work on the coffee table, "you are never allowed to sleep over that boy's house again, do you hear me?"

":What!?" the anger was setting in again but I wasn't ready to defend.

"You couldn't even call me to say "hey mom, I'm going to sleep over at his house, is that okay?" But instead, you ran away and slept at his house."

"So? What's the problem?"

"If you do that again, I'll make sure you won't have a boyfriend to sleep over with." she threatened.

"Are you threatening me?" I asked standing up.

"I'm warning you, not threatening. And if you're smart, you'll listen to me."

"No, if I want to be with my boyfriend I will!" I claimed raising my voice.

"And no one is stopping you from being with him, just don't run off without telling me where you're going."

"You're so annoying.." I mumble under my breath as I walked away.

"What did you say?" now she's really upset.

"Nothing." I replied marching up the stairs.

I could sit there for hours and hours arguing with her but I didn't have the strength in me to do it. I'm not going to listen to her anyway. She should know better then to try and keep me away from him. The last thing I need is for her to do is bitch and complain about him when he's absolutely flawless and perfect. Normally I would care if my mom doesn't like my boyfriend but I've gotten to the point where I don't give a shit about what she thinks or feels about Harry. If she doesn't like him, oh well. She can learn to accept him because he's not going anywhere no matter how hard she tries to keep him away.


Harry picked me up the next day and brought my clothes with him just like he said he would. My mom left for work early so Alan invited him in for some breakfast. Harry's finally beginning to eat in the morning and he says it's all my fault, which makes me laugh because it's true. We saw Liam in school but I didn't say hi or anything, I maybe gave him a little smile when he flashed me one but that was it.

I heard my mom and Alan arguing about Harry the other night and it made me so mad. She kept saying how he was a "bad influence" on me and how he's going to "ruin me" and "have you see him?" She so judgmental towards him when she doesn't even know him. Alan defended him in every way possible and I love him for that. He understands Harry and know's what kind of person he is and I doubt he'll let her talk bad about him when he's done nothing wrong.

Friday finally came and at lunch Liam sat with us after Niall invited him over again.

"I told you not to call him over again." Harry murmured to him.

"I know but I need to talk to him about the party." Niall replied looking at Liam walk over.

"What's up, mate?" Liam didn't sit down, he only pressed his palms against the table and leaned forward, "Hey Alee." he greeted. i replied with a smile as Harry shot him a glare.

"Is the party still on tonight?" Niall asked.

"Why wouldn't it?" Liam smiled, "I'm not cancelling that shit, no way."

"Good, because I need to fucking party." Niall shook his head and drank his bottle of water as Conor made his way over and sat next to Harry. They shook hands and began to whisper things to each other when Liam sat down beside me.

"So you're coming than?" He asked smiling at me.

"No." I replied shaking my head.

"But you have to," he insisted, "it'll be fun. Just like old times."

Harry's hand immediately slid under the table and squeezed my thigh, almost a little to hard.

"It's alright Liam, I'll pass." I said as kindly as possible.

"Conor, you're coming?" Liam asked tilting his head to look at him.

":Yeah, I will and so will Harry." my eyes quickly darted to Harry's whose burned through Conors.

"Oh..." was all Liam said.

"I'm not going to that fucking party, I already told you." Harry told Conor.

"Yes you are, and so is Alee. C'mon mate it'll be fun. We'll smoke and get wasted, just like old times." he smiled patting his shoulder. 

"Old times?" I repeated and Harry looked over at me.

"Don't listen to him. We're not going." Harry said strictly.

"Don't be a party pooper!" Niall yelled throwing the slice of cheese from his sandwich at him. Harry caught it before it hit him and dodged it back at him. 

"Fuck you and this party, we're not going and that's final." he practically growled.

"Yeah, so we're all going." Niall told Liam completely ignoring what Harry said, "stack those beers man pretend you're going to hibernate and just pack that shit in the fridge." he said and I laughed.

"I kinda want to go..." I told Harry as everyone talked.

"What the fuck?" he whispered looking at me, "why?'

"Not for Liam but like, I don't know. To have fun, I guess. I haven't partied in a while." I shrugged

"Then I'll take you to a club. We're not going to his house. Don't argue with me." he said turning his head back forward.

"Which club?"

"I don't know, it's Friday; every club will be open. We'll just pick one and you can grind on me." he smirked.

"Sure thing, Mr. Styles." I winked

"I like that, 'Mr. Styles.' It's sexy." he grinned.

"I'm glad I aroused you." I smiled widely.

"So you guys are coming or what?" Niall asked and the table went quiet.

"No." I shook my head.

"Man," he said knocking his water over, "it won't be fun without you guys. C'mon Harry! We'll fucking rip the house apart!"

"Oh, yeah! I forgot to mention, we moved the party." Liam said and Harry looked at him.

"Where to?' Conor asked.

"Raven street. That huge abounded house, you know?'

"Yeah! Oh man, that's gonna be wicked!" Niall excitedly smiled.

"Why'd you change it?" I asked.

"My mom switched shifts so she won't be working tonight." I nodded my head in understanding and he stood up.

"So i'll see you all there?'

"Yup!" they all replied.

"Good. Alright, I'll see you around." he shook everyone's, except Harry's hand, and left.

"Now can we go?" I asked him wrapping my arm around his.

"No." he replied seriously.

"Please!" I said holding the word longer.

"Alee," he warned looking at me.

"Harry," I mocked.

"I said I'll take you to a club."

"I know but it's a huge house. We probably won't even see him." I try to convince.

"I said no."

"Fine, than I'll go alone." I unwrapped my arms and crossed them.

"You're so stubborn, you know that?"

"I know." I smiled

"Fine." he said caving in.

"Fine what?" Niall heard.

"We're going." he said unenthusiastically.

"Now this is gonna be a sick ass party! Old Harry is back!" he extended his arm for him to shake but Harry rejected it and just glared at him.

"What's he talking about?" I whispered to him.

"Nothing." he simply replied, "the old Harry isn't back." he said looking at Niall.

"That's what you said last time." he winked and Harry clenched his jaw. Niall didn't seem threatened by it and continued on with the conversation.

My curiosity was beginning to get the best of me so when lunch ended, I told Harry to go without me so I could grab an extra water. He walked with Conor while I pulled Niall back.

"What's up babe?" he smiled wrapping one arm around my neck.

"I want to ask you something..."

*Hi everyone! thank you so so much for reading my fan fic and getting it to 66.5k reads in just 3 months! I can't thank you enough, words can't describe how happy and grateful I am! Please don't forget to comment, vote and share! I really love hearing your feedback, it's extremely motivating and helpful! <3*

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