Tragedy// Liam Payne

By directionerforlife00

18.6K 890 137

~Don't expect perfect, expect different~ More

Liam the Hero
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Authors Note
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Authors Note
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Goodbye note
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44(PLZ READ)
Chapter 45
Chapter 46-The End

Chapter 20

225 17 4
By directionerforlife00

Holla! Hope you enjoy this chapter what's going to happen? Well why don't you read it! Oh and who knows where Derek and Morgan are from? Winner gets mentioned in my actual book! Now to the story.

We keep walking up the dirt road till finally we get to the gate. "Ok now the 5 of you go in and we'll stay out here to help,don't worry Justin's not that bad anymore."Derek says. "Ok."I frown. We slowly climb over the old fence,my hands are shaking when I look down at them,it reminds me of the time we first auditioned for the X-Factor,when Justin became the way he is now. My hands were shaking like crazy when we sang,but it was worth it.

We jump off to the other side and look back at Paul who is still standing while the others hid behind bushes. He gives us a reassuring look,but also sympathy and sorrow,he seems like he knows something that we don't,but that we're gonna find out soon.

We sprint down the long dirt walkway till get to the old factory,my hearts about to jump out of my body. "Guys?"Niall asks. "Yea Niall?"Louis re
plies. "I'm-"Niall starts but shuts up when the big steel doors open.

"Long time no see."Justin smirks. "Let's make this quick,where are the orphans?"Zayn demands.Why the rush,you know I'm not gonna kill you."Justin smiles. We look at eachother and then back at him. "Come in."Justin greets opening the door. We slowly walk in,it's big empty and dull. "Follow me."Justin says walking up a long staircase. We follow far behind as we examine our surroundings. "So what's with the guns?"Justin asks. "What do you think?"Harry rolls his eyes. Justin rolls his eyes back and opens a door into a dark room. "What I'm about to show you,might just scar you."Justin says. I gulp and the door slams behind us. "3,2,1!"Justin flips the light on showing us everything in the room. My body goes numb and I freeze.

My Parents.The boys parents.The orphans.The boys girlfriends.Candie. "AHHH"I hear the boys scream,while someone attacks me from behind. I try to fight but something sharp was inserted onto my arm,and everything starts to fade.

Candie's POV

I was just sitting in my room with Olivia when I heard the door slam open from downstairs. I jumped off the bed and ran downstairs,men were taking everybody into a helliocopter. Before I had time to do anything a man grabbed me and threw me in the hellicopter. Now I've woken up in a dark cold room. I thought I heard yelling earlier,but when I woke up nobody was here. I squeak little when I try to get up and realize I'm tied to pole. Its too dark to see anything but I can feel peoples presence,alot of people.

Liam's POV

I wake up and look around,of course it's dark. "Liam?Is that you?"I hear Zayn ask. "Yea."I say. "Where are we?"Zayn asks. "I don't know."I reply. "Guys is that you?"Louis and Niall ask. "Yea where's Harry?"Zayn asks. "Over here guys!"Harry yells. "We need to figure out where we are."I say. "Yea."they all agree.

A light turns on and I can see where I am. I'm tied to a chair sitting in a straight line by the boys who are also tied up,it's just a big empty room. "Hello boys."Derek says closing the door. Derek! What the heck is he doing here? "Derek! Help us get out!"Harry exclaims. "Sorry to say this boys,but I'm working with Justin Beiber."Derek says like it's no big deal! "What!"I exclaim. "Ok so I wasn't supposed to tell you guys this,but me and Morgan aren't really FBI's,we're working for Justin. And he doesn't care about the popularity anymore,it's the hate from Directioners that bothers him,so he figured if he kills you guys teenage girls will have no choice but to go back to him."Derek says. What!

"But if Justin kills us he'll be out in jail and everybody will hate him more."Louis smirks. "Not if he doesn't kill you guys."Derek says. "What do you mean?"I ask. "He's gonna frame someone!"Derek says. "Who?"I ask. He grabs a remote from the counter behind him and turns a tv screen on,but it looks more like a security monitor. It takes me a while to see what it is,but then I see Justin and Morgan dragging a girl out of the room we were just in. CANDIE.

"NO!"I exclaim. "Sorry she's just the easiest one."Derek says. "What are they going to do to her?"I ask in a scared voice. "Hey,don't push your luck."Derek says walking off. "Wait!"I yell. "What."He walks back. "Please just answer this one question."I plead. "Their going to drug her and do somekind of hypnotism to get her to kill you guys and everybody else we have here."He says. No,they-they can't,they can't do that! "Say your goodbyes you'll be dead soon."Derek says walking away. I sit in shock,but before Derek reaches the door,Zayn jumps up bringing his chair with him,and kicks Derek in the gut causing him to fall. Zayn jumps on top of him with his chair going into Derek's front side,his chair breaks and he punches Derek in the face knocking him out. We all are too shocked to do anything but watch. Zayn quickly unites us and we start out the door. Niall grabs the rope and ties Derek up. "Just incase."He says. We nodd. "Ok so we should go to the orphans and our family first to get then out of here."Zayn says. We all agree and walk down the hallway watching every step we take. We pass a door with a glass window and I see Candie,Justin,and a short scientist looking dude,Candie's tied up on a metal table. I stop and start to walk closer till Louis grabs my arm and pulls me away. "Not now."he whispers.

We get to the room and start to open the door when Harry yells. "Wait! There's a code." We look at it and frown. "I remember it! I was watching when Justin was typing it!"Niall gasps. He types in the code and opens the door. It's pich dark,I turn on the lights and everybody I know and love is tied up in chairs all over the room.

I up to my parents and hug them so hard they weeze. "Liam!"my mothers cries. I untie them and hug them again. "Where are the girls?"I ask "Over there."my mom points in another direction. I untie them and we all start untieing everybody. We finally finish and I look around the only way out is through the door and down the hallway,they'll notice a huge group of people.

I look over to Zayn and he's hugging his family and kissing Perrie. Same with Louis his family and Ellinor. Harry and Niall although are looking for a way out. "Guys I don't know any other way."I say. "There are no windows."Niall says. "Wait look it's an air vent!"Harry says running to an air vent. I run over to him and he climbs up to open the vent. "I can't see anything down there!we'll have to send somebody." Harry says jumping off my shoulders. "We don't know if it's safe so somebody is gonna have to go first with a rope around them and tell us if it is."I say. "Any volunteers?"Harry asks. "I will."Niall's brother Greg says. "Are you sure?"I ask. "Positive."Greg replies. "Ok I'm gonna tie this rope around your waste,if it's safe to go through,then tug twice,if it's not then tug once."I say. "Got it."Greg smiles. He waves goodbye and crawls in. The rope is 30 miles long so I won't run out of slack.

We wait a while and finally the rope moves twice. I smile and start having people go in in a straight line. It gets down to me,Niall,Harry,Zayn,Louis and Ellinor. Louis and Ellinor go in,Harry and Niall follow. Right before Zayn gets in he turns around. "Comin'?"he asks. I turn to the door and back at him. "I gotta get Candie."I sigh. "I'll help."he says. "Guys Liam's going to get Candie,wanna help?"Zayn asks. They all nodd and crawl out. I can hear Louis' and Ellinor's conversation. "I'll be back babe,don't worry."Louis says. "But-"Ellinor starts. "Tell the others we'll be down soon,and call the police,I promise it won't be long."Louis says. "What if-"she starts again. "Shhh,I promise."Louis kisses Ellinor on the lips. It's sweet,how much they love eachother.

Ellinor goes down and Louis sprints toward us. "We need weapons."I say. We sigh and start looking around the room. "Hey guys! I found a closet full of our guns and knives!"Niall yells. We all get our weapons and head toward the room she was in. "Ok,so plan is act stupid and negotiate till the cops show up,ok?"I say. "Why can't we just wait?"Harry asks. "Because we might be too late to save Candie."I say. He nods and we reach the room,I open the door and walk in slowly, Justin's eyes widen.

"How'd you get in here!"he exclaims. "None of your business."Louis glares at Justin. "Give us Candie and we'll go back to the big room where we came from."Niall says. Nice Niall,'the big room'. "Why would I do that?"Justin smirks. "Because.."Niall says shyly. Gosh Niall,really? "That's what I thought."Justin chuckles. "No really we're not playing games."I say. "You know I could kill any time I want."he says. "Then what's stopping you?"I say. Justin pulls out a small pistol from his pocket. "I wouldn't say that Liam."he says. "I know you Justin your a coward you'd never do that,you've known us too long,you wouldn't try."I say. He pulls his gun up,and starts to pull the trigger. I have only one choice,it's him or me,and I choose me. I pull the trigger aiming right at him,before he can shoot at me he's on the ground...dead.

I drop my gun immediately and look to my right,I would've thought Morgan,and the short assistant would try to kill us,but instead...they smile. "We're free!"they shout. "You saved us! We're not under his control anymore! We're free!"they yell. I run across the room to untie Candie. "Liam!"she exclaims throwing her arms around me. "Candie!"I say. We hug for a long time. "You did saved me,you saved everyone."she smiles. "Not just me."I smile looking back at the boys. She laughs and goes to hug them. The police run in and we tell them everything,we go outside and everybody's smiling and hugging. I join and while hugging everybody I notice the three orphans that were missing are here. Miranda,Celeste,and Timmy. I look over at Olivia who is almost crying because she got her sister and bestfriend back. I honestly never thought this day would come,but did.

We all head back to London and where our burned down flat used to be,is a brand new one! I jump out of the car and admire it. Me and the boys are all in utter shock of how they built it this fast. "You guys will be staying here till your tour starts in 3 months."Paul says walking out of a black SUV. "Paul!"we all exclaim. His leg is in a cast and he's on cruches. "What happend?"Zayn asks. "Justin shot me in the leg and pushed me down the hill,but luckily someone drove by and saw me."he says. We frown. "I'm okay though."Paul chuckles. We laugh and hug him. "So I think Candie will be staying with you as your REAL maid till the tour."Paul says. "Really!"I squeal. "Yes."Paul laughs. I run over to Candie who is now with her family. I pull her away. "What?"she giggles. "Just wanted to say I love you."I smile. "I love you too."she says. I pull her in and kiss her,I've never been happier in my life. Ever.

THIS IS NOT OVER!!!!! So what do you think? It's intense! I know this book is about Justin being a murderer and all,but it's changing. Sorry:(. Trust me it will get better! Story of my life video came out Sunday!!!!!!! I DIED. OMG IT WAS GORGES!!!!WORDS CANNOT DESCRIBE HOW I FEEL. So comment who you think Derek and Morgan are based off of!




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