The Unknown [COMPLETED] {Eric...

By Julieta23

144K 2.7K 94

COMPLETED. In an attempt to scape her unfortunate life in Erudite, Morgan swears to never let herself be disr... More

Desicions... Desicions...
Authors note
The guys
Creed Project
New Jai Courtney book.
Thank you so much!
New Book!
Sixty Three.
Bonus: Fears.
BONUS: Creed 'meets' Morgan.
BONUS: Family
Bonus: Party.
Sequel is UP!!
New BlackList fanfic.


1.4K 27 3
By Julieta23

But he was wrong all the way. After they returned to Amity and let the dauntless know the compound had been cleared, they all returned, with food and more clothing.

The factionless had left the compound dry, they had taken everything but the heavy pieces of furniture.

All the while they were rebuilding dauntless, Morgan hadn't talked to Eric at all. She avoided him in hallways, dinner, training, she rejected the place in leadership Mikaela had offered, she hadn't even returned to his to gather the little stuff she had left.

He felt like everything had returned to the way it was before she came to his life. He was the most hated man in all dauntless, he was always alone, picking up fights in bars, drinking a lot more than what he used to, had one night stands with any chick who gave him two seconds of her time. But he missed her like death, he got more and more hurt everytime she would reject him. He missed her touch, her lips, the way she looked at him, the little things she did for him. He spent countless nights awake, drinking. If he fell asleep he would dream of her, and be even more sad if he woke up alone.

But Morgan was even more destroyed. She felt betrayed by Eric, she though she knew him well

She though he would take the kid towards erudite, for them to test on him. At least he would be alive. Rumors spread quickly, and everyone was looking at her a lot differently. When she was out one sleepless night, she headed to Tori's to see anything that caught her eye and get it tattooed, but was shocked when Tori pointed at her with a gun and told her to never set foot in her shop again.

She had stayed at Dominic's the whole time she was away from Eric, and Dom told her all the rumors about her, how she had basically delivered the kid to Eric for him to kill it.

Nobody but the team that was with her that day knew her true intentions. And when she tried to explain herself everyone dismissed her, telling her she was worse than Eric.

Max had, however, asked her to train the transfers that year. When she realized it had only been a year since she transfered to dauntless she didn't know how to feel. She felt like it had been ages, like she was a 30 year old stuck in the body of a 17 year old girl.

She accepted though, and soon enough she found herself training the little dauntless that were taking their aptitude test in a month, only because the team of dauntless that patrolled the fence had asked for another trainer.

Morgan sat one day, looking at the knife throwing of the dauntless kids and saw Dominic approach her. He sat next to her and gave her a quick look

"I'm sorry you got relieved from the other team of dauntless" Morgan shrugged and sighed

"Its fine. I'll just start treating people the way they treat me. If they treat me nicely then I'll be nice, and if everyone is so invested in hating me then I'll give them a good reason." Morgan said shortly.

Dominic knew she didn't actually mean her words, but this whole avoiding situation was taking a tool on her.

"Anyway, I came here because Four called for you, he said you should meet him in the simulations room, he want to give you a run down of the whole thing before the new batch arrives"

Morgan nodded and hopped off the table. She dismissed her class and walked over to the room. She saw the only one with the light on and entered it.

She saw no one inside, and made herself comfortable on the chair next to a computer, she started to fiddle with the things on the desk while she waited for Four, but frowned when she realized how stupid the excuse had sound, and when she was about to stand up and leave she heard the door close behind her.

She felt his presence, and closed her eyes cursing herself for being so naïve. She stood with her back towards him, and inhaled sharply trying to hold back her tears

"Morgan look at me" Eric said, she closed her eyes with force and inhaled once more, she knew she had to face him sooner or later. It had been at least 2 months since they had last spoken.

Morgan straightened herself in the chair and turned to look at Eric.

She still didn't recognized him, but this time it was because this Eric was a shell of the real Eric, her Eric.

The Eric in front of her had his hair in a mess, big black bags under his bloodshot eyes. He had lost a lot of muscle and looked fatal, his clothes hung over him lazily, she couldn't stand to look at him much longer. Finally her eyes met his, and Eric began talking again

"I just want to know why you have been avoiding me like the plague"

Morgan laughed bitterly and shook her head

"Are you seriously asking me that?! You shot a fucking kid Eric!" she yelled at him

"I did what I was told" he answered calmly

"You did wh-" she stopped herself and placed a hand on the eyes, feeling the tears about to start flowing "everybody hates me now. What did I told you that one time we started dating uh? I said that someday you would fuck up, and it would be my fault. And it happened. Everytime you have a chance to pick between the good action, and the action that makes everyone hate you, you pick the second one Eric" she looked at him again. Eric avoided her stare and looked at his feet

"I don't know how to be some other way Morgan, this is just who I am."

"We all have a choice Eric" she felt tear stream her cheeks and swept them away "I don't know why you always choose the wrong one."

She shook her head and sighed heavily, after a few seconds she spoke again

"I don't want to see you like this Eric." she looked at him, and he lifted his gaze "I will stop ignoring you but you have to get better OK?" Eric shrugged and said

"What's the point of getting better, I still won't have you"

Morgan huffed and ran a hand through her hair

"I am inconceivable mad at you Eric, but I still love you" she looked at him at the same time he looked at her, she saw hopefulness in his eyes and got a bit happy inside "it's just so hard to look at you"

Eric nodded rapidly and inhaled

"If you take me back I'll do anything you want" he said almost pleading. Morgan stood and walked towards him, she stood in front of him and pointed at the door "can I ask something first?" Morgan winced slightly and then nodded "can you give me a hug?"

Morgan closed her eyes and half smiled. She got closer to him and embraced him, he held her so tight he feared he might leave her out of breath. Morgan got a bit sad when she noticed her arm could almost reach from side to side, when before it lingered in the middle of his back. She sighed and placed her hand up and down his back, and his hand where caressing her body lightly. None of them wanted to part, but they had been sitting there for at least 10 minutes, in each others arms.

When Morgan finally parted, she looked at Eric's eyes. He wanted to lean in and kisser her desperately, but he knew he shouldn't push his luck that far. Morgan stepped away and opened the door to leave. She gave him a quick glance before leaving, and closed the door behind her.

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