Lose To Win→Brock Lesnar

By sunangelxxi

55K 1.2K 143

Ever felt so ugly, pretending that he loves me Sometimes it's just not money never had to afford me Now I'm s... More

|15|DailyMail Drama
|29|The End


1.3K 33 5
By sunangelxxi

But maybe this story ain't so different from the rest
And I know it seems wrong to accept
But you've got your demons, and she's got her regrets
And I know that it's hard to digest
A realization is as good as a guess

I got out of my car and picked my daughter as she was asleep so her head rested on my shoulder. I walked into the arena and I could see everyone staring at me. This week or should I say month has been a very crazy one for me.

Today I have to do a interview with Renee. I'm used to being the interviewing people but since the news about Mark's abusing me came out. I've been doing interviews.

"Nicole, What are the kids doing here?" Brie asked me. I noticed the cameras behind her watch means we're filming. Great.

"The babysitter cancelled and everyone else is here working. I had to take her with me." I said. She nodded and grabbed Alexandria's bag and walked with me to Paul's office in the arena.

We went to Paul's office and I laid Alexandria on the couch. "She looks so cute in her outfit." Brie said.

"You have no idea how hard it was to put her in that outfit. " I said.

"Don't you have a interview to do?" Brie asked.

"Yes, so could you please watch them for me?" I said.

"Sure that's perfectly fine. " She said.

"Thank you." I said smiling.

" How bad was it? " she asked.

" I acted like it wasn't a big deal, when really it was breaking my heart." I said.

"It seems that you went through a lot of pain." She said.

" A queen will turn her pain into power." I said.

"Anyways are you nervous? " she asked.

"I'm so nervous." I said.

"I know you're used to doing things behind the camera not in front of it but you'll get used to it." She said.

"I know but I'm just don't want to mess up." I said.

"Pumpkin you'll do great. Now go ahead and do your thing while I watch this beautiful angel." She said pushing me out of the office.

"Nicole, are you ready for your interview?"

"Yes I'm ready." I said.

"Okay 3,2,1, action..."

"Please welcome my guest at this time, Nicole Heyman. " Renee Young announced.

"Thanks for having me on your show, Renee. " I said.

" There are some celebrities who in real life barely resemble their glamorous red-carpet images. Nicole Heyman is one of them. She is even more beautiful in person than she is on the big screen. And this morning is no exception, despite the fact that she's been working seven days a week preparing to launch her new clothing line and upcoming wedding to WWE superstar Brock Lesnar. Her skin is lineless, a clear indication that her bronze glow isn't from sunbathing. The 32-year-old has a lot on her plate these days (in addition to wrestling career and businesses), but Nicole seems energized and happy. " Renee said.

" What's it like working with
your boyfriend? "

"My boyfriend and I have worked together for years so it's crazy seeing another side to him. You should know what I'm talking about, Renee." I said.

" For a romantic night, do you
and your boyfriend go out?"

" We go out to dinner. I go for good food over ambience. I like peaceful things...quiet, rest. For a vacation, it's someplace hot. No ski trips." I said.

" Do you believe you have one
soul mate?"

" No. I think we run into several during our lives. I don't think there's just one." I said.

" What have you learned about
love and marriage?"

" You get what you give. What you put into things is what you get out of them. But I don't give advice about marriage cause I'm not married yet. " I said.

"Are you still friends with your

"No." I said.

"What's better: long engagements
or short engagements?"

"Short engagements."

" Ever dealt with a mean mother in law in real life?"

"No. I've been lucky. The mothers like me. I'm nice...I'm not the nightmare girlfriend. I'm not controlling. I think it's important for girls to get along with the moms. It's the moms you have to get by when a son is involved." I said.

"Have you dated or married a
man your uncle didn't like?"

" I've dated men he didn't like. And he told me before, during, and after." I said.

" Do you think it's possible to
do it all-to be a great wife and
a great mom and have a great
career all at the same time?"

"Yes, but it's certainly not easy. It takes a lot of work...and a good partner to help." I said.

" Want to start a family?"

"Yeah. Of course I already do. I don't know about having a lot of kids, but I raise one healthy, really loving child. I do sometimes want that quiet life raising children, but I feel like these things all happen naturally on their own." I said.

" How did you approach health and fitness post-baby?"

"I like to take my time and not try to put too much pressure on myself, but it's hard. I think I forget every time- you give birth and you want your stomach to be flat again. It does take a lot of work, but I usually start slowly by going on walks with the baby. At certain times I take the kids on a walk, and I have this stroller that they can all ride in and on. So I start slowly-but now I'm in full force. I've been working out with a trainer, and having somebody else to work out with really helps motivate me like Brock who helps when he's time." I said.

"How's your connection like with Brock?" She asked.

"There was flirting before, so it was obvious there was attraction, but there was a moment in my mind that clicked when I was like, I'm going to give this a shot. I was probably so tired of bullsh*t in the past. I'd gone through a bad break up three years before. And I was like, This guy has never bullsh*tted me. He had made it clear that this is what he wants. Why don't I give it a shot?" I said.
"Speaking of bullshit past, it has been said that you've been in a abusive relationship." She said.

"Yes, I suffered domestic violence at the hands of my ex-boyfriend Mark Hunt. He would punch her in the face, slam her against walls and throw her across the room, leaving her bruised and battered. His bullying was so terrible he gave me $3,650 to get liposuction because he wanted me to be 'perfect' - then gave me an additional $1,000 for further surgery. He even forced me to quit jobs and college, poisoned my mind against my own family and would not let me see my friends.'Mark decided what we would do and when we would do it. He was very much the "King of the castle" I said.

"How did you get out of that terrible relationship?" Renee asked.

"My uncle Paul who was and still is the only family member talking to me besides his wife was the one who saved me. I mean I made the choice to leave and seek shelter at his house and he helped me with the rest like taking Mark to court." I said.

"There's a video of you and Brock fighting with Mark. Was the abuse of your past relationship the cause for the two men?" She asked.

"Brock was doing what any other man what do if a man from his girl past comes to an event and tries to disrespect you. Mark disrespected me and Brock handled him just like he will at ufc 200." I said.

"Do you think Brock will win at ufc 200?" Renee asked.

" Well, I mean Brock Lesnar certainly delivered the most memorable WrestleMania moment of modern times when he conquered The Undertaker's undefeated streak at WrestleMania XXX. I think the fact that Brock Lesnar is not on the road 52 weeks a year, is not on Monday Night Raw every episode, is not performing 300 matches per year... I think that dictates to the public "Brock Lesnar is special." That an appearance by Brock Lesnar in an of itself is newsworthy. It's not commonplace. It's not something that should be taken for granted. He will come out on top." I said.

"Why do you think you were
branded a diva by the media?"

" I always felt that was unfair. It might be because I have nice stuff. I came from virtually nothing, so there was a time when I was like "Oh my God, I can have that car or I can have that coat." I don't think anybody in my position wouldn't have done the same thing. But you get to a point where you want to strip down. Not that I won't have a nice bag, but I'm going to sell that big museum-type house and get a nice cozy house, and I'm going to have one car and trade the others in. I want to go back to something simpler." I said.

" How are you very much your zodiac sign, Center of attention,
loyal, generous, big ego...."

" Center of attention...yeah. My favorite holiday is my birthday. I think I'm loyal and generous. But I have no ego. There is no way you can have a big ego and survive in this business. You can't learn if you think no one else has anything to say that's of value." I said.

"What's something about you
that's really un-divalike?"

" I love to clean up. I can't have a room unclean. And I cook-I made pork chops last night. My favorite food is fried chicken cutlets, and I make those too."

" Is there anything you're not
good at?"

"I'm bad at a ton of things. I'm bad at sitting still. I'm bad at basketball. My worst habit is that while people are talking, I will already be thinking three other things. It's rude. Sometimes if the personis very in tune and they notice, they're like "Where are you right now?"I said.

" With all you have on your
plate, how do you de-stress?"

" I love a massage and a bath. I don't drink-I'll have a sip, but I've never been drunk-and I don't smoke. I envy people who have those releases. They just have a drink or a cigarette, and they feel better. I have to brave it through the whole day on my own." I said.

" How do you manage to be the
one star who never gets caught
by the paparazzi with bedhead
and no makeup?"

" I am conscious of the way I look when I go out. My mom and my grandma taught me that you never leave the house without taking a bath and at least attempting to fix your hair. I don't look like a glamour puss every day, but I try to look decent when I leave the house." I said.

" Have you always been confident about your body?"

"No, not when I was younger. I felt heavy. I was heavy, but as I grew up and dropped the baby fat, I felt confident. I started looking more like the voluptuous women I grew up with who I thought were beautiful-my mom and my aunts. So when I went to Hollywood and everybody was very small, I never thought I looked bad. I never felt fat." I said.

" Your butt is famous. What are
your favorite body parts?"

"My waist and my stomach. I'm lucky genetically-I'm small through there.Even though I'm an ass girl, Brock always says my boobs don't get as much credit as they deserve."I said laughing.

"How much of that amazing
body is hard work?"

"It's a lot of hard work. I used to work out all the time, but over the years, I've tapered off. Now I focus when I have to [get in shape for a video]. And I'm not a big dieter. I know when there's a little extra here or there. And then I just adjust a little-I don't kill myself." I said.

"Do you have any regrets?"

"Not really, but that's not to say that I haven't been through bad things. I have.But my philosophy on life is that we're here to love and to learn. And I've learned a lot, so I can't say "I wish this didn't happen." And I take responsibility for being open [about relationships] in the past. I have to, and now I'm doing what,I can to make it different." I said.

"Well that's all the time for we have, so tune in next week. "

I walked off the set and went to my dressing room where Brock is sitting. Once I walk in Brock gets up and gives me a kiss. "Let's go home."

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