In Time. [Completed]

By ummusk

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(Not Edited) Its my first story and has many mistakes. But it gets better as it goes further. Erica Hale, a... More

Introduction to the characters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23- The dark secret.
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter-28 Decision's
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 36
Chapter-38 {The wedding part - 1}
Chapter- 39 {The wedding part-2}
New Story.

Chapter 11

113 19 2
By ummusk

So finally a bigger chapter.

I am really busy with the college so there will be updates only once in a week.


Erica's pov

"Why she has to do this everytime li?" I sigh thinking about what happened in the first class. I was supposed to be so happy today and forget all the encounters with that guy but why did this needed to happen.

"I think you should help him. After all she has given you only 3 days to show her the work and you even get a partner." Even lily thinks I should make him my partner. I agree with her I need something to shut that teacher up.

Great now I would have to bear him for some more time.

"Did you talk to Matt?" I asked lily. I really wanted to change the topic from that guy.

"Oh yeah, he called yesterday morning. I swear Eric he is so busy. He told mostly all of his time he is near the site where they are setting up the new company or something." Lily said to me. "did you talk to him?"

"Nope, not yet, but today I will for sure. I miss him so much. So after lunch I am going home. I am just gonna skip the 2 remaining lectures." I said.

"Oh yeah, Okay. I will attend and you know I will just hail a cab to home you should really go and talk to Matt. The guy is also missing you like hell." Li chuckled.

"Uhh...o..okay li then I will just get going. Once you are home safely just ring me."

"Yeah sure Eric."

I finished my lunch and took my soda can in my hand. I will drink it while getting to the parking. And before I need to meet that guy Steven. I got up from my seat hanging the bag on my shoulder.

"Bye li." I smiled at her.

"Bye Eric."

I moved out of the café and tried to find him first. I opened the soda can in my hand and took a sip while searching for him. I walked through the corridors but no sign of him. After 10 minutes there was still no sign of him. My soda can got empty and I headed towards the dustbin to throw it. I glanced from the window near the bin and I could see a familiar figure on the football court playing. I tried to see more clearly and there he was playing. He still thinks this is high school? What an idiot.

I moved towards the field and called his name.

"Steve. Hey Steven. Listen." I called out. He stopped playing and came towards me with a smirk on his face. Really? What is with him smirking all the time.

"Yeah. I know everything. So we start today and your place not mine because.."

I cut him off, "Okay hold on. Now you don't have any issues with it" I ask him folding my hand on my chest.

"Ofcourse I wont have. Come on now you are helping me I need to be sweet with you" again that smirk on his face.

"Helping? So what do you think I did last night? Huh?"

"Okay I know you helped me and I just burst out on you but what could you do when you wake up in a unknown place and then you come to know that the girl who spilled coffee over you, lives here." he says firmly.

"Oh but you should really consider that the girl helped you last night when you were totally drunk and even when you splashed water on her in front of so many people" now I was really getting angry.

"Oh yeah the water thing. Okay look lets just forget it and we start today your place just tell me the time"

"My place would be fine but my parents will be home but that not an issue so its" I glanced at my watch "3 now, you can come after an hour"

"Yeah okay will be there by 4:15" he said.

"Okay" I said to him and moved away from there going towards my car. He is so mean. I don't care how much sweet aur nice talks he gives me it wont change the fact that he is extremely mean. I need him now or else I would have never helped him. I unlocked my door and kept my bag on the next seat. I started my car and pulled out on the road. I need to call Matt now.


"Yeah. Matt I miss you too. Bye" I said and hung up on him. It felt so good talking to him after so long it felt like ages. I told Matt everything that happened in these past 2-3 days. Idiot, he feels my confidence has boosted up while he is away. I smile at myself.

Okay now Erica you need to get a topic for your project and most important you have to wait for that guy to come. I looked at the time it was 4:30 he should come by now.

Already late.

Just then I hear a car pulling in our driveway. I move out of my room and head down to open the door. I was moving just then I heard the door bell ring. He is so fast, is he a vampire or something. The thought of Steven being a vampire made me laugh. I moved towards the door and opened it. He was standing with his bag on his shoulders and a fake smile planted on his lips.

"Hey there" he said to me.

"hey, come in" he got inside and I closed the door behind him.

"I got this for you" he said giving me a bag. I took the bag and opened it to find ice cream in it. Why did he get me ice cream

"You know I searched for chocolates but the shop wasn't open so instead I just got you ice-cream. Hope its Okay." he said brushing his hand on his head.

"But there was no need for this and I must tell you that... well .. uhh.. Th.. Thoughtful.. ye..yeah so thoughtful of you" god why I cannot just thank him already. I smiled at my foolishness and moved in the kitchen. I kept the ice cream in the fridge. I removed two soda cans. This was coke and I don't know what he likes so I took the cans and moved in the living room. He was seated on the sofa smiling. What a mean creature he is. I just don't understand why I have too help him and bear him.

"Here, I don't know your choice I just had them available." I said to him handing the can.

"Well it doesn't seems like that." Again smirking. Ugghh what is it with him smirking all the time. I feel like punching his face.

"Oh, so what does it looks like to you?" I literally threw my words at him.

"You don't need to be so rude." He says

"Look who is talking about rudeness." How can he be like this. I swear this guy is mental.

"Okay now lets move up. Lets keep this in the study limit." I gesture him to follow me. He holds a blank expression but says as I do.

We walk up the stairs. I open my door and get inside, him following.

"So, first we need to work on the project because we got only three days to explain our topic roughly. And about helping you, when we start with the project we can also cope up with your studies. I don't think there is much that you wont understand and You can also borrow some of my assignments just to have a look." He carefully listens to me and thinks over what I just said.

"Okay. I am fine with it. and I really can manage with a lot of stuff only when I need your help apart from this project I ll approach you." He says.

Look now back with the rudeness.

"Yeah, its fine. So first we need to decide a topic." I say switching my laptop on and taking some books for reference.

"We can make a project on you."

"Ex...c..cuse me." I sutter.

"I mean you being so kind, generous, helpful, beautiful face, and mostly interfering..."

"What the hell? What do you think of yourself? You accuse me like this." I cut him off again. What the fuck does he thinks of himself.

"Okay calm down pretty face. I was just being honest you know." He says smirking.

"Well, then I don't need your honesty." I roll my eyes at him. This stupid project. If it was not for this I would have kicked him out.

"Okay enough now with all this rubbish. I was just making fun. Lets get back to the topic." He says firmly.

"You don't need to make fun here. Our relation is just study related." I spat at him.

"you speak too much. Just discuss what will be the topic." he says.

"Okay" just now he was being so sweet and cute and now look at him. How can a person have so many mood swings. Like a mood swing in just 10-15 minutes. Total rubbish. Sometimes I really wonder that what is wrong with this guy, but then he keeps getting on my nerves. I don't understand where this feelings to help him come from but his attitude changes those feelings. I should really stop trying to be sweet with him, he cant change.

He will be this rude, arrogant, and a jerk.

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