You are the only one...

By Story_of_Fate13

224K 8.4K 4.8K

Warning: This is a sequel! If you have not read: 'You're not the only one...' Do so now! ... More

1. Konoha's knuckle head ninja!
2. Reunion
3. The bell test
4. The hidden Jinchūriki
A/N: I got tagged
5. Saving Kankuro
6. The Kazami choke hold! Encounter with Itachi Uchiha
7. Breaking in
8. The chase
9. An unforgivable act
10. My knucklehead ninja
11. A promise that can't be kept...
12. The fourth member
13. Fake smiles: Ruka's deadly 'stress reliever'
14. The pervert Uzamaki
15. Close to you again
16. You make me want to kill myself
17. Why do I feel this way?
18. Far from a simulation
19. A permanent reminder
20. Kicking and Screaming
21. Not bluffing
22. Bonds
23. Sasuke...?
24. No matter what
25. The letter
26. Spending a week with the Kazekage
28. It's not a's just dinner
29. Love is strange...
30. Our daughter
31. Trapped
32. A hero
33. Sakura shouldn't cook
34. The weird tentacle guy
35. I taught her well
36. Difficult training
37. Everybody just needs a little Hope
38. Poisoned
39. I'll protect you
40. I know you better than you know yourself
41. Like father, Like daughter
42. I've missed you
43. I don't plan on dying
44. Memories of a Sannin
45. Ruka's secret
46. Team Kasai: Mission start!
47. Team Kasai: The Ritual
48. Team Kasai: Love
49. Team Kasai: Welcome to Hell
50. Team Kasai: Scary naked women
51. Team Kasai: Let's play forever~
53. Team Kasai: Who are you?
54. Team Kasai: Escape from Hell
55. Team Kasai: Mission failed?!?!
56. Always here for you
57. Preparations
58. A Sensei's student
59. Training: The 11 tails vs. The Jashinist!
60: Training: The perfect Chidori
61. Training: Half-wolf
62. Training: Kekkei Genkai, history of the Kiyomizu clan!
A/N: Who's hotter?
63. The beginning of a nightmare
64. An almighty disaster
65. Because I....
66. An unexpected savior
67. Kidnapped
68. Torture
69. An old friend
70. Stay still
71. The Five Kage Summit Conference
72. The love confession
73. Naruto's confession
74. Betrayal
75. Anger
76. Sorry
77. Closer
78. Enter: Killer Bee, fool ya fool!
79. Yes
80. I love you
81. The evil in me
82. Different emotions, same feelings
83. Conquering evil
84. Next step: Taming the 11 tailed fox!
85. Ruka vs. Kinase
86. Illusions of a perfect life
87. Familiar face
88. Descendants
A/N: Book 3?
89. Final battle
90. The intruding pufferfish
Bonus Chapter!!!! 90/5. Happy early/late birthday!!!!
91. R.I.P Kisame
92. Sexual desires: the confession
93. Pleasure

52. Team Kasai: Release of the 11 tails!

1.4K 65 25
By Story_of_Fate13

~Ruka's POV~

I slowly forced myself to walk through the forest; tightly clutching my arm which was bleeding heavily. A splitting pain appeared in my side and I winced before leaning against a tree and panting heavily.

Damn it...

How the hell did I get myself stuck in a situation like this? Well, I don't have time to stand around and think about it; I have to find Ryuku and the others. I reluctantly forced myself to stop leaning on the tree and slowly shuffled forward as the pain radiating throughout my body threatened to make me collapse.

"R-Ryuku?!" I called out into the dark forest "Hope?! K-Kuro?!"

Silence answered my calls and I cursed angrily under my breath; there has to be some way to get out of this Jutsu! We can't just be stuck in here forever....I have to save my brother, and my friends! I began walking faster, ignoring the increasing pain in my body, and looked hastily around.

Those damn skeleton wolves put up quite the fight before I finally found out how to kill them. Stabbing them in the eye didn't work, cutting them open didn't work, trying to drown them didn't work! Hell, hopping off their damn heads didn't even work!!

I had to cut off it's tail...IT'S TAIL!!

That's the last thing I would have thought of! I didn't mean to even cut off it's tail the first time; it was an accident. However, once I did it started twitching then it just slowly disintegrated into a pile of dust.

I felt a splitting pain in my side and I winced as I leaned against the nearest tree. I glanced down at Ryuku's weapons belt in my hand and frowned; I hope he's okay.


I took out my sword and turned towards the voice only to see Kuro standing there. Relief spread throughout my whole body and I put my sword away as he walked over to me; only then did I realize he was shirtless and his leg had numerous bite marks in it.

"W-Where's your shirt" I asked, blushing slightly.

"It's a long story" he said hesitantly "but where's Ryuku, I thought he was with you?!"

"I thought Hope was with you?!"

"Another long story."

I rolled my eyes and glanced away from Kuro before carefully surveying my surroundings. If this a Jutsu the enemy put up, that must mean they're somewhere in here....but where?!

"I don't know if you heard" Kuro said "but apparently if we die in this Jutsu..."

"...we die in real life" I finished "yeah, I heard."

Kuro nodded gravely; "so what now?"

"Now" I began slowly "we just have to...."

"Escape? That's impossible in a place like this."

Our eyes widened and we both took out our weapons before turning around to see a boy leaning against a tree and staring at me. He had short black hair and black eyes just like Kuro's; he sighed deeply and smirked slightly as he continued to stare at me.

"Seems I underestimated you, Ruka" he said "I thought those wolves would maul you to death....but you held on strong!"

"Who are you?!" I demanded, gripping my sword tighter "how do you know my name?!"

"I know everyone's name" he said simply "I know you, Kuro, Ryuku, and Hope. I did my research....and according to my Genjutsu; Ryuku and Hope are heading in this direction and should be here in about 15 seconds."

They're okay...

I let out a small sigh of relief but didn't once take my eyes off the enemy. He said 'My Genjutsu' that must mean he's the reason we're stuck in this place. I growled angrily under my breath as the man smiled evilly and nodded his head.

"Yes...Ruka! Be angry!" He urged "I feed off of your hatred! Try to strike me down with that sword like the monster you are! Let your rage take control of you!"

I inched forward slightly and raised the tip of my sword up, but Kuro laid a hand on my shoulder stopped me. I felt a sense of realization hit me, like someone had just removed a foggy screen from my mind, and I smiled in gratitude. I rustling sound came from nearby and we all looked to see Ryuku and Hope come out of the trees; bite marks all over their necks and blood splattering their clothes.

"You guys!" Hope exclaimed, rushing over to us "you're both okay! Ryuku and I thought....WHO THE FUCK IS HE?!"

Ryuku glared at the man suspiciously and stood beside me as I handed him his weapons pouch which he took with a small thanks.

"We fight because we are human" the man said "and we are human because we fight. This world is nothing without war, suffering, anger, greed, and lust. Our world was founded from these major factors and people like you fail to understand that; nothing good last forever. When good things do come we take advantage of them and use them like the selfish beings we are. This world is full of monsters, you may think you can change this world, but in are corrupting it."

"You're wrong" I said angrily through gritted teeth "dead wrong! I won't lie, there is greed, lust, and suffering in this world! That doesn't mean everyone is like that! There are people in this world who are trying to make a difference and want to do the right thing! It's people like you that fail to hear reason and make others suffer on the crazy delusion that this world can't be changed! As long as you have friends, family, or even strangers that are kind and want to make a difference then this world can always be changed!"

The man stared at me for a long time then his face split into a sinister smile and he began to laugh hysterically.

I bit my bottom lip hard in frustration, causing it to bleed, as Ryuku clenched his hands into fist and Hope growled.

"You don't know true suffering yet!!" The man said, laughing still "I'll show you true suffering Ruka!! I'LL SHOW YOU!"

We all got into attack position and raised our weapons as I slowly exhaled deeply; seeing as he's powerful enough to make a Genjutsu like this when he's just our age means we have to be careful. The man slowly raised his hand and we all tensed but he just held up five fingers.

"Five seconds" he said calmly "your suffering will only take five seconds."

I glared at him angrily and felt Kinase stir around slightly inside of me before settling down.

'I don't feel so good....'

'What's wrong Kinase?' I asked, concerned.

'I just don't want to see what he's about to do.'

I bit the inside of my cheek and remained quiet as the man lowered his hand.

"Your suffering....starts now."


We all charged at him with our weapons ready as he simply smirked and pulled a dagger out of his pocket.


I tried to stab him with my sword but he grabbed the blade and kicked me back before turning towards Hope and doing the same.


Kuro managed to cut his cheek but the man chuckled in amusement and punched Kuro with a Chakra infused fist, sending him flying into a tree.


Ryuku punched the man hard in the stomach and he hunched over in pain as Ryuku adjusted the Kunai in his hand and swung it towards him.


The man smirked and stood back up, perfectly fine, before stabbing Ryuku hard in the chest with his dagger.


All of our eyes widened and I stared in fear as Ryuku coughed up blood and fell to the ground. The man smirked and looked at the crimson blood on his dagger before wiping the blood off on his pants.

"R-Ryuku?" I said quietly, as I felt myself shaking.

No response.

"If you die in the Genjutsu" the man said "you die in real life. This world is full of losing your brother after he got stabbed in the chest with a dagger coated in fast acting poison. I'm sure you can relate Ruka."


No response.

Kuro angrily clenched his hands into fist and Hope's eyes watered as I simply stood there.


No, that can't be right!!

The man looked down at Ryuku's body and smirked before kicking it to the side.

"Are you suffering yet?"


I felt a heavy churning sensation in my body and I saw something flash red as a hazy mist engulfed me. I growled angrily and bared my teeth at him as I felt my canine teeth enlarge in size and sharp claws replaced my fingernails.

"Ruka!" Kuro said hastily, rushing over to me "you gotta calm down! I know you're upset but you don't have to do this!"

I let out a loud animalistic roar and punched Kuro away from me as he went flying back and slammed into numerous trees before falling unconscious. Hope gasped loudly and backed away from me as I roared again and saw what looked like a large tail swaying behind me.

Me: Hey guys! That's the end of chapter. 52! I hope you enjoyed it!

Hope: Damn....Ruka went a little overboard

Me: *Nods* I agree

Ruka: You're the one who wrote it!

Me: Oh yeah *giggles*

Hope: Story_of_Fate13 doesn't own Naruto

Me: Later guys!

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