Always With Me |Sakura Haruno...

By _Crimson_Moon_

14.7K 676 98

Go read the re-write of this Story! Its 'The blossoms curse' More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
A/N Gomen!
Made up decision! A/N
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Note!!! Please read
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Help ;-;

Chapter 24

160 13 2
By _Crimson_Moon_

"This kingdom is bigger than I thought." I said as I sweat-dropped. The people go the kingdom seemed very lively. Everywhere you went there were smiling faces and dancing.

It reminded me of my village. Before it was attacked, we were just like this lovely kingdom, always celebration something. Just an excuse to have parties and festivals. I sighed at all the memories that rushed through my head.

I felt something nudge me, so I turned my head and saw Whise pointing at an alley way. Understanding what he meant, we all scrambled over to the alley, avoiding all the dancing feet. "So what's the plan?" Carmin spoke up.

"The plan right now is that we find the prince." I replied while looking around, hunting for signs that the prince is here. "He's most likely gonna be there." Whise pointed at a large castle. I sweat dropped. "How could I not notice it...Let's go!"

We started towards the castle, until a horse came stomping from around the corner. It was pulling a carriage through all the dancing people. I got a small glimpse of the window and saw the Prince!

"There he is!" I ran towards the carriage and hopped right onto the rim of the window. It was going fast so the others couldn't catch up. "Wait here! I'll be back later, ok?!" I yelled at them. They all nodded and disappeared into an alley.

I peeped into the window to see a woman with to much make-up on, scolding the Prince. Must be his mother. I noticed that the carriage was getting closer and closer to the large castle up ahead. The carriage hit a rock, bouncing me up and down a little.

My grip tightened on the handle on the side of the carriage. I hit my head a few times on the way to the castle, but we eventually arrived. I hopped off the rim of the window and waited for the carriage door to open. The driver from the front walked to the door and opened it.

Out stepped a very crystal like shoe. I was beautiful, with all the flower designs on the top part of the high heel. "Wow..." I mumbled under my breath, but to them it probably sounded like a squeak. The woman from before stepped out, then next came a Princess, I assumed, then the Prince. They walked towards the large doors that were ahead, then the doors just magically opened!

Then I noticed the servers that opened the door and sweat dropped. But what surprised me the most was that no one noticed me yet. They were greeted with a few maids that showed a little to much skin, and some butlers. The maids were mole- I mean, taking the prince by his arms and greeting him.

The butlers bowed in respect to the Queen and Princess. As to I hid in the shadows, following the prince as they went further in the large castle. He eventually opened a large door, so I slipped in just in time before he slammed the door in the maids faces.

He sighed and sat on his head. Rubbing his head in frustration, I jumped into his knee, startling him. I looked up wit big innocent eyes, and he calmed down. "How did you get in here? Huh lil fella?"

'I'm not a "lil fella",' My eyes dulled as I looked at him. "I mean little girl..." He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. I nodded. "Ok then..."

This strange feeling ran through my body, so I hopped off his knee and stood on the flower. I made a squeaking noise, then there was a poof. As I opened my eyes, I was taller. Immediately, my hands covered my...Parts...And I saw the prince blush and through a large pillow at me. "T-thank you!" I covered myself.

"S-sakura, what are you doing here? I thought you were at your village." He covered his eyes. "I came to visit...You know...I went back to Konoha for a little bit a Naruto told me about here and said I should visit!" I replied.

"Now can I please have something to where?!" I hugged the pillow tighter to me and squeezed my eyes shut. I heard some shuffling, then I felt something light land on my head. I opened my eyes to see through the white shirt.

He was turned around. I dropped the pillow and slipped in the over-sized white shirt. "Thank you." I sighed and threw the pillow back on the bed. He nodded and turned back at me. "In the carriage, why was your mother scolding you, Yosei-sama?" He sighed and laid on his back.

"She wants me to marry someone soon. My father has grown ill, and will soon pass, leaving me with the kingdom in my hands."  I nodded.

"And what if you don't find your princess?" He sighed and rubbed his head in frustration.

"Well then my sister will marry her Prince, and rule the kingdom." I nodded in understanding. "My mom hopes I'll find my "princess" at the upcoming ball, and speaking of that, I think you should come with me." He smiled.

I was shocked for a second, but a smile crept on my face. "Really? I've never been to a ball before!" I looked at him, and saw excitement glimmer in his eyes. "Thank you! Now I don't have to ask some desperate girl to go with me." He grinned.

"Wait a minute...I need to go back to the town thing to get my min- I mean friends from the alley. I told them to wait for me, but by now I think they're done waiting..." I looked at him awkwardly. "Um...Can I borrow some more clothes from you...Their kinda...Naked I would say." He nodded and pulled out his clothes.

"Thank you so much!" I bowed to him, then realized I didn't have any pants on. "May I also have some pants...please I don't think the breeze on my behind is very pleasant." I sweat dropped.

He blushed and handed my some oversized pants. "Thank you again Yosei-sama."



"Just call me Yosei." He smiled and I nodded.

I left the kingdom through the window and ran through the town plaza and went to the exact place where the alley they went in.

"Guys?" I called out to the dark alley. I saw a white cat, and knew it was Whise.  "I've got some clothes!" I threw them in the alley and then they just disappeared.

Whise sat next to me as we watched the two struggle to put on clothes in the dark. I snickered as some trash cans fell over with them on it.

After they were done, we started weaving through the dancing town and eventually found a nice looking inn.

We got our rooms and I immediately fell on the bed. "I'm exhausted!" I groaned. Whise was in his human form as he laid next to me.

"Me too." He grinned. I glared at him slightly, then snuggled up in my pillow.

"Oh and just so you know...We are going to a ball soon." Then I turned the lights off and fell asleep.

Though as I slept, I dreamt about the wonderful ball.

Hi y'all! I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! And sorry I haven't updated in a while...I've been more busy(lazy) than I usually am. But just so you know I'm gonna try to at least start to update my book once a week.
Drop a vote and comment what you think!
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, but I own the plot and the OC's!

Bye bye~! - Crim-sama~

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