Too Determined In Life (Chari...

By kawaii_shipper02

36.5K 1.1K 1.5K

Hey guys, Mari-chan here! I know, I know. The title sucks but hey! This is my first story! And yes I did draw... More

Character bios
Chapter 1:Chara?...
Chapter 2:Mom's reaction
Chapter 3: Chara's past
Chapter 4: Frisk's secret
Chapter 5: Chara's nightmares
Chapter 6: Coming clean
Chapter 7: First day back
Chapter 8: The usual break
Chapter 9: MK finds out
Chapter 10: Unexpected call
Chapter 11: Frisk's nightmare
Chapter 12: Going on my own
Chapter 13: The walk to school
Chapter 14: Finally caught
Chapter 15:unexpected outburst
Chapter 17: Azzy?
Chapter 18: Finally found
Chapter 19:Down memory lane
Chapter 20: Chara's truth
Chapter 21: Help of harming
Chapter 22: Chara seeks the truth
Chapter 23: True colours
Chapter 24: Sneaky love peaks
Chapter 25: A dream a reality?
Chapter 26: Sibling reunion
Warning about 4chan
Chapter 27: The return
Chapter 28: Surprise arrival
Chapter 29: Mixed feelings?
Chapter 30: The big question
Chapter 31: Back again
Chapter 32: Better?
Chapter 33: Mean message
Chapter 34: Promises
Chapter 35: Promise broken?
Chapter 36: tickled to the truth
Chapter 37: Someone else
Chapter 38: Got some explaining
Chapter 39: cleared confusion
Chapter 40: smiles and space
Chapter 41: assult or apology?
Chapter 42: Over and over
Chapter 43: Fish face and faking
A/N Very important!!
Another A/N don't kill me (sorry I'll delete this when I update)
Chapter 44: Flowers and weeds
Face reveal - I'm keeping my word

Chapter 16: Chara's concern

843 26 38
By kawaii_shipper02

Me: ok this time, I'm not gonna scream. Don't worry.

Chara: phew!



Me: you kicked him, remember?

Chara:oh... right... *guilty*

Me:you'll find out how he's doing in this part, don't worry.


"Oh my gosh, Frisk! I'm so sorry!" Exclaimed Chara. She was about to help him up but was shocked to see him stand as if it was nothing.

"That's ok, I've been hit harder by-" started Frisk but soon covered his mouth with his hand. Chara eyed him suspiciously.

"By..." she gestured, urging him to go on.

"B-By... Undyne! Yeah, as well as Asgore and Sans, (well Sans during the genocide run but you know!)" Lied Frisk which was easy to tell. This time, Chara noticed.

"You're lying" she stated, crossing her arms.

"What are you talking about? I'm not lying"

"Yes you ar-" She began but soon heard Papyrus' voice from downstairs.

"HUMANS! TIME FOR LUNCH!" he called out in a incredibly loud voice.

"Ugh!" Chara screamed in frustration. "We're coming"

Frisk's POV
'Phew! That was close!' I thought as we went  downstairs.

"We'll talk over lunch" whispered Chara. I panicked. I know, I know. I should just tell her and everyhing else too... but... I don't want her to hurt anyone let alone kill anyone. If that means keeping my feelings inside then so be it.

"Hey kid, uh, you ok?" Sans asked, obviously concerned. I don't know why he wouldn't be, I mean, I'm rarely angry and I just... exploded at him like I was some kind if volcano.

"Yeah, sorry about that" I apologised sheepishly. Sans ruffled my hair in reply.

"Don't worry 'bout it kiddo. I never knew school could do that to ya", He grinned at me, "The way you exploded at me, woah! I guess I..." his grin widened.

"SANS...?" Papyrus said cautiously.





"Schooled" Sans grinned.

"NYOOO MY DAY IS RUINED!!" screamed Papyrus in anger. I chuckled as Chara smirked.  "WELL, AT LEAST THE HUMANS CAN NOW HAVE MY GOURMET SPAGHETTI!" I rubbed my head sheepishly. I know I have to tell Chara some day... just not today...

"I'm gonna have to pass, sorry" I apologised as I watched papyrus' face fall. "I'm... a bit tired from school"

I suppose 'tired' is one way to put it. I am tired honestly... tired of putting up with Mhara and Clara. Why don't I stand up to them? Because I'm scared of what will happen. Not just to me, but to Chara when she goes to school... my heartbeat is increasing and I felt my face heat up... I wonder why...

"Ok kid, come on guys. Let's eat that spaghetti  or it will..." Sans grinned "past-away"

I hear Papyrus groan as I made my way up to my room.

"This isn't over..." Chara whispered.

"Hey you snooze, you lose.... or should I say... I snooze, you lose" I replied and stuck out my tongue. Chara glared at me before walking to the bottom of the stairs. "Oh and Chara?"


"Call me if Sans does anything, ok?"

"Thanks but..." she grinned " I can take care of myself you know"

"Don't kill him" I said, eyeing her suspiciously.

"I won't, I promise" she replied and turned the corner to where the table is.

I continued to make my way up to my bed. Once I reached our room, I opened the door before closing it with a sigh. If only Sans and Chara could get along. I climbed into bed, resting my eyes. A few moments later, I drifted into sleep.


Me: nuuu I didn't make it on time... oh well... I tried right?

Chara:... wait no one answered my question, who hit Frisk harder than I did?!

Me:...Goodbye from Mari-chan :3

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