Pain: Her (Harry Styles Fan F...

By VividFantasyFiction

6.4M 128K 46.6K

She thought she knew what pain was, until she met Harry. *This story is in the process of being ed... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Authors note! Please read!

Chapter 18

73.9K 1.3K 539
By VividFantasyFiction

"Alee?" I heard Harry whisper

"Alee!" he whispered again. I felt the back of his hand rub my cheek to wake me up and I did.

"What time is it?" my eyes fluttered opened and I sat up closing my eyes and rubbing them.

"Almost eight." he told me looking down at his watch.

"Wow, it's late." I stood up and stretched, extending my arms out above me and groaning.

"Yeah, my mom texted me she needs me home." He got up and placed his hands around my hips and pulled me in against his chest.

"Did you enjoy your nap?" He asked.

"Mhmm." I smiled.

"You slept like a baby." he smiled against my cheek.

"I was so tired." I grabbed his hand and lead him to the door. He ran his fingers through his hair, fixing it and rubbing his face.

"I couldn't even move, you were stuck to my body." he laughed as we stepped out.

"You're so soft and fluffy, you're like a big panda!" he laughed out loud and threw his head back, flashing his dimples and beautiful teeth. The crinkles by his eyes when he laughed were so adorable and the lines on his cheeks that formed made his features even more admiring.

"Drive safe, okay?"

"I will, goodnight babe." He recovered from his laughter and gave me one last kiss before getting in his car and driving away.

It was pitch black out. The street lights were bright and all the houses were dark. It was cold out, not too cold, but cold enough to get chills. I immediately ran back inside and locked the door and sat back down on the couch unmuting the TV and continuing to watch the marathon of Friends.

"Would you put that back on!? Moncia's gonna be here any minute!" Chandler, one of the main characters, orderd Joey as he took off his bow tie.

"But it's hurting my Joey's apple!" Everytime I watched that episode I laughed even harder. I remember I used to watch it with my dad everyday. It was like our show.

About a half hour later Alan came running down the stairs, throwing his coat on and grabbing his keys from off the front table beside the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked muting the t.v.

"I need to head to the pharmacy I forgot to pick up my medication." he told me making sure he had his wallet.

"Medication? For what?"

"My throat."

"You okay?" what a dumb question to ask, obviously he's okay.

"Yeah! It just prevents it from getting worse." he told me buttoning his jacket up.

"Can I go for you?" I offered. He stopped buttoning and looked at me with surprise.

"Why?" he half smiled.

"I um, kinda need to get some stuff too." Stuff as in 'lady products' that I don't want to tell him about that. I haven't started it yet, in a few days I know I will and I ran out last time.

"Stuff?" he asked confused. He quickly caught up and made an O shape with his mouth and shook his head in understanding.

"I mean, I can get my stuff later since you're already dressed and all."

"No, no! I'd really appreciate if you would, actually. I still have a whole ton of papers to grade." he took his coat off and threw it around his forearm.

"You're going to walk?" he asked while I put my Doc Martens on.

"Yeah, it's like a ten minute walk. I'll be fine." I promised. He handed me his credit card and opened the door for me.

"Just give my name and birthday. You know it right?"

"August 9th 1975?" I answered as if it were a question.

"Yeah, good job!" He smiled. "And you can get your things with the card."

"Thanks." He shut the door and I began to walk to the pharmacy. It wasn't too far away, just a couple of blocks down. Ten minutes seem like a long time but it's not. It was somewhat cryptic out. The moon was out and the sky was dark, wind was blowing and picking up its pace; I almost felt scared. I finally reached the pharmacy and headed in the back to pick up his things.

"Pick up." I told the man behind the counter.

"Name and last name?"

"Crossmen, Alan."

"Birthday?" he asked typing in his name.

"August 9th, 1975."

"One second." he smiled before going in the back to fetch it. I leaned against the counter, tapping my fingers against it while I waited.

"Crossmen." he read the label. "here you go." I grabbed the thin paper bag from his hand and began to walk down the aisle to leave until I noticed someone standing on the far side of me from the corner of my eyes. I looked and saw that it was Liam. He had band aides and rubbing alcohol in his hands, I'm assuming for his cuts and bruises. He also had some soda's and junk food as he looked through the cookie aisle. I began to panic and without making a sound I began to walk as fast as I could without someone questioning me. I decided to forget about my 'lady products' thinking it was too risky to go back in.

'Don't see me, don't see me, don't see me!" I thought when I saw his head at the top of the shelves while I walked. He turned to pay for his things and I basically ran out the store. I turned around to make sure he didn't see me and I sighed in relief. I stopped and caught my breath, inhaling and exhaling deeply. I noticed that my boot was untied and I bent down to re tie them. As I did, I heard a door slam loudly. I stood up and sharply turned around, only to see Liam looking directly at me. He stood in front of his trunk and just stayed there watching me. I quickly turned around and the fear began to spread through me. I started to walk normally, pretending that I didn't notice him. It was so quiet that I actually heard his footsteps from where I was, which was pretty far. I picked up my pace and out of instinct I turned around to see how close he was, and he was closer than I thought. My eyes widened as I walked faster and faster, hugging myself and breathing through my nose.

Than suddenly, I heard heavy breathing behind me. It can't be him. He couldn't have been that close to me within a few seconds. I don't know why but I slowed down. I put the small paper bag in my back pocket and the footsteps came louder. All I heard was his boots pressing against the concrete ground and echoing throughout the empty streets.

"Aleevonne?" Liam called out for me. His tone was serious and full of authority. He knew I was trying to avoid him so the frustration in his voice was noticable. I ignored him and continued walking, but knowing Liam he won't give up. Moments later I left a hand around my wrist and I was turned around.

"Why are you running from me?" he asked furrowing his eyebrows together in anger and curiosity.

"You're following me..." I told him stuttering and slowly but cautiously stepping back.

"Don't be scared of me, Alee. I'm not going to hurt you." Liam's tone in his voice made it obvious that he was lying. I hate that I scare easily and I hate that he knows that.

"Why are you walking alone in the dark? It's late, you should be at home." he told me licking his lips and looking at me up and down.

"Lighten up!" he laughed stepping closer me. "Just relax babe, relax." he smiled putting his keys that were in his hands in his pockets.

"I need to go." Without saying another word I turned around and began to walk away. Like I said before, he doesn't give up.

"Don't walk away from me." he said grabbing my top arm and pulling me back to him. A couple walked by across from us and I played it off as if nothing was going on and they continued on their way. I tried to escape his grip but it was too tight.

"Where's Harry, huh? Shouldn't he be here to save you and protect you like he promised?" he grinned wickedly.

"Let me go," I said through my teeth, "I'm serious, stop!" I slapped his chesting hoping he would let me go but his grip got tighter.

"You're hurting me, Liam let go!" I panicked raising my voice. His only response was a smirk, a heart sufficating, goosebump creating smirk.

"You are scared of me." he said with amusement. "You haven't changed have you?"

"Fuck you!" I spat slapping him with my free hand. His head shot to the side harshly and he rubbed his cheek laughing. His then slowly turned his head, his smile fading into a vicious glare, and he clenched his jaw. He stared at me, probably thinking about how he was going to kill me, and my body began to shake from fear. Water began to form in my eyes when the familiar feeling in my stomach returned. Once I tried to turn and run he grabbed me from behind and wrapped his arm around my stomach, effortlessly picking me up from off the ground. On the side of the side walk, opposite of the street, were grass, bushes, and a huge tree. Because it was dark, you couldn't see anything and he took that to his advantage.

"Liam, let me go!" I begged. He threw me on the ground and as I tried to get up and he pushed me down and straddled me, pinning both my hands above my head with one hand and cover my mouth with the other.

"Scream once and I'll end you." he threatened through gritted teeth. My tears fell from my eyes and slid through his palm that covered my mouth.

"You leave me for him?" he whispered. I shut my eyes tighly, somehow hoping this was a dream. I prayed that someone would walk by and save me but no one did.

"Him?" He shouted so loudly I flinched. His voice was thick and raspy and seconds later, just as I predicted he removed his hand from my mouth and slapped me with all the power his body could hold. I don't know how my neck stayed in place, and for a second I thought it snapped. The pain was excruciating and I gasped so hard trying to catch my breath. He grabbed my jaw with his hand and forced me to look at him.

"I did everything for you!" he growled, "I went to fucking jail for you!" he reminded gripping my jaw even tighter.

"I'm sorry.." I whispered through sobs.

"No you're not!" he shouted and lifted his hand to slap me again. It wasn't as strong as the first one but the pain was worse, being that it was in the same spot. I arched my back trying to lift his heavy body from off of me but he held me down. We remained in the same position for what seemed like forever, and when I calmed myself down, I built the confidence and strength to knee him in the balls. When I did, he groaned in pain and removed his hands from around my wrist and cupped his aching parts. When I turned to the side to get up, his free hand slammed me down but I slapped him again, this time getting away. I ran faster than I've ever ran before in my life, not bothering to look back I basically bolted home. Breathing so strongly while the wind blew my tears across and off my face. What would normally take ten minutes took me only three to get home. I ran in the house and threw the medicine from my back pocket on the table.

"That was quick." Alan called from the kitchen.

"Yup!" I said trying to hide every emotinal and pain. I ran up the stairs and in my room and the second I slammed the door shut I broke down crying. I leaned against the door and slowly slid down, covering my face and crying hard into it.

"Alee?" I heard a knock on the door.

"I'm changing!" I shouted standing up and wiping my tears away.

"Okay, are you alright?" he asked through the door.

"Yeah, I'm fine!" I said standing infront of it terrified and hoping he wouldn't turn the nob to enter.

"Okay sweetheart, I'll be in my office if you need me. Thanks again."

"You're welcome!" I tried my best to sound okay and not make my broken state noticable. I waited for him to leave and I went into my bathroom. I shut the door and stood in front of the mirror and the sight of my already heavily bruised cheek even shocked me. I leaned over the sink and ran my fingers gently over it. I flinched from the pain and shook my head crying even harder. I turned the faucet on and grabbed some tissues, wetting it and carefully dabbing it over my cheek. It was no help at all and I gave up. I threw the tissue away and left the bathroom. I turned off my lights and crawled in bed, balling underneath and crying into my pillow. I heard my phone buzz but ignored it. The pain was so horrible but I was used to it. Liam's violent act didn't surprise me because I went through this almost everyday with him.


"Harry?" I asked walking down the empty hall. The carpet was velvet and the walls were black. Where is he? I've been looking for him for forever.

"C'mon Harry, this isn't funny anymore where are you?" My patience were growing thin as I looked through the doors but all I saw was pitch blackness.

"Aleevonne!" It felt like someone stood behind me and whispered it in my ear and when I turned around no one was there.


"Over here." I heard another whisper. I followed the voice and when I came across a black door the whisper was heard again.

"Come inside."

"Harry seriously, you're scaring me. Where are you?" I turned the knob to the mysterious door and pushed it open.

"Harry?" I whispered in fear.

"Alee." The person responded. I turned around to look outside and turned back, only to see Liam chest to chest with me, black eyes and devlish smirk.

"Boo!" He shouted in my face. I screamed and woke up to the buzzing sound of my alarm. I sat up panting and sweating, looking around forgetting where I was for a few seconds. The pain I felt on my face was so intense it felt half of my face was cut off. I turned off the alarn and lied back down. I spread my arms across the bed and continued to take deep breaths while I stared at the ceiling. I turned my head and grabbed my phone from off the table beside the bed and checked my messages. I had three unread messages from Harry.

9:43: Harry <3: Hi lovely :)
10:14: Harry <3: Alee?
11:o5: Harry <3: You're probably asleep, sorry for bothering you. Goodnight babe

I felt guilty for not responding, he must have been worried about me. I threw my phone on the bed beside me and headed to the bathroom. I jumped back when I saw myself in the mirror. Liam has hit me many times, but this by far was the worse damage he has ever caused. It wasn't an ordinary bruise, no. It was dark and swollen, the blue and black were darker than your normal colored bruise and I must have stood there for ten minutes trying to figure out how I was going to cover this up. I tied my hair and took out my makeup sponge and applied foundation onto my hand. I gently dabbed the liquid onto my face, trying to cover it up as good as possible. I than applied at least two different concealers and a bronzer. It looked decent, not too bad, but decent.

"Alan!" I called out walking out of my bedroom. I stood at the top of the stairs and waited for his response, but didn't receive one.

"Alan?!" This time I called out louder. I shrugged when he didn't reply and went back into my room to change. I still had Harry's sweater on and I didn't want to take it off. It still smelled like him, even though I wore it for two days straight, it still had his manly scent and I loved it. I took the thick material off of my body and tossed it on my bed and slipped my tights off. I didn't feel pretty today. I didn't feel happy or joyful or even the slightest excited that it was my birthday. Fuck that, I don't even care anymore.

I wore a white shirt with blue half sleeves and a pair of plain black skinnies. I wore my white converse and didn't bother to do my hair and threw it up in a messy bun. It wasn't even nice it looked like a cow shit on my head, but I could care less. I grabbed my phone from off the bed and took my time going down stairs. It was almost eight oclock but still took my time. School starts in a half hour and I wish I could stay home. I mean, it is my birthday and the last thing I want to do is spend it with people I hate.

I walked into the kitchen hoping Alan would be there sipping his coffee and patiently waiting for me while he read his newspaper but it was empty. The whole house was empty.

"Where is he?" I said to myself. When I walked into the living room I saw my bag that I had left in Harry's car on the couch. How did that get there?

My phone rang and I slid it out of my pocket and I smiled at the caller.

"Hi Harry." I happily greeted.

"Morning darling. How'd you sleep?" I heard a car door shut and ignition start at the other end of the line.

"I slept fine, I was knocked out." I lied.

"I figured." He chuckled.

"Did you see your bag?" He finally spoke.

"Yeah, how'd it get here?" I asked grabbing it and throwing it over my shoulder.

"I realized you left it when I went to the pharmacy last night." My heart began to race and hoped he didn't know anything.

"Why were you at the pharmacy?" I asked casually.

"Amilia has a cold."

"Oh, okay. You brought it back last night? When?"

"Around ten. You were already asleep so I just gave it to Alan." He told me

"Awe, well thank you." I smiled.

"No problem. Hey, do me a favor?"


"Open the door?" He asked me. I knitted my eyebrows together in curiosity and I walked over to the door. I turned the nob and slowly opened it only to see Harry standing in front of it with a huge bouquet of flowers and a big smile on his face.

"Happy birthday!" I hung up the phone and fully opened the door.

"Oh my God, Harry!" I smiled widely grabbing his hand and leading him into my house. When I shut the door he slid his phone in his pocket and with his free hand he pulled me in by my lower back and kissed me, slightly leaning me back.

"You like it?" He smiled against my lips.

"I love it!!" I practically squealed grabbing it and inhaling the sweet smell of the red roses.

"You shouldn't have Harry, really."

"I wanted to. It's a special today, it's a national holiday!" He smiled. I grabbed the bouquet from his hands and went into the kitchen to grab a vase. I filled it with water and placed them in, setting it on the kitchen table.

"They're beautiful, my goodness!" I turned around and hugged him tightly. I accidentally pressed my bruised cheek against his shoulder and I flinched.

"You alright?" He asked pulling away and looking at my face.

"Mhmm!" I immediately turned my face to look at the flowers again.

"Are you taking me to school?" I asked.


"Oh..? I don't know where Alan is. I need to call him I'm going to be late."

"He's not coming." I looked up him at he grinned as if he was hiding something.

"What do you mean?"

"He's at school."


"And I'm taking you out."

"Taking me out?" I questioned.

"You honestly thought you were going to school on your birthday?" he laughed.

"Well yeah."

"Alan is covering for us, I'm taking you out." He grabbed the bag from over my shoulder and took it off. He than grabbed my hand and lead me to the door than to his car.

"Out? Where?" I asked as he dragged me happily into his car.

"Places." He opened my door and sat me in. He made his way around and entered, pulling his belt over his chest and starting the ignition.

"What places?" I questioned again.

"Don't question me babe, just go along with it." He smiled twirling his eyebrow piercing.

"You can't just take me somewhere I'm not familiar with!"

"Fine fine!" he caved. "I'm taking you to breakfast, than we'll go bowling. You like bowling?"

"I've never done it." I told him. He looked over at me as if I were crazy.

"You've never bowled?" he said with shock.

"Nope." I smiled trying not to laugh,

"This'll be fine." he smirked looking away.

"Harry, this is uncessessary really. Don't waste your money on me, please." He places his hand on my thigh and gently squeezed it before grabbing my hand.

"It's not a waste when I'm spending it on you. Plus, I like spoiling you, and I like being the reason for that smile." my cheeks flushed and I looked at the window smiling.

This is the sweetest thing anyone could do. Liam never did this for me, not even for my birthday. He always blew me off for his friends. All I kept thinking about was what happened last night. I was still in so much pain and I did my best to not show it, but as the day went by the pain was growing worse and worse.

We ate breakfast at a small French diner that he says is his favorite than went to the bowling alley.

"Shoe size?"

"Eight." The lady handed me my shoes and than Harry's.

"You excited?" he asked grabbing my hand.


"I'll help you out." He grabbed the bowling ball and positioned my fingers into it. "Like this." he said standing behind me. He placed one hand on my hip and the other ontop of my hand that held the ball.

"Try to hit all the pins." he instructed. I pulled my arm back and released the ball. Harry and I watched it roll down and we missed.

"Awe!" I pouted.

"I'll do it and you'll repeat, okay?" He grabbed another ball and stood exactly the way I did, this time he hit all the pins.

"Like a boss." He turned at me and smiled.

We played for about three hours and it was the most fun I had in such a long time. We ate hotdogs and french fries, basically stuffing our faces with food. When it reached two o'clock we left.

"Now where?!" I excitedly asked pulling my seatbelt over me as he pulled out of the parking lott.

"Anywhere you want." He smiled at me.

"Hmm. Anywhere?"


"Paintballing?" I suggested. He looked at me and laughed.

"Paintballing?" He repeated.

"Yeah, why not?"

"That's what you want to do?" he laughed again.

"Yup!" I childishly smiled while tilting my head.

"Okay babe, we'll go paintballing."


"I hit you three times Harry!" I shouted when the red pain splattered all over his jacket.

"You cheated!" He yelled at me from behind the huge rock.

"I did not! You just suck at this!" I said with sass before turning around. Suddenly, I was lifted from off the ground and Harry was swinging me around.

"You can't do that Harry! Let me go!" I laughed so hard my face was turning red.

"I suck?" He repeated kissing my neck from behind me.

"S--stop! Stop Stop!" I laughed feeling dizzy.

"Harry please! I can't breath!" he continued to kiss my neck but eventually put me down.

"You're ticklish there?" He asked placing his hands on his hips while catching his breath.

"Very." I said rubbing it.

"Hmm. Nice to know." he smirked. I rolled my eyes and we continued to play.


The pain hit my cheek like a bag of bricks.

"Oh my God! Fuck! Aleevonne!" Harry ran to me as I fell on the floor. I placed my hand on my cheek and the blood gushed and covered my hand.

"Oh shit! Aleevonne, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it!" He immediately bent down and removed my hand. He gasped at my re injured cheek and helped me up. Tears were quickly rolling down my cheek and he took me back inside. One of the workers saw and quickly went to grab the first aid.

"You can't go in there, it's only for girls." A male worker told Harry as we entered the ladies room.

"Fuck off." He spat. Before he closed the door the worker handed him the first aid and he leaned me against the sink.

I feel bad for making him feel like it's fully his fault for the bleeding, but I couldn't tell him about Liam. He'd turn the world upside down and most probably kill him.

He unwrapped the alcohol wiped and with his thumb and index he carefully tilted my head. He began to wip the blood off and I flinched and bit my lip in pain.

"I'm sorry!" he said with panic.

"It's okay." I smiled through tears.

"Oh my--oh my God!" he gasped in disbelief. "How is this possible?"

"How is what possible?"

"It's already bruised like fucking hell, Alee I'm so--"

"Stop apologizing Harry, really it's okay." I reassured. He finished aiding me and threw everything away. I turned to look in the mirror and almost broke down at the sight of my cheek. I turned to look at Harry and he looked at me apologetically. His eyes were slightly red along with his nose. Was he crying? I walked over to him and grabbed his hand, scanning his face.

"Are you crying?" I asked lowly.

"I didn't mean it, honestly it was an accident." he said almost at a whisper.

"It's okay, I swear it's fine. Don't feel bad." I cupped his one cheek than kissed the other.

"Grab my bag from the car?" I asked nicely. He nodded and without saying a word he left to grab my bag.

I examined my battered features and until his arrival I watched myself, carefully looking at my cheek. The guilt of making Harry feel like it was his fault made me cry. I didn't want him to feel that way especially after he promised me he wouldn't hurt me. I know he wouldn't purposely do it, but I could tell my battered state is effecting him more than me.

He re entered with my bag and silently handed it to me. He ran his fingers through his hair and rubbed the back of his neck while I took out my makeup bag. I always kept a spare one in my purse, I love makeup so I have a whole bunch of it. I had old foundation , slightly darker than my tone but still applied it over it and it completely covered everything.

"See," I smiled, "Just fine." Without saying a word he pulled me into a hug and we stayed like that for almost five minutes.


It's five o'clock and we're heading home. After the paintball incident Harry stayed awfully silent and it began to bug me.

"Please be happy Harry?" I begged grabbing his hand and holding it in mine.

"How can I be happy when I hurt you?" He asked not taking his eyes off the road.

"You didn't hurt me, c'mon I'm alright."

"No you're not!" He shouted facing me. I flinched at his tone of voice but quickly recovered.

"Fuck!" He said under his breath. "I'm sorry, I didn't mea--"

"Stop saying that! I know you didn't mean it! Harry, please don't ruin this by acting weird around me, please okay? I beg you lets just forget about it and move on. I don't want to spend the rest of my birthday in awkward silence." I desperately begged. He brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it, nodding in agreement.

"I thought we were going to dinner?" I reminded when we pulled up in front of my house. He turned his ignition off and got out of the car.

"We're going somewhere fancy." He opened my door and escorted me out.

"Fancy?" I smiled.

"Mhmm, it's a lovely place."

"Don't I look fancy now?" I joked.

"You're wearing a t-shirt and jeans, actually yeah you do look fancy." he smiled going along with me.

"Will you change?"

"Black skinnies and a white t-shirt is fancy." He reminded when we reached my front door.

"Oh really?"

"For me, yes." He kissed my bruised cheek than immediately realized and pulled away.

"Smile smile!" I tried to lighten his mood. He laughed lightly through his nose and I unlocked my door. It was dark and when I opened the light, everyone popped up out of nowhere, basically giving me a mini heart attack.

"Surprise!" Everyone, including Alan, Ava, and Zayn, shouted with big smiles on their faces.

*if there are alot of grammar/spelling mistakes i apologize i wrote this chapter from my app :) please let me know what u think! dont forget to comment/vote <3*

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