Elsword: Yin Yang (Under Majo...

By StarlightShaymin

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"I've lost everything, my home, my parents, and my brother is missing. All I have left is this spear, my... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Author's Note


268 12 0
By StarlightShaymin

Now that I'm finally finished failing all my exams it's time to resume writing! Hope the long wait didn't make you forget what happened in the story so far xD

I quickly forgot about my assignment in the foggy graveyard as my seemingly endless conversation with Scarlet progressed. We talked about anything that popped in our minds, it ranged from our shared dislike for slow walkers to our common love for small animals. One thing I picked up from our extended talk was Scarlet's passion and excitement for adventuring with friends. She kept asking me about the adventures I've been through and shared her many dreams of camping, hiking, and exploring with a group of friends. 

I insisted she could join the team but she refused almost immediately. At first her response struck me as odd, if she really dreamed of exploring with friends she should've jumped on my offer without a moment of hesitation; but I let this small detail slide as it was probably still hard for her to be around lots of people. 

Yang continued to trash and snarl from its restraints, its irrational behaviour seemed to intensify as I drew closer to Scarlet. I scolded my Phoru for being so rude but not even my words could calm it back down---but that alone wasn't enough to scare Scarlet away from me. 

"W-wow, how long have we been talking?" I asked after an unknown amount of time had passed.

"Who cares?" Scarlet giggled. "Let's talk until all night. I always loved having late night conversations...with myself." 

We both laughed at her remark while Yang grunted with distaste. 

"I used to talk to myself too," I told her in between laughter. "I used to have imaginary arguments with others while I'm in the shower." 

"Ara, that's so mean." Scarlet teased. "I have nice conversations with my imaginary friends, it would suck if I pissed them off." 

"Forget about them," I wrapped an arm around Scarlet---she stiffened at the touch but relaxed once she realized it wasn't a threatening gesture. "You got me now." She laughed in response. 

"Thanks, Ara." She said softly. "I'm really happy to have you talking with me."

"It's what friends are for." I slipped my hand off her shoulder. "I'm happy I got to talk with you too, Scarlet." 

Yang smashed its body against the tree, as if wanting to knock it out from the ground. 

Her cheeks flushed with light pink," I think what makes me most happy is having someone who understands me." She rested her head on my shoulder and sighed," you'r so lucky, Ara. Unlike me you already found a good group of friends. I bet you guys talk to each other about everything at night, even if they don't understand you still have so many great people to lean on."

Then why don't you join us? I wanted to ask, but kept my mouth shut. Instead I answered," to be honest we don't spend late nights talking."

"What?" Scarlet gasped, lifting her head up. "Why not?"

"I guess it would be nice if we could dedicate some time to talk about personal matters, we don't really have serious talks until something really bad happens." I confessed. 

"That sucks," Scarlet's lips fell into a small frown. 

"I-I guess I have to give him credit for talking to me last night," I mumbled to myself with warmed cheeks. 

"Who are you talking about?" 

"N-no one." I replied almost instantly---how was she able to hear me? I guess I need to work on my whispering skills. 

Scarlet leaned in with a sly grin stretched on her face," I know you're hiding something." She sang. "I bet you're talking about a boy."

"I-I don't--" I stopped myself to think of a better response. "Y-you can't prove---t-there's nothing like that." 

"You suck at lying." She rolled her eyes. "I only talk to you, Ara, there's no one else I'll gossip to." She bit on her lower lip and smiled. "That's if you don't count my imaginary pals." 

She does have a good point. What's the harm in telling her, right? I bet it'd make her happy if I was to share more things with her, it'd reassure her that I'm her friend. I already shared my past with her; what else have I got to lose?

"W-well, there's this guy--"

"I knew it!" Scarlet squealed, her voice bouncing loudly through the blanket of fog. "You may continue." She winked. 

I scoffed at her interruption but went on anyway," he was a real jerk when I met him, if you were to leave us in the same room I'd probably try to beat him up." I felt my chest warming as my mind raced for the correct words to say. "B-but as I got closer to the team he started warming up to me. At first it was small gestures like cheering me up and looking after me in battle, but now he's treating me like a true...friend."

"Just a friend?" Scarlet arched her brow.

"W-well," I turned my eyes elsewhere to avoid her gaze. "We do talk and make fun of each other like good friends, but when I'm around him my chest feels funny and I always find myself blushing." 

Scarlet squealed at my confession. She quickly apologized and gestured me to continue. 

"I-I don't know," I tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear. "Whenever I feel down h-he always seems to know what to say. I-I also feel incredibly happy when I'm with him---I still feel happy when I'm with the others, don't get me wrong, but he's not like them. Sure he annoys me from time to time and he isn't always as nice as everyone else, but t-that's what I like about him."

"Oh my goodness, Ara." Scarlet bounced at my confession and wrapped herself around my arm. "You totally have a crush on him."

"A-a crush?" I quoted.

"I don't know who this boy is but I'm wishing you the best of luck in the future." 

"Stop it, Scarlet," I lowered my head with my heartbeat pounding in my ears. "I-it's not like that."

"You say that now, honey." She giggled. "But I know something will happen."

" Uh huh, sure it will." 

"O-oh I apologize, you've been talking to me for so long your team mates must be worried about you." Scarlet pried herself from my arm with a large toothy smile plastered on her pale face. "You should get going now."

"I could stay a bit longer with you," I insisted. "You need a friend more than ever right now."

"Ara, I appreciate the thought but I'd hate to worry your friends." She pulled me into a tight hug, burying her face into my shoulder. "Thanks for listening, Ara. That's the best thing anyone has ever done for me." 

I closed my eyes and hugged her back," if you ever need anything just come find me." I whispered into her ear. "I'll always be here to listen." 

She kept me in her arms for a few extra seconds before breaking the hug, her eyes reddened again with tears," take care, Ara. I'll be expecting to see you alive and healthy the next time I come find you." 

"That applies to you too." I told her. 

Scarlet waved goodbye to me before taking her leave, I kept my eyes on her until her small dark figure was completely engulfed by the fog. Sighing I went back to untie Yang from the tree, at this point it had already calmed down.

"What's gotten into you," I asked, untying the knot around the tree trunk. 

Yang whimpered and perked its head up to lick my face, as if asking me for forgiveness. I couldn't help but laugh as its wet tongue tickled my cheeks, all the frustration and anger I held before was quickly wiped away with the simple gesture. 

"Okay, okay, I forgive you." I scratched it behind its ear---it tilted its head and shut its eyes, I swore I could see Yang smiling. 

"But don't blame me if I have to tie you up to a tree the next time you act up."


When I got back to base I was given a lecture from Lento about staying out on patrol for too long, not taking the team's feelings in consideration, blah, blah, blah. It took forever for him to finish speaking and by the time he was done dinner had started without us. My friends teased me about getting in trouble just before launching into a scolding of their own---needless to say, my night was mostly filled with people telling me how worried they were. 

The camp fire was dim by the time the team had finished the meal and my scolding. Silence had consumed us as the amber light in the centre slowly withered into darkness. Yang was asleep beside me with Amos curled up on its tummy---seeing the two fur balls asleep easily made my heart melt. 

"So what's the attack plan?" Aisha asked, finally breaking the silence. "We obviously can't go charging in there like we did today."

"Sadly the progress we made today was better than usual," Speka added quietly. 

"Lento and I had a heated discussion about what we should do," Elsword began, he got himself up from the ground and began pacing around the dying flames. "The argument was bad.  I think I was close to getting stabbed, but luckily he spared me from his wrath."

"What does this have to do with the plan?" Raven arched his brow. 

"I'm gettin' to that, just hold your robotic horses." Elsword chuckled---Raven didn't laugh back. "A-anyway, we ended up coming up with two plans. One is a bit more safe while the other is dangerous but effective---the dangerous one was my idea."

"Of course it would be." I blurted causing a few of my friends to laugh. 

"Lento suggested we get all our best mages out on the field and burn everything." Elsword went on, ignoring my remark. "We know the tower is dark so we obviously need light. Carrying flashlights around would be a hassle; so why not just use the demons' bodies as fuel for the fire?"

"Sounds---"Aisha bit her lower lip."---Umm, very morbid." 

"That's what I thought," Elsword answered with a wink. "Great minds think alike, Aisha. This is why we make a power couple." 

"Just get on with the information, man." Chung piped in. 

Elsword narrowed his eyes on Chung for interrupting but went on anyway," the second more amazing plan was to use the El Shard for light." Almost instantly the air grew heavy. I exchanged looks with a few friends, each held the same worried expression as the other. 

"Dude, I don't think taking an all powerful object into a hoard of demons would be a good idea." Chung pointed out matter-of-factly. 

"But think about it," Elsword added quickly. "We won't only have the ultimate flashlight but a super powerful weapon as well." 

"But what if an enemy takes it?" Eve challenged, folding her arms. "How can you be certain of the Shard's safety?"

"But what other option do we have?" Elsword stopped pacing around the circle, his eyes glued on the amber light eating away the last of the firewood. "I guess we could barbecue the demons with mages, but that would only drain our allies. A better way to approach it would be to use a powerful magical item and save our mages' energy for the actual fight." 

"You do bring up a good point," Speka pointed out. "And if we're taking that route we could easily advance to the second floor and recapture it on the same day." 

Aisha's eyes lit up almost instantly," I have a great idea," she said, snapping her fingers together. "What if we use the Fire Shard to roast the entrance demons; and have two different troops fighting? One will focus on capturing the base level while the other advances up to the second floor."

"That's still as morbid as the first plan," Elsword teased---Aisha scowled at his comment. "But I see where you're coming from." He quickly added.

"Will we have enough people to execute that plan though?" I asked---almost instantly Aisha's face fell to a frown. 

"Don't worry about that," Speka piped in. "Rumour has it that another team is heading our way tonight, we'll have more than enough people fighting tomorrow." 

"That's fantastic," Eve smiled, uncrossing her arms. "If all goes well then by tomorrow we will have two levels of the tower under our control." 

"Elsword, we should inform Lento about the plan." Aisha said, springing up to her feet. 

"Right," he hurried to his girlfriend's side. "I want everyone here to get a good rest tonight. Tomorrow will be a big day for us if this plan is approved." 

We bid the two lovebirds goodnight before they took off, hand in hand, to find Lento. The rest of us decided to retire to our tents shortly after their leave, we put out the barely lit fire and began our way back to the tents---Yang trailed sleepily behind us with Amos knocked out on its back, Raven and Eve stayed by his side in case he slipped off. 

"We trained for months trying to perfect the ultimate skill and yet we're never allowed to use it," I heard a knight complaining from one of the passing tents. 

Almost instantly I noticed my friends had slowed their pace. I slowed down with them, not bothering to ask why they were suddenly interested in that conversation. 

"It's dangerous," the knight's friend answered. "There's a reason why the teachers only pass on this skill to their most trusted students." 

"But it can take down all the strong demons up in the shrine. Plus I kinda wanna see the Night Warrior in action." 

"You want to risk your life just to see some random person join the fight?"

"The Night Warrior always comes to the rescue...or when someone prepares that kind of attack."

"Should we warn them?" Aisha asked in a soft whisper. 

"Nah," Chung answered equally as quiet. "I think their friend will be able to talk some sense into them."

I hesitated for a moment before asking," what are they talking about?" 

Chung cursed," I forgot you were with us." He gestured the group to pick up the pace, everyone listened without protest. I tried to linger behind to catch more of the conversation but he pushed me forward with the others.

I bombarded my friends with questions but none of them answered. They had their eyes glued on the floor with their face drained of colour---I decided to shut up upon seeing their sullen expressions. 

Once we were out of earshot from the two knights Chung finally broke the silence," it's something you'll learn later on, when Lowe trusts you'll be responsible with it." 

"I'm responsible," I crossed my arms. "Why can't you tell me now?"

"We don't have the final word as to whether or not you're ready for it." Aisha piped in rather sternly; she tightened her lips together and added," it's something you can't joke around with." 

"Are you saying I'm not trusted enough with this secret?" I snapped. "I-I've been improving and--"

"We're not saying your aren't trustworthy," Raven cut me off. "It's just...something that needs to be respected."

"Look, once Lowe determines your ready he'll tell you about it." Chung patted me on the back and smiled tightly. "Just keep working hard and one day he'll teach you it." 

One day as in a couple of years? There's no way I'd want to stay clueless for that long.  

I huffed but didn't add onto the conversation. A part of me wanted to punch someone in the group as I felt pushed out from this shared secret, it wasn't fair that they got to know everything while I was left in the dark---as friends we should share everything with each other. 

I didn't say any to them through the rest of the walk back. We waved each other goodbye before heading off into our individual tents. I stayed in my tent for a good five minutes before poking my head out to examine the area. Once I was sure no one was out from their tent I tip toed my way out and made my way back to the two arguing knights, leaving Yang behind to not raise suspicion.

If they weren't going to tell me what this skill was then I'd try to find out myself.


I spoke with the two knights about the secret skill they were arguing about, unfortunately none of them wanted to tell me as it would get them in trouble for telling someone---it was a fruitless effort on my part. While I didn't get learn anything about this exclusive skill I did get new information about this Night Warrior. 

According to the knights no one knew of the Warrior's identity. They quite literally just showed up one day and helped them fight. They tended to make an appearance when someone was about to use the ultimate skill or when the troops were in danger---it made me wonder why they didn't come to rescue us. 

I briefly thanked the knights before making quick a detour to the fountain, there were just too many questions in my mind to sleep on. I sat myself down on the cold grass and gazed blankly at the crystal clear water as my mind surfed through the many questions arising from today. 

Who were the two figures I saw just before leaving? Why doesn't this Night Warrior make their identity known to the Knights? Is it because they are a criminal wanting repentance outside of jail; or do they simply want the fame of being a masked hero? And finally why was everyone so reluctant to tell me about the ultimate skill? That being said, if they knew of this skill why doesn't anyone want to use it? Is it really that difficult to execute?

"Do you know anything, Eun?" I asked, pulling my legs up to my chest.

I may have a clue as to what this skill is. 

"R-really?" I felt a large smile stretch on my face; I half-expected Eun to be as clueless as I was. "Why didn't you say anything before?" 

I feared you would perform this skill carelessly. 

"Really, Eun?" I snapped a bit too loudly than I had intended. "Even you don't trust me?"

Child, I do not think you understand the severity of this skill. I have been trapped in this hair pin long enough to witness the aftermath of this power, if someone as careless as you hold its knowledge I fear it'll lead to unforgettable consequences. 

"I'll need to know eventually," I pointed out matter-of-factly. "And I've gotten a lot less careless. I think I'm ready for this skill." 

While I will acknowledge your maturity, I fear it is not the time for you to learn it. 

"So when will I learn it?" I challenged, digging my nails into the ground. "When all the El Shards are found? When I'm stuck with only easy missions? When--"

This is the exact reason why I cannot teach you such a skill yet. Eun growled, I could feel my body shaking from its wrath. You are impatient and refuse to acknowledge the danger this power brings.

I opened my mouth to protest but decided it wouldn't help my situation if I snapped back. I took a shaky breath in, held the cool evening air in my lungs for a moment longer, and exhaled. My mind buzzed with the many comebacks I could say to Eun, but I pushed those thoughts aside and focused on trying to convince Eun to help me. 

"How can I prove to you I am ready?" I asked, prying my nails out of the soil. "What can I do to make you trust me enough with the power?"

Eun was silent. At first I thought I had pissed Eun off so much that it refused to speak with me any further. Just as I was ready to get up and return to my tent Eun answered. 

When you first made a contract with me did you notice your new attacks?

I felt my jaw dropping at the unusual question, but I didn't complain. Instead I forced myself to think back to the first day I made a contract with Eun and the days when I didn't know of its presence. 

"Y-yeah," I closed my eyes as recent and old memories flashed through my head. "Back then I only used the skills my parents taught me, but once I made a contract with you I-I suddenly knew about all these other skills." 

Before you were born I was sometimes used in combat by your family members as backup, in case something went wrong in battle. They were cautious with me and kept a spell on me to keep me from taking over at random. During that time I picked up on your family's fighting techniques, specifically your grandmother's. She took me out more than any Haan member had, thus I quickly picked up on her fighting techniques. We worked as a team, though without a contract, and punished evil doers. 

"So you really are good," I found myself blurting. "U-umm not that I ever doubted you." I added quickly with reddened cheeks. 

I do not take offence, Ara. Eun laughed---I found myself smiling upon hearing Eun laugh for the first time. 

"So you passed down that knowledge to me?" I asked. 

Correct. When we joined together I infused my knowledge of grandmother's fighting technique into you---your shared blood would allow you to awaken such a power. 

"My grandmother must be amazing." I found myself blurting, I wrapped my arms around my legs and sighed. "Mother used to tell me how proud she was to be her daughter, and how lucky I was to be her relative."

She was a wise and strong woman indeed, fighting off evil regardless of who they were in the past. She was given the title  honourable title of Sakra Devanam, a name of the legendary god that ruled the heavens. People often called her the divine judge of the Earth, punishing those who had evil in their hearts. 

Now that's something you don't hear everyday. Learning that your own grandmother was some divine judge was not something I was expecting to hear today. 

"As great as all of this sounds." I began reluctantly. "What does it have to do with the ultimate skill?"

I bring this up because as of now you have not been using your new powers correctly. 

"Correctly?" I furrowed my brows. "What do you mean?" 

While you are successful at executing each attack you are not using them the way they are attended to be used. What I passed down to you is known as the Secret Tiger Art, a signature attack combination made by your family. Each  new attack is a small piece from this technique, but its true power comes from four specific skills. When combined you will successfully execute a now lost technique. 

"So if I master this technique you'll teach me how to use the ultimate skill?"  

Yes, but I will not tell you which four skills you must link together. 

So all I need is to find the perfect four attack, that shouldn't be too hard. 

Once you have taken your time to master this technique I will show you the final skill you have yet to learn, a skill used to execute the worst demons. That is a promise.

"Thanks, Eun!" I cheered, I felt all the fatigue left by today instantly draining from my body. "I won't fail you, I promise I won't." 

I could easily try out different combinations tomorrow, the chances of me stumbling across the perfect four skills should be quite high, right?

B-but beware, my Child. Eun added, its usually calm voice now shaking with almost every word. W-while the secret skill holds unimaginable power it comes with a s-sacrifice. I-it is this very skill that c-cut your famous grandmother's life short. 

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