Pain: Her (Harry Styles Fan F...

By VividFantasyFiction

6.4M 128K 46.6K

She thought she knew what pain was, until she met Harry. *This story is in the process of being ed... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Authors note! Please read!

Chapter 14

75.3K 1.6K 611
By VividFantasyFiction

"What happened?" His mom laughed slapping his back.

"Food got stuck in my throat.."

"Didn't I already teach you how to eat?" She joked taking her seat.

Amilia remained seated, smiling wide as Harry shot a few glares at her. When she told me that Harry said I was pretty my heart began to race with excitment. I didn't even think about what he thought of me. I didn't even know he thought anything of me. When I looked over at him his cheeks were slightly red. Is he embarrassed? He really shouldn't be. I'm pretty sure he knows I like him...I don't know really, when I first saw him I didn't even think I'd end up talking to him. But something about him always pulled me towards him. I think it was because he was so mysterious. He was so quiet and just watched, never talked. I think that's what fascinated me so much.

Two hours had already gone by and we all lost in conversation. She's an amazing person I can't even put it into words. Amilia for sure takes after her and I'm assuming Harry takes after his father.

"So, how'd you two meet?" His mom asked.

"School." Harry answered clearing his throat. She looked over at me and I smiled in response.

"You have a lovely smile, you're very beautiful." She told as she continued to admire my "beauty." Harry looked over at me and gave me an apologetic smile while she told me how "beautiful" and "lovely" I am. I'm really not..

"Harry never brings girlfriends home." Harry nearly dropped his cup from his hands and I was left speechless.

"Girlfriend? She's not my girlfriend mum, she's my friend." He corrected harshly.

Did he have to say it like that...?

"That's not what I meant honey, I meant girls who are friends." He nodded his head slowly and I'm guessing she felt the awkwardness too.

"Anyway, Mrs. Payne told me there's a Valentine Dance coming up."

Mrs. Payne? Oh right, they were friends.

"Mum..." Harry said with warning in his tone.

"What? I know you two don't get along anymore but his mother is a lovely women." She told us wiping his mouth. I didn't want to show any emotion because I knew she didn't know we used to date and I didn't want her to.

"Mummy, Liam and Harry don't get along so that means you shouldn't either." Amilia said stepping down from her seat. Harry lightly chuckled, shaking his head.

What a smart kid she is.

"No, that's not true! But anyway, are you two going to the dance together?"

"No, I don't dance." I answered.

"Neither does Harry." She laughed.

"So why ask?" Harry said.

"Just curious." She smiled. She's such a jolly person even when Harry is being an ass towards her.

"Just because you don't dance doesn't mean you can't go." She informed.

"Than what's the point?" Amilia said putting her dish in the sink.

"A good time, some change, I don't know." She shrugged. She picked up the dirty plates and placed them in the dish washer.

"Okay well, I'll take Alee home." Harry offered standing up and fixing his shirt. I really didn't want to leave. I like his family, especially his little sister. Even though I wanted to stay I didn't.

"It was a pleasure meeting you darling, please come again!" She insisted hugging me.

"Yeah! We could play house and you could be the mom and Harry could be the dad!" She smiled hugging me.

"Okay lets go!" Harry grabbed my arm and practically dragged me out of the house.

"Whoa, slow down!" I laughed. I went to open my door to tease him and he gave me the 'look.' I let go of the handle and he opened it for me than made his way to his seat.

"You have a nice family." I told him as he backed out of the driveway.

"Hmm, thanks."

"I don't want to go home." I confessed. He looked over at me while picking as his bottom lip. That's a bad habbit he shouldn't do that.

"You don't?"

"No, I want to stay with you." I seriously sounded like a child begging her mom not to leave her. He seemed surprised when I told him I wanted to stay with him and he looked over at me and smiled.

"Oh, you do?"

"Yeah." I don't know why, but I blushed. I think it was the way he looked at me.


"You don't want to stay with me?" I teased.

"No, I do!" He said turning into my neighborhood.

"It's too late now," I pouted as we pulled up in front of my house.

"I know a place we could go."


"The park."

"Harry..." I laughed out loud.

"What?" He laughed along.

"What is it with you and parks?"

"There's a specific place at the park that I like going to." He explained.

"Oh, well if you want to go there, sure!"


The ride there was nice. He kept apologizing for his mom making me feel 'uncomfortable' with all the compliments and the girlfriend comment. It seemed to have really bugged him that she said it because as he was explaining how "she always does that" he was serious, like shaking his head and rolling his eyes. It kind of made me feel bad because I liked the fact that his mom called me his girlfriend, even though she didn't technically call me that, maybe because that's what I'm hoping I'll be.

We arrived at the park and it was already six o'clock and the sun was going down. The sky was light pink mixed with a light shade of blue and purple. When I stepped out of the car I hugged myself because of the slight coldness. The park was completely empty and the swings were swaying with the wind. My hair blew with the wind and my bangs kept falling in front of my eyes. I pulled it behind my ear and gathered all of my hair over my shoulder to have a little more control over it.

"Are you cold?" Harry asked as we walked down the path.

"A little, yeah." I had a half sleeve shirt on with skinnies, so I wasn't really secured.

"I have a sweater in my car, do you want that?" I thought about it for a few seconds and decided I did.

"If you don't mind?"

"No, of course. Wait here I'll go get it." He hurried to his car and in no time he came back with an oversized orange sweater.

"Here you go babe, this'll keep you warm."

'Babe' He just called me babe. My heart fluttered and I blushed grabbing the thick material from his hands. He rubbed the back of his neck and turned away as I pulled it down my stomach.

"You look nice in it." He complimented.

"Thanks." He put his hands in both his front pockets and I crossed my arms. We walked side by side and the wind was getting stronger.

"Aren't you cold?" I asked hugging myself.

"No, I don't get cold." He said looking at his feet.

"Oh, really?" I turned to look at him and he was smiling.

"I'm serious, I don't know why I just don't get cold that easily."

"Ahh, I see!"

"We're almost there. It's down the path here." It became much darker than it was before and the street lights switched on. All along the path, on both sides, long lights with black bars around them surrounded it. Concrete benches and huge full grown trees surrounded the ginormous park and it looked like something from the movies.

"You should see this when it's snowing, it's breath taking." He told me.

"Is it really?"

"Yeah, you've never been here in the snow?"

"I'm never out." I laughed.

"Last month it was beautiful, it snowed on Christmas and I came here. It was absolutely amazing."

"Why were in the park on Christmas?" I asked.

"Because it was snowing." He laughed. We walked further down and finally reached our destination. It was a huge open space with flowers planted all over the ground. Trees and bushes surrounded it and a huge tree was placed right in the middle.

"Whoa.." I whispered taking in the beautiful scenery.

"I know, the tree is fake that's why there's leaves on it." He said walking to it as I followed.

"Fake tree? That big? How?" I was amazed by it.

"I don't know, but it's cool shit." He smiled flashing his dimples that I love oh so much.

"Sit!" He grabbed my arm and pulled me down with him. I crossed my legs and he bent his knees, picking at the grass below us.

"Your sister is adorable." I told him.

"Isn't she?" he smiled.

"So is your mom, she's such a happy person."

"Yeah, I don't know how she does it."

He looked up at the sky and took a deep breath before looking back at me.

"You're not happy?"

"Do I look happy?"


"That's cause I'm with you." He never took his eyes off of mine and a simple conversation turned very serious to me.

"I make you happy?" I smiled trying not to show that it really made me happy knowing the fact that I bring him some type of happiness.

"Yeah, you're a cool person and I feel like we have a lot in common."

"Like what?"

"What we've been through when it comes to relationships and stuff."

"Did you guys beat each other up?" I tried joking but he didn't seem amused. He knitted his eye brows together and licked his lips, lightly shaking his head in disbelief.

"Beat her? No, no of course not I don't hit girls." I think I made him mad.

"A man never hits a girl, he's not a real man if he does. He's a pussy." I bit my bottom lip and laughed, and he smiled but it soon disappeared.

"A real man know's how to treat a girl." I knew he was talking about Liam and I didn't want to get into that conversation. "Especially one like you."

How do I feel about this? Just this morning Liam was begging me to take him back and telling me all this shit about how noone could "love" me like he could and that Harry changes girls every month. I didn't believe him but so much has happened these passed two weeks it's slightly overwhelming.

"Did I make you feel uncomfortable? I'm sorry I didn't mean to--"

"No! I was just thinking." I interrupted.

"About what?"


"Oh.." He said rubbing his hands together. I don't know why I didn't notice this before but the top of his knuckles looked slightly bruised. As I continued to examine them I noticed a few small cuts.

"What happened to your hands?" I uncrossed my legs and sat on my knees between his legs. I grabbed his hands and held them in mine. He watched carefully as I ran my thumb over his knuckles and touched the cuts with my finger tips.

"I just ran into someone earlier." He finally said almost at a whisper.

"You fight?" I didn't like that. I didn't like it at all because Liam used to fight and it would scare the shit out of me.

"Only when I need to." He looked into my eyes and slowly blinked. He wrapped his fingers around mine as I held his hand.

The closeness was giving me butterlies in my stomach and I was honestly feeling nervous. The wind mixed with the scent of his cologne was hypnotizing and his face was dangerously close to mine.

"Who was it?" I pulled away and sat back down crossing my legs but he didn't let go of my hands.

"Some asshole." He didn't look at me when he answered he just contiuned to play with my fingers.

"Which asshole?" He laughed when I repeated his words and I smiled in response, thinking it was just some guy from school.

"Liam.." He looked up at me and my smile faded into a shocked expression.

"Liam? You hit Liam?" I pulled my hands away and his eyes widened.


"Did he hit you?"

"Like he could do that." He laughed. "You're upset?"

"No, I'm not upset I'm just shocked! When was this?"

"This morning, after gym."

"You said you were with another teacher." Now I'm upset. I uncrossed my legs to stand up and just as I was about to, he grabbed my arm and pulled me down. He remained in the same position and looked up at me.

"I did it because he said some things that pissed me off."

"Like what?"

"Things, Aleevonne. I'm not going to repeat it."

"Fine." I roughly pulled my hand away from his grip and stood up.

"Alee, where are you going?" He yelled walking behind me as I marched away.

I didn't answer and kept walking. It made me so mad that Harry hit him. I don't want him getting involved with anything that has to do with Liam and I. This is exactly why I can't be with someone because I tell them things and they go behind my back and do shit to make the situation worse. I'm perfectly capable of handling this situation on my own I don't need his help.

"You can't go home you don't have a car!" He yelled.

"I'll call Alan." Harry suddenly grabbed my elbow from behind and pulled me back to face him.

"Why are you so mad at me?" I was inches away from his chest and his hand moves from my elbow to my wrist.

"Because you hit him!" I said raising my voice.

"So you're defending him?" He said angrily.

"No! I'm not defending him! I don't want anyone defending anyone else and that's what you did!"

"What are you talking about?"

"I don't need you to defend me. You said he told you things about me and that pissed you off."

"That's not defending that's just punching because I was fucking pissed, obviously."

"That's defending. He said something about me and you defended me, I don't know why! What did he even say?" I demanded to know.

"You really want to know?" The cold air was getting colder and the tention was rising.

"Yes obviously Harry!"

"He said he fucked you." Those words send chills down my spine and I was frozen. Why would he lie to him and say that? I felt so uncomfortable and embarrassed I just felt like running away.

"It's not true." I said looking down with my arms crossed.

"Really?" He asked as his posture softened.

"Of course not!" I yelled," I'm still a virgin okay? No matter how many times he tried he didn't succeed!" How is it even possible that a simple conversation ended up with me confessing that I'm a virgin to the guy I like? Why must everything I do and say end up bad?

"You're a virgin?" His eyes went wide and he was surprised.

"Wow." Was all I could say. I marched away and he ran after me. He jumped in front of me to stop me and grabbed my top arms.

"You need to stop grabbing me."

"I didn't mean it like that it's just, you're so beautiful and--"

"Can you please stop!" I yelled in his face slapping his arm away.

'You're so beautiful and...' Those words scared me. Is that the only reason why he's surprised that I've never had sex, because I'm 'beautiful? There's more to a girl than just beauty...but than again, I don't have that. But, just how he said scared me because he sounded like Liam. When I told Liam for the first time that I've never had sex he reacted the same way and said "you're so beautiful it's just hard to believe..." and that same day he tried to do it with me.

"Why are you crying?" He wiped away the tears on my cheek with his thumb as he cupped it.

"I'm not crying, I'm confused."

"I'm not Liam. I'll never be or act like him." He told me pulling my face closer to his. "I did it because I care a lot about you. I didn't like hearing him say those things because the thought of him touching you made me mad." He confessed.

"Why? We've only known each other for two weeks, why does that bother you?" I know I shouldn't be one to talk since I'm practically falling for him.

"Because I like you..a lot. And I become protective very easily." Harry said. We were nose to nose and he pressed his forehead against mine while his hands remained on my cheeks. I put my hands on his wrist and he pulled away from my forehead.

"I can give you the world." He whispered. He than pressed his lips against mine and my whole body relaxed.

I thought he didn't like me since he got upset that his mom called me his girlfriend. I only expected us to hang out and get to know each other, I didn't know it was going end up like this and I regret nothing. His lips were so warm despite the cold weather and his tongue was soft and moved perfectly with mine. His hands gently forwarded my head closer so that our kiss was tightly pressed. He removed his hands from my cheeks and wrapped them around my back and I've never, not even with Liam, been kissed like this. I felt so safe and secure in his arms and the strength and grip he put into our kiss and hug was perfect. I didn't want him to let go and when he did I almost pulled him back in. One second I'm crying the other I'm smiling, I felt so many different emotions I was lost.

"It's been more than two weeks."

"What do you mean?" I licked my lips and the taste of his was left on mine.

"I've known and liked you for more than two weeks." My face shifted with confusion and he kissed my nose and walked away.

"Wait! Harry!" Now it was my turn to run after him.

"You better not leave me here I don't have a ride!" I smiled walking behind him. He laughed and waited for me to catch up and when I did we began to walk together.

"I won't leave you, don't worry."

"What did you mean when you said that?" We stopped half way on the path and sat down on the bench.

"I'm going to sound like a creep." He spread his legs and leaned back into the bench while I sat with my legs pressed together on the edge of it.

"No! Tell me!"

"You don't remember me but, in freshman year I had a crush on you."

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