Culturally Biased

By sycam0resauce

152K 7.9K 2.8K

"I feel that African American women are the most...culturally biased, hence the title of this show...." More

"Ooh light skin babies"
Acting like a dark skin?
"It was always hard to tell us apart"
"You know you don't look that black when your hair is straightened"
"I dissmiss you not the bell"
"Speak of the devil...literally."
"You had me at room full of black girls"
"Yay us."
"I'm calm, I'm cool, I'm chill"
"Keyword; reality"
"Why is Kendrick Lamar here?"
"I'll just eat some rice."
"You said my nails were crusty..."
"I like you"
"I am loving this sassy side"
"I guess I can try"
"Annick, you idiot!"
"you never have to say 'free my ninja'"
"Business days?"
"I thought I was good at mashing potatoes."
"I suck."
"Time for you to die."
"Is that a test?"
"Jesus, take the wheel."
"Glow up was for real, huh?"
Author's note
"I think I've said too much."
"Smile Randy."
Please read
"I need to tell you."
"But your vans are pretty cool."
"I'm gonna give you five seconds..."
"You're still crying."
"You weren't complaining when I put it there."
*didn't know what to name this chapter*
"Just move wannabe side hoe."
"No more questions."
"I'm white, Annick."
"The walls are really thin."
"You make a terrible me."
"A man can only hope."
You better fluffing read this
"I love New York."
"Wish me good luck."
"You fucking monkey!"
"Where's Mr. Carter?"
"Does it say positive?"
"Imma go pray for Brazil."
"Then come with me."
"I thought I had it on silent."
"...The bed is too basic."
"Guess who eavesdropped?"
"Everything matters!"
"He must really hate Jeffery."
"Troy Watson?"
"Someone's in love."
"You're a bad liar."
"Papi, have you been avoiding me?"
"Must you do this every year?"
"Stop, whining."
"Depends on what it is."
"Poor guy."
"Black. I like black."
"We never got to continue this."
"Be safe."
"Enlighten us."
"Nope I'm on."
"What did I do?"
Book 2 trailer

"So, you like music huh?"

936 60 7
By sycam0resauce


Randy and Annick were on their way to her parents' house once again.

Her dad had to talk to her about the whereabouts of Pricilla and she just liked bringing him places.

"So during all of this Pricilla stuff you never got a lawyer?" He asked.

"Randy, my dad is my lawyer."

"Oooh. I would've never guessed that. You guys don't seem to talk about it."

"Well yeah. He doesn't really approve of me adopting her. But you know, I guess he's still down for helping me."

"I see."

"Are you sure you're fine with staying with my mom while I'm in his office? You can come with me."

"No it's fine. Your mom said that the next time I went there she'd teach me how to make fufu." He smiled.

"Hey, I tried to teach you."

"You yelled at me."

"My mom will yell at you too."

"But your mom is adorable. If she yells at me, I'm sure I'll live."

"I'm not adorable?" She asked, pouting.


"I'm what?" She smirked.

"You'" He said making her giggle.

"Whatever Randy."


Annick sat in her dad's office and waited as he pulled out some papers.

"Alright, Annick, here's how you messed up. First off you were violent with Pricilla's legal guardian, then you took Pricilla without alerting anyone not even her social worker...seriously?"

"Look, I hit Karen because she really hurt Pricilla, I took Pricilla to keep her from hurting her even more. Yeah, I should've told someone that was my mistake. But I don't regret taking her."

"Well Karen made a claim-"

"Yes I know. Karen made a claim that I was the one hurting Pricilla which is absolute bullshit."

"I believe you. Julia believes you too. She did give me the pictures too. Just the judge..."

"Can I please get a new judge?"

"You know I'm working on it, sweetie."

"Well they're not gonna take her from me, right?"

"No. They're gonna let her stay with you but just let me handle everything."

"Alright." She nodded.

"Good. Now go help your mom in the kitchen and call me in when dinner is ready."

Annick nodded before getting up and leaving his office.

She made her way down the hall and into the kitchen.

She noticed her older brother in the room with his wife.

"When did you get here?" She asked.

"An hour ago. But anyways, you should be really proud of your boyfriend here. He finally made fufu."

Annick turned to Randy smiling.

"Awe good job, baby." She said.

"Thanks. I mean it wasn't that hard. Your mom said she couldn't even get real cassava here in America."

"How many stories did she tell you about Africa?"

"Lots of them."

"Unlike you, he's much interested in what I have to say." Mimi said.

"Whatever mama."


"So Randy, tell me what you do again? You teach math or something?" Chris asked.

"Music." Randy corrected.

Charles's head shot up.

"So you like music, huh?"


"I'll be right back guys." He said getting up.

"Um where's he going?" Randy asked Annick.

"I'm not sure..."

A minute later he came back in with a small tape recorder in his hands.

"Alright Randy. I want you to listen to this and I want you to be open minded." He said before setting the recorder on the table.

"Oh no..." Chris Annick and Mimi said in unison.

"Not the mixtape again." Ariana sighed.

He had done the same thing when Chris first started dating Ariana and she had mentioned that singing was a hobby of hers.

He pressed play on the tape recorder and the sound of piano began to play.

After a while of music, the sound of his voice came on.

Chris and Annick were clutching each other's hands to keep from bursting into laughter.

"What's so funny?" Charles asked his kids, frowning.

"Oh nothing. Nothing at all."

He shook his head at them and turned to Randy.

"So what'd you think?"

"I-it was amazing." He quickly lied.


"Yeah...god, it's just so...original."

"Wow...thanks Randy! You're the only one that's really liked it so far, besides Ariana."

Chris leaned over to his sister and whispered in her ear.

"In laws...they'll do anything to get excepted into this family." He sighed making her nod in agreement.

"Wow, how could anyone not like it, it's great."

Charles nodded until he stopped his eyes widening.

"Hey...maybe you can be on my track!" He suggested.

Annick now had to cover her mouth to keep from exploding with laughter.

Randy just blinked.

" see...that wouldn't be a good idea because it's already so great. Adding someone like me on their would just...ruin it."

"He's a good liar." Chris whispered.

Charles thought about it.

"Hmm, you're probably right."


The eight along with Quinton and Alycia and Justin sat outside in the backyard chairs.

"I'm bored guys." Dario said.

"Me too...ooh Annick do the trick that you always do at parties and stuff." Miciah said.

"I don't wanna..."

"Come on!"

Annick sighed, going into Daysia's purse before she pulled out her lip gloss.

"Not this again..." Daysia groaned.

"What's she about to do?" Jeffery asked.

"You'll see."

{a/n: I got this trick from 'The breakfast club if any of y'all seen it.}

Annick opened the cap and stuck the lip gloss in between her cleavage.

Everyone watched as she bent her head down and applied it on with no hands.

She looked up and it was perfectly applied.

Everyone clapped.

"Damn mami..." Dario said.

"Aye Randy those things are gonna come in handy some day huh?" Quinton asked, nudging him.

"Where did you even learn to do that?" Randy asked her.

She flipped her hair.

"I can do anything with these."

"Annick you're scandalous as fuck...go to church."

"Whatever miss 'I'm gonna lose my virginity on the bedroom floor'."

"Hey, it was a carpet."

"Daysia what are you doing?" James asked looking across at Daysia who was squirming in her seat.

"My bra is twisted." She sighed.

"Oh let me help you." Annick started to get up.

"It's alright, I got it."

Jeffery got behind Daysia, reached into the back of her shirt, unclipped her bra followed by untwisting it and clipping it again.

By the time he sat down, everyone stared at him, their mouths agape...even Daysia.


See, Jeffery and Daysia were the least intimate couple in the house and everyone knew it.

Even Randy was more touchy on his girlfriend than Jeffery was.

But intimacy wasn't something they really discussed.


"Jeffery?" Daysia asked as they laid in bed that night.


"I've never really asked but who was your first..."



"I'm a virgin."

"You are?" She asked.


"But you never-"

"You've never out of blue said you were a virgin either but I always knew."


"Goodnight Daysia." He chuckled.

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