ughhEva tarafından

125K 3.7K 463

'He was bad. He smoked, he broke the law, he drove too fast for his own good. He didn't care because no-one t... Daha Fazla

updated trailer
Twenty one
Twenty two
Twenty three
Twenty four
Twenty five
Twenty six
Twenty seven
Twenty eight
Twenty nine
Thirty one
Thirty two
Thirty three
Thirty four
Thirty five
Thirty six
Thirty seven
Thirty eight
Thirty nine
Forty one
Forty two
Forty three
update//put on hold
Fourty four
Forty five
Forty six
Forty seven
Forty eight
Forty nine


2.4K 84 4
ughhEva tarafından

Right before y'all start
but here is 2 chapters to make up for it 😉
I quickly throw on my jeans and a tank top, then grab my phone and slip it in my pocket. It's when I'm leaning out of the window, about to climb down, when I realize how ridiculous this is. I look down to Brad who is safely on the ground, then back up to my bedroom.
Why do you do this with your life? I ask myself, making the decision to continue my voyage down the wall. I hold on tight to the pipe, noticing how easy it actually is. I'm a little less impressed about Brad climbing up it to get into my bedroom. It's when I look down again that I feel uncomfortable. I can see Brad, clearly checking me out. Finally, I'm a metre off the ground, so I hop off the pipe and land directly onto the grass. I brush myself off and look up at Brad, who looks kind of shocked.
"Your such a perv," I say, straightening up and crossing my arms.
"I'm not a perv because I like girls' butts, Elizabeth." Brad smirks and then turns around and begins to walk over to the pavement. I chase after him. I have to run to keep up with his walking pace. For such a small guy, he is fast. No offence.
"Hey, you didn't even tell me where we're going."
"You'll see." He says, then smirks again at me before speeding up to a running pace.
"Why weren't you in for two weeks?" I ask breathlessly, my fitness level already showing as I jog along side him.
"I had something to take care of."

About ten minutes later of running down dark streets and alleys, we arrive at a large stadium. No lights are lit, there's just a sign saying 'Star Concert Arena'. Brad turns and smiles at me, then grabs my hand and interlocks the fingers. It takes me by surprise, but I accept his friendly action, and grasp his hand back. He quickly takes me around the side of one of the four large walls of the stadium, then stops when we meet a small glass door. It's dirty and smudged; unused.
"What are we doing here?" I ask, but Brad just shushes me, then waits for a while. Suddenly, a man speaks from behind the door, then me and Brad crouch in the darkness, pressing our backs against the wall, hands still sealed tight together. A large security man walks out and lights a cigarette before slowly strolling a few metres right, away from me and Brad. Brad shuffles along the wall and then breaks into a sprint, dragging me behind him.
Brad pulls me into the open door and carefully shuts it behind us, cautious not to make a sound. He twists the key that is in the lock, then turns around, making me want to do the same. We're in a small and crowded corridor. Brad lets go of my hand- which strangely makes me feel like something's missing- then walks ahead of me, gesturing for me to follow him. I do so, tiptoeing across the floor. We make it to the end and swing open a larger door.
"Oh my gosh." I gasp at the sight.
We're suddenly inside a massive concert arena. There's a stage and several hundred seats surrounding it.
"I know," Brad nods and I gaze on him for a second. For that one second, he looks truly happy. "This is where I wanna be, Elizabeth." He says and takes a few steps forwards, starting to walk down an isle. I look around to make sure we're alone, then follow him. He reaches the stage and hoists himself up onto the stage. I run over and he helps me up, putting his arms around my waist. We pull apart straight after, although I wish he'd hold me longer. Brad puts his hands in his pockets and strolls over to mid stage, then looks out on the non-existent audience. I walk next to him and ponder. His eyes trail across the seats, as though he was in love with every inanimate object in the entire building.
"This." He says breathlessly, then his eyes jolt to me, but I look away, embarrassed.
"We're going to get caught." I say, trying to make myself seem at ease, although my heart is pumping out of my ribs.
"If we do, I'll just say I drugged you and forced you to come with me." Brad shrugs and I stare, wide eyed. "What? I've been caught for doing worse things."
What? Like murdering someone?
I shake away my stupid thoughts which change my emotions completely. Did Brad want me alone? Did he not want me to be anywhere that people would find me? Is that why he brought me here? I start to breathe heavily and take a small step back. Brad notices.
"What's wrong?" He asks, but he doesn't look too concerned. Why should he be, he's not my boyfriend.
"N-nothing," I manage to stammer, but obviously he can tell I'm nervous.
"I don't bite." He smirks.
We gaze at each other and I can almost feel my pupils dilating as his lips part. For this moment, I know he's not who people say he is. For whatever reason,
I trust him.
"Jane." I whisper. Brad doesn't need to reply. He only smiles- not a smirk, but a genuine smile.

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