The day it all changed... * j...

By kshae10

171K 4.1K 1.2K

Her dad got a job offer and had to move to Stewartstown, Pennsylvania. When she moves will things go as plann... More

Moving day!
The Invite
Marks house.
The fight...
The break-in
The sleepover...☄
The sleepover Part 2
The Flatline...
Drunk beating
The Kiss
Shots fired
"The man made me..."
Back to school
The park
Truth or dare
Tell meeeee
New kid
I miss you
"Wanna come over?"
Never have I ever
Our Spot
Why me?
"I love you"
The dance
The Dance pt. 2
Dance pt.3
Moving... Again
The dance
Jacob's "friend"
Mall day!
Fair day
"When will you be ok again?"
Its not what you think...
No update
I miss these
Oh... My....Gosh
Whats going on?
I cant let this happen
Im gonna miss you...
That one girl.
Next door
Please read
I missed you!
Hes with Loren....
Do I?
Should I?
Is this where it ends?

Thank you Jacob!

1.6K 46 22
By kshae10

Krysta's POV

That's when I started coughing....

I kept coughing.

I couldn't breathe.


No blood was coming up!

That's when I fell.

Everything was getting blurry.

That's when I passed out
I woke up to the sound of beeping.

I felt something wrapped around my hand.

I slowly opened my eyes to a bright light.

I immediately got a headache from the light.

I looked down to Mark holding my hand.


"Hey your awake!"

"Yeah. Where's Jacob?"

"He had to fly home."

"How come you stayed?"

"I didn't want to leave you here in Cali all alone."

"Thanks Mark! Where's my phone?"

"It's over here."

Mark gave me my phone.

I see all the good morning and goodnight texts from Jacob.

"How long was I out?"

"About 3 days."

"Oh my gosh!"

I called Jacob immediately.

"Hey baby."

"Jacob.... I missed you."

"I missed you more."

"Can you come see me?"

"Yeah baby. I'll go buy the ticket right now. I have to go though so I'll see you soon! I love and miss you more than anything!"

"Okay bye love and miss you more!"

*i hung up*

"Hey Mark?"


"Can you come here for a second?"

"Yeah of course."

He walks over.

"Hug me."


"Just hug me!"

Mark leaned in to hug me.

I hugged him back.

"Thank you."

"For what?"


"Anything for you, Krysta."

I smiled and hugged him tighter.

"Can you lay with me?"


"Don't worry. Just as friends."


He climbed in the hospital bed with me as I layed my head on his chest.

I got so tired I eventually fell asleep.
I woke up still laying on Mark's chest.

I look over to see Jacob holding my hand.

I immediately got up.

I walked over to him.

He stood up.

I kissed him.

He kissed back.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too." I said.

Mark said, " Well I guess I'll jut leave then."

"Wait Mark!" I said while running over to him.

I jumped into his arms.

" Thanks for staying."

"I'd do it anytime."

He left so I walked back to my bed and layed down.

I patted the side of my bed so Jacob would lay down with me.

"I got you something."

"What is it?"

"It's at home. You'll love it!"

"When's the next flight back home then! I wanna see!"

"Well you get discharged in and hour and the next flight is in three."

"Can you go buy them?"

"Yes I will. I have to go though. I'll be back."

"Okay I can't wait!!!"
*skip plane ride*

We are on our way back to the house now.

I'm so excited to see what he got me!

The whole ride home I was holding Jacob's hand.

We finally got there.

I jumped out of the car and ran to the door.

Momma Sartorius opened the door and I gave her a big hug!

I heard something clicking against the ground.

I look over to see a dog!

A boxer!(picture above)

Oh my gosh she's so cute!!!

I look over to Jacob with tears of joy in my eyes.

I ran to him and hugged him tight.

"How do you like her?"

"She's beautiful!!!!! Can I name her?"

"Of course you can she's yours."

A few hours later I got really tired so Jacob and I went to lay down.

The dog came over and layed down next to me.

I could tell me we're going to be great friends.

I then drifted off into a deep sleep.

I woke up and looked at my phone to see the time.


I quickly got up.

Still in my pajamas I walked down the stairs so see Jacob and the dog fooling around.

He's so cute.

I walked over to the dog and she jumped on me and started licking my face.

Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter! I just wanna say that I love you guys, but I miss all the sweet comments...... Anyways please comment and vote :) Love you cuties!

Stay reading~Krysta❤️😎👯✌️💖☄💃😂🦄💁

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