Filling in the Pieces // Luke...

By kaboott

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Kaitlyn Rivers lives on Sunset Farms in the small town of Hudson. Kait tells a story of her teenage years and... More

Chapter 1 - Sunset Farms
Chapter 2 - Twins
Chapter 3 - Unexpected Guest
Chapter 4 - What is This?
Chapter 5 - Almost a Perfect Day
Chapter 6 - Jealousy
Chapter 7 - Embarrassment
Chapter 8 - Hunters
Chapter 9 - Training Day
Chapter 10 - Victory
Chapter 11 - Date Night
Chapter 12 - Puppies
Chapter 13 - Chocolate Chip Pancakes
Chapter 14 - Runway
Chapter 15 - Jai's First Ride
Chapter 16 - Friendly Date
Chapter 17 - Movie Night
Chapter 18 - Race Ya?
Chapter 19 - Will You Be My Girlfiend?
Chapter 20 - Awkward Endings
Chapter 21 - Sweet Sweet Victory
Chapter 22 - Taken and Alone
Chapter 23 - Finally Home
Chapter 24 - Nice Choice
Chapter 25 - Sight Seeing
Chapter 26 - The Perfect Present
Chapter 27 - Can't Keep Secrets
Chapter 28 - DareSundays
Chapter 29 - Prince
Chapter 30 - Sneaky
Chapter 31 - Confessions
Chapter 32 - Where am I?
Chapter 33 - Swimming
Chapter 34 - Remember Me
Chapter 35 - Introductions
Chapter 36 - Picking Up the Pieces
Chapter 37 - Getting Back to Normal
Chapter 38 - Long Time No See
Chapter 40 - Old and New Faces
Chapter 41 - Questions & Answers
Chapter 42 - Luke Not Aaron
Chapter 43 - Drunk Words, Sober Thoughts
Chapter 44 - Talk to Me
Chapter 45 - Forget Everything
Chapter 46 - Road Trip
Chapter 47 - Should Have Been Me
Chapter 48 - It's for the Better
Chapter 49 - It's You
Chapter 50 - I Promise
Chapter 51 - Saying Goodbye
Update - Please Read
I'm Back!

Chapter 39 - Perfect

669 20 0
By kaboott

Luke wasn't outside yet so I headed up to the boys loft trying not to fall on my way. I knocked on the door and Jai answered by swinging open the door and his jaw dropping.

"You look gorgeous," he spoke stuttering.

"Awe thank you Jai," I replied blushing at his compliment and walking in.

"Damn you look hot," Beau muttered with a whistle.

"Take a picture it will last longer," I teased.

"So where is Luke?" I questioned looking around the room.

"Oh he is just doing his hair," Jai rolled his eyes before jumping on his bed and opening his phone.

"Wow I actually got ready before him, I should be given a medal," I stated with a giggle.

We were all laughing when Luke finally walked out wearing black skinny jeans, a white button up shirt with a black tie, black dress shoes, and his hair pushed up. To say he looked good would be an understatment.

"Hey beautiful," he greeted me with a smile.

"You're late," I joked as I got up to hug him.

"Sorry I was trying to look good for you," he fought back.

"And you do, you look very good," I smirked at him.

"Oh save it for later," Beau groaned while ushering us out of the room.

"Can I know where we are going now?" I asked as we walked down the very steep stairs. He pondered on the idea and finally let up when we got into the car. 

"Well first I thought we could go to a drive in movie, and then to karaoke night," he replied raising his eyebrows with a smile to see if I was alright with that.

"Sounds perfect, but why did you need me to dress up?" I asked confused.

"I wanted to see you in the dress I got you, and man do you look good," he gave me a little side smirk and I could feel my cheeks flush.

"When Steph pulled it out of the closet I had a flashback to that day, I could see everything that was happening, but I couldn't hear it," I shrugged my shoulders waiting for him to explain that day.

"I basically planned to bring you out there for a picnic, and when I gave you the dress I also asked you to be my girlfriend. You pretty much answered by kissing me. Do you remember that?" He questioned happy that I had finally remembered something else.

"Awe that's cute, and yes I do remember that, I just didn't know what you had said before it," I said with a smile. It was nice to see him smiling while thinking about a memory with me.

"Well now you do, and I hope tonight will turn out just as perfect," he exclaimed and grabbed my hand that was dangling over the cup holders.

On that note we pulled up to our parking spot to watch the movie.

"Ahh sweet they are playing 'Mean Girls' tonight," I gushed.

Mean Girls is one of my favourite movies and so I've been told also Luke's. I won't be surprised if we are quoting every line.

Luke parked backwards so we could sit in the trunk of his truck. Inside laid two blankets, one to sit on and one two put on top of us. There were also a couple of pillows so we could lean up against them.

"What do you want to eat? I thought we should just eat here because the karaoke will be packed," he asked.

"Um I'm good with a hot dog and a coke. Oh and don't forget popcorn," I answered with a smile.

"I would never," he said dramatically and walked off almost offended.

I climbed into the trunk and got comfortable while I waited. I was looking around the field that was filled with multiple cars, but we managed to get a pretty good parking spot. There were families, friends, married couples, teenage couples, and a familiar face that I said that I never wanted to see again.

It was my ex boyfriend Kyle from high school, all snuggled up with Chelsea. They were one row ahead and a couple cars over, but I had a clear view of them. Isn't it enough that I have see her during horse shows, but now with my ex on my date.

And for Kyle, that low life cheated on me after two years of dating. That was way back near the end of grade ten, but I promised that once I was out of high school that I never wanted to see him again. He is one of the reasons why I found relationships so dumb at this age because they always blow up in your face. That's why I was so shocked to find out that I had a boyfriend.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Luke taking a seat beside me. He handed me my food and we finished our dinner while the previews had played. We talked about the basic stuff and I got to know him more and more, but I just couldn't get Kyle out of my head.

After a while Luke started to take noticed in my short attention spand.

"What's wrong? Why are you so quite?" He asked with a concerned facial expression.

"Nothing, don't worry about it," I spoke and then tried to change the subject but he cut me off.

"You may have only know me for a week, but I know you well enough that something is on your mind right now," he said gentley grabbing my chin so I would look at him. I sighed and looked in the direction Chelsea and Kyle were. He quickly caught on to the problem.

"Why does she have to show up to every date we are on?" He shook his head angirly.

"Luke I couldn't careless about her. It's the other guy I'm worried about," I said looking back at him with anger in my tone.

"Why? Who is he?" Luke asked. I guess I never told him about Kyle.

"Never mind, don't worry about it. Let's just enjoy out night," I replied with a forced smile.

"But it's obviously-" I cut of his words by placing my hand over his mouth.

"Let's just enjoy our night," I repeated again and understood that I really didn't want to talk about it.

With that the film started and I snuggled up beside Luke with his arm around my waist and my head on his shoulder. The movie went by quickly and luckily neither Kyle or Chelesa had noticed us. We were now on our way to the Hudson diner, where karaoke was held tonight. In Hudson everything was pretty close together, so we got there in just under 5 minutes.

When we walked in the lights were dimd and there was a rather large spot light on the tiny stage at the back of diner were everyone was facing. The place was packed and people were already singing, but we managed to find a seat for two.

"May I get you two anything?" An older lady with curly brown hair and tanned skin asked.

"I'll just have a water please," I responded with a smile.

"And I'll have a Ginger ale," Luke added in.

"I'll be right out with you drinks. Enjoy," she grinned back. We both returned the smile and she walked away.

We talked for a while about just life in general when the question I was dreading came up. "So...who was the guy at the theatre?" Luke asked with hesitation because he knew that I rather not talk about it.

"He's one of those typical stories really. We dated for about two years and then he cheated on me so I broke it off with him. And now that I think of it he wasn't very good to me, pretty shit actually," I explain with a strained laugh trying to make it less painful, but my emotions got the best of me and a tear slipping from my eye.

"God I hate crying. I feel so stupid right now, I swear I'm over him and I shouldn't be wasting my tears on him," I tried to laugh it off.

"No no, I get it and I want you to know I would never treat you like that...ever," he said wiping away the tear. This brought a smile to my face and I quickly tried to change the subject.

"So should we go make a fool of ourselves and sing?"  I asked with a cheeky grin.

"Well that's why I brought you here, wasn't it?" He said while grabbing my hand and dragging me to the stage. No one had sang in a while, so we took the opportunity to show off our skills. We choose the song "Good to You" by Mariana's Trench. (You guys should look it up if you don't know the song, because it ties into the whole conversation on her old boyfriend.)

When the song ended my eyes started to tear up again, but I held it back. Luke's voice was amazing and when you put ours together it sounded perfect. I looked over at Luke with a smile as the audience whistled and cheered us on. By the look on Luke's shocked face I guess I never told him I could sing. The audience cheered us on for another song and I started to laugh at their response to us singing.

"Do you want to?" I asked Luke hoping he would say yes.

"Might as well," he shrugged and we began to look for another song to sing. We wanted to chose a more up beat song this time and we decided on "Best Day of My Life' by American Authors. By the time the song ended everyone was dancing and someone else wanted their turn to sing, so we took our seats. We both sat on the same side of the table so we could watch the rest of the "preformers."

"Omg that was so much fun," I laughed with a smile plastered on my face. I couldn't stop smiling.

"I know and I never knew you could sing?" He questioned with a chuckle.

"Well a girls has got to have a bit of mystery," I said nudging him.

"What else don't I know about you?" He asked laughing.

"Well you're just going to have to wait and find out," I responded with a smirk and then a question I have been wanting to ask for a while popped up in my head.

"Enough with the questions about me, I have a question for you," I stated.

"And what is that," he responded while turning towards me to look at me.

"What's up with Jai? Whenever we are together he always seems...I don't know, out of place," I asked and in a second Luke entire expression had dropped.

"Its kind of a long story," he spoke and started to play with his straw in his empty drink.

"We have time," I responded and he huffed out a breath before he began to explain.

"Well Jai has always had a crush on you. There was this one incident where he kissed you while we were together. You and I forgave him and he said that it was a mistake, but I still think he has feelings for you. That's why I was so scared of losing you. What if you feel in love Jai instead of me this time?" He said while he continued to twirl is straw in his drink, he couldn't bring himself to look at me.

"Luke look at me," I spoke trying to get his attention.

"Hmmm," he sighed and finally looked up.

"Not only did you make me fall in love with you before the accident, but now you have managed to do it all over again, and I don't think I would want anyone other than you," I stated brefore grabbing both of his cheeks and bring my lips to his. As I kissed his I felt a weight being lifted of both mine and his shoulders. He had done it, he is making me fall in love with him again.

I could feel him smile during the kiss and then the crowed began to cheer again. They must have been keeping an eye on us, and we both started to laugh.

"Let's get out of here," he said grabbing my hand.

"Okay," I responded with a giggle as he yanked me out if the diner.

"Where are we going?" I asked from the passenger seat of his truck.

"Wanna go for a walk?" He asked.

"Ya sure," I responded as we pulled up to the side of a massive pond and hopped out. (Picture the one for the movie She's the Man.)

The moon light reflected off the top of the pond which caused it to shimmer and provided us with some light. There were tall flowers and bushes surrounding most of the pond and the trees hung low over our heads and over the water. It was absolutely gorgeous.

We walked hand in hand taking in the view for about half an hour. No talking was needed just being in each others precence was good enough.

After a little while longer I pulled out my phone to check the time and it read 11 o'clock.

"Crap we're late. We have to go," I said frintically pulling his hand up the hill to where his car is parked. We were running pretty fast when Luke tripped and pulled me down with him. I flew backwards due to the fact that my hand was still intertwined with his, and I fell on top of him. He was laying on his back and I was on his stomach.

"Why do we always end up looking like we're something out of a movie?" I spoke quietly with a little laugh.

"It's because we are just that perfect," he said before attaching his lips to mine agian.

"We really do have to go," I giggled before giving him on last peck on the lips and then got up.

Luke drove like a maniac to get home because he knew my mom and grandpa would kill him if we were late. Luckily there was no one on the road and we pulled up the drive way with seconds to spare. We got out of the car and he walked over to my side.

"Kait," he said grabbing both my hands.

"Mhm," I sighed as I brought my eyes to his. He started to play with his lip ring and I have noticed that he does that when he gets nervous or anxious.

"I know you have really only known me for a week, but I really feel like you should give us a chance." He spoke with his hands fidgeting with in mine.

"What are you asking me Luke?" I bit my lip and copied his previous actions.

"I'm asking you to be my girlfirend again," he finally spoke.

I stood there motionless and I didn't know what to say. My feelings for him were back, but I have only known him for a week. I wanted to say yes, but was it the right choice? But then again I did say yes the frist time and it seems to me that we were great.

With a million and one emotions and thougts rushing through me there was only one word that I could say.  

"Yes," I spoke with a grin and his face copied my own. Seconds later he wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted my up while connecting his lips to mine. I pulled him closer by wrapping my arms around the back of his neck. Fireworks went off everywhere and I actually felt a sigh of relief escape my body. I no longer had the weight of a boy liking me and not feeling the same way back on my shoulders, because for the first time I actually feel like I'm falling back in love with Luke.

"Good night," I smiled separating my lips from his as he put me down.

"Good night," he responded back laughing.

"What are you laughing at," I asked confused.

"I'm just happy," he said shaking his head and I giggled at his cuteness.

"Okay I'll see you tomorrow," I stated and with that I walked into the house.

I carefully took off my dress and threw on some pyjama shorts. I was to lazy to put on a shirt and didn't really want to, I found it more comfortable to just sleep in my bra. I jumped on my bed and right when my head hit the pillow I feel into a dreamless sleep. Or so I thought....

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