Filling in the Pieces // Luke...

By kaboott

49.6K 1.2K 61

Kaitlyn Rivers lives on Sunset Farms in the small town of Hudson. Kait tells a story of her teenage years and... More

Chapter 1 - Sunset Farms
Chapter 2 - Twins
Chapter 3 - Unexpected Guest
Chapter 4 - What is This?
Chapter 5 - Almost a Perfect Day
Chapter 6 - Jealousy
Chapter 7 - Embarrassment
Chapter 8 - Hunters
Chapter 9 - Training Day
Chapter 10 - Victory
Chapter 11 - Date Night
Chapter 12 - Puppies
Chapter 13 - Chocolate Chip Pancakes
Chapter 14 - Runway
Chapter 15 - Jai's First Ride
Chapter 16 - Friendly Date
Chapter 17 - Movie Night
Chapter 18 - Race Ya?
Chapter 19 - Will You Be My Girlfiend?
Chapter 20 - Awkward Endings
Chapter 21 - Sweet Sweet Victory
Chapter 22 - Taken and Alone
Chapter 23 - Finally Home
Chapter 24 - Nice Choice
Chapter 25 - Sight Seeing
Chapter 26 - The Perfect Present
Chapter 27 - Can't Keep Secrets
Chapter 29 - Prince
Chapter 30 - Sneaky
Chapter 31 - Confessions
Chapter 32 - Where am I?
Chapter 33 - Swimming
Chapter 34 - Remember Me
Chapter 35 - Introductions
Chapter 36 - Picking Up the Pieces
Chapter 37 - Getting Back to Normal
Chapter 38 - Long Time No See
Chapter 39 - Perfect
Chapter 40 - Old and New Faces
Chapter 41 - Questions & Answers
Chapter 42 - Luke Not Aaron
Chapter 43 - Drunk Words, Sober Thoughts
Chapter 44 - Talk to Me
Chapter 45 - Forget Everything
Chapter 46 - Road Trip
Chapter 47 - Should Have Been Me
Chapter 48 - It's for the Better
Chapter 49 - It's You
Chapter 50 - I Promise
Chapter 51 - Saying Goodbye
Update - Please Read
I'm Back!

Chapter 28 - DareSundays

649 21 0
By kaboott

        2 o'clock rolled around quickly, and Skip and James had already arrived. Before heading out to the paddock I took off my now dirty clothes and threw on some clean ones. I left the house wearing a high wasted black lace skirt, a green crop top, and my black studded boots. I reached the paddock gate to find that the boys had put a huge log for us to sit on inside the field on the small patch of cement which was also where the horses old water tub had sat. There was also six jugs of milk waiting for us. 

        "Oh god what challenge are we doing?" I asked with a very worried face.

        "The milk challenge," Luke yelled over to me with a smirk on his face.

        "Which ever team finishes their milk first without throwing up wins," Jai explained.

        I was now less worried, I love milk, I drink it all the time and I usually never throw up. This is good, I can do this. We all stood in a line as Luke turned the camera on, and then ran back to stand beside James.

        All together the boys said, "Hi we are the Janoskians, and this is DareSundays, featuring Kait Rivers." I gave the camera a wave and smiled.

        "Okay so the teams are: James and Jai with the green milk, Luke and Kait with the blue milk, and Beau and I with the pink milk," Skip explained.

        We all began to chug the milk down and let me tell you, it is a lot harder than I expected. We were all about half way done our milk and began to feel pretty crappy, well everyone except for Skip. 

        "I'm actually felling really good," he stated and held up his milk to see that he wasn't even a quarter done.

        "Well, that's because you've barley even made a dent," I said while laughing.

        "Oh shit," he mumbled.

        "We're fucked," Beau shook his head, starting to gag.

        A little while later Beau was the first one out, because he threw up, but we agreed that he still had to finish his milk. Next out was James, then Luke, then Skip. It was now down to Jai and I.

        "There is no way I'm letting you win," he spoke while giving me a glare.

        "We will see about that," I responded.

        The rest of the boys were already finished their milk, but Jai and I had to drink it slow to make sure we don't throw up. We both had about five big gulps left. We both took another sip in sync, but Jai couldn't do it, he literally threw up everywhere. All that was standing in between me and finishing this challenge was myself. I chugged the rest back, dropped the bottle and threw my hands in the air.

         "I won!" I screamed while jumping up and down. 

        "How the hell did you not throw up?" James asked while looking at me like I wasn't human. I just shrugged my shoulders and continued to cheer.

        "The Janoskians got beat by a girl. Wow first DareSundays I'm in and I win, that's rough," I giggled and shook my head at them.

        "We will just have to have a re-match," Beau challenged.

        "You're so on," I said crossing my arms and not breaking eye contact.

        We were now standing in a line again to close off the video. They all started to say their finishing line when all of a sudden I bent over and threw up. Someone was holding my hair back while everyone just laughed.

        "There it is!" Beau yelled.

        "This is the best ending to a video that we have ever had," Skip cheered in a fit of laughter.

        Once we ended the video the boys asked what their punishment would be since they lost. I sat there thinking for a while before coming up with the perfect idea that gets me out of doing work.

        "Your punishment is to clean up all of this mess," I smiled. "Oh, and you better do it quickly, you don't want to miss dinner," I ordered and skipped off to the house.

        "Are you serious? You're not going to help?" James yelled.

        "Nope. It's your punishment, not mine. Oh, and Beau you have to use a toothbrush, better think twice next time you let out on of my secrets," I laughed giving him an evil smirk.

        "Oh come on!" Beau groaned.

        "Losing sucks boys, see you later," I waved.

        "Luke would you talk to your girlfriend," I could hear Beau complain.

        "Don't look at me. I don't want to get involved. It's your own fault dude," Luke responded and I smiled to myself.

        "Actually Luke doesn't have to help, he was my partner so technically he can come with me," I clued in.

        "Have fun guys," he smiled and happily walked away with me.

        I have the Janoskians wrapped around my fingers.

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