Chasing After Her

By loveyou1977

893K 28.3K 1K

My life has never been easy to say the least, I've had my troubles and storms all around, never being able to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chpater 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 26

14.1K 549 46
By loveyou1977

"I anit worried bout nothin',I anit worried bout na' nada,I'm sittin pretty,impatient,but I know you gotta put in them hours,I''mama make it harder,I'm sending pic after picture imma get you fired,I know your always on that night shift,but I can't stand these nights alone,and I don't need no explanation,cause baby your the boss at home,you don't gotta go work,work,work,work,work,work, work,but you gotta put in work,work,work,work,work,work,you don't gotta go to work,work,work,work,work,work, work,let my body do the work,work,work,work,work,work, work"

Fifth harmony-Work from home

Louis,was taking me back to his room,and now I'm really regretting this,I want to turn around but I want to prove to everyone that I can take care of my self and I can do what I please.

We stop outside of Louis's room,and he turns around and looks at me with a creepy smirk,what the hell is he smirking about.

"What?,What's so funny?" I ask

He just shakes his head and opens his room door,before he pushed me inside and when I turn around he slammed the door shut,but he didn't come inside.....ok what the hell is gong on now.

"We told you,we would hunt you down no matter what" oh no! I know that voice I am really loathing that voice right now

Maybe if I close my eyes right now,and pinch my self I'll walk up in my hotel room,by myself with no one but me,but when I do pinch myself I open my eyes and I am still this hotel room with the two men that I ran away,from.

I turn around and see two very looking pissed off me,sitting on the bed with a very angry expression,damn I'm in deep trouble now.

"Hey,guys how's it going?It's such a pretty night isn't? God!can this be anymore awkward

"Why,the hell did you leave us in the middle of the fucking night!?Huh where you afraid of us finding out!" I never seen Alex so mad before

"No I wasn't afraid,was petrified" I snapped back

"You know,Carla we have been real patient with you,but no you just have to do stupid shit and runaway and you were actually to sleep with some man but thank the heavens that he works for us"

"Are you fucking kidding me and how did they find me anyway?" I ask seriously pissed off

"Mhh,a little thing called Google tracking" Alex said

No! I am so going to kill them!how could they do this to me!ugh I fucking hate them right now!

"You know,you two should have more faith in me,I wasn't going to sleep with him,I was going to tell him once we got inside of 'His room' which I now know is your room" I say back

"Well wouldn't have done all of this if you,would have told us where you were"

"It's not like I wasn't ever coming back ,I was coming back eventually ok,so stop acting like a prude"

Maybe my choice of words wasn't very accurate,because the way they are looking at me it looks like they want to murder me and right now I wouldn't blame them.

"You know,Mike I think Carla here needs to be taught a lesson and very good one maybe a punishment instead"

"Uhm,no I'm good I take back everything I said,I'm sorry,I'm sorry I really am" I say

"Nah,that's not enough,how about we do something else that would be more efficient" oh so now Mike wants to speak up

"Like what?" I ask not liking where this is going

Mike gets off the bed and slowly walks over to me,he stops in front of me with a evil smirk on his lips and an evil glint in his eyes.  

"How about we fuck the shit out of you?like we've been waiting to do forever" he says

"What?,no how about you two can give me a spanking how many you ever like" I say

"That does sound pleasing but,I thinking fucking the shit out of you sounds so much better,what do you think Alex?"

"I think your idea is great Mike and maybe then she'll learn her lesson" Alex said

But I hurriedly interjected and said"But I'm a virgin,so haha"

"And what does that have to do with anything,me and Mike will take it slow at first,but then we'll pound you so hard you'll toss your head and scream for us to go even harder and faster"

Oh,fuck I just creamed my panties,how can they make me cream myself and they didn't even touch me.

"Ok,ok I'll do it but please be careful,it's my first time" I say

"Oh,we'll be first" Mike says

What have I gotten myself into.

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