The Light To My Life - (Louis...

By ChloeeHaleHurst

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Chloe Styles is Harry Styles' sister and behind all Harry's fame and fortune his sister is recovering from a... More

Chapter 1 - Back To The Hell Hole Yep School!!
Chapter 2 - Reasons Why!
Chapter 3 - Why Can't Today Just End!
Chapter 4 - Why Her !
Chapter 5 - The Bitch Gets What She Desuves But Who Knew It Could Backfire?!?!
Chapter 6 - Oh Shit!
Chapter 7 - Finally Out Of Hospital!
Chapter 8 - Back To School Again!
Chapter 9 - Wait Why Did This Happen Again! Shit!!!
Chapter 10 - The Trip!!!
Chapter 11 - The Haunted Town "BOOO!!!"
Chapter 12 - That Night And The Rough Morning After!!!!
Chapter 13 - Oppp's Oh Well I Am A Girl!I Have Needs!
Chapter 14 - The Plan Takes Action!
Chapter 15 - Pissed! Yeah Again!
Chapter 16 - Never Thought He Cared So Much!!!
Chapter 17 - Why Is That So Sexy...No Chloe!
Chapter 18 - That Night...Part 1!!!
Chapter 19 - That Night...Part 2!!!
Chapter 20 - Before The Party!!!
Chapter 21 - The Party!!!
Chapter 22 - The Hangover , Clean up Then A Cuddle In Bed!
Chapter 23 - Planning The Future.Lets Focus On The Present
Chapter 24 - Shopping Before The Tour Day 1!
Chapter 25 - Shopping Before The Tour Night 1 & Day 2!
Chapter 26 - Shopping Before The Tour Day 3!
Chapter 27 - Meeting Mum...This Should Be Good *Yawn*!
Chapter 28 - Its FRIDAY!!!
Chapter 29 - Partyy Tonight Yeah!Part 1!
Chapter 31 - Still On Tour Month 4!
Chapter 32 - Still On Tour Month 6!
Chapter 33 - Still on Tour Month 7!Part 1!
Chapter 34 - Still On Tour Month 7!Part 2!
Chapter 35 - Still On Tour Last Month!
Chapter 36 - Home Yeyyy!
Chapter 37 - I'm Fine Stop Asking!
Chapter 38 - Time To Tell Louis!
Chapter 39 - No!Louis!
Chapter 40 - The End Of The Road!

Chapter 30 - Partyy Tonight Yeah!Part 2!

114 2 0
By ChloeeHaleHurst

"Chloe we are leaving in 20 minutes !"Courts shouts walking in my room.

"Right all I have to do is get in my dress..."I say then turn around from Natasha's make up."Wow you look gorgeous Courts!"

"Thanks and Your make up looks fab babe...Wheres Perrie?"She asks.

"She nipped to tescos to get some bottles of rose , couple of cans for you and some smirnoff ice for Naz and Natasha.Yanno just before we go and on the way there and erm love its only 5 we not going till 7."I say.

"Oh shit my phones wrong!"She says storming out of my room and in to Harrys.Me and Natasha laugh and I finish her make up undo Nazmin's rollers touch up her curls , do her make up and then get in my dress and go downstairs and have to iron the boys shirts wait the Irons out but the boys shirts aren't here.

"Harry  , Liam , Niall , Zayn!"I shout then they all come in with a can of strong-bow in each had all ready."Oh who ironed your shirts?"I ask then my mum walks in.She has her hair all curly and he make up all done and in a nice flowery dress with some nice colourful glass like shoes with a big flower on the end.

"I did I thought you where to busy with all the girls and that."My mum says then smiles and exits the room.

"Will you do our hair your mum can't do it!"Niall says passing me the hair gel.I sort out all off there hairs and Zayn gets the hairspray so i an do it all properly or how the boys say Chloe style! Hahaha get it cause my last names Styles....Oh fine it was a shit joke but I do it how they like it okay!Everyone arrives and Louis looks more hot than usual!We all have a drink and at half 7 before we set off everyone is tipsy hahaha!We aren't even atb the bar yet!First we go to Ronnie's and get absolutely steaming and Louis takes his clothes off and runs around naked which influences Harry to do it which then makes Zayn do it!God Monkey see Monkey do ey!So at this point Louis Harry and Zayn are running round holding there parts but are fully naked.Oh no!

"Babe!Put your clothes back on!"I shout over the music.

"One minute.Hip thrust!!!"Louis shouts.

"No!Don't let go off your ...thing "I laugh then the boys run off in to the toilets.They come back out in there boxers okay that's one improvement.Then they go on the stage and do there little dance thing and the crowd goes wild!Everyone from school is hear and some fans too which we didn't notice at all haha.Loads of cameras are flashing at them.I run on stage with Louis coat and cover the boys up with it.

"Everyone this is my baby sister!"Harry shouts grabbing my wrist and putting my hand in the air.Then Zayn falls over so i break from harry and pick Zayn up.Oh my god they are like a bunch of 2 year olds Louis is trying to do cartwheels now I need help.I drag Zayn off stay with a little help from Harry and they both go in the bathroom and then I get Natasha and she grabs Louis off stage and we both sneak in the boys bathroom to help then get changed as they are totally gone and when they are changed we get a mic and say we are going to The Snooty Fox and everyone transfers there.All night we neck back drinks and the boys have a blast we take over 1000 photos with about 50 videos on just my phone but literally everybody is in them and for once the boys have a normal night like normal crazy teenagers and it was brilliant but because of our early plane we are all home by 2 o'clock and we all fall asleep in different parts of the house.My mum came out with us  and is still out so Niall and Nazmin are in my mums bed with Zayn and Perrie, Natasha Courts and I are in with the rest of the little mix girls and Harry Louis and Liam are in Harrys bed.At 4The little mix girls besides Perrie wake me up gives me hugs and a kiss on the cheek then head off home.Hm-mm took me ages for them to persuade me to not walk them but as I am awake I check that I don't forget nothing and pack my last bag.Gonna miss this house me!

"Come on lads and girls we need to get everything in van number 2!"Paul shouts as we stumble to put the suitcases in the van.We are still pissed but a little sober over 5 coffies and a bit off a sleep but not much.We pack and go to the airport then get aboard the plane!I grab Louis hand and step on to the plane.These next 8 months are gonna be good but I'm gonna miss everyone at home.Least I got my boy and my girls!

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