Chapter 27 - Meeting Mum...This Should Be Good *Yawn*!

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"Where have you been!"Harry shouts as I walk through the door and get gagged by his aftershave.

"Louis house durrr and wow we're meeting mum your not going on a date!"I say walking up the stairs.

"Hurry up Chloe mum arrives in an hour and she will be at the restaurant at 1 o'clock!"He panics.

"Ill be less than 2 hours so chill."I say then run up the stairs and jump in the shower.After my shower I put my fake eyelashes on, do my make up dry my hair then curl the top bits and straighten underneath and put extensions in to thicken my hair because of how thin it looks.I put on my black leggins which shows my ankle tattoo and my guns and roses top which has a big dip on the sides so it shows my little things tattoo and i put my purple/velvet high heels with the stiletto crisscross pump sandals there are really nice and well I'm smaller than Harry with these on but i look taller so thats fine.I grab my purple bag which dangles to my hip.I grab my phone and head downstairs and Harry looks pissed off at me.

"What have i done now?"I say.

"Nothing just hurry up amd get in my car."He says pointing to the door.

"Okay change that tone and wait 5 minutes!"I say pointing at him then i waddle in to the kitchen to get the morning after pill and Harry walks in a see's me take it.

"Why you taking that?"He asks then i put it in my mouth swallow it and do a snide smile with my mouth tightly shut."Ew!"He adds.Then we leave the house and head out.The whole ride there I text Nazmin , Niall , Natasha and Louis then when we get at the restaurant Mum isn't there so we check in at our reservation and I get a glass of rose wine and continue texting Naz, Ni , Tash and Lou.

"Will you get off your phone!"Harry shouts as I haven't put my phone down since we left the house.

"Whats wrong with you today."I ask slamming my phone down on the table.

"Nothing!"He shouts then looks over at the door and notices mum so he stands up and waits for her to come over stud up straight and everything like she is the queen.I just take a swig of my wine and pick up my phone and reply to Louis.I'm not standing for no,one hahaha.

"Hello Harry."She says coming up to him and puts her hands over his cheeks and kisses his forehead then Harry shuffles Mums chair for her to sit and then he sits back down as I take another swig of my wine.

"Hi Chloe."She says then I just swallow my wine and smile then do a waving gesture."You have changed alot.More make up and different hair I see."

"Yeah I have changed alot actually.Got tattoo's and a belly peircing a boyfriend and going on tour with Harry my life is perfect."I slyly say.

"Oh you got tattoo's and belly piercing ewe horrible."She says then I roll my eyes."So who's your boyfriend then."She says taking a swig from my that's mine!

"Louis."I say then she swallows fast and coughs.

"That wine taste like piss sweetheart and Louis who, Harry's mate Louis."Shes so snobby!

"Yeah that Louis."I say getting pissed off with her.

"You can't date him!He is way to old for you he is 21 your.."She says then i stop her and say

"17 nearly 18 ...Not that big of a difference mum!"I'm getting so pissed off.

"Chloe!"Harry snaps!"Mum Louis is so loving and caring and he is a good guy so he is right for Chloe."

"Oh okay as-long as you are happy with it darling."She says stroking his cheek.Oh i swear I'm about to blow!

"Remember Courts mum?"Harry said.

"Chloe's friend?"She asks.

"Yeah.."Harry says.

"Oh yes lovely girl."Mum replies making me so angry cause she knows what he is gonna say.

"I'm dating her."Harry says then smiling at mum.

"Oh lovely I am happy for you's."She says then signals for the waiter as I have the most bitchyest look on my face then I neck back the rest of my wine.

"what would you like madamme?"The waiter asks.Snob!She tells him her order then Harry does and I say

"I'll have a refill of number 214 red rose please."

"No food?"Mum asks.

"Nope going out for a meal with Louis later."I say then she tuts and sips her water."So are you coming home later then or staying in a hotel?"I say changing the subject as the waiter then fills up my glass.

"Home obviously I don't stay in these horrible hotels."Then I pick up my glass and take another drink.

Half an hour later Louis walks in and see's us and kisses my forehead then hugs my mum and talks more to her than i have this whole 1 hour.He says he will bring the car round the front and as he does I get a lecher for leaving and not hardly speaking plus I aint coming home tonight so they are pissed off about that and I stand up say bye to mum and give her a hug and then Harry gives me more of a lecher about not letting him know where I was last night so i ignore him and walk off and he shouts

"Chloe come here!"so i just stick up my middle finger and walk out.Go let mum kiss your arse!She hasn't always been this uptight and that its just worked changed her alot I guess if i was as loaded as her maybe I'd be like that ... I get in the car and kiss Louis in relief and tell him everything and he laughs as he knows my mum.We go to our private restraunt eat our dinner and then go back to Louis'.We get abit tipsy after 4 pint glasses of strongbow and have a reply of last night...Oh yeah!Your on a roll Chloe!

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