Chapter 40 - The End Of The Road!

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Its been a week since the accident and I haven't left the hospital bed I cried nonstop for 5 days until there is no tears left in me.Harry is here everyday and so is the rest of them.Louis grandma and grandad are here everyday with me and everyone now knows I'm pregnant but I only want to concentrate on Louis right now cause he needs me.Someone knocks on the door and then Nazmin walking in.

"Hey i brought you Louis favourite Starbucks VIA® Ready Brew Mocha Malted Milkshake."Then hands it me.

"He's not dead yanno."I say then reach out for the ice cold drink and grab it off her."Thank you."

"I know but Chloe you need to prepare for the worst."She says.

"He is thinking about things and he can hear us but he just wants to rest.Feel his pulse."I say putting Louis wrist in her hand."His hearts still beating.Feel his warmth."

"Chloe listen go home.Louis would want you to have a nice nap and to have a nice meal."She says going on to her knee's.

"Why are you talking like he's dead he isn't dead he has a child to raise."I say standing."I'm gonna be hear when he wakes up!"I say looking at Louis.

"Chloe!Nazmins right go home take a shower have a meal and come straight back I will stay here with Louis."Harry says entering the room.

"But what if he wakes up whilst I'm gone."I say.

"Then I will call you just go."He says grabbing my coat and forcing me out of the room then I give in and go home.When I get in my mum's crying.I can't stand to see her like this so I go upstairs jump in the shower and when I get out Terrance is waiting outside the door.

"Hey baby." I say calmly sitting on the top step then Terrance sits on my knee and whimpers."I know baby I miss daddy too."I then hug Terrance and then stand up go in my room put on my vest top and Louis topman jacket and my jeans.Nazmin walks in as I tie my hair up in a scruffy pony.

"You alright."She says.

"Yeah I can smell him on me.He's gonna be okay he has to be."Now people know I'm pregnant I can wear a vest top to show my bump because I don't have to hide it now.We go to McDonald's and I get some chips and a frapee and go back to the hospital.

"Has he woke up yet."I run in.

"No sis."Harry says as he looks to the floor I put my drink on the side and then kiss Louis.

"You can't stay asleep for long baby you have to wake up soon."I cry then hug him.Harry moves off the seat and I sit down with my hand in Louis'.Then I feel a squeeze on my hand and Louis eyelashes flutter.

"Louis?"I cry.

"Why you crying beautiful?"His croaky voice asks me.

"Oh my god Louis."I say jumping on him and hugging him.

"Whats wrong?"He asks.

"Nothing baby."I say wiping my tears."You're..gonna be a dad."I sob then his eyes drop to my bump and he puts both of his hands over my stomach and his eyes fill up with tears.The light that disappeared when I thought Louis had passed has come back he really is the light to my life.

*****4-5 Month Later*****

"Congratulations!!!"Mum,Louis grandma and grandad, Harry, Courts, Niall, Nazmin, Natasha, Liam, Perrie and Zayn shouted.

"Thank you."I say looking down at the new addition to our family.

"Meet little Alfie Harry Tomlinson."Louis says cradling Alfie.

"He's so small."Courts says.

"May I?"Harry says holding his hands out then Louis gives him to Harry and everyones eyes fill with tears.He gets past around then back to me.He has dark brown hair bright blue eyes and a cute button nose.He is the only thing that matters to me and Louis now.

****2 years,3months and 4 days later****

"Do you Louis William Tomlinson take thee Chloe Martha Styles to be your wife?"The prest asks Louis.

"I do."Louis replys with a tears in his gorgeous saphire eyes.

"And do you Chloe Martha Styles take Louis William Tomlinson to be your husband?"He asks me.

"Hell yeah!"I say then wrap my arms round Louis and kiss him then I feel Little hands hug mine and Louis legs.Alfie looks up and says sweetly.

"Mummy and daddy will you now be together forever?"

"We where gonna be together forever even if we wasn't marred son."Louis says and we both go on our knee's to Alfies level and I say

"And we will always love you baby boy."I say and then Alfie wraps his little arms round me and Louis.

"forever?"Louis questions looking me in the eyes.

"Yeah forever!"I confirm.

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