Chapter 39 - No!Louis!

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"Chloe!!don't you will get hurt!"Harry says holding me tight by my forearm.I break  free and run up to his car.I see Louis lay in the car with cuts of his face.Pale.I climb on top off the car Harry running behind me on the side of the car which isn't flattened by the truck there is a door  which I notice I climb on the car with tears rolling down my face as I open the door Harry grabs my leg.

"Chloe No you're not going in."Harry says.

"I am what would you do if that was courts sat there."I scream."I have to do this for the baby's sake!"I then jump through and crawl to Louis.

"No,no,no,Baby wake up  wake up.."I cry kissing Louis."Wake up Louis this isn't funny wake up!"I then hear Harry jump through.I carry on kissing Louis.

"Louis wake up!"I cry.Everything inside me drops when I don't get a response."No Louis come on wake up."I break down.Everything goes blurry and silent.Tears strolling down my face all I do is sit there and sob.All my life goes dark.All life sucked out.Harry grabs me and pulls me off Louis.I hit Harry's chest hard.

"LET GO OFF ME HE NEEDS ME!"I scream banging on Harry's chest.

"No!Get out off here and phone 999 get an ambulance I'll get Louis out of the car just go!"Harry is serious now he has tears running down his face he struggles to talk ,His face bright red.I hug him then go back to Louis.

"I'm gonna get help baby I promise you will  be fine...We're gonna help you."I sob kissing him.I get out of the car and walk round to the van and punch in 999 and struggle to say

"They'res been a crash...A van crushed in to a .... a car the man in the car is ... my boyfriend he isn't moving and the man in the van I haven't  checked please hurry!..."I say then as she asks me something I fall to the floor and scream!My life's being torn apart I phone Natasha and say


"Chloe whats wrong why are you crying?"She panics.

"It's Louis....He's been.....In an accident Im on george street where he crashed please come hurry!"I sob

"Oh my god is he okay."She starts to cry.

"Nope..Just...Please come."I cry then just release my phone and it drops to the floor.I cry and run up to Louis car and see Harry sat there crying I kick the car and scream.It begins to rain and I pace round crying then the police and ambulances arrive and so does Natasha, Liam, Niall, Nazmin, Perrie, Zayn and Courts arrive all crying and soon as Natasha and Courts get to me i collapse to the floor Niall Liam and Zayn run to Louis car and climb in to get Louis then get him out.When they get him out they lie him on the floor and give him CPR but has no success I try to run to him but the girls are holding me back.

"LOUIS!!!"I scream.I'm heartbroken.I break free from the girls and fall on the floor next to Louis .

"Baby wake up,come on Louis.I'm pregnant you have to wake up!"I scream then Liam Nazmin and Zayn gasp."I'm pr..pregnant!"I sob resting my head on Louis chest.


"Ma'am"A doctor says coming in the waiting room.I jump out of my seat then Harry walks out from Louis room and punches the wall.

"He's not.."I cry then Courts walks over and hugs me.

"No ma'am he's not he's in a comma but we don't know when he will wake up and when he does we don't know if he will have any memory left."She says then everyone just continues sobbing."You may go in to see him."the doc says.I walk in and sit next to Louis and hold his hand.

"Hey baby...Wake up come on...I need to see your blue eyes."I cry then realize he isn't waking up so I throw my self on Louis and cry.Everyone is stood watching me break down.I'm torn.He needs to wake up I need him by my side through this pregnancy.He can't die.He won't!Right?Everyone leaves the room and I get on the bed with him and I place his hand on my belly.

"That is part of you in there"I cry.Then the baby kicks.Wait that is the first time he/she has ever kicked.Is this a sign that he's gonna be okay or is that his soul moving on to the baby telling me to give up?It must be a sign cause he is going to be alright.He can't die.Not today.Not ever till later life.Its not his time.

"Nothings fine I'm torn..."I sing softly and continue singing to him but fail by sobbing.

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