Chapter 26 - Shopping Before The Tour Day 3!

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I smile as Louis lips touch between my eyebrows then kisses my nose. I go on my tiptoes so my lips can reach his. I gently kiss him then my arms go around his neck so I can pull him into an embrace. I wish we could stay like this forever.We get pulled apart by Natasha walking in the room.

"Come on you two love birds."Natasha jokes.

"Come with us."I say to Lou.

"I'll tell you what go clothes shopping and then when you are done before you go get your tattoo's I'll go Starbucks get us a cup of tea to go and I'll meet you at the tattoo shop."He explains.

"Right don't get attacked baby."I say then kiss him again and grab my bag then get in the back of my car which Liam isdriving cause i actually can't be arsed.

"Are you alright Clo?"Liam asks as I don't say a word the whole time we are on the way to town.

"Yeah I'm right."I tell him.

"She got things on her mind."Natasha says.What how does she know.I look at her in confusion and then remember that me and Natasha are like connected some how we can always tell if one of us are upset.You see me and Natasha believe in this Chinese theory our theory that we believe in 1 theory is that there is a band that you have on one of your harms and a string that comes of it (the band and string is invisible) and the string that comes of your band is connected to someone else in my case Natasha and no matter how far apart you are or how much it gets tangled up it will never break.Theory 2 is a string connected to your marriage finger and the love of your life has the other end of the string connected to there marrage finger too and no matter how far or how much it gets tangled up it never breaks.Natasha must be my best-friend because we believe she has the other band from mine and I have the other band of hers and I believe that Louis is the end of my string on my marriage finger.Its very confusing I get it .

"Oh.Your not pregnant are you?"Liam asks me.

"No,no,no Its not that it's defo not that haha."I laugh then Natasha being Natasha says

"Chloe is cleaver and uses condoms and morning after pill but not as cleaver as me being on the the contraceptive pill"

"Please shut up Natasha!"I laugh.

"Hell no bitch...Remember when I use to say that when we where like 12-13 hahaha."Natasha laughs.

"Yeah good times ... Good vibes "I laugh as we pull up in a parking spot.When I get out of the car we head straight to Starbucks as Liam is dying for a drink and I haven't been in Starbucks since me and Louis was mates last year before everything happened and when we get outside a couple of girls notice Liam so they come running over and Liam grabs Natasha's hand and pulls her closer so she doesn't get parted from him aww.I am trying to stay as close to them as possible because quite alot of girls are coming over now.I hide my face thinking they won't notice I'm Louis girlfriend but then one girl shouts

"Look its Chloe Styles!"Then more people crowd around us.Lots of people are screaming different things "where's Louis?" , "Who's that girl with Liam?" , "Chloe we hate you!" , "Chloe we love you!" things like that and obviously i expected the hate you but the we love you i didn't expect at all.We manage to get inside and we got some privacy because half the people from outside have been locked out.I grab out my phone and text Louis and tell him not to come to Starbucks or to come with security as we just got mauled and he texts back I'll set off now stay there don't want my baby getting hurt on the way out.Aw how sweet.About 35 minutes later still no Louis until Loads of girls start screaming "Louis"repeatedly.Then he comes through the door leans over my chair and kisses me which sends the girls wild.I go to the till with Louis and get another tea but to go and me and Louis walk out hand in hand with Liam and Natasha behind us.We all get in to my car with Louis driving but this time it was Liam and Louis in the front me and Natasha in the back so Louis put the music on and surprise surprise Live While We 're Young came on and me Liam Louis and Tash was singing from the top of our lungs not giving a shit and all day we get followed every-were by screaming girls wow news got around so all day we have been stopped for pictures and autographs and girls have even asked me to get in them.Louis kissed me in public and all i saw when my eyes where closed was these flashes oh shit that will be on twitter and in the news paper later.Everywhere we go is *flash* here *flash* there or can I have your autograph Louis I think he enjoyed the first 15 minutes of it because he hasn't had it for a while but after that he got bored and so did I but I'm quite a shy person anyway so I didn't enjoy having to be in the pictures at all.At 4o'clock we got to the tattoo shop and everyone was waiting outside for us to come out so Michelle who is doing all our tattoo's says we can come out through the back and her assistant will sneak us out.She is designing the background of my lyric tattoo and draws on music notes instead of hearts and shows it me so i agree with that and she goes over it with the tattoo machine thing.So if your confused My lyrics on the left side of my torso next to my breast "I'm in love with you, And all these little things!" With a image of a cup of tea at the end (small) and music lyrics floating around it. At the bottom of my back my quote "Childhood is not from birth till a certain age, And at that certain age the child is grown and puts away childish things.Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies!"With a love heart at the end of it shaded in a dirty pinky colour then tiny black hearts floating around it.All my tattoos are small the biggest one is the quote and if you put an iPhone horizontally at the bottom of your back it is about that size the full tattoo obvcourse.And my little things lyrics tattoo is just a tiny bit smaller that putting a blackberry curve vertically under your arm but not in your armpit zone if you understand.When I finish it is Tasha's turn for her padlock and key  but when we finish Louis suggest "If I sign your arse Michelle can tattoo my signature on your arse."With a cheeky grin on his face.

"Errr..No"I say putting my top down and standing up.Michelle laughs and Tasha sits on the chair and rests her hand on the table.Time for Tasha's first tattoo...

"Ouuu....Expected it to be more painful to be quite honest."She says in relief.We all chuckle and Louis ask's Michelle if he can give Liam a tattoo.

"No Louis!"Liam shouts.

"If Liam wanted one then I could let you design it but you have to be trained to actually use this."She says carrying on with Natasha's padlock and the key that unlocks mine.

At 7 we drop Natasha and Liam off at Liams and Me and Louis head off to Louis'.Hmm wonder what we will be doing tonight...Yep that's what we will be doing ... Again....I'm a crazy teenager don't judge me or call me a slag okay!

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