Chapter 32 - Still On Tour Month 6!

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"I don't know Natasha."I cry.

"Well you need to know!"Natasha panics.

"She's right we need to know like now!"Perrie adds.Natasha and Perrie are sat at the end of my bed whilst I pace from wall to wall with my hands over my stomach.Tears are streaming down my face.I don't know what to do!Louis and the boys are rehearsing and Nazmin and Courts have gone out.We are 6 Months in to the tour and we are in tokyo the boys are just about to finish the tour well we got 2 months left so pressure is tense right now and as-if its not stress full enough I think I might be....Be....Pregnant!Its only me Natasha and Perrie that know well I'm not sure yet but I don't want to be a teenage mum I'm 18 next month!I'm too young!I can't tell Louis he might leave me or not be able to consecrate on his career and I can't tell Harry he will break Louis and I can't tell anyone else in-case they cock up in-front of Louis!The reason I think I'm pregnant is I'm late like 2 week late and I keep being sick...Allot plus feeling tired more , new cravings and eating more which is not like me at all.I sit down and put my head between my legs and sob.Oh yeah and emotions are intense at the moment honestly is I even spill milk I will cry.

"Chloe its fine just tell Louis."Natasha says hugging me.

"No I can't!He's under enough stress as it is and I haven't even took a test so I'm not even sure yet."I explain.

"Yanno she's actually right.If she tells Louis he will loose concentration."Perrie agree's."We will be here for you every step of the way babe.In-fact I'm going getting you a couple of pregnancy test."

"Perrie you don't..."I say when she stops me and runs out.Natasha hugs me and trys to talk me in to telling Louis but I can't it might ruin everything.I'm not telling no,one.When perrie gets back I drink a pint of water then go to pee on the 3 sticks.

I stand leaning against the sink waiting for the big answer possitive or negative.Its been 2 mins and I'm thinking about everything.Where we will live , How louis will react , how my mum will react , how Harry will react and how i will cope.I storm out of the bathroom and Natasha catches me.

"What did they say?"She asks holding me up before I fall to the ground.

"I don't know.I haven't looked."I cry then Natasha sits me on the bed and Perrie sneaks in to the bathroom then comes out with it.

"All possitive."She says shocked then Courts and Naz walk in and Perrie is stud there with the tests in her hand.Oh shit.

"Whats going on?"Courts asks as we all go quite.I look at Perrie and Perrie gives me a serious look and then I turn around to tell Courts and Naz the truth but Perrie jumps in and says

"I think I'm pregnant."

"Wow what?"Nazmin asks and I mime thank you to Perrie.

"Yeah but don't tell Zayn I don't want him losing his consecration so lets not get upset Chloe."She replies hugging me then Courts and Nazmin come over and we have a group hug then Natasha asks

"How far along does it say on the stick?"Natasha adds then Perrie looks at me in releif.

"4 week."She sighs.

"So you're gonna wait 2 month till you tell Zayn?"Nazmin asks getting really confused.

"Yep.I won't be showing till like what December so it'll be fine."Perrie adds then we talk about it for a while and Courts and Naz think Perrie is pregnant when it is really me how can I lie to them but I don't want them to accidentally cock up in-front of Louis.The girls have promised not to tell the boys so least they wont be confused when I'm the one getting fat!Courts and I go shopping and then to the pub but I'm not drinking but I'm gonna make it look like I am.For example lemonade and coke instead of vodka and coke or lemonade instead of vodka and then just not walk in a straight line.Simples.When we are out we go in debenhams and as Courts is trying to find the pants she wants in her size i waddle off to the baby section which is right next to where we are and look at little shoes and baby grows.Aww they are so tiny.What if I break the baby?Or drop the baby?Or even over feed it and its obese for the rest of its life.I can't be a mother at 18 no way.

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