Chapter 15 - Pissed! Yeah Again!

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"Courts no careful!"Harry shouts as Courts trys dancing on the pool table and spills green cactus jack on it.

"Opp's"She mocks then puts her hand over her mouth then harry comes over and picks her up off the pool table and places her on the floor.

"I told you not to"He says."No sex for a month!"He jokes.

"Well that's you're loss babe."She says patting his head and walking over to us.

"Ewww too much info!!" Me Naz and Louis shout then everyone burst out laughing.I have my bottle of wine and Louis is attempting to read the ingredients.He's weird sometimes this guy but i love him...Wait no you don't shut up Chloe...I meant in a friend way."Why don't you just taste it and see what you can taste."I say handing him the bottle.

"Isn't roseaayy wine a girls thing tho?" He asks Harry but Harry is too busy having his face snogged off by Courts to answer so he looks at Liam and he is doing the nose kiss this with Natasha so he looks at Zayn who is lied drinking shots with Niall on the pool table so he says"Fuck it"and drinks abit then swallows and says "What is that!Its well strong!"Hahaha aw the little light weight.

"Louis let me paint your nails?" Nazmin asks.

"Fine then."He says then Nazmin attempts to stand up so i get up and help her.

"I need a piss.So ill help you upstairs."I say.

"Watch out stairs can only be climbed by...dun du durrr"Zayn says in a deep freaky voice the cheers"SPIDERPIGG!!" we all burst out laughing well besides Harry and Courts as they look like they are gonna rip each-others clothes off and do us a live sex show...Please don't guys...So me and Nazmin get to the bottom of the stairs and a ghost couple appear at the top of the stairs and they start to argue. "Hey guys don't shout its not nice!" Nazmin says then i elbow her and whisper

"They're ghost shut up gobby"then she mimes 'oh' then the ghost man slaps the ghost woman and she tumbles down the stairs towards us.

"AHHHHH!!!"Me and Nazmin scream and Louis and Niall run towards us banging in to walls i jump up and fall in to Louis arms and cry.I don't know why they are ghost there dead but then the man ghost runs down the stairs and cradles the woman ghost and crys then about 20 other ghost appear around the couple.I at this point am shitting myself as well as nazmin crying Then all the ghost disappear and me and Louis are cuddling at the bottom of the stairs on the last step and Liam and nazmin cuddling next to us.

"I still need a pee"I turn to Louis and say.I am less pissed thsn yesterday so i might be able to climb the stairs.

"Same now you men...tion...what?"Louis says looking confused."Yeah i need a pee too."

"Well I ain't helping you."I say standing up taking another sip of my rose wine.Nazmin and Niall Crawl up the stairs.Wow we couldn't do that last night hahaha but them two are light weights anyway.With me and Louis taking baby steps we finally get up the stairs and I only slipped once.I insist Louis pee's first as i was waiting for Nazmin to get up stairs.When Louis and I finish peeing Nazmin and Niall reach the top and Nazmin forgets what she came up for...What did she come up for...Hm-mm..."Nial varnish!" Louis shouts walking towards her room dragging me with him.We get in and I put my bottle of wine on the bed side cabinet and Louis grabs my waist and throws me down to the bed and we lie there with our noses touching staring each-other out and all i see is this blue eyed perfect guy but in his eyes i bet he sees an ugly , imperfect girl.Hm-mm so wish i was better looking.Before i knew it a massive flash came over me and Louis Nazmin was taking photo's!

"What the hell you doing slut face."I scream at her.

"It was a cute moment see."She says showing me the picture.

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