Chapter 31 - Still On Tour Month 4!

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Its been 4 month on tour and the boys are so stressed out but still fit some fun in there which is more funny as its not all the time.On the tour we are recording this is us but we are not in the movie as it is about the boys touring and not about there personal life.In one month we have toured allot.I do miss back home but this is really amazing.

"What you wreck we are missing back home?"I say to Harry as I sit on the boat with the wind massaging my head.Me Liam and Harry have gone fishing well we are doing our monthly hang out they are fishing I am sat there with a bottle of bulmers.

"Nothing besides bitches bitching like normal right Liam?"He laughs.

"Right!I prefer Holmes Chapel than Wolverhampton to be honest.But no place is like home ey."Liam replys.

"Do you think Niall misses Mullingar?"I ask."I know Louis misses Doncaster and Zayn misses Bradford but if they wanted they would go there when ever they want really but Niall lives so far."

"Yeah he is bound to miss it....I'm starting to miss Holmes Chapel to be quite honest sis."Harry says sitting next to me.He puts his arm over my shoulder and pulls me in for a hug.Aw get off me now before i punch you in your balls.I stand up and get another bottle of bulmers.Then I lie down on the bench and Liam catches a fish and starts hitting Harry with it.It starts to get dark so we go to our hotel.Louis is under so much pressure at the moment so he hasn't been having as much fun so tonight I'm making him chill out and Natasha is helping me.Me and Natasha go to the nearest shop and get some 2 bottles of vodka and 2 bottles of coke then go back to the hotel room where Louis is pacing round it going through his lines to teenage dirt-bag as he messed up on the last show.

"Louis please stop getting stressed everyone messes up and its not a bad thing its life."Natasha explains.

"The next show is in a week and I need to practice!"Louis says and carry's on singing quietly.

"Hell No!"Natasha screams then drags him to the bed and throws him then passes him a glass of vodka and coke."Non of the other boys are stressed right now so chill out and have a drink with us!You haven't even had fun since the party a month ago!"He listens to her and we all have a couple of glasses then I go out to get more as we have run out.Harry storms out of his hotel room as I exit mine so I walk up to him he looks pissed off.

"Wasaaaap bro!"I scream.

"Dont Chloe I'm not in the mood."He snaps.

"Chill...You walking tescos wimmie and we can talk about why your pissed off?"I offer.

"Yeah but sack walking we're driving."He accepts.

"Okay but I've had 3 glasses of vodka and coke so your driving."I laugh.

"Alright."He chuckles then we walk to his car and he explains why hes on a rage.Him and Courts have had an argument over something and she got the wrong end off the stick.We get to tesco and a couple of fans are there so Harry signs some stuff and gets picture with them and then we go back to the hotel.He comes in and has a few drinks with us and by the end off the night me Louis and Natasha are hammered but Harry has only had 2 drinks so he just feels refreshed he goes back to his room and Him and Courts start arguing for 20 mins and then everything goes quite.Oh no Courts killed him!Only joking I dunno what happened but to be quite honest I don't want to know.Natasha ends up crashing with me and Lou and when I wake up I am hugging Natasha and Louis is hugging me from the back.I always wake up hugging someone!We go down for breakfast and Courts is sat on top of Harry kissing him so much.

"Get a room!"I say entering our private dining room.Courts carrys on kissing Harry and sticks her middle finger up at me.Zayn and Perrie walk in all lovey dovey holding hands and laughing then crindge at Courts and Harry hahaha yeah not at the dinner table!

"Not at the table!"Natasha shouts walking in and genitally slapping them both over there heads.Then Courts and Harry stop but when Liam walks in Natasha runs and jumping in his arms and starts kissing him.What the hell is the kiss till we all cringe disease possessed everyone.Louis grabs my hand and pulls me in closer to him.No Chloe!Don't catch the disease....Too late my lips smack against his.It feels like we havn't kissed in so long because off all the stress we haven't had chance for just me and Louis yet.Our lips part before we get to carried away with excitement.

"Wanna go out for a meal tonight?"Louis ask's me.

"Yeah we can have a night just me and you."I wink.Then Louis nods and I chuckle.The boys rehearse today and Me and the girls go shopping.I find a nice dress for tonight it is really tight and is a hot pink colour and is strapless but isn't too dressy.I am wearing some plain Schuh we are young high heels with my black envelope clutch bag to match my shoes.Its 4 o'clock and I go to Natasha's room and get ready as she has my curlers and straighteners.I do my make up first and the curl the top of my hair and straighten underneath I then get ready and go back to my room and get a can of echo falls out of our fridge then go back to Natasha's and wait for Louis to have a shower and get ready.Nazmin and Niall have been out all morning then Nazmin and Niall split for Niall to go to rehearsal.To be honest I have never seen Nazmin more happy than when she is with him, Courts is so happy with Harry too and don't get me started on Natasha and Liam and Zayn and Perrie.I guess we are all happy.After 2 cans of echo falls Louis is ready and we get dropped off at the restraunt by Nazmin as we will probably be too pissed or tipsy to drive.This is gonna be one good night.

We have been at the restaurant for 50 mins now and we are half way through  our meal and me and Louis aren't posh at all so we have gone for the simple steak and chips.What can i say about steak and chips...Mmm...I have a glass of rose wine and Louis has a pint of lager this afternoon is going so well it seems like we haven't seen each-other for over a month when we finish our meal i put my plate to the side and Louis leans over the table signaling for a kiss so I lean in and our lips merge together like 2 magnet's.We get pulled away by the waitress coming.

"Anything else like a desert sir?"She asks Louis.

"Yeah I want a romantic brownie sundae with a drizzle of chocolate topping and a squirt of whipped cream please and can we have a refill."Louis says in a deep voice which makes me blush then she takes away our glasses and Louis grabs hold off my hand making circular motions and tracing over my tattoo which makes me want to leap over the table and kiss him so much but I hold in the temptation.I let out a small groan which made me embarrassed but Louis leans over the table and goes in for a kiss but decides to bite my lip genitally instead.Oh he is such a tease.We share the ice cream sundae thing and then finish our drinks and she hands him the check.

"Let me pay half."I say picking up my bag.

"No this was my treat to you so I'm paying."He says putting the money in the check book.

"Let me pay tips then."I say grabbing out 20 Pound out off my purse.

"No already done."Louis says holding to check book up and pushing my hand away.

"Let me pay for something."I snap.

"No"He laughs then the waitress comes and i slip her 20 pound and wink then she thanks me and walk off and Louis stares at me.So I smirk and neck the rest of my wine then he comes over and pulls open my chair and takes my hand and pulls me up.We head over to the bar and wait for Nazmin to come and after 2 bottles more of rose wine i notice I haven't phoned her to ask her to come.Shit!I phone her and she sets off so we neck our drinks and Louis comes up with a plan well its more of a challenge for himself.He wrecks he can carry me to the car then from the car to the hotel without getting tired so i take off my heels and get on his back holding my dress down so I'm not flashing my arse.He standing outside spinning me round for about 5 minutes before Nazmin comes then we get in the car and 15 minutes later he gets me out of the car in a cradled position and carry's me in the hotel and then genitally puts me down on the bed.He was so caring aww.Then we have a good time.Wink Wink!

The Light To My Life - (Louis Tomlinson Fan Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora