Don't You Cry » Supernatural...

By soIarfIare

100K 2.8K 305

"Losing Ben and Lisa was hard, but it also meant something else to me. I loved her. I mean I really loved her... More

Don't You Cry
Song & Fan-Made Video List


1K 37 0
By soIarfIare


[ ☼ ]

       "Did Sam tell you where he was going?" Krissy asks.

       "That's what I'm trying to figure out. What did you tell him?" Dean asks

       "Uh...He checked my dad's room."

       "There?" Elena points.


       Dean looks around Lee's room and turns to Krissy, who is standing in the doorway. "Look, I really don't have time to hold your hand here, so—"

       "What are you saying?" Krissy asks

       "I'm saying go wait in the living room. Your dad may not want you to know every single thing about him." Dean says. Krissy leans on the doorway and puts a hand on her hip. Dean opens Lee's closet and looks behind the hanging clothes.

       Only the corner of a map is still pinned to the board. Dean pulls it down. "Where is it?" He asks.

       "You mean everything about the job my dad was working?" Asks Krissy.

       "Sam said you didn't know." Elena says.

       "Sam seemed competent, so I figured, fine—I'll do what my dad always tells me to. "Be a regular kid, don't say anything, stay out of the line of fire. Let the adults work it out." So much for that."

       "All right. Hand it over. Okay? I have had a long, long week." Dean says as Krissy pulls out a gun and points it at Dean. "All right, I get it. You're a tough kid. But I'm trying to get Sam and your dad back."

       "My dad left, and he didn't come back. Sam left, and he didn't come back." Krissy says. "I give you the info, you leave, you don't come back."

      "We're coming back." Elena says

       "I'm coming with you guys." Says Krissy.

       "N-no. No. Hell, no." Dean says.

       "I'm coming! Or you're not going." Krissy says. Dean snatches the gun out of her hand. "Ow!"

       "Now hand it over." Dean says.

       "I can't. I burned it." Krissy says.

       "You what?" Dean asks.

        "But lucky for you, I memorized it all first."

[ ☾]

       Dean, Elena and Krissy are driving in the car. "Hey, I have a question." Krissy says.

       "All right, here's the deal. I'm a fun guy. I'm actually awesome. Okay? But right now, I'm not in the mood." Dean says. "I'm neck deep in some serious crap, and if this wasn't an emergency, I would drop your ass off at the nearest mall."

       "What serious crap?"

       "Revenge crap, all right? Now shut up. Eat a cookie or something." Dean says.

       Krissy puts headphones in her ears, then takes them out again. "One thing doesn't make sense, though. My dad's a pretty great hunter, and your brother's the size of a car, so... So how'd this thing get 'em both?" She asks.

       "Vetalas usually hunt in pairs. Sam and your dad both assumed it was one thing hunting solo." Dean says.

      "Why'd they think that?"

       "Because they had the wrong info. Or, best available. Our dad took down a loner years ago. Sam has his journal. Your dad must've been going on the Same facts." Dean says.

     "And you know different 'cause...?" Elena starts.

       "Because I hunted one that turned out to be two a couple years back." Dean says.

       "And you never told Sam? Wow, thanks. How 'bout sharing that with the rest of the class so we don't all get killed?" Krissy asks.

       "Sam was away at Stanford, smartass." Dean says.

      "Sam went to college? I thought you said your dad was a hunter." Krissy says.

       "He was. We were." Dean says. "Sam quit, went to college." There is a pause as Krissy processes this information. "You could, too, you know – go to college. Be a hunter/pediatrician."

[ ☾]

       Sally enters and walks over to Sam and Lee, who are still tied to chairs. "Hunter day at the all-you-can-eat. How's everyone feeling? Good?" She asks as Sam and Lee don't respond. "Strong silent. Fine. I don't need much entertainment with my meal."

       Sally walks over to Lee and leans down to feed on his neck. "Hey, Sally, uh, did I tell you about the Vetalas I took down in Utah? Yeah. You remind me of them. Except they were so much...younger." Sam says. She walks over to Sam. "I tied 'em up. Not because I had to. More so... I could take my time."

       "You're lying." Sally says.

       "No. I just want you to know how much I enjoyed cutting up your sisters." Sam says.

       "Shut up!" Sally grabs Sam's hair and bites into his neck.

       "Aah!" Sam's eyes roll back in his head and his eyes close.

[ ☾]

       Dean, Elena and Krissy are in the car, which is parked outside the diner. "You ever actually work with your dad?" Elena asks.

       "Sure. 'Course." Krissy says.

       "No, I mean work, not shoot cans in the woods." Says Elena.

       "I mean, I help all the time."

       "So, no. Well, right about now, your stomach should be pretty knotted up." Dean says.

       "Not really. Look, maybe this was a lot harder for you when you were my age." Krissy says to Dean.

       "Oh, you think you're a good actress. You're not." Dean says.

       "What are you talking about?"

       "Well, I hate to break it to you, but it's all over your face – you're scared." Says Dean.

        "Quit treating me like I'm some girl. I've been prepping for this my entire life." Krissy says.

       "Training's one thing. Doing—whole 'nother beast."

       "Wow. You really scared me straight. Thanks, Dean." Krissy says. Marlene walks across the parking lot and gets into the cab of a truck. "Why is that waitress getting into that truck?"

       "I'm not explaining the R-rated crap to you." Dean says.

       "The front of the truck, not the back, Dean." Krissy says as Marlene drives the truck away.

[ ☾]

       Dean, Elena and Krissy have followed the truck, which is now parked by the side of a road near a building. "All right." Dean holds out his fist to Krissy.

       "What century is this? No one fist-bumps anymore." Krissy says.

       "Come on. Give it up. Good work." Dean wiggles his fist.

       "You're a dweeb." Krissy says. Dean wiggles his fist again. She finally puts out her hand. Dean grabs it and puts handcuffs on her. "What the hell?"

       "I got an idea." Dean attaches the handcuffs to the steering wheel. "How 'bout you stay here?"

       "Oh, you jackass." Krissy says as Elena hops out of the Impala.

       "Yeah, well, I'm the jackass who ain't bringing a kid in there, period." Dean says.

       "Why? I can do everything you can do."

       "I'll bring them back. Trust me." Dean says.

       "Please, they're probably dead."

       "You don't know that." Dean says.

        "It's been days. Probably just a pile of meat. I've seen it. People die, Dean." Krissy says. "I watched my mom get torn to shreds. Let me go in there and kill them."

       "No. Sorry." Dean says.

       "You're such a hypocrite. How come you get to do it and I don't?"

       "Because I'm the grown-up!" Deam yells.

       Elena holds out a hand. "Give it to me." She says.


       "Your lock pick. He will frisk you." Says Elena and Krissy hands something over to her.

       "Thank you." Dean gets out of the car and walks away with Elena.

       Dean picks the lock and enters. They see one of the dead men, then sees Sam, Lee and a third man tied to chairs. Sally is standing next to the third man and Marlene next to Lee. Sam is still unconscious.

       "Good thing we picked up a new one. This one's about tapped out. You want to finish him together?" Marlene asks.

       "Sure. Love to." Sally says. Dean grabs a metal bar and hits Sally, who falls to the ground. He draws his knife as Marlene advances on him.

      "Not so fast." Marlene says. Dean swings at Marlene, but she hits him and he drops his knife. She slams him against a metal cage and grabs him by the throat. Sam wakes.

       Elena grabs another metal bar and hits Marlene. She falls to the ground. Dean picks up his knife.

      "Dad, hold on—I got you!" Krissy runs across the room, but Sally grabs her leg.

       "No!" Lee yells.

       Sally gets up, pulls Krissy behind Lee and Sam, and holds Krissy from behind. Dean is holding his knife to Marlene's throat. "Let her go... or Little Miss Sunshine here gets it." Sally's eyes and teeth transform.

       Dean takes his knife away from Marlene's throat. She hurries over to stand behind Lee. Sally's eyes and teeth return to normal.

       "What were you thinking, bringing her here?" Lee asks Dean, who walks towards Sally and Krissy.

       "Now drop the knife!" Sally yells.

       Dean puts the knife on the floor. "She's just a child. Let her go." He says.

       "Yeah, I don't think we'll be letting anyone go." Sally says.


        "It's okay, baby. Everything's gonna be fine." Lee says.

        "All right. Enough with the family bonding. It's time for you to shut up." Marlene bites into Lee's neck.

       "Daddy, no! Dean!" Krissy yells.

        "He can't help you. No one can." Sally says.

       Krissy pulls a knife out of her sleeve, spins around and stabs Sally. "I guess I'll have to help myself, then." She twists the knife. Sally's body turns grey and her teeth transform. She falls to the floor dead.

       Marlene advances on Dean, who picks up his knife. Krissy cuts the ropes binding Sam. Sam takes Krissy's knife and stabs Marlene as she turns from Dean to him. He twists the knife. Her teeth transform and her body turns black as she dies. Krissy works on the ropes binding Lee, who is unconscious.

       "Bad actress, huh?" Krissy asks.

       "Yeah, I take it back."

[ ☼ ]

       Sam, Elena and Dean are walking down a hallway. They enter a room that Krissy is sitting outside. Lee is in a hospital bed in the room. "Yeah, I was hoping you'd stop by. I wanted to thank you." Lee says.

       "It's no problem."

       "No, you saved my life. Krissy's, too." Says Lee.

       "Actually, uh, she kind of saved ours." Sam says.

       "Don't thank us. Quit. Your daughter's 14 years old. She's already a hunter with a-a kill under her belt." Dean says. "I'm not trying to be a dick, but what do you think that does to her life span? She could still be a regular kid."

      "You know, I got into this for a reason." Lee says.

       "I know. Your family. That's the same reason you should get out now." Dean says.

       "I can't. You ever know anyone who left the life?" Lee asks.

       "No. They all get killed first."

       "Well, uh... we should probably let you get some rest." Sam says.

       "Yeah." Lee raises a hand in farewell.

      Sam, Elena and Dean exit the hospital, followed by Krissy. "Dean! Thanks for saying bye, asshat." Krissy says. Sam and Elena walk over to the car, leaving Dean and Krissy to talk.

      "Oh, what? Now you're sentimental?" Dean asks.

       "No. Just wanted to tell you that you're kind of amusing for an old man."

       "How'd you get out of them cuffs, anyway?" Dean asks.

       "Girl's got to have her secrets." Krissy says.

       "Bobby pin. You know, you could've gotten yourself killed." Dean says.

       "I saved your bacon."

       "My point stands. But yes." Dean says.

       "So... Guess I'm retiring – one and done."

       "Really? How you feel about that?" Dean asks.

       "Who knows? Maybe I'll go to Stanford like Sam." Krissy holds out her fist to Dean, who bumps it. "We're so lame."

       "Yeah, we are. Take care of yourself." Dean walks over to the car, where Sam is waiting by the passenger side. Krissy goes back into the hospital.

[ ☾]

       Dean, Elena and Sam are driving in the car. "You know what? Good for them." Sam says.

       "Yeah. It's nice to walk away from someone and feel like they could be okay." Dean says. "How about you? How you doing? You all right?"

       "No. I'm definitely not. But, you know, I mean, um, I think, maybe... I just want to work." Sam says and Dean nods. "Should I even ask?"

       "I'm fine." Dean says.

       "'Fine', meaning...?" Elena asks.

        "You're right, Sam. We should just... work, right? And figure out a way to kick Dick Roman's ass." Dean says. "Well, hey, we are the professionals." Sam turns on music and leans against the passenger door to sleep. Dean smiles sadly as he drives.

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