Daughters of One Direction...

By directioner600

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When the one direction boys, once again prove that they are incapable of being responsible, Simon Cowell deci... More

Chapter 1: What do you mean adoption?
Chapter 2: Antisocial much?
Chapter 3: Can I really trust you?
Chapter 4: Why won't you tell me?
Chapter 5: When did that happen?
Chapter 6: Why can't I get it right?
Chapter 7: How Do You Deal With It?
Chapter 8: What did you think would happen?
Chapter 9: Why can't I be more like you?
Chapter 10: What is going to happen?
Chapter 11:How do I know that?
Chapter 12: Is everything a secret?
Chapter 13: Peanut butter?
Chapter 14: Seriously?
Chapter 15: What's going on?
Chapter 16: What did you do?
Chapter 17: Why do I do it?
Chapter 18: What just happened?
Chapter 19: Are they serious?
Chapter 21: Do you really think that's gonna work?
Chapter 22: Why are you here?
Chapter 23: Why now?
Chapter 24: What would she want?
Chapter 25: Where is she?
Chapter 26: How old are you?

Chapter 20: Is she really okay?

584 10 6
By directioner600

~Chapter 20~

Caitlyn's POV

I had been here for about two weeks now and a lot of the stitches were out. I can actually walk around the hospital room now and I get to leave the hospital later today. Then as soon as Avery wakes up I'm going to the rehab center with her. I hate knowing that it's my fault that she's in the coma. It's my fault that we have to go to the rehab center. This whole thing is my fault.

Before I could spend any more time wallowing in my own self-pity, the door opened and Tara came in. She was taking the rest of the stitches out and then once she was done with that I could leave. She took out her tools and started working while I talked to her.

"Tara?" I asked. "How long do you think it will be before Avery wakes up?'

"I'm sorry but it's impossible to tell Caitlyn. Are you excited to go home?"

"Not so much going home as leaving this place. It gets really boring sitting here all day."

"I can imagine," she said. "Once your dad gets here to pick you up make sure you check out at the front desk before you leave. Okay?"

"Got it."

"Bye Caitlyn."

"Bye Tara." She left and I looked down. I had bandages on my arms and legs and a few on my stomach. It reminded me of when Avery came back to the orphanage from one of her foster homes. I can only imagine what happened to her. I'm not going to try to find out though because I really don't want to get into a fight with Avery. No one ever does. She always wins arguments, so it's completely pointless to even try. I got changed out of the hospital gown and into jeans and a t-shirt, carefully avoiding the bandages. I already knew that this was going to be tiring. The bandages were itchy too I have to keep wearing them for a week though.

"Hi Avery," I said. "I don't know if you can hear me but I get to leave this place today. I don't know if you will remember anything when you wake up, but I hope you will. Once you wake up we have to spend two weeks at rehab. At least we'll be roommates. So, bye Avery." When I said that I looked over to see the door slowly being opened as Liam came into the room. He picked me up and hugged me. As a matter of fact, he didn't let go of me.

"You can let me go now Liam," I said.

"Nope," he said, still hugging me. "I need to make up for two weeks worth of hugging." After what seemed like an hour, he finally let go of me.

"We need to check out at the front desk before I can leave," I said. We went down the elevator and checked out and then went into the limo.

"Liam?" I asked.

"Yes Caitlyn?" I looked down, at my sneakers.

"I'm sorry. I was being irrational and now Avery is in the hospital and it's my fault." I felt myself being pulled into my dad's lap.

"Don't be sorry," he said, hugging me. "I pushed you too hard. Just promise me you won't do it again?" I looked up at him, absolutely shocked that he wasn't mad at me.

"I promise," I said. "But Louis is probably mad at me isn't he? And Avery probably will be too when she wakes up."

"Louis is just mad in general for what happened to Avery. He's mad at the world, not you. And Avery knew that she was having an asthma attack and she decided herself that you were more important then that. She could have easily used her inhaler if she wanted to."

Just then the limo pulled up at the house. I lived there and it still shocked me every time I saw it. It was way fancier then what I was used to. I walked inside and was immediately surrounded by my sisters hugs.

"We missed you," Erica said as they all backed up, to give me my personal space. I looked around the room and saw that everyone was here except Louis.

"Where's Louis?" I asked.

"We can't get him to leave his room," Harry said sadly. "For some reason he's been worse today then he was before."

"Oh" I said. "Sorry." I thought I should apologize to Louis so I walked up the stairs and knocked on his door, that was at the end of the hall.

"Louis?" I said through the door. "Can I come in?" I didn't hear anything so I cautiously opened the door and looked in. Louis was in his bed under a pile of blankets. I could see he had been crying. This was my fault. I walked over to him.

"Hi Caitlyn," he said, not actually looking at me.

"I'm so sorry Louis," I responded. Then he finally looked up at me.

"Why?" he asked. "You didn't do anything wrong"

"Yes I did. It's my fault all of this happened."

"Stop blaming yourself. If anything it's my fault. After all, it's my job to take care of her. And now she's missing her birthday because of it." Wait what? Birthday?

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"It's her birthday today." Oh now I get it. That's why he has been "worse" today.

"If it makes you feel any better," I said honestly. "She doesn't care at all about her birthday."

"Why not?" he asked.

"She said once that if you care about something you only end up getting hurt. So she forces herself not to care." Just then Louis' phone started ringing. He looked at the caller ID and he immediately picked up.

"Hello?" he said. "Did anything happen with Avery?" Oh. It must be the hospital. Gotcha.

"Really?" he said excitedly. "I'll be right there!"

Avery's POV

I'm sick of listening to people talking and not being able to say anything. I'm sick of being a prisoner in my own mind. I try for the millionth time to open my eyes, and I do it. Wait a minute... I did it! Hahahahaha! I blinked a few times to make sure I wasn't imagining it. Haha! I can open my eyes. Can I move my arms? Wait for it..... Yay! I can!

I knew from what I had heard people saying that I was in the hospital. Although I could have figured it out anyway because I have been here so many times that I know the feeling of the lumpy pillows by heart. Lets see. What to do now. I don't feel like calling the workers just yet. I don't want to go the rehab center yet. Ooh! There's a note. I stood up to go get it, well, tried to. I fell immediately though. My feet are asleep. Of course they are Avery. You've been lying down for weeks. Shut up brain. I didn't invite you into this mental conversation. Conversation with who? You're by yourself. Did you not hear me? I said shut up.

I sat down on the floor because I'm too lazy to go back to the bed and punched my legs a couple times to try to get them to wake up. It didn't work. I rolled across the floor to where the note it and then started reading it. It was from Charlie Walker. The man who was fostering me a couple years ago. I kind of miss him and his twin sons. Their names are Owen and Justin and they're a year older than me

Dear Avery,

Happy early birthday sweetheart.

I know I'm not your legal father anymore, but I still think of you as my daughter. Because of that, I have divorced my wife so she can't hurt you anymore.

If you want, you can move back in with our family because I have been reading the tabloids lately and you have been to the hospital too often from the time they adopted you. I don't think they are bad people, they just aren't old or responsible enough to take care of you. Hopefully you will let me adopt you.

My sons and I hope to see you again.

If you decide not to take up the offer, that it okay. We just wanted you to know that the door is open.



That was definitely not what I was expecting. I can't go back to living with Charlie. He was nice and all, but I live with One Direction now. And I can't leave my sisters. They need me. Ugh! What am I supposed to tell him. Don't jump to decisions Avery. He was the only one who ever remembered your birthday. You know what brain? I'm calling the people now because I'm sick of listening to you. I pressed the red button on the bed and then I saw my phone on the bedside table. Yay! I picked it up and started playing temple run... while I should be thinking about my life changing decisions. But you know what? I can think of that when I'm at the rehab place. They say no phones allowed there so there will be no distractions. Well, that is if they actually manage to prevent me from bringing my phone. Ha! As if that will happen. But the people who want me to call them don't need to know if I bring my phone.

I died in temple run because a nurse opened the door and interrupted me. Seriously, ever heard of knocking? What if I was changing. Oh well.

"Are you Tara?" I asked.

"Yes," she said. "Why?"

"I heard you talking to Caitlyn before. Thanks for telling her I don't hate her." After that Tara just asked me a few questions.

"I'm going to call your family now and they can come pick you up," she said. Great. (Note the sarcasm) The only thing I'll end up doing is packing my suitcase for the rehab center and finding convenient hiding places. Maybe I'll wear my uggs tomorrow so I can hide my phone in it. Who am I kidding I'll just put the phone in my shirt.

"Oh," Tara said as she was leaving. "Happy birthday." Wait what?


Hahaha! Sorry it took me so long to update. School started. Yeah, so how have you been doing little mermaidprincessfairypeoplethingsmajigsthatresideinaesomeland. I'm a freak.

So, we will soon have a party. When I say to, you will start dancing and singing and fangirling and jumping up and down all at once foe 10 seconds.

On your mark.

Get set



Okay people. Calm down. Party's over.

So, as some of you know, I try to follow anyone who follows me, comments on my story, votes for my story, or anything else awesome that shows up on my notifications. Unfortunately, because I have been following a lot of people it gives me notifications whenever they do anything and that makes it hard to find you people. I think I have probably been missing a lot of those notifications. If you want me to follow you, all you need to do is leave a comment here and it can say anything. That way, I can just check here for who to follow, instead of trying and failing miserably to find it. So, comment! Yaay!

I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am about how many reads my story has gotten. I will try to update more often, although I probably won't be able to because of homework. Sorry. :*( Anyway, my point is, you are awesome! So, keep being awesome! Yeah.

Ooh! What did you think of Avery's POV? Huh? Funny? Not funny? I tried to make it funny but I'm not a funny person so maybe I failed. But maybe I didn't. Tell me in the comments.

And of course, vote. I don't know what exactly the voting does, but it makes me feel special! Lalala! I don't know what that was.

I feel stupid now because I have been telling you guys to fan and to follow me and I just figured out that those two things mean the same thing. So...yeah.

And before I forget, how many of you have read my other story? Beware, people die in it and it's not a fanfic. It's a story that I wrote for my history class last year. But it's not like a boring textbook thing. Don't worry about that. I would never write that.

It's funny because the teacher said a minimum of two pages. The day it was due I came into school to hear people talking about how they went above and beyond and wrote an entire 3 pages. Then they said so and so was insane for writing 5 pages. Then I just walk up to them and show them my assignment and said how many pages mine was. It was 33 pages. The teacher thought I was insane when I handed it in. Anyone who knows me knows the assignment I'm talking about. Anyway, if you have the time, read it.

Bye my little people! (OMG! I'm actually calling you people!)


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