The Mermaid And The Alpha ~ C...

Oleh _ayzie_

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Assyria is the mermaid with the long, weird name, the daughter to one of the oceans most powerful mer leaders... Lebih Banyak

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen*
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three

Chapter Thirty-One

28.4K 612 339
Oleh _ayzie_

••• Hadley Clark •••

"You're what?!" I choked out, I knew she was telling the truth I could see it in her mind. I just couldn't believe it. She was pregnant? How? Well I know how I haven't been living under a rock for years.

"How do you know?" I asked her cautiously, her eyes were filled with tears. Ri is always strong and hard just like her mother apparently, it's heartbreaking to see her look so upset, so lost.

"Mer can tell." She started looking away still holding tightly onto my hand. I'd never seen my best friend like this before. She's strong, I'm not used to seeing her like this.

"You can feel the baby in your stomach, feel their heart beat, their life running through you. And mer always have a lot of children, it's to do with the shoals. Hadley I'm eighteen I can't be a mother, blood hell even Chloe isn't pregnant!" She sobbed loudly as tears finally rolled down her perfect cheeks.

I hugged her tightly and she sobbed into me. She had been there for me now it was my turn to return the favor, Ri can't be a hard-ass all the time, as much as she tries to hide it she has emotions. This would freak out anyone.

"It'll be okay, everything will be fine." I said soothingly, she let out a small sob again and shook her head slightly.

"It won't Hadley, a mer's pregnancy is different. It's quicker, give it three weeks and I'll be in l-labour." She stuttered the word and I blinked shocked, well shit. Oh god what is Cameron going to say? What about her brothers? Oh dear lord her family are going to crucify Cameron.

"Can you...get rid of it?" I asked quietly, I don't at all condone that act especially since I'm a witch but seeing my best friend so miserable makes me desperate. Ri stilled slightly then gulped.

"No, having a child is considered a sacred act to mer. I couldn't hurt the baby even if I wanted to, besides every mother has a bond with the child. I can feel it already, the need to protect it. Hadley what am I going to do? Cameron's going to freak and my parents will flip!" She sobbed again, using my magic I whispered a small calming spell in her ear. Her cries died down ever so slightly and her breathing evened out.

"You need to tell Cameron." I said in a low voice, she froze up but she knew I was right. She pulled back looking away but never let go of my hand.

"Oh god he's not going to let me fight Mer-zilla is he?" She said sounding disappointed, I couldn't hold back the giggle that escaped my lips. Of course Ri would think about fighting Priscilla at a time like this.

"God I should've seen this coming." She muttered and I frowned confused.

"How could you have seen this? And anyway I don't understand, if you've been with Mason the last month or so..." I trailed off and she seemed to understand what I was saying. Usually it takes a month or so to tell if you're pregnant, then again that's humans.

"There's a time for mermaids which makes it easier for them to get pregnant, just after a full moon. It's like mortal ovulating. It was after the full moon when I first slept with Cam, we haven't actually had sex after that neither of us has had the time." She said still looking at the wall in shock. I nodded in understanding at her words.

"Hadley I- Oh hi Ri." Marlowe's voice interrupted us as he walked through my bedroom door. My heart fluttered as I looked at him, he grinned lazily at me then looked at Ri. He sped over taking a hand in his looking up at her worriedly as he knelt down in front of her.

"Ri what's happened?" He asked, when she didn't reply he looked at me worriedly.

Later... I sent the thought to him, he pursed his lips then nodded kissing her forehead. Assyria meant the world to her brothers, I could sense how worried Marlowe was just by looking at her.

"Ri..." I whispered, she looked at me tears filling her eyes again.

He has to know, Cameron has to know this... I sent to her, she nodded at my words biting her lip.

Do you want me to come? I asked her, she shook her head.

No, you stay with Marlowe and tell him. I have a feeling he'll listen to you... She said with a humourless chuckle before standing up and walking out of the room shutting the door softly behind her.

"What's going on?" Marlowe asked looking at me dead in the eye. I gulped as he knelt in front of me. Jesus it felt like was pregnant I was so nervous.

"Assyria's pregnant." I whispered biting my bottom lip nervously.

"What?!" Marlowe shot up his eyes clouding over with rage. I jumped up then stood on the bed so I was taller than him. My hands wrapped around his neck and I leant into him, he instinctively curled his arms around my waist.

"Just listen, she's freaking out about it as is, think about how she's feeling. Marlowe she's only eighteen." I said, he sighed and I leant my forehead against his.

"My mother was twenty one when she had Merrick." He said, my eyes widened in shock. Wow that's pretty young? Marlowe nodded knowing what I was thinking.

"Mer always start their families young, and they always have a lot of children. It's so that their shoal is big, the bigger the family the bigger the shoal." Marlowe explained and I sighed.

"This couldn't of come at a better time, pardon the pun." He added, I chuckled softly at him. He placed his lips to mine making my heart pound instantly, it was shocking the effect this boy has on me. It was even more shocking how much I cared for him even though I'd only just met him. I could see in his mind how much I meant to him which just made my heart swell even more, Marlowe means the world to me. I honestly I have no idea what my life would be without him.


••• Assyria Widimer •••

I quickly wiped away any stray tears and gulped nervously. Visions of him screaming and shouting ran through my mind, I had no idea how he was going to react. I was terrified he would be angry or leave, I needed Cameron so much it hurt. Taking a deep breath I stepped inside the room shutting the door behind me. Cam was laying under the covers of our bed, he looked up at me and a smile lit over his face making me smile back.

I walked over to the bed and crawled in next to him, I sat up cross legged still in my pyjamas. He looked at me taking my hand in his, my heart was pounding loudly in my ears and I knew Cam could hear it. He arched an eyebrow in confusion.

"I love you." I started saying, he smiled quickly at my words then looked confused.

"I don't want you to stay because you think you have to, it's entirely your choice. I don't want you to feel that you have to stay especially since you're so young." I mumbled the last part. He looked up at me, worry flitted over his eyes as he sat up looking at me.

"You're scaring me what's going on?" He asked his voice low, I gulped as tears filled my eyes and I looked down at his hand fiddling with his fingers. I felt sick with nerves, I didn't want to tell him but I knew I had to, he has to know Hadley's words rang in my head.

"Cameron I'm pregnant." I blurted out looking up at him. He was deathly silent staring at me for a moment before pulling his hand out from mine. It felt like a physical blow to the chest. My bottom lip trembled as Cam looked down running his hand through his hair, he rested his elbows on his knees as he clenched his hands into fists in his dark hair.

"Cameron?" I whispered, he didn't respond. It's like I wasn't there, he just stared down at the bedsheets with an unreadable expression on his face. I tried reading his mind but he blocked my out and I bit my lip, Cameron never blocks me out no matter what.

"Cameron I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I sobbed crawling over to him hugging onto his strong arm for dear life. He didn't move at my touch which just made it hurt more, I felt like I'd let him down. I sobbed into his shoulder my body shaking. He suddenly reacted wrapping his arms around my shoulders pulling me onto his lap. I buried my head in the crook of his head sobbing.

"I'm sorry." I repeated over and over again, his arms tightened and he kissed the top of my head. He cupped a hand around my face making me look at him, he kissed my cheek as tears still continued to fall. I couldn't remember a time I'd cried so much, I just never cried it wasn't me.

"Assyria." He whispered my name, I gulped feeling scared. Oh jesus he's going to leave I can tell, I-

"I want this baby." He whispered in my ear. I froze entirely not moving, he what now?

"I'm sorry could you repeat that?" I asked politely pulling away and looking him in the eye. A small smile crept onto his lips as he looked at me.

"I want you and the baby." He said firmly and my jaw dropped unattractively. He what?! Well I wasn't expecting that.

"You do?" I asked carefully, he nodded and kissed my forehead. I still couldn't wrap my head around the fact that he actually wanted to stay. If it was me and Cam was pregnant I would take my sweet time deciding this. My god I have commitment issues.

"Are you sure?" I asked, I wanted him to make sure what he was doing. It's not fair for him to settle down as a father when we're so young.

"Ria babe I've always wanted children with you, it's just come earlier then normal." He said, I couldn't resist the joke. I really do spend too much time with my brothers.

"Or you came earlier than normal." I mumbled with a small grin on my face. He poked my side annoyed and I giggled looking  up at him. I was so happy at how he was taking this, I felt a little bad for doubting him. He's really too good for me.

"You seemed to be enjoying it." He growled and I smirked patting his cheek.

"I've had better." I lied making him chuckle. He kissed me deeply on the lips and I moaned into his mouth. See, this right her, this is why I'm pregnant.

"Hang on how did you even know you were pregnant?" He asked pulling away, I pouted missing the feel of his lips on mine then smiled.

"About ten minutes ago." I said sheepishly, he stared down at me. Cam's eyebrows furrowed in confusion and I touched the side of his face.

"When you were touching your stomach..." He trailed off looking down, we both stared at my stomach.

As crazy and slightly disgusting as it sounds I can feel the baby growing inside me, slowly but surely. I can hear it's heartbeat in my ear next to my own. I loved the baby already, the bond between a mermaid and her child isn't like a human bond. It's stronger, now as scared as I was about Cam's reaction there was no way in hell I was letting anything come to harm to my child. The bond grows stronger when the baby grows, it's almost like a wolf meeting it's mate for the first time. That feeling of wanting to protect and keep it safe.

Cam placed his hand gently on my stomach, a small bump was already starting to show. Cam's mouth parted as he stroked my tiny baby bump gently. I felt the baby's heart rate soar making me smile, I looked up and Cam had tears of joy in his eyes with a wide grin on his face. Obviously he'd just heard the baby as well.

He beamed proudly at his stomach unable to tear his gaze away. I placed my hands around his neck and kissed him happily. I had never felt so happy in all my life. Being with Cameron and my little baby. I forgot all about Priscilla, all about Waverly, in that moment it was just him and me.


••• Assyria Widimer •••

"You ready?" I asked turning to him nervously. Cameron looked like he was about to faint, he nodded looking down at me and smiled.

"Please don't let them kill me!" He begged suddenly, I laughed at how serious he was and took his hand in mine.

We smiled at each other before heading forward into battle, okay fine not battle but into a room filled with my family, same difference. They looked up at me then smiled. Hadley was standing with Marlowe his arms wrapped around her. Marlowe glared murderously at Cam and almost took a step forward but Hadley squeezed his hand. He looked down at her smiling warmly and I beamed proudly at the happy couple.

Cam and I stood, he was behind me ever so slightly and I smirked, pussy. His hands were gripped tightly at my waist knowing he's only safe next to me. Like I said, pussy. He seemed to hear my thoughts and poked my side making me squirm, I let out a grin at him then turned back to the room. Mum took a step forward staring at me, her eyes widened in realisation. She was always good with this kind of thing.

"No." She whispered shocked, she didn't look angry which was a plus she just looked shocked.

"What?" My dad asked confused, Mum stepped back and snorted a laugh.

"Oh well this should be fun." She said grinning proudly between Cameron, me and my stomach. Well thanks for your support mother...

I glared at her, well so much for her support. I looked at Hadley who nodded at me encouragingly. I bit my lip and looked back at the room. My brothers stood with their girls looking confused. Alex was sat at the couch looking around curiously. Here we go...

"I'm pregnant." I blurted out, the room was deadly quiet and Cam tensed behind me. My brothers flew at me and Cam shifted back pulling me in front of me. 


Your brothers scare the ever living hell out of me Assyria Widimer... He replied and I bit back a laugh. My brothers stood several feet away from me glaring daggers at Cam who tried desperately hiding behind me.

"Assyria. Move. Now." Merrick bit out his body trembling. I shook my head refusing to move. God I should've prepared more for this.

"No, I'm not moving. It's not like we planned this for christsake. You're going to be an uncle!" I said to all of them excitedly, the didn't even look at me. Their glare was focused entirely on Cameron. 

"We are going to kill him." Morgan said in a calm tone, Cam gulped and I rolled my eyes.

"Slowly." Conway added glaring at Cam his hands clenching into fists. I almost laughed at how terrified he 

"Boys." My fathers voice spoke calmly, even I tensed slightly. My brothers smiled smugly as my father walked forward. His face was calm and he stared down at me, I gulped nervously. Dad looked back at Mum who simply nodded at him, he turned back and did the thing I was least expecting. He gave me a hug. I froze before wrapping my arms around him he pulled back beaming down at me, okay hold the fuck up here I'm confused.

"I'm so proud of you!" Mer-grandaddy-say-what?!

"What?" Everyone said, well except my mother. She was smiling proudly at the three (well okay fine, technically four) of us.

"When I first met your mother she was pregnant with Merrick in two weeks, you guys lasted longer than us! How can I be mad at you?!" He grinned kissing the top of my head, we all gaped at him. I can't believe this, out of all of them I was expecting him to be the most angry. This has happened twice today, first Cameron and now my father. I really need to work on reading people.

A sudden blow to my stomach and I gasped bending over cradling my stomach, Cameron was by my side instantly. Worry etched across his face as I tried to focus on my breathing. Oh my god, no freaken way.

"Twins." I croaked out as I felt a second heart beat flow through my veins. Marlowe and Conway looked up at each other grinning then high fived, Marlowe then turned angrily back to Cameron.

"Wait you had sex with her twice?!" He yelled, I rolled my eyes at my brothers stupidity as Dad lead me over I the couch letting me sit down. Alex looked at me shocked then all eyes in the room stared at the tiny bump forming at my stomach.

"What are you going to call them?" Chloe asked walking and sitting down next to me, I placed a hand on my stomach thinking.

"How about Marlowe and Conway?" Marlowe joked, Merrick slapped him over the back of his head and we all laughed. Merrick tended to do that a lot to my brothers. Hadley came up and slid her hand into Marlowe's, he smiled down at her.

"Do you know what they are yet?" Alex asked next to me, I knew he meant gender wise. I shook my head, although I can feel their heartbeat, their thoughts and feelings in my body I couldn't tell what the gender is.

It's like that with all mermaids, our kind are very traditional and always wait till we actually give birth to find out if its a boy or a girl. Plus the fact that no doctor in the world would be able to tell if it was a boy or a girl because of how thick the wombs get, it's simply to protect the baby from harm.

"No, mermaids don't find out till we actually give birth." I explained and he nodded. There was a loud crack then a groan, I looked over in horror to see Cameron slumped against the floor cradling his face as blood poured from his nose. Irvin seethed at him his fists clenched in rage, I stood up glaring darkly at him.

I loved my brothers to the moon and back but sometimes their protectiveness just gets a little over the top. I marched over and punched him hard in the stomach, he fell to the ground instantly groaning in pain. Caitlyn rushed to his side and stroked his face gently, I looked around the room glaring.

"Any one else want to torment the pregnant lady?" I asked in a hard voice, nobody uttered a word and I rolled my eyes turning to help Cameron up. He huffed and I heard him realign his nose, he poured ever so slightly making him look adorable. 

"I told you they'd hit me." His voice was muffled against his hand as he held his nose trying to stop the bleeding. I couldn't help but giggle slightly.

"And I told you I'd hit them back." I replied before turning back to my brothers.

"I'm going to be an uncle." Zale muttered, Cassy squeezed his arm before letting go and giving me a hug congratulating me. I grinned as the rest of the girls did the same. My brothers gave on final glare to Cameron before looking down at me. Morgan gave me a hug kissing the top of my head and I grinned.

"Hey Uncle Morgan." I teased, he chuckled and pulled Amy into his arms. Wolves start their family's quite young as well but not nearly as young as Mer. Amy, Chloe, Lucy and Caitlyn are all human so it would take longer for them I become pregnant. It would be different if they were mermaids and my brothers were human. With Hadley she could probably put off the pregnancy with her magic, so if she found out she was pregnant she could postpone it. Put the baby in a dormant sleep, almost like a coma until she was ready, it wouldn't harm the baby at all.

"What do you think they'll turn out like? The head of a wolf and the bottom of a Mer?" Alex joked, I nodded at Merrick and he slapped him over the back of the head. I thought for a moment, huh, I had no idea. I looked over at my parents for an explanation.

"Don't look at us, you two are the first Mer/wolf couple in existence." Mum snorted, I shook my head and looked at dad who shrugged. Well fat lot of use they are.

"Well I should expect they'll be half of each, half Mer half wolf. Either that or one's a Mer and one's a wolf but I don't have a clue Ri." He said and I sighed looking down at my tiny bump, it had grown ever so slightly bigger because I felt two of them. I looked at Cam who was already smiling warmly at me.

"We're so proud of you Ri, remember that no matter what happens we love you and we couldn't be more proud of you." Dad said to me pulling me in for another hug, I grinned wrapping my arms around him. Out of my family I thought he would be the angriest, I was happy that my parents were so excited and supportive of the pregnancy.

"You'll be a brilliant mother Ri, we love you so much." My mother said pulling me into her arms. I grinned happily, my mother was much like me in the aspect that we were both hard-ass's. It felt amazing to hear those words from her, she pulled back smiling happily.

Suddenly the door opened and Cameron's father walked in, he looked around the room confused and I gulped. Oh boy. Nobody had really spoken to Alastair since he attacked the Mer thinking they were the army keeping Cam hostage. To be honest nobody could really blame him it was just a mistake, thankfully nobody got hurt. And by nobody I mean wolves because let's face it like a pack of wolves could take on a shoal of Mer, crap I home Cam didn't hear that.

I looked up to see Cam narrowing his eyes playfully at me. I bit my lip holding back the giggle and gave him a smirk before flipping my hair dramatically. I saw him roll his eyes smiling slightly and turned to his father.

Cam and Alex had spoken to him and the pack a few days ago explaining what happened but the tension was still tense in the air. Alastair nodded at me and I gave a small wave, we'd never really been close but meh. I should probably try and make some sort of effort I mean he is going to be a grandad.

"What's going on?" He asked cautiously, I scratched the back of my head. How do I put this-

"Ria's pregnant." Yeah that should do it, wait what? I looked up to see Cameron now standing in front of me, he pulled me to my feet wrapping an arm around my waist. We both looked up at Alastair to see his reaction.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me." He replied his voice dry, he looked at Alex who nodded excitedly then back at Cam. His eyes landed on my tiny little bump then blackened in anger.

"Cameron you're eighteen! You haven't even finished school yet!" He exclaimed, my dad stepped forward in front of the two of us as I squeezed Cameron's hand.

"Mer start their families young, it's tradition and Assyria couldn't of avoided it even if she wanted to. By the time she was maybe twenty-five she would've been pregnant. My shoal will happily support both Cameron and Assyria, we certainly have enough money to." He spoke smoothly and I nodded slightly, he had a point my father is extremely rich.

"No, I will not let this happen. Cameron you are an embarrassment and a disgrace to this pack and I want you out!" He spat venomously. My jaw dropped along with Cameron's, I could feel his hurt through the bond making me angry. Alastair is the only family Cameron has, he grew up with the pack he knows those people he can't just kick him out.

"Alastair wait-"

"That is Alpha to you boy. You can get out too!" Alastair roared in anger. Alex's face crumpled and he looked distraught. How could Alastair do this? To his own son and future beta?

"You can't, what about my father?-"

"Your father and the rest of the pack agree with me. You are to close to these people. You're a wolf not a Mer. You spend more time with them then your own kind." He interrupted him, nobody said anything. Cameron's face looked pained as he watched his father say those words, I scowled darkly stepping forward.

"You would do this?" I asked, Alastair didn't answer. He wouldn't even look at me he was so disgusted, it just made me even angrier.

"To your own son? You - his father - would banish him from the only people he's ever loved?" I asked my voice cold with rage. Alastair finally turned to glare at me, I can't believe I was willing to be nice to this man.

"I, Alastair Forrest, Alpha of the Blood Moon pack banish you, Cameron Micheal Forrest and Alexander Logan Thompson. You have one hour to get off my land and never return." He said before storming out of the room, I felt Cameron's heart break through the bond. Alex had his head in his hands.

Taking the gun from the back of my jeans I stalked towards the door wanting nothing more than to put a bullet through that wolf's thick skull. A hand stopped me, Merrick looked down at me and shook his head taking the gun from my grasp. I turned back around and saw Cameron frozen in place. I ran up wrapping my arms around his waist, he wrapped his strong arms around my shoulders leaning his cheek on the top of my head.

I'm sorry... I whispered through the mind link, he shook his head kissing my temple.

It wasn't your fault... He replied, I sighed not knowing what to do. I turned not letting go of Cam and looked at my father.

"I say we kill them" I spoke casually, Mum pondered thinking about this whilst Dad shook his head.
"No we're not going to kill them, but we do need to leave. We'll head back to the house and pack everything. Assyria, Marlowe, Conway, you stay here with Alex and Cameron while they pack. We're going to Atlantis, all of us." He replied looking at Alex and Cameron. They looked at my father smiling gratefully. My brothers, Cassy and I all cheered.

Yes, Atlantis City! To the mortal's it was known as the lost city of Atlantis, to the mer, it's our home. It's a sanctuary for Mer looking for safety, we can hide from Priscilla there. The only thing is, only Mer are the only beings that can pass through there. Well apart from the usual see creatures of course. I knew what my father was thinking, there was no way my brothers would leave the girls here. We can turn them.

"Come on, we'll go pack." I said pulling Cameron from the room. Alex stood up and followed still looking shocked. I pulled Cam up the stairs and towards his room, Alex went with Conway to his room to go pack. I can't believe Alastair would actually do this, to his own son.

"Cameron, I'm so sorry." Marlowe said as we shut his bedroom door, Cam shook his head running a hand through his hair.

"I'll be fine." He muttered and pulled out a backpack from under his bed. I touched his shoulder rubbing it gently.

"Only pack the bare essentials, things you can't leave without. Take one pair of clothes, you won't need the rest." I murmured softly, Cam nodded and I moved away from him into Marlowe's arms. The door opened and Alex and Conway stepped through, Alex holding a small backpack. I gave Alex a small hug and he smiled down at me sadly.

Suddenly I dropped to my knees clutching at my chest along with Marlowe and Conway. Cameron knelt down by me looking hopeless And Alex stood near my brothers. Pain built in the center of my chest and I screamed loudly, I could hear my brothers screams along with my own. Cameron and Alex were shouting not knowing what to do.

Tears filled my eyes and I began to sob pulling my knees up to my chest. I looked up and saw Conway and Marlowe scratching at their chest as if to yank the pain away. It suddenly stopped and the room fell silent. I stared at Conway and Marlowe who stared at each other in horror. I sat up slightly and a sob escaped my lips.



••• Assyria Widimer •••

I don't know how but we were running. Conway and Marlowe flanked either side of me running as fast as we could through the large forest towards our house. I could feel Alex and Cameron chasing after us in wolf form, Cam repeatedly tried to ask what was wrong but I couldn't get the words out. It was if I said them that it would be true, and it can't be, my parents can't be...

Assyria... Cameron tried calling again in my head, I shoved him out roughly putting up the wall. I didn't mean to be so harsh to him but all I could think about right now was getting home, getting back to them. They can't be...

My brothers and I skidded to a halt in front of our large house. Correction, in front of our large burning house. My jaw dropped horrified at the sight, the house was blazing out of control. Merrick was holding Morgan back from entering the burning building, Irvin held Caitlyn and Lucy in his arms as they sobbed into him. Hadley held her hands up trying her best to control the blaze, she dropped to the floor exhausted and Marlowe rushed to her.

Conway ran over to Merrick and they started arguing loudly, Cameron and Alex stood watching not knowing what to do. What can anyone do? I shook my head moving forward, I have to do something. My mother, my father, they can't be...

Raising my left arm I pointed my hand at the burning house, I concentrated on the blaze trying to simmer it down. It had a small effect, small but it was something. I threw my right hand behind me pointing at the sky. Clouds formed in the distance and lighting ran threw them, I pulled hard on my right arm throwing it towards the house.

Rain flew over me towards the house, letting go of the blaze I pointed towards the cliff edge. Large columns of water flew up. My vision blurred and I felt myself swaying, I couldn't stop. I would not let my children grow up without grandparents.

I threw my arms over my head directly at the house. The water swirled around the house, going inside and out. Through the windows, doors, cracks in the bricks. Minutes later the fire stopped leaving the house burnt to a cinder.

The roof had completely gone, along with the back of the house, my room had gone along with Morgan's and Irvin's. Setting my body on fire so the water wouldn't turn me I ran in ignoring the cries to stop from behind me. I ran through the front door into the hall, ignoring the groaning the house made when I ran up the stairs I headed towards my parents bedroom slamming the door open.

I screamed loudly leaning back into the door, I held my face in my hands sobbing. I fell to the floor gripping my head in my hands. No, no, no, no... I couldn't bring myself to look up at the charred bodies, I knew it was them, who could do something like this? Shaking my head I stood up, anger surged through my veins. I will find who did this to my parents and I will take my sweet time killing them. I had a faint idea who it was, Priscilla Llorar...

I swear on my blood I will find the bitch and destroy her. I swear it.


••• Cameron Forrest •••

"Merrick." I called out walking over, Alex was close behind me. We'd shifted back to human form and changed quickly into a spare change of clothes. Merrick looked up at me, his face looked worn and tired. Like he'd just come home from battle, yet he looked like he'd lost as well.

"What's going on?" I asked stopping in front if him. Chloe was latched onto his side sobbing silently into him.

"They're..They-They're gone." Merrick bit out, a stray tear rolled down his face. I frowned in confusion, who was gone? Where's Arlyn and Meredith? I looked back at Alex who simply shrugged confused as well, in his eyes I could still see his sadness. Yeah it hurt like hell when my own father threw me out of the pack along with my best friend but I realised something. I may have lost my pack but I gained something better. Being accepted into Ria's family was much better and I knew Alex was happy to be accepted.

"Wait, what happened?" Alex asked stepping forward, Morgan turned to face us his eyes filled with rage.

"We got back to the house and were packing, Priscilla turned up with a few Mer friends that held a grudge against our family. They burnt the house down with us all still inside it, our-our parents got us out of the house and we tried fighting the mer. Priscilla kept them in the house and burnt them alive, we could still hear the screaming..." Morgan trailed off at the end looking away and wiping an angry tear away from his face.

My jaw dropped and I looked back at the burning house in horror, they were dead, Ria's parents were dead? I looked between Merrick, Morgan and Zale in confusion. They might still be alive, they might've gotten out the back?

"How can you know? They might still be-"

"They're not." Morgan spat angrily, Merrick ran a hand through his hair.

"When the member of the shoal dies we all feel their pain, we feel how they die and we know there is nothing we can do to stop it." Zale explained rubbing his chest subconsciously.

The movement reminded me of what happened back at the old pack house. Ria, Conway and Marlowe clutched at their chests screaming in sheer agony. Alex and I had no idea what to do, it lasted only for a few minutes but you could tell something bad had happened.

I looked back at Ria who had her arms held over her head and pointed at the house. Large columns of water swarmed the house dousing the flames. We stood there in silence as she wavered, I made a move forward but she lit herself on fire before running into the burnt down house.

We all screamed at her to stop, I ran over but Alex pulled me back. I heard her scream loudly and we all froze up, it wasn't a scream in pain it was something else. What had she found? We all waited and minutes later she walked out of the house, her body still lit head to toe in flames.

Her face was hard, cold...distant. Her eyes snapped up and she glared darkly at us. I knew her anger wasn't aimed at us, she was angry over what happened. I walked over to her cautiously, her eyes were glassy you couldn't see that standing over with Merrick and Ria's brothers. She was shaking slightly, my lips parted slightly seeing my little mate in so much pain.

I pulled her into my arms, she was still shaking and her bottom lip trembled holding back the tears. It was as if she snapped, she started crying into my chest wrapping her arms around my waist. I stroked her back not knowing what to say, I wanted to comfort her make the pain go away but I couldn't. There was nothing I could do and I hated it.

I walked us back over to Merrick who was talking to Morgan. We stopped in front of them and everyone fell silent. Nobody knew what to say, what could we say? The Widimer's were a close family, Ria loved her father it has to be tearing her apart.

"We head to Atlantis, we can call for sanctuary. We need time." Merrick said, his voice strong. You could hear the authority behind it, like an alpha. Ria once told me that when her father and mother dies, her eldest brother Merrick would take over as leader. She didn't expect it to happen for years and by the look of Merrick's face neither did he. Nobody spoke, just nodded at his words.

"We need to change them." Irvin murmured. We all looked at each other, everyone was still in disbelief over what happened. Even I can't believe it.

"I'll take Alex, Zale can help with Hadley." Cassy spoke up, Alex  looked over and gave a slight nod. He then looked at me slightly worried, I shared the same look. I'll admit I'm nervous about turning Mer, what if I get stuck like that? What will happen to my wolf.

"No need." Hadley murmured, we looked at her and she closed her eyes. Suddenly her black hair turned into the same platinum blonde like Ria's. Her skin glowed as she murmured words softly under her breath. When she opened her eyes they were the same piercing blue like any other Mer. We all looked at her in surprise and her cheeks heated a little from the attention.

"We need to get to water." Merrick said pulling Chloe towards the cliff edge. We all walked down the narrow cliff path towards the jetty in silence. Ria had stopped crying and was trying to hide her emotions as best as she could. She was forgetting about the mate bond, inside this was killing her. I kissed her temple and she looked up trying to give me her best fake smile but I could see straight through it.

It'll be okay, we'll be safe, I'll keep you and the twins safe... I promised her, her smile lifted ever so slightly and I grinned at the sight stroking her cheekbone.

I love you... She whispered making me grin even wider. She rarely said that to me, I knew she did I could feel it through the bond or see it in her eyes when she'd look at me. I smirked.

I know... She smirked slightly shaking her head.

Cocky shit... I smirked at her words kissing her temple again.

We all stopped at the jetty and looked at each other. Ria slid into the water then her head appeared, she leant onto the jetty then scratched her head slightly looking a little flushed.

"How is this going to work?" She asked her brothers, they looked at Alex then back at her.

"Well I'm not kissing him." Marlowe snorted raising his hands, Ria rolled her eyes. I frowned in confusion, what's going on?

"Wait what?" Alex asked confused, Ria winced slightly.

"Well, you're the only one that can't breath underwater. You need to be able to do that to become a Mer, that's why Hadley could turn." She explained avoiding his eyes.

"Okay so how do I breath underwater? Also if we change into one of you guys what happens to our wolves?" Alex asked curiously, I nodded in agreement. What did happen to our wolves?

"You're wolves will be fine and as soon as you get back onto dry land your tails will disappear, it's only temporary. We could do it permanently but you have to be at Atlantis to do so." She explained. Alex and I nodded, that didn't sound too bad.

"Um, Cassy?" Ria asked hopefully, Zale gave his sister a look and she rolled her eyes.

"Well it was worth a shot." She mumbled scratching behind her ear. What was worth a shot?

"Boys?" Ria piped up, her brothers nodded but didn't look happy. Arms wrapped around me and pulled me to the side. I glared at Merrick and Morgan, what the hell is going on.

It doesn't mean anything, it's just so that he can turn Mer... She said, I narrowed my eyes at her. What the hell is she planning? My mate turned her attention back to Alex who was just as confused as I was.

"Alex bend down." Ria asked, he looked at her nervously.

"Why?" He asked, it was obvious he didn't trust her. She rolled her eyes at his tone.

"So I can put this on you." She said taking off her element, it glittered in the sunlight. He stared at it, then at her, then nodded and bent down.

Ria placed her element around my best friend's neck, she grimaced for a moment before locking her hands around the back of his neck. He looked up at her confused, she pressed her lips to his before pulling him down into the water.

A possessive growl escaped my lips and I felt my wolf take over fighting to be released. She's mine. Cassy stepped in front of me holding up her hands in surrender. Ria's brothers held tightly onto me as I tried to get away.

"It's only so that he can turn into one of us, that's the only reason. Alex needs a kiss from a Mer so that he can breath underwater, then with Ria's element she can use that to turn him-"

"Would you stop kissing me!" Alex screamed spluttering slightly. He hauled himself up onto the jetty then look back, he gasped looking back. Ria's head popped out from the water and she looked over at Alex rolling her big blue eyes.

"I have a tail!" Alex yelled looking at me, I cocked my head looking at his tail and Merrick and Morgan let me go. He looked just like one of Ria's brothers, his skin glowed slightly and his blonde floppy hair was lighter. He also held the same blue eyes as any Mer.

"Cameron." Ria called out, I walked over crossing my arms over my chest and looked down at her. Her eyes looked slightly guilty as Alex glared at her, he handed her element back to her and she passed it to me.

Shaking my head I bent down glaring teasingly at Ria, I was going to have to get her back for that later-

You did sleep with sluts-

"WE WERE ON A BREAK!" I screamed, I completely understand Ross's pain. I know I should've never of slept with the human sluts but at that moment I would've done anything to get her out of my head. Those humans were useless compared to my mate. I won't admit that though, spending to much time with Mer makes you a proud son of a bitch.

She rolled her eyes before pulling me down into the water. Her hand was on my chest with her element inside it, she had her eyes closed in concentration. There was heat in my chest when suddenly everything changed. Water wrapped itself tightly around my legs and spine, they burned slightly then the sensations stopped.

God he even looks hot as a blonde... I heard Ria say in her head, I smirked at her words then my jaw dropped. Wait, I'm blonde? I looked down to see a long six foot silver tail, I moved it slightly my mouth open in awe at it. I will openly admit, Mer have much better tails than wolves. I looked over at Alex who was poking at it curiously.

Ria took her element back placing it over her own head then took my hand, she grabbed Alex's hand as well making me growl. She ignored it and swam forward slightly tugging us along with her. I beat my tail through the water trying to swim. Ria stopped swimming and laughed at Alex and I.

"Copy my movements, it's easy once you get the hang of it." Ria spoke before swimming off. Alex and I looked at each other than started swimming copying her movements, like she said it got easier and was actually a lot of fun. I looked back and saw Ria's brother's girlfriends all swimming towards us in mermaid form. They glided effortlessly through the water.

"We need to get the rest of the Mer, tell them what's happened." Merrick spoke firmly swimming past us. Ria's head dipped down slightly, I swam over pulling her into a hug.

We swam off slowly so that us newbies could get used to it, I watched Ria carefully. Her face was blank but I could hear her thinking away about her parents and her plans for Priscilla. She must've worked it out that it was her that killed her parents. The girl was insane though if she thought I was letting her fight Priscilla for a second time, let alone when she's pregnant with my twins.

My twins. I grinned at the thought and my eyes wondered over to Ria's scaled stomach where the tiny bump lay. I couldn't wait to start a family with her, I knew my mother would be proud no matter what my father says. She would be happy that I found my mate, and even more happy that I'm starting a life with her. Twins... I thought happily. I gave a small smug smile, take that Waverly...


•• Merrick Widimer •••

"Again Merrick, I'm so sorry." My Uncle Ligurian said placing a hand on my shoulder, I nodded looking away. We'd arrived in the caves where the Mer were staying an hour ago, a meeting had been called between the Mer leaders who were all of my uncles, and well Ri's ex.

We'd agreed that since Waverly's shoal was the smallest, they would leave with my uncles and Waverly would help escort us all to Atlantis since he's the only one that knows the way. I knew Ri will hate this but she's just going to have to deal with it.

"I'll go inform my shoal." Waverly spoke quietly before swimming out of the cave. I looked up to see Chloe waiting patiently at the entrance, a smile broke out on my face as I took her in. She looked amazing with a tail. She swam over shyly towards me and I grinned pulling her into my arms all thoughts about war forgotten.

"Hey." She whispered softly, Chloe loved my parents just as much as I did. All the girls were close to our parents, our mother especially.

"You can morn you know, you're allowed to be upset." She said quietly again, I nodded. Chloe always knew how I felt and what to say to make me feel better.

"I know, but not right now. When this is all over..." I trailed off looking down. Chloe wrapped her arms around my neck pulling my forehead to hers.

"You can't be strong all the time Merrick, I know you're trying to be for everyone but they're doing okay. I love you." She whispered the last part, I stroked her cheekbone before placing my lips to hers.

I love you too...


••• Assyria Widimer •••

"How're you holding up?" Cameron asked softly swimming up next to me. I was laying face down on a large rock watching the sun set from the bottom of the ocean. Cameron lay next to me leaning on his elbows like I was doing.

His usually dark brown hair had turned into a brilliant white blonde colour just like mine, his hair had a faint blueish tint and his normally gorgeous green eyes had turned into the usual Mer icy blue. He looked different for sure but he still looked amazingly beautiful like always.

"I'm fine." I lied smoothly, Cam arched an eyebrow in obvious disbelief and I sighed.

"What am I supposed to say? I want my parents back, yes, but I know that will never happen." I said my voice choking up. Thank god you can't cry underwater.

"Promise me you won't do anything stupid like go after her?" He asked, I gave him a look. I'm always doing stupid things. But yes I am going to kill the bitch that killed my parents.

"You're not going anywhere Assyria, especially when you're pregnant with my twins." He said flipping us over so he was on top of us. I raised my eyebrows surprised, I'll admit I wasn't expecting that. Him and Alex still act like baby Mer in water it's comical. I gazed down at his tail my lips parting. The tail suited him, not that he didn't look hot in wolf form.

"They aren't your twins they're Waverly's." I said teasingly, Cameron growled possessively and I laughed shoving him off.

"What?!" A choked voice called out. My head snapped up and I cursed loudly inside my head. Un-freaking-believable.

"Waverly... Hi..." I said pushing myself off from the rock. Waverly's face turned into a breathtaking smile as he stared at me. Oh boy this is embarrassing.

"You're pregnant with my babies?!" He asked his eyes wide, oh dear god no this can't be happening. Cameron growled possessive my pulling me towards him.

"Like hell she is, Ria and the twins are mine." He spat, Waverly's face fell and I looked at him confused. Wait did he actually think that these babies were his?

"Waverly, um, I don't recall us ever having sex, how could these be your babies?" I asked him, he pretended to think for moment then looked at Cameron and I with a smirk.

"Huh, must have dreamt that night then." He smirked, Cameron lunged forward but I stopped him swimming in front of him. Bloody Waverly knew this would piss him off.

"Waverly, go." I said darkly, he looked at me then nodded before swimming off. Cameron looked down at me scowling.

"I am going to kill him." He said slowly, I nodded looking down.

"Yeah I suppose that's fair, I did kill one of your ex's." I mumbled making Cameron laugh at the memory of Marrissa.

"Hey, guys I have a question" Alex's voice spoke through the water. We both turned to see Alex looking down at his tail slightly confused.

"This might sound weird but where has my penis gone?" I started laughing clutching my aching sides as Cameron looked down at his won tail confused.

"You'll get it back when you change into human form." I replied still giggling.

"So when we're in Mer form we don't have a dick?" Cam asked, I sighed chuckling.

"Well can you see it anywhere? I know wolves can mate in their wolf form as disgusting as that is, but it's different for Mer. We're a traditional race and everything is covered up, you can't even see my boobs." I said looking down at my chest which was covered over in silver-blue scales. Alex looked down as well making Cam growl, Alex rolled his eyes in return.

"Oh please you know I'm not going to try anything." Alex huffed annoyed making me chuckle. Cameron shook his head with a faint smile on his face, Alex still looked sad from what happened earlier. Neither of them deserved what happened, it's not fair how their own pack treated them.

"It's fine we have you now." Cam murmured to me, I sighed and Alex looked up at Cameron's words.

"Weirdly though we can still hear each other." Alex said making my boyfriend look over to him.

"It's because I was a future alpha, now we're sort of a pack of our own." He said, my eyebrows shot up in surprise. The father of my babies is an alpha that's awesome. So much for settling down for a normal life, well come on our children had no chance of a normal life with me as their mother.

"Cool." Alex mumbled before looing up at the half moon above our heads in thought.

"Do you think they'll let us in?" He asked suddenly, I nodded reassuringly.

"It's not about being let in, you can only enter in Mer form. There's no other way to get into the city." I explained. It was a tradition and you can't actually enter on two legs, you have to have a tail.

"So how does it work?" Alex asked curiously swimming closer towards Cameron and I.

"There's an entrance at the very bottom of what mortals call the bermuda triangle. You hear stories saying that people have died crossing it? They haven't, they're just relocated to somewhere new and have their minds wiped. They're given a new life, the mer can't take the risk of them finding out about us." I said, Alex didn't seem to like this at all and yes I will admit. It is bad, that's why our family left when we were young.

"That's horrible, those people have loved ones that are still searching for them." Alex said with slight disgust in his voice. I wasn't annoyed at his tone because I understood completely. It wasn't fair but it was what needed to be done.

"I know it is, but wolves take great measures of making sure that your kind aren't found out either. Plus, we only have the one place to protect, we can't move Atlantis City about like you can switch territories. I know it's cruel but humans aren't ready for the supernatural yet." I shrugged. Alex sighed agreeing with my words.

"What's it like there?" Cameron asked next to me, I smiled up at him as he wrapped his arms around my waist his now blue eyes meeting mine.

"Beautiful, I can't explain it you have to experience it for yourself. Trust me you'll love it there." I gushed making Cameron chuckle at my tone.

"I don't think I've ever heard you quite so happy." He smirked, I narrowed my eyes playfully poking his scaled chest. It reflected in the dim moon light shining all kinds of colours I'd never seen before.

"Hey, I'm a very happy pers-"

"No you're not." Alex chuckled shaking his head. What, I can be happy.

"You're not very romantic either." Cam added, I hesitated. Yeah I could agree on that one.

"I could be-"

"No you couldn't." Alex cut me off again with a chuckle. I glared, could he just stay out of it?

"If I wanted to I-"

"No you couldn't."

"Alex stay out of it!" I yelled glaring at him, he raised his hands rolling his eyes. Beside me Cameron laughed loudly making me glare at him.

"Oh come on babe, you couldn't be romantic if you tried, which I happen to find funny and somewhat adorable strangely enough." I punched his arm lightly but couldn't prevent the grin forming on my face.

My smile faltered as a thought whispered through my mind, I'm just like my mother... Cameron heard the thought as sighed sadly kissing the top of my head. Alex seemed to understand what was going on, probably through their new found pack link.

"Ri I'm so sorry, your family accepted me when I was abandoned by my own. They were good people, I'm so sorry..." He said again trailing off. I nodded trying my best to push the thoughts away but I couldn't help it. I felt anger and pain, both intense and I didn't know which feeling was worse.

"Let's get some rest. We leave tomorrow." I muttered but gave a small smile of thanks to Alex. I swam past the boys leading them to one of the many caves under water. Alex laid down on the sand in a separate part of the cave whilst Cam and I made our way towards the back.

Suddenly out of nowhere Hadley came out pulling me into a tight hug, I was surprised the tiny girl held so much power. I looked down at her, her short choppy white hair floating like seaweed through the clear blue water. Her blue eyes were sad as she gazed at me, I sensed Marlowe coming up behind her.

"Ri I'm so so sorry." She said her voice choking up, I simply shook my head giving her back to Marlowe who calmed her down with a small kiss to the temple.

"Go to sleep, we leave tomorrow." I told her, she nodded giving my hand a quick squeeze before swimming away.

Grabbing Cam's hand I pulled him wordlessly to the back of the cave lying down on the soft white sand. I watched from the ocean floor as Cameron tried multiple times to lay down but kept floating upward. I smirked rolling onto my elbow and watched as he beat his tail trying desperately to lie down. He ended up just beating sand everywhere getting a lot of it on me. Rolling my eyes I shifted my tail shaking the sand off and grabbed at Cam's arm.

"Cam stop- Cam you're just- Camer- Oh for the love of god Cameron stop moving!" I snapped, Cameron glared at me but stopped moving. To my amusement he just ended up raising himself higher towards the ceiling of the cave making me laugh.

Still chuckling I pulled him back down rolling on top of him keeping him in place. My long tail entwined with his and I placed my forearms on his strong chest. In between us I could feel a tiny movement in my belly making us both look down. It wasn't much, well it was barely anything but it was something. Our babies had moved.

"I think it's two boys." He said stroking the small of my back as I leant my head down on him. If we'd done this on land he'd probably find it uncomfortable to have me laying on him but since we're in water I'm not as heavy. Plus I can manipulate the water to make myself comfy if I wanted to.

"I think at least one of them's a girl." I said fiddling with his white blonde hair. I wasn't quite sure what I wanted my babies to be, I didn't mind what they were. I loved them entirely already, the bond between the Mer mother and her child is almost as strong as a mate bond. That need to protect their loved one, keep them safe and out of harm. It's the same feeling.

"Names?" He asked, I smirked at him.

"I am not naming my child after Alex." I warned making him laugh loudly.

"Fine, I remember you said Mer are traditional and usually pick names with a strong meaning?" He said, I was slightly surprised that he'd remembered that but nodded anyway.

"Yeah, but I think they should have at least some normality. I know Mer names sound quite strange at times." I chuckled, he smiled kissing the top of my head.

"And not too many names, I will not have my children growing up with the same problem I had." Cam laughed at my words. As much as I love and very much miss my mother I still have no idea what she was thinking giving me so many long names.

"How about one Mer name and one normal name?" He suggested, I thought then nodded. Yeah that sounds okay, I frowned suddenly looking back at him.

"But we are not doing a Bella Swan and merging our parents names together." I warned, he rolled his eyes but nodded anyway.

"I love you Ria." He murmured after a long period of silence. Closing my eyes I sighed happily resting my head on his chest.

"Te amo Cameron." I muttered feeling sleepy, I felt his confusion through the bond.

"What does that mean?" He asked, I felt slightly annoyed that he wouldn't let me sleep but sighed.

"It means I love you in Latin moron." I muttered again keeping my eyes shut.

"I'm not a moron, you know you could've just said it in English then this would never of happened." I couldn't help but roll my eyes at that. I looked up giving him a mock glare.

"Well excuse me for trying to be romantic and shit." I snapped, he raised his eyebrows.

"Simply because you added 'and shit' to the end of that sentence proves you're not romantic." He pointed out. Scowling I shook my head and leant back down on him, he's lucky I'm in love with him.

"Te amo-"

"Oh shut up and go to sleep the moment's gone."

I could still hear him chuckling as I snuggled closer into him. Moron...


Also, I know 'te amo' is both I love you for Spanish and Italian but a lot of languages are come from Latin since that's the basis of most languages around the world.

Please vote/fan/comment


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