My alpha mate kidnapped me #W...

By catz2010

104K 3.8K 397

Kathryn was living a normal life until Luke shows up, but is the new heart throb of the school hiding somethi... More

My alpha mate kidnapped me
Nooooo my zebra cakes!
Escapes and injuries
Meeting her
Meeting him
The truth comes out... ish
A loss to affect everyone
I've got the magic in me
Someone find her already
P-A-R-T-Y-ish part 1
P-A-R-T-Y-ish part 2
Chapter 15
New story!
The fox
Oh sh*t
Chapter 17
Just a normal day in the life of a magical creature...
Someone help meh plz
Dark and Light
(Insert chapter name here)
It Gets Worse
Lets get down to buisness

Who tf is he?

2.3K 89 39
By catz2010

Unknown POV

     I promised that I was going t get her back and thats what I plan on doing tonight. I already have everything planned out. I just have to wait.

~~~~~ totally rossome time skip ~~~~~~~~~

     Now is finally the time. Im at subway watching her from a booth in the corner.

     I should probably introduce myself first. How rude of me, about to kidnap someone any you dont even know my name.
     I am Mark, Kathryn's ex boyfriend. Now, we had some problems because she said I was 'abusing her' but really all I was doing was beating her everyday. See, she is just crazy. One of her friends found out and told the police and for some strange reason I was arrested. Crazy right? But now she will be mine forever and ever.

     Kathryn gets up and heads over to the restrooms. I causally walk over to that area and wait outside the door. A bit later the door unlocks and I rush and push her back inside and shove a rag filled with chloroform over her mouth. It really sucks that she played trumpet because this is taking for-eeeever. Finally, she runs out of air and passes out. I grab her body and drag her out the back door.

Kathryn's POV

     Kas, Jason, Luke, Xavier, and I decide to go into town today to watch a movie and play some laser tag. About half way through the day, we get hungry and decide to head to Subway. We place our orders and sit down.

     "Hey Xavier." I say tapping him lightly on the shoulder
     "Yeah baby?" He asks.
     "Theres a dude in the corner that looks a little familiar. I cant quite remember though." I whisper.
     "He looks kinda creepy if you ask me." He replies. He looks so familiar, I just cant remember what from and it's killing me. Oh well.
     "Welp, I have to go to the bathroom." I announce.
     "Good for you, and we need to know why?" Kas ask.
I stick my tongue out at her and get up and walk to the bathroom. I go in, lock the door and do my business. I was my hands and go to unlock the door and right as I do I'm shoved back in and a rag is forced on my mouth.
Really? Were back with the rags with chloroform again? Wait, nows not the time. I struggle to see who is doing this but I'm about to run out of breath. I breath in the chloroform and as my eyes are closing I see a figure. Mark.


Sorry, I know I promised that id update like on the 11th or 12th but I've been busy.
Guess what! I made my cheerleading squad! EEEEEEEEE!

Lucy: No one cares

Whatever, your just jelly.

Lucy: Im a fox spirit with magical powers

Whatever, still jelly.

Lucy: no


Lucy: No.


Lucy: Yes.
HA! Gotchya

Xavier: stop arguing for the love of sprinkles

Lucy: oh if only he knew what just happened.

Xavier: wait, what happened?


Xavier: author, what ha-



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