The Light To My Life - (Louis...

By ChloeeHaleHurst

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Chloe Styles is Harry Styles' sister and behind all Harry's fame and fortune his sister is recovering from a... More

Chapter 1 - Back To The Hell Hole Yep School!!
Chapter 2 - Reasons Why!
Chapter 3 - Why Can't Today Just End!
Chapter 4 - Why Her !
Chapter 5 - The Bitch Gets What She Desuves But Who Knew It Could Backfire?!?!
Chapter 6 - Oh Shit!
Chapter 7 - Finally Out Of Hospital!
Chapter 8 - Back To School Again!
Chapter 9 - Wait Why Did This Happen Again! Shit!!!
Chapter 10 - The Trip!!!
Chapter 11 - The Haunted Town "BOOO!!!"
Chapter 12 - That Night And The Rough Morning After!!!!
Chapter 14 - The Plan Takes Action!
Chapter 15 - Pissed! Yeah Again!
Chapter 16 - Never Thought He Cared So Much!!!
Chapter 17 - Why Is That So Sexy...No Chloe!
Chapter 18 - That Night...Part 1!!!
Chapter 19 - That Night...Part 2!!!
Chapter 20 - Before The Party!!!
Chapter 21 - The Party!!!
Chapter 22 - The Hangover , Clean up Then A Cuddle In Bed!
Chapter 23 - Planning The Future.Lets Focus On The Present
Chapter 24 - Shopping Before The Tour Day 1!
Chapter 25 - Shopping Before The Tour Night 1 & Day 2!
Chapter 26 - Shopping Before The Tour Day 3!
Chapter 27 - Meeting Mum...This Should Be Good *Yawn*!
Chapter 28 - Its FRIDAY!!!
Chapter 29 - Partyy Tonight Yeah!Part 1!
Chapter 30 - Partyy Tonight Yeah!Part 2!
Chapter 31 - Still On Tour Month 4!
Chapter 32 - Still On Tour Month 6!
Chapter 33 - Still on Tour Month 7!Part 1!
Chapter 34 - Still On Tour Month 7!Part 2!
Chapter 35 - Still On Tour Last Month!
Chapter 36 - Home Yeyyy!
Chapter 37 - I'm Fine Stop Asking!
Chapter 38 - Time To Tell Louis!
Chapter 39 - No!Louis!
Chapter 40 - The End Of The Road!

Chapter 13 - Oppp's Oh Well I Am A Girl!I Have Needs!

200 6 0
By ChloeeHaleHurst

"Shit! No!!!"I shout running away from Louis as he chucks flour at me.So me and Louis cleaned up and thought we would use a cookery book that will help us make cakes for everyone to say sorry for the disruption.Now when i got the flour out of the cupboard and turned around Louis was there and he shit me up so i jumped and all the flour popped in his face and once I cleaned him up he grabbed the flour and has started chasing me with it.I am now hid in a corner behind this silver knight statue.Then i hear him.

"Oh Chloe where are you ... I can smell fear!" Hahaha is he mental I'm more scared of a dog with no legs!He is coming closer shall i shit him up or let him find me.To late as i was trying to make the decision he comes round the corner and throws flour all over me!

"Ahhh you twat!!"I scream then i grab the flour and throw it at him but he dodges and goes on the stairs.Oh well! "Aww whats that Lou you want a hug."I add holding my hands out to him stood in the kitchen doorway.

"NO!!"He screams as i walk towards him.I end up chasing him around the house then i finally jump him at a corner and give him a bear hug then get the flour and tip it over him but because i was hugging him i got it on me to.Shit!But then he grabs the flour bag to find out i used the rest over his head.Oppp's.He grabs my arms and i trip him up and as i relax thinking i won he grabs me and pulls me to the floor.We start play fighting which turns in to us rolling around in flour.Oh well what ever floats his boat.I manage to pin him down so i sit on him.

"Haha try get out of this now Mr Tomlinson"I chuckled.

"Haha I can easily get out of this..Miss Styles."He challanges.Then before i could reply he flips me over and sits on me!I then playfully scream and he puts his hand over my mouth and locks a stare.Oh no please don't do this Louis cause you're actually irresistible.Obviously i didn't say that i don't have the balls to tell him that.Our stare has locked and his head is coming closer and when he is about 15cm away from my face he moves his hand and kisses me.Well I am a girl.Don't judge me!I have needs.So we where happily rolling around on the flour snogging each-others faces off when Zayn walks in.

"Cough Cough"He coughs sarcastically which parts mine and Louis lips automatically.

"Don't say anything! We're friends nothing else!"I quickly say to Zayn.Shit i totally forgot he was here.

"Oh yeah so why you snogging each-others faces off and why is Louis sat on top of you."Soon as Zayn says that Louis slides off me.

"We where play fighting and we got lost in the moment."I say hoping he would forget it.

"What ever man.One question why is there flour all over the house?"He asks crossing his arms over his chest.

"Oh nothing really we will clean it up."I say.

"We was gonna bake cakes but Chloe put flour over me and we started a flour fight."He adds.

"No you shit me up and it accidentally went all over you."I argue.

"Fine what ever."He gives in.Then Zayn shrugs his shoulders and rolls his eyes then walks out and looks out of the window in the entrance and shouts.

"Louis wheres your car?"Shit! Louis car!

"Shit!Its at that pub.I'll get harry to pick it up."He says texting harry then realizes he has the keys.

"Ask him when he gets home.We need to clean up the flour."I say standing up.Louis then stands u and grabs the kitchen shower thing for the sink (Forgot what they are called) Turns on the tap and squirts it at me!

"Ahhhh! Knob!"I shout running up to him then turning the shower thing on to him the snatch the thing off him and squirt it at his pants to make it look like he pee'd.Once i realised what i had done i dropped the shower thing in the sink and it had some sort of bitch fit and mad a massive wave of water splash out of the sink all over the kitchen.Because they where pans on the side the pans filled with water Louis grabbed one and chased me with it.He caught me wrapped me in his arm and tipped the water on me!Ahhhhh the bastered who does he think he is! He then lets me go and takes off his top and dabs my face with it and i smile.Then he says "Whats the point in standing here in wet clothes."Then takes off his pants too and throws them in a corner.I then think what the hell and take off his Doncaster jersey and his trackies at throw them too so me and Louis are stud there in our underwear.Oh well!I run in the kitch and grab some yeast haha never thought of that did you Louis i then wait for him to enter the kitchen and attack him with yeast and piss my self laughing until he grabs it off me and chucks it on me.I run away from him as he trys to chuck it on me again and he comes behind me and grabs my waist as he grabs me we stumble in to the entrance and Mrs Crocstene and everyone is stud there.You should of seen her face!!!So me and Louis where stud there soaking wet with flour and yeast all over us worst of all in our underwear and the house is covered in flour.Nazmin and Harry look furious but the rest are laughing.Harry jumps infront of a very angry Mrs Crocstene and shouts.

"Chloe!! What are you playing at!!"

"I'm having fun, whats your problem!"I reply back.

"But you are acting like two 10 year olds left at home for a weekend it stops now!"He shouts pointing his finger at me.

"Harry we are not 9 no more okay, I am nearly an adult I'm living whilst I'm young! Just cause you have looked after me since Jay left for the army don't think you're my dad 'cause you're not okay!"I say storming upstairs then an embarrassed Louis grabs the clothes from the corner and comes over to harry and says.

"Look its not just her fault it's mine too."

"No don't explain to him he will just get angry and everything but harry what you have forgotten is how many times i have defended you when you have messed up and when you got to pissed to talk to mum i had to get more pissed than you so she woudn't notice! I've never gone mad at you for things you have done!"I shout leaning over the banister.

"Chloe but you are going to over the top!"He shouts back looking angry.Then i reply with something i wish i hadn't.

"Oh go fuck your self Harry!"Then storm up the stairs and loads of anger and rage inside me builds up and i start punching walls and knocking over everything in my reach and kicking down doors and just screaming!Then i walk in my room and slam the door!Zayn walks out knowing how angry i am then i lock the door ,get changed , slap on some make up and tie up my hair. 20 minutes later i hear Courts shout.

"Leave her alone Nazmin she went up there for piece and quite!"

"No she has crossed the line and ruined our trip!" Nazmin shouts back.

"She hasn't ruined the trip! if anything she has made it more exciting! For fuck sake just leave her she has had an earful of Harry already when all she is doing is living her life!"Courts shouts back defending me.I storm out and walk past Nazmin and courts without saying a word walk in the kitchen and look for my phone which i left on the counter.Bet Harry has got it the twat!I storm in the Lounge and Harry is sat there next to Niall.

"Give me my phone!" I say to him nastly

"No" He says standing up.

"Its my phone now give it to me."I shout in his face.

"No!! You need to learn your lesson you made it worse by trashing everything upstairs!"He mocks.

"Just give me my phone!"I shout and lose my temper and throw my bag at the table.He sits back down and i kick the side of the sofa pick up my back and storm out and Courts grabs me and hugs me and whispers.

"Chill out babe he will come around okay no one else will have a go at you okay."Then i nod and she adds "Stay here."Then she walks in to the lounge up to harry and says sits on him then goes in his jeans pockets and gets my phone.

"No Courts!Don't give it her."He snaps

"Tough shit I am she hasn't done anything wrong now get of your high horse and deal with it okay!" She shouts back and storms out and gives me my phone then asks "Where you going?"

"Picking up Louis car."I reply.

"Right I'm coming then we will drop it off here and i got big plans for tonight just watch.Lets show them what crazy is."She says grabbing my arm and drags me out the mansion.We walk for about 45 Minutes till we reach the pub then we get in Louis car and go to the nearest Asda we could find and bought shit loads of alcohol.We bought 4 Crates of strong bow , 4 bottles of Vodka , 4 bottles of tequila , 2 bottles of whiskey and 3 bottles of Smirnoff ice."Hahaha this will teach em that everyone has a laugh."We walk out stash it in the boot of Louis car and set off back to the mansion making our big plan.

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