Character Profiles 101 for LE...

By AliceInChains21

871 15 1

I'm basically writing profiles of my characters. They will probably not be as good as @strike_over_roses BUT... More

Daphne, Calm before the Storm
Logan, Insanity is my Remedy
Angel, The Masked Actor
Ashely, The Mischevious Rebel
Olivia, Dreaming of Reality
Gwen, Bipolar Happiness
Luke, A Meaningful Silence
Raven, Dancing in the Purple Rain
Kara, Angel with a Shotgun
Adam, Hidden within a Shadow
Jazz, The Girl with a Secret
Len, Wandering the Forest of Lost Memories
Nano, The Gate of Restriction
Rahn, The Lie within a Secret
Crystal, The Living Apology
Demetri, Rising Above the Tides
Fj, The Forgotten Melody
Kairi, The Incarnation of a Strong Will
Demi, Lost in Memories
Meadow, The Fatal Breeze
Emi, The Rainstorm of Imagination
Devin, Deja Vu
Rolu, Soundless
Jade, Dyed Hair and a Dyed Heart
Kyo, Rose of a Different Color
Di, Human again
George, The Broken Target
Jx, The Fault in our Smiles
Thorn, By the Hanging Tree
Ebony, Stuck inside the Looking Glass
Samus, What Is Lost Can Never Be Found
Dx, Nameless by Default
Leroy, What Could Have Been
Chi, Sick of the Shadows
Avery, Cue the Curtains
Hana, Lost in the Streets
Nate, Like Father Like Son
Matthew, Freedom Behind Bars
Alice, Lost in Wonderland
Saige, 50 Shades of Gray
Aileen, Dancing with the Stars
Kazuki, The Vampire Hunter
Mayumi, The True Bow
Rori, How to Fly
Feia, Calm Storms Die Fast
Fx, The Dark Side of the Moon
Monty, No Pain No Gain
Siobhan, Backstabbed from the Front
Stella, Imperfect
Lisa, Pins and Needles

Reyne, The Clockwork of Broken Melodies

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By AliceInChains21

Keep playing the upbeat blues.....

Seems like we have come to an impasse.
I suppose so.
What are you planning to do about it?
Me? PFFFT. What are YOU going to do about it?
This isn't a joke.
Your assigned to the legion whether you like it or not.
But the person who killed my best friend is there!
They are there for a reason. This will help them just as much as it will help you.
I don't this so. Looking at this strategically-
Hey. Chillax. Just play some of your tunes and do your job.
The music I will play won't be very happy.
Then play some blues.
You can't make it happy and sad.

"Just play your upbeat blues".

The first thing you would notice about Reyne is he's smart. He knows his stuff. He seems ditzy sometimes because of his laid back attitude but he's a smartass. He looks ahead instead of behind so he forgives fairly easily. Of course there will be some grudges he will keep, but he can put them aside. He is overprotective of certain people and will zone out the rest with a smile. He doesn't like being mean but he will have fun teasing people. He seems to walk around with a smirk on his face even when he's happy or pissed. It's just how he works. He's a clockwork of broken hearts and melodies.

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