Jazz, The Girl with a Secret

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What's ur secret?
Heh. If it was that easy I would have said something by now.
Technically it is that easy.
Says the secret keeper.
Aren't u just all flowers and roses....
Why are you trying to change something that's far from interchangeable? I'm a brick wall. Only I know my weakness.
That's where u need to watch your back.

Well who's watching yours....

Jazz has many secrets. On the surface she seems like a ditzy, insane girl. Inside, I think that's exactly what she is....and exactly what she's not. She doesn't really have a grasp on what she wants, but she knows the relative direction she has to push to get to her "goals". She doesn't really get the big picture sometimes and just focuses on the little things. She is smarter than she gives herself credit for and is quite an evil girl too when she teases straight into peoples' weak points. She finds it hard to stay on one topic for too long since she thinks talking in depth on something will only cause her to think too hard. She wants to just put everything on the back burner for when it comes and just focus on the here and now. She doesn't think about the consequences of her actions or how it will hurt other people. She just says what she wants to say and does what she wants to do. She has never knew any other way to get what she wants.

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