Meadow, The Fatal Breeze

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Can you hear my voice?
Please don't leave!
Your all I have left.
Let go of me!
No I need to save her.
She's going to die!
Please, please, just let me be with her!
Just let me-


Never going to miss what I never had.
I feel alone.
Emi isn't here.
Nobody is here.
I'm different.
I'm strange.
Nobody is here to hold my hand.
I feel like I can't breath.
I can't see.
Nobody is here to tell me everything is okay.
I'm drowning.
I'm dying.
Nobody is saving me.
Where am I?
What's happening?
Nobody is here to care for my sister.
Am I dead?
Am I in heaven?
...Something is different now.
Something is changing.
I can breath again.
I can see again.
Im not drowning.
Im not alone.

"I'm alive"

Meadow is scared and hides it with either cuteness or fierceness. She is very small and she always is trying to seem big. She does this with her powers or with her big words. Well cocky words. She tends to make herself bigger than she is that way. She can be sweet sometimes too. She gets giddy around fluffy, girly stuff and actually gets a nice demeanor for once. She loves her tea parties and acts like she's 10. When she gets sad she won't talk and will avoid people. OR she might take an extreme to the situation. For example, if you shave her head then she dresses like a hipster emo girl. So two terrible approaches to a situation. She is famous for her cooking, it's one thing she can build up because she DESERVES to build it up. She's awesome at it.

Her weapon is a pink and white frilly umbrella that can deflect just about anything.

Fatal breeze: A huge storm of ferocious storm petals get sent at the enemy.
Duplication: She can duplicate herself up to 100 times but the more she duplicates the less control she will have over each one.
Speed: She is so fast she can run on walls.
Umbrella flying: If she opens her umbrella she can give herself an updraft to let her fly.
Wind: She can produce strong gusts of wind.
Block: Her umbrella can block attacks and send them back.

She acts like a young girl so her friend circle is very ranged. Kind people who like children are her best friends. For example, brothers who have had younger sisters could probably handle her. Although, she could make friends easily with females, she prefers to try to make some guy friends instead. This makes her possible friends turn away at this strategy. Overall, Meadow has a few good friends but most people get turned away by her "tea party" attitude.

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