Leroy, What Could Have Been

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What was your dream?
I wanted to teach people things that were taught to me after they mattered.
Well isn't that irony.
That I was too late?
No. That people understood everything about you only after you actually mattered.
So does this mean my dream was useless.
Well. Dreams don't always come true.
Yeah, I know. But still...I'll hold on for awhile longer.
What? What good will come out of holding on?
Letting go.
Because thats when you get to see them fly.

"It's when you take a step back that all the pieces you kept so far apart suddenly click together".


You never even were.
I'm what could have been.
I heard that all you wanted to do was to make people happy.
It's the least I could do for them.
What about your happiness?
Now, does that really matter?
It should.
It doesn't. Not when everyone deserves better.
Why do you always smile when you say things like that?
The saddest people smile the brightest.
What a sick joke...
Heh. I guess I'll keep smiling.

"For everyone".

He is a father figure and a best friend to everyone. He is always there for somebody to lean on. He is bright, charismatic, humorous, and perverted. You just look at him and you want to give him a hug. Not because he's sad, it's because he's smiling so brightly. He thinks the world is full of possibilities and tries to uncover them all. He would easily risk himself for all of his friends. Sometimes for strangers. He learned through tough times that you can't put yourself first or others will suffer. But he also learned that you need to take a step back sometimes so people around you can figure out who they are by themselves. If you guide them there, they might not remember how they got there. He does things for the greater good and believes that everybody deserves to smile. Long live Leroy, may he rest in peace.

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