Crystal, The Living Apology

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"I've become a living apology, I'm sorry".

What are you doing?
I want to destroy it.
No, you can't do that! Do you know what that will do?
I know all too well.
Stop it before you do something you might regret!
I will never regret this. This will help us all!
Your wrong!

"You might not agree with what I'm doing, but what I am doing is right!"

Crystal is initially a cold and distant individual. She is depressed and sad because of her situation. All she wants in life is sunshine and a smile. Sadly, she is the embodiment of the opposite. She doesn't smile that often and she apologizes a lot if she doesn't know you. She can get extremely sassy when angry to the point where she threatens harsh things out of anger. Crystal has a hard time forgiving easily and keeps grudges for a long time. On the other hand, she cares too much about her friends and not enough on her well being. She would sacrifice herself in a blink of an eye. She would also kill somebody in a blink of an eye. So she can be one of two extremes depending on her mood. When she was younger she was a lot happier and smiled a lot more. Although, she still was a serious and sassy person, even depressed at times. Overall, Crystal just needs a hug and her wish to come true. She is a sad broken apology that needs to be put into action. Someday that might come true.

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